According to his own website, Andreas Kalcker is a biophysical researcher of German origin who has lived most of his life in Spain and for many years has been living in Switzerland where he has investigated and registered several international patents that deal with the therapeutic use of chlorine dioxide for both hypoxia and for inflammation, infection, sepsis and Sars -Cov 2 -Coronavirus.
In recent years, he seems to have been particularly active as a snake oil salesman in South America. Argentinian authorities have now charged Andreas Kalcker for promoting toxic bleach (MMS) as a “miracle” medical treatment. Kalcker, alongside several Argentinian nationals, is accused of playing a key role in promoting chlorine dioxide in the country as a cure for various illnesses, including COVID-19, in conferences, books, and on social media.
The charges follow a seven-month-long investigation by the Unidad Fiscal para la Investigación de Delitos contra el Medio Ambiente (UFIMA), which investigates medical crimes in Argentina. The investigation was launched after the August 2020 death of a five-year-old boy in Neuquen, western Argentina, of multiple organ failure consistent with chlorine dioxide poisoning. The child’s parents believed, on the basis of misinformation spread by Kalcker and others, that the substance had the power to ward off COVID-19. An Argentinian judicial source said that Kalcker has been charged with the illegal practice of the medical profession and selling fake medicines. If found guilty of causing a child’s death, Kalcker could serve a prison sentence of up to 25 years.
Apart from Kalcker, four other persons were accused of being responsible for the distribution of chlorine dioxide in Argentina. The Argentine nationals had advertised and sold the substances via the internet – apparently in Kalcker’s name. According to the prosecution, “this distribution would have led to the messages about the ‘improvements’ resulting from the consumption of a substance with serious health consequences, which can even lead to death, being circulated with greater vigor.” The lawyer who started the ball rolling through his complaint is convinced that the parents of the deceased child believed that chlorine dioxide could protect their child from COVID-19 because of the misinformation spread by Kalcker.
Chlorine dioxide is a type of industrial bleaching agent commonly used to treat wood products. Public health authorities around the world have issued warnings about taking the substance, with the US Food and Drugs Administration warning that it can be fatal if taken in large doses. In recent years, a movement originating in a fake Florida “church” has promoted the substance it calls “Miracle Mineral Solution” (MMS), or “Chlorine Dioxide Solution” (CDS), as a cure for a range of illnesses and conditions.
MMS, or the Miracle Mineral Supplement, is a beverage product designed by former aerospace engineer, Jim Humble, who has tested his MMS protocol in Malawi and other parts of Africa. Initially used to treat malaria, the manufacturer claims field-tested success in treating and reversing the effects of AIDS, malaria, hepatitis, herpes, tuberculosis, most cancers, and a host of other diseases.
MMS has been promoted with the help of celebrities and VIPs, including Donald Trump. One of the many websites that advertise MMS states the following about it:
Master Mineral Solution, MMS or WPS Solution – Why has this Product Become so Popular?
Chlorine dioxide is a powerful anti microbial compound that has a long history of use – mostly known for its ability to sanitize drinking water (the last 60 years being the primary chemical used in municipal water supplies). The reason being is that it works, & works well. There are very few pathogens out there in water anywhere in the world that cannot be made potable with the use of this potent little molecule.
I think it goes without saying that MMS has not been shown to be effective against any condition while being very harmful when taken orally by humans.
Edzard published;
“the US Food and Drugs Administration warning that it can be fatal if taken in large doses”
How many over the counter and prescription drugs have killed patients via over-dose ?
“The legal ‘drugs’ we take today, both over-the-counter and prescription medication, are responsible for at least 100,000 deaths per year in the United States alone. As many reports have indicated, most of the published research supporting these drugs is completely false; results are manipulated in order to get products onto the market as quickly as possible, rather than to ensure their safety.”
One death occurred ?
hmmm… more hypocrisy from science based medicine
This nothing short of a witch-hunt to combat Covid-19 therapies.
“How many over the counter and prescription drugs have killed patients via over-dose ?”
How many over-the-counter and prescription drugs with zero efficacy have killed patients via overdose?
Not many.
Why doesn’t the scum-bag Ernst investigate what Big Pharma are putting into the COVID vaccines and why so many people are dying of this lethal concoction. When the war criminal investigations are concluded, I am certain that Ernst will be amongst the crowd that get executed for going to war against the people for money from the drug companies. Chlorine dioxide is a potent antiviral and antimicrobial with years of proof – it also kills MRSA and COVID.
thanks, that’s kind!
@Andreas Andonevris
Strange. From what I see, it only kills brain cells.
“Big Pharma are putting into the COVID vaccines and why so many people are dying of this lethal concoction”
Frogs and snails and puppy-dog tails? Please. Read the damn ingredients list if you really want to know (5G anti-Trump nanobots not included).
There are a handful of deaths which may be down to the vaccine, which sucks, but FIVE MILLION† deaths from the virus, which sucks a million times more. The serious side-effects of the vaccine are pretty much the same as the serious side-effects from the virus itself, only the virus is a lot more likely to cause them than the vaccine is. That’s the cold hard math that escapes you, and drinking industrial bleach won’t change that, although it will change you (starting with the dead intestinal lining you crap out).
“Chlorine dioxide is a potent antiviral and antimicrobial with years of proof”
Well, duh, it’s a bleach. Bleach indiscriminately kills pretty much anything and everything it comes into contact with; that’s what makes it a good household cleaning product and why it comes in childproof bottles plastered with large warning labels saying DO NOT DRINK THIS. And drinking the damn stuff from 100ml boutique bottles priced at $39.99 is incredibly stupid on two levels since not only 1. are you poisoning yourself, but 2. you are vastly, vastly overpaying to do it (you can buy it by the gallon for cleaning swimming pools for less than Jim Humble’s markup, mugs).
† Officially; the true figure is almost certainly much higher.
5 Million Deaths? you Moron. Believe everything they tell you much? And they cured so many diseases that usually killed people in that time. Its a scam! Take the Vaccine please. One less idiot in this world.
what a revealing comment!
not only do you promote falsehoods but you also wish the very worst for those who do not share your delusions.
You are one of those Well-meaning Advocates of Necessary Knowledge Examining Real Science.
Chlorine dioxide is very toxic. In chemistry lab we had to use it under a hood.
Hydroxychloroquine, by contrast, has a long safety record and has no known serious acute effects. And there is a plethora of evidence that it is effective if given early–there is evidence that it prevents premature death from covid if given within 72 hours of symptom onset.
@ASD: Who said anything about HCQ? This thread is for the bleach monomaniacs. Learn to read better, or go find a different post to infest.
👏👏👏 AGREED! Thousands upon thousands damaged or dead worldwide from the ppoison concoction jjjab and yet nothing happens to these cccriminals.
Seek data on Iatrogenesis
do you think that would make the Klacker regimen safer?
The Kalcker regimen is as safe as houses, as shown in my link:
‘Biophysicist Andreas Kalcker: Chlorine Dioxide is a 100% effective cure for covid’:
Provided it is used at those extremely diluted solutions. Even water can cause death in sufficient quantities.
That statement seems to infer that Ivermectin, HCQ and MMS/Chlorine Dioxide have zero efficacy, which is absolute BS.
Thousands of doctors around the world will testify to the efficacy of all three, and to saving countless lives through their prescription. You did include a link to his website, but this link will allow Andreas Kalcker to speak for himself, and blast away countless deliberate misconceptions: ‘Biophysicist Andreas Kalcker: Chlorine Dioxide is a 100% effective cure for covid’:
As you can see, he is not some sleezy snake-oil salesman, but has on the contrary been responsible for saving hundreds of thousands of people around the world. As you will also be able to see, he is very specific that the dilution is such that there is no danger whatsoever, when prepared as he explains.
Deaf IdiotListenerThis is totally irrelevant, for several reasons:
– The subject here is quacks and grifters selling bleach as a medicine, not the shortcomings of real medicines.
– You only look at harmful effects of real medicines, completely ignoring their beneficial effects.
– And even if real medicines were as harmful as you claim, this still does not mean that drinking bleach prevents or cures Covid-19.
No. This is a witch-hunt to combat dangerous quacks and fools who try convincing people that industrial bleach is a medicine. It isn’t.
In other words: you are trotting out the usual well-known fallacies of alternative apologists – and you are probably not even a real alternative apologist but just a troll, trying to annoy people by endlessly repeating the same old nonsense.
But by all means, you just keep popping that Ivermectin and wash it down with generous amounts of MMS. Every minute you spend in the john with intestinal cramps, vomiting and diarrhoea is a minute that we can enjoy life without your foolish comments.
@Richard Rasker
Richard… please address this issue
” The legal ‘drugs’ we take today, both over-the-counter and prescription medication, are responsible for at least 100,000 deaths per year in the United States alone”
Why do you insist on pointing the finger when “real” medicine is also dangerous.
Both Richard and I addressed the issue by alerting you to the risk/benefit issue which is the main criterium for any drug or remedy.
Risk benefit? I am an RN and I will tell you with no hesitation that pharmaceuticals often do great damage, cause tremendous numbers of side effects which then require more medication, and ultimately RARELY CURE ANYTHING. Do not be enamored of pharmaceuticals.
I have rarely if ever heard of anyone being killed by this product, and I am immersed in the literature daily. We do not know whether the child’s family mixed the powder with water in the correct proportions.
You would be well served to understand also that covid-19 is a VASCULAR disease… is a disease that attacks ALL ORGANS that have blood vessels which are laden with ACE2 receptors. This child would NOT be the first covid patient to die of multiple organ failure. No information is given with regard to autopsy and tissue toxicology findings and therefore you should simply SHUT UP. You are not a wealth of knowledge, but you certainly have unwarranted opinions. BTW……WHAT IS YOUR CAREER AND WHAT IS YOUR EDUCATION WITH REGARD TO MEDICINE?
“Do not be enamored of pharmaceuticals.”
But problems in airplane design do not prompt me to try flying carpets.
MMS Shill: “ I am an RN”
You should be struck off.
This is a common occurance today.
A homeopath treats covid-19 with a treatment, then later dies. The death is listed as a covid death, but blamed on homeopathy.
However, when a treatment such as Remdesivir is given and the patient dies, the scientific community of Hospitals and MD’s record the death on covid-19…. NOT Remdesivir. This happens in spite of fact that a very high percentage of Remdesivir patients die within a week after starting the five day regimen, and more than 50% of patients that go on Remdesivir will die…. wow.
How does the FDA allow this drug to be administered ?
That’s quite a double standard. Which one is it ? … the treatment or the disease that is killing pateints ?
show us when this has happened
@Bart: “This happens in spite of fact that a very high percentage of Remdesivir patients die within a week after starting the five day regimen, and more than 50% of patients that go on Remdesivir will die…. wow.”
Stop the Presses! Bart has just discovered that desperately sick people may still die despite the best treatments that modern medicine can provide! It’s a Conspiraceee, I tells ya!
Also, is it just me, or do Bart and Listener vaguely smell of old socks?
Read and weep, for those that died.
nuff said
@Bart: Oh, look, a big empty nothing. 1. Two of your links point to the same damn paper, which is never a good start. Deliberately/incompetently padding your “evidence” much? 2. I don’t think anyone outside of Gilead has been touting Remdesivir as anything except thoroughly underwhelming, if not completely useless. And saying it’s bad for the kidneys is one thing (they’re called side-effects); implying that it’s actually responsible for killing 50% of patients given it is quite another. And guess which of those you don’t have any evidence for.
Tell us if you’ve heard this one before:
Correlation ≠ Causation
I mean, I’m no scientist, statistician, or logician, and I can spot the giant gaping holes in your amateur sophistry/vapid fever dreams without even trying. Really, the only person you’re fooling is you.
Are you sure you aren’t also Listener/Roger? Y’all have a penchant for these wild flights of fancy and proudly concluding that 1+1=banana. Dismal. 2/10. Bored now.
“I don’t think anyone outside of Gilead has been touting Remdesivir as anything except thoroughly underwhelming, if not completely useless.”
lol, back pedaling eh ? That quite a statement given that the FDA made it the only approved covid therapeutic (again EUA) .
Far as I can tell, Roger promotes homeopathy, I do not. So I think you’re missing something if you think I am Roger.
Try again detective has
has says
Perhaps you are not Roger, but has is correct in guessing that you might be Listener.
I am pretty sure you used to call yourself Listener until EE banned your ass last month. I couldn’t help but notice how Bart and Listener has so much in common as I pointed out elsewhere.
New Bart same as the old Listener. Perhaps it is high time you ban this fellow Bart as well?
@Bart: Who’s backpedalling? I have no stake in Gilead. I have made no claim that Revdesivir is effective. I know that novel drug development fails more often than it succeeds, and the Null Hypothesis is the only default position that works. Honestly, you’re hallucinating straw men like a gasping alcoholic hallucinates pink elephants. Please stop. It’s embarrassing to watch.
I roll my eyes when AltMed claims they’ve got a miracle cure (which doesn’t work). I roll my eyes when Big Pharma claims they’ve got a miracle cure (which doesn’t work). The only difference between them is which makes my eyes roll a lot more, as Altie’s standards and regulation are so much worse than the Pharma world. But I appreciate their crap fluffs your egos, which is all that really counts.
By the way, you’re also wrong (again). Dexamethasone, a cheap, widely available steroid has been in use for over a year. But Alties can’t control/sell that, so they pump sheep drench instead.
Not Roger? Cool beans. Your inane witterings all sound the same after a while though, so I’m sure you can understand the problem we have in telling one from the next. Perhaps if one of you were to start error-checking and self-correcting before you flap your yap, you’d stand out. Good luck.
I’ve read some of Listeners posts, yes we agree that CONmed is not the answer for everything.
BTW- I did pick-up that term from Roger, I think it fits. Also, even though I don’t subscribe to Homeopathy, I don’t have issues with patients that experienced failed scientific medicine turning towards homeopathy.
I don’t know what Listener did to get banned, did he/she write something that should justify being banned ?
It seems the general consensus here it to all agree that science based medicine is the answer for everything and everyone. Yet, the blog is about complementary and alternative medicine. It would seem that both points of views need to be discussed.
Sure, keep trying to gas light everyone Listener! Like you always do but fail miserably.
EE probably keeps you around as a trophy troll, for entertainment purposes. It is fun to see sane people around here smack you down when you say something colossally idiotic, which is pretty much all the time you open your mouth. See you around pal!
“EE probably keeps you around as a trophy troll, for entertainment purposes”
I would presume that EE allows, or keeps around most dissenting opinions for the sake of conversation. If there is no conversation, what is the purpose here ?
If everyone here agrees that CAM is a SCAM, I think it becomes just one big circle jerk, no ?
BTW- an internet troll is not a person with a differing view.
Why don’t you look up what a Straw Man is?
I think he/she has been told that before
Have you ever heard of a perpetual fallacy machine?
Me neither! But it can be used to describe someone who perpetually perpetrates fallacies without shame or realization that they are always fallacious.
OK…. Lenny, he’s what I got.
Deaf IdiotListenerNo. I will NOT address this issue because it is irrelevant and even off-topic.
Please for once live up to your badly chosen nickname and get this into your head:
Even if real medicines would kill many millions every year, then that STILL does not say anything about the safety or efficacy of ingesting bleach.
The topic here is a quack being arrested for trying to promote and sell bleach as a medicine, NOT whatever may be wrong with real medicines or anything similar(*).
In this thread, you are welcome to contribute any information on the merits and/or hazards of drinking bleach – provided this is supplied with proper evidence, see the banner at the top. And even if you cannot produce any pertinent evidence, you’re still welcome (within limits, of course) to give your opinion on this particular subject, as long as you make it clear that it is your personal opinion.
But if all you can do is come up with the same handful of off-topic rants and whines, don’t bother to respond.
*: E.g. excessive numbers of deaths due to firearms or road accidents, or the generally deplorable state of American healthcare – all these things are off-topic here. Until one such topic presents itself, of course. THEN you can eat your heart out on the subject, and nobody will call you out for that.
@Richard Rasker
You folks want to cloud the issue by misrepresenting the facts.
Chlorine dioxide is not bleach…. just as human grade Ivermectin is NOT de-wormer for animals.
You folks really do need to read-up.
I agree with you, the state of American Healthcare is deplorable, for many reasons.
To begin, the Insurance companies, the AMA and the FDA are leading the corruption…. followed by the Pharma Industry…. followed by the MD’s. EVERYBODY is making boatloads of money. I agree, it’s a greedy corrupt system. The sad truth is, even though the money is being spent, patients are largely still living with dis-ease…. and yes, science based medicine is just as much at fault as homeopathy.
The American people are in some of the poorest of health, (evidenced by the high Covid prevalence of hospitalization and death). Partly due to their own folly of sitting on their arses too much, followed up by a terrible diet. When these ill and diseased patients seek medical help, they are met from industries bent on making money from their disease, rather than making them healthy again…. their doomed by their own ignorance. Ignorance of the disease, and ignorance of the system. Perhaps a not for profit system might be better, however I can point to many countries that have government run healthcare, and the covid outcomes are not much better…. think many EU counties.
That said, obesity, heart disease and diabetes are rampant in many countries of the world. I’ve witnessed it in many places…. surprisingly here also in South America. I’ve watched the percentage of obese people grow in the Country I live from about 12% fifteen years ago to about 28% today. Those stats don’t include children, but obesity is much on the rise with children also.
With covid-19, no matter how poor or great the healthcare, it largely comes down to immune response or early treatment…. which aside from Remdesiver, not much is accepted by the authorities. So the masses are left to their own devices…. Remdisiver is cost prohibitive for the masses. Ivermectin can be administered for as low as two cents. I myself have used Ivermectin four times. My wife the same…. our extended families many more people, and not one ill reaction. But yes, the subsiding of covid symptoms and recovery. I have my own oxygen concentrator and never had to use it… for anybody with covid.
Now, the subject at hand. Chlorine does kill, I previously used it from weed killer…. works great at killing life !
Most cities treat the water with some form of agent to kill microbes and bacteria. I simply use a filter system at the tap wherever I am so I don’t consume more than I want to.
Deaf IdiotListenerSorry old chum, but chlorine dioxide IS bleach (and OK, a disinfectant). Calling it ‘medicine’ doesn’t change this, because it is NOT a medicine, just as homeopathic preparations are just water, not ‘remedies’.
There is not a single piece of research that supports the notion that ingesting it is good for anything, except maybe as a mouth disinfectant and a rather crude laxative – all there is are anecdotes from uneducated people who believe that it can cure almost ailment under the sun. And this ‘believe’ is to be taken literal. Heck, they even invented a fake church in order to get around the problem of completely lacking science and illegal medical claims.
And it is in fact that this very claim that it cures almost anything that proves that it is not good for any condition whatsoever.
Still, I find it quite interesting (and a bit disheartening) to see how many people are prepared to believe the most incredible claims about this bleach product without any evidence whatsoever, yet will stubbornly refuse to accept the safety and efficacy of things that HAVE been rigourously tested on hundreds of thousands of volunteers, and have proven to be effective and safe in billions of people (I’m talking about vaccines, of course) citing all sorts of imaginary risks.
@Richard Rasker
When the scientific community has a valid treatment for covid-19, perhaps the world will stop using other agents to combat the ill effects of the disease.
Until the present, evidence based medicine has given the world little but Remdesivir which is little effective and is in fact dangerous to the patient (and cost prohibitive) And vaccines, that have proven to not be effective enough to stop the spread.
REGEN-COV (Monoclonal Antibody Therapy) has also been given EUA by the FDA , and is quite effective, but not being used widely.
As I’ve stated previously, if or when the scientific community fails, this opens the door for patients to seek out homeopathic solutions.
Allow me to rephrase that into something approaching the truth:
“Whenever the scientific community has no solution, quacks and fraudsters will inevitably step in and start selling fake solutions.”
And not only that, but even if effective scientific solutions DO exist (e.g. vaccines and dexamethasone and some other anti-inflammatory medicines in the case of Covid-19), quacks will denounce these solutions as being no good, and claim that people should listen to them, touting bleach, cattle deworming pills, malaria medicines and other ineffective treatments. And oh, homeopathy of course (which is only a solution for those suffering from hyperpecuniosis).
And with all due respect, but calling out science as ‘failing’ (with several effective vaccines and even reasonably effective treatmants being developed within a year) while promulgating all sorts of quack treatments is not very smart …
Rockefeller made a fortune in the petroleum industry. He found out he could make drugs with it. He started the pharmaceutical company. He funded the medical association. We had many natural cures but he had them outlawed and only patented medicine was allowed. If any Doctor suggested any natural medicine they would no longer have a job. People then started getting cancer from the petroleum medicine. Brilliantly, he started the American Cancer Society. Made more money. There have been natural cures for cancer and even some early drugs that cured it. When someone tried to get it out to the public they mysteriously had a heart attack or committed suicide. They don’t want a cure for cancer. They want to make money with radiation and chemo which are really nothing but poison and a death sentence and the people spend their last days in agony. Most pharmaceutical meds are made to mask symptoms. They don’t cure. Fact is that there are 6000 cures they have hidden from us. They have used them because “they are special” and we are just their slaves. The top 1% has been running out pharmaceutical companies, our elected officials, the media, the president, most all of congress. Your vote never really counted. If you had a mortgage, a car payment, a cell phone contract you signed for them to be your total power of attorney. The language was probably in French so you wouldn’t know what you were signing. Bank officials or a lawyer or the bar association has power over you and they cast your vote for you. We have never had a say. They put in who they want and they usually don’t care which party it is because they have them both in their pocket. That is until Trump was elected. They were shocked. They couldn’t have this. They couldn’t control him. They wanted the economy to crash. They put Obama in to crash the economy and deplete our military. Hillary was suppose to finish it off by getting us in a war with Russia where we would have lost. The only way to take our guns away. If they take the USA, they have the world. Trump got in and changed their plans. Built up the economy, stock market, made our military strong, brought our jobs back. They tried every way in the world to get rid of him but finally did with the election steal. The military knows who won. They counted every vote with a quantum computer. Every ballot had a watermark. They knew the results immediately. They let them win to finally put an end to the deep state. The central bankers, the Rothschild’s, Rockefeller ‘s, George Soros (just a puppet). Trump won 80% of the vote. All will be revealed. Everyone needs to prepare for a shutdown. The military is in charge. You need enough food, water, gas, and cash for at least 2 weeks. Banks will be closed. They will announce everything on the Emergency Broadcast System. The internet you know will be gone. You need to back up your important photos and anything important to a flash drive. They will broadcast what has really been going on, the truth, 24 hours a day for at least 10 days. Every channel will have it. May happen tomorrow. Maybe later. But you need to be prepared. New starlink satellite. No more censoring. You will then be told the truth. It will be shocking if you haven’t kept up with it. I will be praying for you and your families and the world. We are all United in this. This is going to be the most wonderful thing that has happened to mankind in hundreds of years. You will see.
As far as the vaccine being ready in record time. The black hats had their vaccine ready years before the Covid showed up. They had a patent on the virus and the vaccine. They were not going to release it for 5 years of lockdown. They needed the United States to hit rock bottom. Trump fooled Them and came out with one and they had to come out with theirs. He trapped the all. Well, I have to say the military has trapped them all. Thank God, for our military. I bet you have heard of Q. I think Q are patriots who love this country. The leader is John F. Kennedy Jr. . No, he didn’t die in a plane crash. He has been in witness protection this whole time and leading plans to take back our country. I was so thrilled to hear that Elvis was still alive. The greatest entertainer in history. Michael Jackson, John Denver, and many others are helping us take back out country. Elvis is Trump’s cousin. Trump’s real father was General
Patton. The Trump’s adopted him. See the resemblance?
The COVID-19 vaccine was patented years ago,before the plandemic. Fauci had a patent on the PCR test (that doesn’t work), plus the vaccine. He created the virus in the first place. He has probably already been executed along with 2,700,000 other traitors. This is a movie, folks. These are actors. These evil people are long gone. The good guy are in control.
Patent numbers and jurisdiction?
Richard Rasker
I think you’re brainwashed by the big pharma and its controlled mainstream media big time.
50% of cancer patients are killed by Chemotherapy. Why is this dangerous drug still being prescribed to patients? It’s called power and money. The thing you’re calling bleach has healed many people including me. My wife was cured of breast cancer by the same thing you’re calling bleach. If it’s bleach, why is this bleach approved for drinking water purification? Yes the FDA demonizes anything that threatens the big pharma. WAKE UP, PEOPLE!
This is simply not true. Many cancer patients these days are cured, usually by surgery or radiotherapy, with chemotherapy increasing the likelihood of success. Some cancers can be cured by chemotherapy alone. Chemotherapy can also improve symptoms, delay progression and prolong survival when the cancer is incurable. Most cancer ceaths are due to the cancer itself, not treatment.
Chemotherapy, by the way, isn’t a drug, but a class of drugs of which there are a great many, which vary in their mode of action and effecs on cancers and on the body.
JMK: “ Some cancers can be cured by chemotherapy alone.”
Leukemias (“blood cancers”) are a good example of this. Once a 100%-guaranteed death sentence, five-year survival rates for adults are now in the 40-85% range (according to cancer type), 70-90% for children, and improving year on year.
I notice Mr Chicco says his wife had breast cancer. I wonder 1. how this was diagnosed (i.e. biopsy confirming a malignant tumor, or just “found a lump”); and 2. if it was confirmed malignant, if she received surgery for it? Surgery alone is “curative” in roughly 75% of cases when the cancer is detected early. Where chemo is used to mop up any stray cancer cells left behind, it provides maybe an extra 2-5%.
Yeah chemo can be unpleasant depending on which type it is, but so is dying of cancer. And while bleach may be an effective killer of cancer cells in-vitro, so is a shotgun. If Mrs Chicco had surgery, it was that which cured her. And if she didn’t have surgery, it was probably some benign lump that resolved itself given time. The only thing drinking bleach would have done is slough off her gut lining, but hey whatever floats your boat.
SC: “If it’s bleach, why is this bleach approved for drinking water purification?”
The dose makes the poison.
The trick with water purification—as with chemotherapy—is to use just enough to kill the parasites but not so much that you also kill the person. Of course, with chemo it’s a lot harder as the parasites are also part of the person. Killing some tiny nasty spirochettes to make water potable for us big apes is child’s play by comparison.
Heck, I didn’t even make it through 1st year pre-med and even I know this much. It’s super-basic layperson-level knowledge. Honestly, if this is your idea of a “gotcha” you’re just embarrassing yourself.
It’s not only Big Pharma, but the hospitals, politicos, Banksters, ‘Regulating Agencies’, MSM and Uncle Tom Cobbly and all, are pushing fake and murderous stuff like Chemo, Radiation, and the Covid Franken jabs. There is a long list of doctors who have been murdered, ‘suicided’, very conveniently died of ‘natural causes’ etc. after they have upset Big Pharma by championing cheap alternative cures. Kary Mullis, inventor of the PCR procedure, died of ‘pneumonia’ just a few months before Covid made the scene.
He detested Fauci, and had made expressly clear that the PCR was not a diagnostic tool. His death was extremely convenient for the PTB, because he wouldn’t have ceased declaiming from the rooftops that the PCR was being grossly misused.
And regarding cancer, an extremely effective cure, GcMAF, is being blocked, and doctors and others who provide it being hounded through the courts, or even killed. Just like Ivermectin and HCQ are being blocked by the PTB for ‘Covid Flu’.
GcMAF is short for “Gc protein-derived macrophage-activating factor.” It’s a type of immunotherapy.
are you sure it’s being ‘blocked’?
by whom?
@Paul Barbara: “Kary Mullis, inventor of the PCR procedure, died of ‘pneumonia’ just a few months before Covid made the scene.”
LOL, Kary Mullis was 74 when he died. Lots of people die aged 74; did the big scary Pharma-Medical Complex bump all them off too? I mean, if you can’t think of any, what other possible explanations could there be?! Heck, my dear late granny almost made it to 80 only to die of pneumonia in the very hospital where she acquired that infection! Crikey, I bet They got to her too!
Furthermore, I’m sure if you play around with the numbers enough you can even unearth the hidden bible code that correctly predicted COVID19 millennia in advance! It all checks out: it’s a Conspiraceee, I tells ya!
Or, you know, you could just accept that your brain, being a pattern-matching machine, is prone to detecting patterns within random noise; that correlation does not imply causation, and ofttimes coincidences are just that; that your own prediliction for paranoia and motivated reasoning makes you particularly susceptible to false positives; and that perhaps what you really need is to sit down with a nice cup of tea and breathe into a brown paper bag for a while (or at least until some men in a black helicopter arrive to pick you up).
But, no, that would be boring and humdrum and everyday unremarkable, and wouldn’t feed your needy neurotic voracious ego. So there is indeed a vast globe-spanning conspiracy of millions, and you are One of the Few smart enough to detect it. Although apparently not smart enough to realize that if such a massive conspiracy does in fact exist, you should shut your big flapping mouth right now before its attract those murderous perpetrators’ attention to yourself. But hey, you do you.
O wait, I think I hear someone knocking at my door. Catch you la…
p.s. For those curious, that notorious “list of CAM practitioners murdered by Big Pharma” is a pet project of Ty and Charlene Bollinger, who are absolutely totally 100% legit and not at all raking in millions of dollars by predating the terminally gullible and mentally ill. How odd that people so dilligently paranoid never seem to entertain the other possibility.
Chemo Therapy causes Cancer in of itself, so does Radiation. Now can anyone guess what the end result of those mid-evil toxic protocols will be? Cancer anyone…seems like common sense to me.
Actually, the 5 year survival rate for Chemotherapy is 2.3% in Australia and 2.1% in the US.
….”Results: The overall contribution of curative and adjuvant cytotoxic chemotherapy to 5-year survival in adults was estimated to be 2.3% in Australia and 2.1% in the USA.”..
The Contribution of Cytotoxic Chemotherapy to 5-year Survival in Adult Malignancies
Chlorine Dioxide/MMS has CURED 1,000’s & 1,000’s of Cancer patients without ANY of the negative side-effects like the (SOC) Western Medicine uses i.e. Cut, Poison & Burn. Where as, ClO2 works WITH the bodies innate immune system and only targets anaerobic bacteria’s (toxoids), fungi, parasites and unhealthy cells that refuse to go through apoptosis. This is accomplished due to the particular polarity charge of the organisms/invaders that differ from our healthy cells charge and our beneficial flora, thus they are not targeted by this compound like the others are. Chlorine Dioxide ends up turning into sodium chlorate (table salt) after about 45 min to an hour within our system (non-toxic) and hence why it is also considered a supplement in the end. There’s a reason the FDA & other US Govt bodies approved of the consumption of Chlorine Dioxide…..I’ll provide that double blind REAL placebo study/trial down below for those interested in learning some science & keep in mind the concentrations used in that study far exceeded any of the Chlorine Dioxide Protocols used to day to Cure Cancer, AIDS, Autism, Malaria, Lyme Disease, Crohn’s, Lupus, Arthritis, Herpes, Hept B & C, Corona, Influenza, etc……now maybe those of you that are trying to diminish the proven replicable health benefits of Chlorine Dioxide can see why BigPharma=Corrupt Govt Alphabet Soups want to Suppress yet ANOTHER Cancer Cure…lol! (Skeptic PAID SHILLS are hard folks to convince though, their typically akin to occult zealots, mindless followers lacking any sort of Critical Thought & ignore their own “5 Senses” mos of the time…lol!) Need I say more?…Besides, noone of what I have just stated & demonstrated can be refuted, merely ignored.
Here’s a 19 year old girl that Cured her Stage IV Ovarian Cancer by utilizing ClO2 Orally and now she’s on the Intravenous Protocol. Her Doctors were amazed and naturally they didn’t want to know what she was doing to have such remarkable results….makes sense right…LOL! Since she INJECTING ClO2, which mean you ABSORB 100% of what you inject, where as Ingestion is far less, this makes the ClO2 DOSE Safe & Effective, now doesn’t it folks? Use some Common Sense, if the FDA states it’s Safe to Ingest ClO2, the dose makes the poison in that scenario as well boys & girls.
Controlled Clinical Evaluations of Chlorine Dioxide, Chlorite and Chlorate in Man
….”However, within the limits of the study, the relative safety of oral ingestion of chlorine dioxide and its metabolites, chlorite and chlorate, was demonstrated by the absence of detrimental physiological response.” ….
– Subpart D–Specific Usage Additives – Sec. 173.300 Chlorine dioxide.
Here’s a Medical Doctor (MD) that has healed/cured 1,000’s of Covid/Corona Vira stricken patients and he’s part of COMUSAV, which accounts for over 5,000 MD’s in over 25 Countries that are using Chlorine Dioxide (Orally & Intravenously) to Cure/Heal well over 100,000 Covid/Corona Vira stricken patients with over a 99%+ efficacy rate….this should be enough evidence for ANYONE here. Anyone that is IGNORING all this Empirical Replicable EVIDENCE is simply demonstrating their dishonor/remorseless nature and is acting like a BigPharma/Govt Skeptic Paid Shill….if that’s who you are, I feel for you, because you’d rather allow people to suffer & die to serve your Master’s…..let alone you’re blatantly LYING to yourself to reman willfully IGNORANT. Too each his or her own I guess 🙂
Peace ALL & keep asking why & how come…read the science for yourself & the FOIA’s, while following the Money
P.S. The Mainstream/Western Med/Govts IGNORED the highly Effective & Safe Ivermectin & Hydroxychloroquine/Chloroquine (these alone could have SAVED the lives of 80%+ of those that died), yet opted for the EXPERIEMNTAL FAILED Remdesivir , which cause Renal Failure/Kidney Failure causing a person to retain water/filling their lungs, then being misdiagnosed with pneumonia/covid pneumonia, which then leads to a Ventilator & 80-90 mortality rate i.e. A condition that is clinically indistinguishable from the Covid Sickness & caused by the FAILED Drugs, which Fauci knew it was a FAILURE from the Merck Ebola Study, hence why it was discontinued half way through that trial/study due to it KILLING to many Ebola stricken patients….These are the lying psychopaths folks speaking against proven effective treatments of ALL sorts…business as usual for lying POS.
Look up a Dr. Stanislaw Burzynski “A Cancer Cure 40 years Ago”, is yet another SUPPRESSION, so is GcMAF, Amygdalin/Vitamin B-17/Laetrile, Intravenous Vitamin C, etc. etc. etc. Cancer Cures have been SUPPRESSED for well over 125 YEARS & counting….now you know & you’re welcome for the Knowledge….Time to Wake-Up Folks & act Human….People have had it! This crap (Mainstream Pseudo-Science & Corruption) is going to stop!!!
Chlorine dioxide is NOT toxic but you should not inhale the gas. The gas is safe once dissolved in water and then ingested. It is safer by far than most pharmaceuticals which kill more people each year than all other deaths put together. No-one has EVER died from chlorine dioxide according to public health records
Everyone I know who has had chemotherapy has died
then you must choose your acquaintances badly
@Dorothy Fitzpatrick
And everyone I know who says that drinking bleach is good for you has an IQ below 70.
Dorothy Fitzpatrick wrote “Everyone I know who has had chemotherapy has died”
Perhaps the most likely explanations are:
• the number who died was 1 or very few;
• you are the carrier of one or more pathogens that are fatal to those who had chemotherapy.
Reading your comment brought to mind Typhoid Mary:
Here’s one for you. With some links to further papers. If you want any help understanding that ClO2 is harmful and of no therapeutic value, we’ll be glad to walk you through it.
A report of a fatal outcome from chlorine dioxide consumption.
@Steve Chicco
And I think you are brainwashed by quacks and other stupid yet arrogant people.
FYI: I am an independent expert in biomedical electronics, and I base the things that I say on science – because I see that science works MANY TIMES EVERY SINGLE DAY(*). I don’t have anything to do with pharmaceutical companies or mainstream media. Heck, I don’t even watch TV as a pastime – I much prefer reading scientific research papers.
*: Electronics and their real-life applications only work because of science. The very fact that you can sit behind your keyboard and computer screen, and say rather silly things that all the world can read only moments later is – in my opinion, but who am I – pretty good evidence that science works.
This is quite interesting. Because the overall mortality of cancer patients is less than 50%: each year, 1.8 million Americans are diagnosed with cancer, and each year, about one third of these people die of this condition. So you want to claim that each and every cancer patient who dies actually dies from chemotherapy and not of the disease? And that this is simply accepted by doctors, scientists and society as a whole because of pharma profits? Sorry, but this is just plain silly. No, chemotherapy is not exactly a walk in the park, and I recall that it may contribute to 1% or 2% of cancer deaths due to its severe impact on the patient’s body – but even then it was not the actual cause of death, just a contributing factor.
First of all, happy to hear that your wife was cured from breast cancer. But it is nonsense to attribute this to drinking bleach – it is far more likely that her recovery was due to something else, but that she also happened to drink bleach at the time. This bleach product has no specific anticancer properties, it simply destroys all cells it comes into contact with. In low concentrations, this has no other effects than to disinfect e.g. drinking water; and in high concentrations, it is a powerful bleaching agent, and damages the intestines when ingested. However, it does not enter the body in sufficient concentrations to have any other effects than diarrhoea and cramps (and in rare cases where it DID reach high enough blood concentrations to have an effect, people died from kidney failure and haemolysis).
No. The FDA tries to prevent unnecessary deaths. Because people who believe that bleach can cure their cancer have a far greater chance of dying from the disease than people who listen to their doctor.
Because it kills bacteria in water in low concentrations, and because most of it has disappeared again by the time the water comes out of your kitchen tap. For comparison: alcohol also kills bacteria and other cells, but I see no claims that people get cured from infections (or cancer) by drinking whisky.
So with all due respect: please stop your ill-informed propaganda for drinking bleach and against real effective treatments. Because you are wrong, and people WILL die if they listen to people like you.
Yes, I understand why you believe that drinking bleach has cured you and your wife – it is for the exact same reasons why other people believe that homeopathy has cured them, or reiki, or acupuncture, or regular mud baths, or whatever. But the fact that you believe it doesn’t mean that you’re right. And no, similar anecdotes and testimonials from other people are not sufficient evidence either. Because belief can be a very powerful force, and has led many people astray in the course of history.
Tell me, Steve. Did your wife have surgery for her breast cancer?
@Listener@Steve ChiccoWell.. cancer in general has a high mortality rate. So chemotherapy is saving half the cancer patients that would have died without any therapy. As far as beach is concerned, how do you know that the bleach industrial complex has the best intentions at heart? They are demonizing life-saving chemotherapy to promote their product. They are in it to make money and have full support of trump. He tried to promote it as a cure for covid but that didnt stick for some reason. WAKE UP! STEVE!
Just because pharma is filled with scoundrels doesn’t mean that there aren’t non-pharma scoundrels.
Calcifediol is effective against covid and you can get it online. And it’s safe, being a metabolite of vitamin D, if you know how much to take.
I have had chemotherapy and I’m not dead yet.
So Doctor
Is your immune system compromised more as a result to the cancer, or the chemo ?
At the time of diagnosis a large proportion of my bone marrow had been replaced by malignant plasma cells, which had displaced much of the normal marrow as well as taking over most of my antibody-generating capacity which was churning out large quantities of identical and useless antibody fragments (known as paraprotein). At that time I was predominantly immunosuppressed by the cancer.
Later (in the Summer of 2017) I had fairly aggressive chemotherapy, and for a while my neutrophil count was so low that I had to remain in isolation for three weeks due to the risk of opportunistic bacterial infections.
At various times I have had pulsed high-dose steroids in the form of dexamethasone. This is generally somewhat immunosuppressive and specifically affects the immunity against certain viral and fungal infections.
I am currently on pomalidomide, which is somewhat bone marrow suppressive, so it reduces my immunity a bit generally. I am also on daratumumab, a monoclonal antibody targeting plasma cells; these are the cells that normally make antibodies, but as my disease is a malignancy of plasma cells it also targets those. Unfortunately this means that my capacity to make antibodies is severely restricted.
On the other hand I am alive and reasonably well. Without this treatment I would have died years ago. So I would say that being immunocompromised has been a fair price to pay. Sadly it means that I am now reliant for my own safety on everybody else getting vaccinated, wearing masks, washing their hands, maintaining social distancing and otherwise behaving in a public-spirited and responsible way.
The ‘quacks and grifters’, and indeed toerags, Luciferian depopulatoin genocidists in this case are the Pfizers and other Big Pharma Mafia. ‘GSK, Pfizer and J&J among the most-fined drug companies, according to study’
(from Pharmaceutical Peocessing World): ‘…GlaxoSmithKline (LON:GSK) paid nearly $10 billion in inflation-adjusted financial penalties between January 2003 and December 2016, the highest tally for any drug company, according to research published in JAMA. That sum was more than any other in a sampling of 26 companies paying fines inside the U.S.
Pfizer (NYSE: PFE) was next in line with almost $3 billion in fines.
Johnson & Johnson (NYSE: JNJ) came in the third slot with $2.7 billion in penalties…’.
So let’s get those ‘gentlemen’ before the courts again, to explain the huge death toll of their jabs, which is being covered up by their accomploces in governments, the WHO, Medical Establishments and of course the MSM.
COVID was created for the jabs, as part of the biggest scam and genocide ever perpetrated on mankind, as both a depopulation agenda and a NWO power grab, known affectionately as the Great Reset, which will be in reality a One World Gulag.
Listener says – “hmmm… more hypocrisy from science based medicine. This nothing short of a witch-hunt to combat Covid-19 therapies.”
Tell me about it! I have been trying to make the medicine science free for over a decade and it is a herculean task. I could use help from people like you who are not afraid to challenge the status quo. As I see it, big-pharma and big-health care got everyone drunk on money promoting science-based medicine as it mostly works, however it is not 100% perfect. We should strive for 100% perfection and science comes in the way with its reliance on pesky evidence-based methodologies. If I invent a drug or a therapy that I say works 100% of the time, why do I have to provide evidence for my claims, before I am allowed to market it? Before science-based medicine came along, people we literally selling snake-oil as a remedy for various maladies, and I think we should go back to those evidence-free days. Of course, some people may die ingesting snake-oil, MMS etc. but can anyone guarantee that science-based remedies have 100% efficacy? No, they absolutely cannot! Therefore, we should strive to make science evidence free and stop the witch-hunts on alt-therapies.
Try not to OD on ivermectin, I need people like you in support of my cause. Peace!
You are a smart person. You think just like me. I have found out by necessity. I had a squamous cell carcinoma on my face. Went to the dermatologist and he removed it. Did a good job. Cost, about $5000. I had another one come up when I didn’t have good insurance and I would have been out a lot. I researched cures and found one. Went and got the ingredients and applied several times a day. Within 2 weeks, it was gone and no evidence it was ever there. I have since gotten rid of at least 3 and I gave my sister my remedy and it cured hers. My Aunt had one and I knew she thought too much of Doctors and would never go for it. I took her and she had a ridiculously big scar from dermatologist removal of it.
@ Nancy I also had a facial squamous cancer, right where a number of dental X-rays had been performed. I had it surgically removed, free (I live in the UK – free NHS). What method did you use the second time?
Basal cell carcinoma. On your face. Where the sun hits it. Because BCCs are caused by UV radiation.
BCCs are locally invasive but not dangerous which is why they are removed simply.
SCCs, also triggered by UV exposure, are much more dangerous and are treated surgically with a major resection and reconstruction.
@ Lenny ‘…On your face. Where the sun hits it. Because BCCs are caused by UV radiation…’
I am, oddly enough, aware that UV radiarion from the sun can be the cause.
Ewo points ypu don’t address – I also stated I live in the UK, where in case you are unaware, the sun is rather elusive, and a lot less intense than in Argentina; also, the cancer was precisely in the spot I had had a number of dental X-rays, the kind you bite on a plate arrangement and they take the X-ray. In case you are unaware, X-rays can cause cancer. I did not say they did cause my cancer, I said I strongly suspect it did, because of the precise same location as the X-rays. ?Comprende?
@Paul Barbara
One dental X-ray exposes you to approximately 5 microsieverts of radiation; this is the same amount that you get from natural background radiation in one day at sea level(*). It is therefore extremely unlikely that even multiple dental X-rays caused your cancer.
Also see
*: At 10,000 meters altitude, the exposure is about 10 times higher, some 2.5 microsieverts per hour. But even this tenfold increase is of no consequence to people occasionally travelling by airplane. Only cabin crew have an increased cancer risk, and researchers are not even sure if this is caused exclusively by the increased background radiation.
@ Richard Rasker That is as maybe, but though it may be ‘unlikely’ from the medics point of view (like the jab, allegedly, yet people are falling down like flies) it is possible, and my suspicion is that is what occured.
@ Richard Rasker: Are dental X-rays harmless, or not? Exactly. There is not much chance I will get struck by lightening, but the possibility is there, right? You should know that each and every X-ray has the potential to create a cancerous change in the cells. I acknowledge it doesn’t appear to do so very often. If I did not believe that, I would not accept X-rays.
@ Richard Rasker: You previously asked me what chlorine dioxide was supposed to cure – sorry for belated response, but a better question would have been what doesn’t it cure. According to him and his group, COMUSAV, CDS kills viiiiruses, fungii, microbes and bacteria. If you take just 12 1/2 minutes to watch this short video, you will learn not only how weak the solution is (safe), but also how and why such a weak solution is effective: ‘Biophysicist Andreas Kalcker: Chlorine Dioxide is a 100% effective cure for covid’:
The guy created a near miracle in Bolivia, from around a hundred deaths a day, to near zero. Darn sight cheaper, more effective and safer than any of Big Pharma’s poisons.
Although not impossible, it is extremely unlikely that the dental x-rays caused your cancer. A whole-body dose of x-rays that isn’t quite enough to kill you outright (about 5 Sv) gives a risk of about 1 in 1,000 of causing a cancer as a result. The risk goes down proportionally with dose; the dose from an ordinary dental x-ray (not an orthopantomogram or cone beam CT) is of the order of 1 – 8 microsieverts (mcSv) so you might expect one additional cancer for every billion examinations over and above the background rate of 1 in 2. It might be a bit more than that as I don’t know how the dose is distributed, but it is a very low number.
You haven’t specified whether this was a squamous carcinoma of the skin of the face or inside your mouth. The two are completely different, both in behaviour and aetiology. Squamous carcinomas of the skin are more common in people who have pale Celtic-type skin or who have spent a lot of time outdoors (not necessarily in intense sun). Squamous carcinomas inside the mouth usually occur in heavy drinkers, but are also associated with smoking, eating spicy food, poor dental hygiende and syphilis (tertiary syphilis is rather rate these days – I have only seen two cases in my entire career).
Squamous carcinomas of the skin are usually low-grade and don’t require major reconstructive surgery, though depending on their size a skin graft may be required after excision. If treated with radiotherapy they require a higher dose than basal cell carcinomas.
Squamous cell carcinomas inside the mouth are a completely different matter altogether, and can require very extensive surgery, such as removal of part of the jaw and dissection of all the lymph nodes on the same side of the neck, together with chemotherapy and radiotherapy. This can be very difficult treatment to get through, but is usually curative.
Although basal cell carcinomas are slow growing, they can be invasive and can cause extensive tissue damage if left untreated (there is a specimen in the Wellcome Museum in London of a head where the face has been almost completely eaten away by a basal cell carcinoma over a period of about thirty years). Basal cell carcinomas can occasionally metastasise, and are difficult to treat if they do as they aren’t very sensitive to chemotherapy. However, I have only seen one case of this.
@Dr Julian Money-Kyrle: The cancer was external in the skin, and was cut out and the skin sown back together without need pf any skin grafts.
BCCs are caused by UV exposure. not dental x-rays. Period.
How can I be so sure?
Because I am a dentist, trained in the use of ionising radiation and the potential risks associated with it.
Coincidence does not equate to causation.
@ Lenny: ‘BCCs are caused by UV exposure. not dental x-rays. Period.’
‘…I am a dentist, trained in the use of ionising radiation and the potential risks associated with it.’
Right, then you should be struck off the Dentist Register, after making a statement like the first one. It indicates you believe there is no chance of dental X-ray causing BCC’s. Which is, to put it mildly, BS.
‘…Who Gets Basal Cell Carcinoma
Risk factors for BCC include:
‘Other risk factors include ionising radiation, exposure to arsenic, and immune suppression due to disease or medicines….’
Notice that, ‘…Other risk factors include ionising radiation…’, in which you are ‘supposedly’ trained?
@Paul Barbara
The ones making these allegations fail to come up with any evidence for this – and they are usually pedlars of antivaccine nonsense.
I recall that Covid-19 vaccination was positively linked to 5 (five) deaths of very elderly people in the UK, which is hardly ‘falling down like flies’. Here in the Netherlands, similar figures apply: in all, there were 577 reports of death shortly after vaccination, and in almost all cases, the recipients died from causes that had nothing to do with vaccination. Only two deaths may be linked to vaccination itself.
Covid-19 OTOH, killed some 20,000 people here – so simply said, Covid-19 is on average 10,000 times more dangerous than the vaccine. And this is without considering the often serious long-term effects of the disease – whereas the vaccines have no long-term effects (except immunity, of course).
So getting vaccinated is an absolute no-brainer.
@ Richard Rasker: ‘…I recall that Covid-19 vaccination was positively linked to 5 (five) deaths of very elderly people in the UK, which is hardly ‘falling down like flies’. Here in the Netherlands, similar figures apply: in all, there were 577 reports of death shortly after vaccination, and in almost all cases, the recipients died from causes that had nothing to do with vaccination. Only two deaths may be linked to vaccination itself…’ I am anti-vaxx – but the ‘nonsense’ comes in the myths that this was what conquered so many dangerous diseases. Hygiene, better living conditions and better nutrition virtually eliminated those diseases, not putrid jabs.
If you want evidence for the jab Killing Fields, how’s this? Just a two-minute video, put together from Johns Hopkins Centre Data:
‘COVID Deaths Before and After Vaccination Programs’:
You honestly believe that ‘only two deaths out of 577 reports of death shortly after the jab may be linked to vaccination itself…???
Would you like to buy a bridge in the Sahara? It’s a real bargain.
And again: ‘…the vaccines have no long-term effects (except immunity, of course)…’ Even Big Pharma, the WHO, world Govts. and everyone except you, apparently, now admit the jabs do not give long-term immunity – at best they appear to give a few months, before making it MORE likely the jab victim will catch the elusive, unisolated ‘virus’ or a myriad of it’s aunts, uncles and cronies.
You previously asked me what chlorine dioxide cures – I’ll send the link next time, OK?
@ Richard Rasker on Saturday 19 February 2022 at 22:12:
Regarding the two-minute video I asked you to watch, you replied it was lies, and said I should have checked the figures for myself.
I am no expert, just an ordinary Joe who questions the lies of Big Pharma, govts., MSM and their lackeys and cronies.
I don’t know how and where to get the info to check the video stats, but understood they were based on Johns Hopkins figures.
You claim the video is lying: could you please explain how, with evidence? You are much more familiar with these graphs and charts, I’m sure. Do the video statistics and dates chart not match the Johns Hopkins data for the countries involved?
@Dr M-K
You missed the HPV – thought to be the aetiological agent in up to 70% of head & neck SCCs.
I only have experience of the diagnosis and treatment of intraoral SCCs. They are regrettably becoming more common. I’ve picked up three in the last couple of years – all spotted early and treated with local wedge excision, two needing free flap reconstruction, no neck dissections needed.
Sorry. HPV seems to be recognised as the culprit for a lot of tumours these days.
It is a long time since I dealt with oral tumours (not since I was a trainee oncologist). I imagine the at-risk groups are still the same, even if we now know a lot more about the mechanism. The majority of the cases that I have come across were in heavy drinkers, but I have no idea about their HPV status.
Of course the ones that can be treated by local excision never come the way of oncologists.
Argument from incredulity is a fallacy in informal logic.
@ Laura: This is not a lecture, but a discussion on life and death matters. So do you believe the PTB claim only 2 of 577 deaths shortly after the jab were caused by it? Again, if so, I’ve got a bridge in the Sahara to sell you.
Concerned patient says:
Paul Barbara says:
@Paul Barbara
What are the odds that you and concerned patient are both real estate agents for unmarketable properties? Any chance you both know each other? Perhaps he/she is your sock puppet neighbor?
@ R. Daneel: What ‘my neigbour’ is flogging is not of concern here – the important question is do you believe the PTB claim only 2 of 577 deaths shortly after the jab were caused by it? And while we’re at it, do you believe the Big Pharma BS about Ivermectin not being effective?
Given the volume of credulous, unevidenced nonsense you appear to be happy to accept as fact, it doesn’t surprise me that youve got quite a few bridges that you’ve purchased and are desperate to offload.
@ Lenny: I’m not nearly so desperate to unload my bridges (they can only increase in value) as you are to not answer the simple question: Do you believe the Official Narrative that of 577 deaths shortly after the clot-shot, only 2 were actually caused by it?
@Paul Barbara
Those numbers of deaths shortly following vaccination are collated by the same medical experts who research and evaluate those figures, and establish that all but one or two are due to other causes than vaccination, mostly natural causes.
But let me get this straight: you claim that those experts are wrong or even lying about the causes of death, yet at the very same moment you accept the number of deaths that these very same people publish. Do you have any idea how stupid this sounds?
You obviously are not an expert at all, and I doubt if you even master primary school maths. So allow me to at least attempt to correct your rather glaring lack of insight in the latter.
First of all, people die every day. LOTS of people. Here in the Netherlands, with roughly 17.5 million population, some 150,000 people die every year, generally speaking of old age. This equates to 400 deaths per day, or 3000 per week.
Now in the first year that vaccines became available, approximately 70% = 12 million people got vaccinated, usually in the form of two vaccinations. Of these people, roughly 100,000 can be expected to have died in that same year, purely for statistical reasons. And this again means that one could expect at least 4000 of those vaccinated people to have died within a week after a vaccination. And I say ‘at least’, because the real figures will be rather higher, as vaccination uptake is significantly higher amount the frail and elderly.
So it is fully to be expected that literally thousands of people die shortly after vaccination, without vaccination being the cause in any way.
So why do you insist on accepting the numbers of deaths that the experts come up with, but at the same time reject the assessment of these very same medical experts that vaccines are not a significant causal factor? What you and other antivaccine nitwits do is simply point at the numbers and claim ‘VaccineDidIt!’ – which is really not very smart, to put it mildly.
No need, you already provided a comprehensive list. Here it is:
@ Richard Rasker: Rather strange reasoning on your part. All Cause Mortality numbers in these circumstances is generally regarded as accurate – it is difficult to hide masses of deaths and bodies unless you are in a war. But it is EXTREMELY EASY, all too easy, to lie about the cause of death. Especially if you are paid by Big Pharma to lie, in order to protect their massive profits. Your so-called experts, how do they determine ’cause of death’? Hunch? As their belly guides them? As they are paid to determine? Why aren’t far more autopsies held, so the causes can be determined with far more accuracy? I think the answer is obvious.
When the PTB and/or Big Corporations wish to sell their snake oil or whatever, like the Mafia that they are they attack their competitors.
Here is a good example re Ivermectin:
‘The Disinformation Campaign Against Ivermectin – JAMA’s “Diversion”:
@Paul Barbara
So you’re here telling us that hundreds of thousands of doctors and medical administrative personnel around the world are paid by Big Pharma to lie about causes of death, in order to protect Big Pharma’s big profits? Yet that to date NOT ONE of all these people has reported this egregious bribery or attempts thereof?
And then, hilariously, you come up with Pierre Kory, who DID actually lie about causes of death and mortality figures, even without payment from Big Pharma
I somehow suspect that the surgeon accidentally not only removed your skin blemish, but your brain as well …
@ Richard Rasker: ‘…I somehow suspect that the surgeon accidentally not only removed your skin blemish, but your brain as well …’
I suspect you might be right – paid to do it, doubtless, by Big Pharma.
Do doctors and hospitals have a financial incentive to ‘play ball’ with Big Pharma and govt.?
Many American hospitals )and to a lesser degree elsewhere) have essentially become abatoirs. No wonder Cuomo was screaming for more ventilators – thus more kickbacks from the hospitals.
@Paul Barbara
… it is a lie, almost by definition(*). FYI: I did not bother to watch the full two minutes of that rubbish. Just the graph shown in the first frame is already a gross misrepresentation of the actual data from Johns Hopkins. Also, this “Joel Smalley” person does not appear to really exist, and some sources suggest that he is the product of Russian disinformation groups.
*: And in general, any videos on this subject can be dismissed out of hand, because they are usually meant to spread lies. The only thing that counts are peer-reviewed scientific articles.
@ Richard Rasker: Can you demonstrate where the Johns Hopkins data is different to that in the first frame, please? As I said, I am not good at working with graphs etc., and just the first frame shouldn’t be a big task for you.
Get the clotshot, then have your D-dimer and troponin levels tested once a week for a month and give us some evidential feedback.
Ivermectin, HCQ and MMS are very safe when used at correct doses. The Big Pharma and WHO ‘trials’ of HCQ were deliberately hugely excessive, in a deliberate (and successful) attempt to kill a large % of the people taking part in the trial, and thus getting it banned to clear the way for their jab. Their experimental jab, with rigged skeleton ‘trials’, then got EU permissions from captured ‘Regulatory Agencies’, and has since caused hundreds of thousands of deaths, and millions of ‘Adverse Effects’. All the ‘recording’ is voluntary (VAERS, Yellow Card, and the EU system) are vastly underutilised, with huge numbers not recorded, including deaths.
Take a look at this very short video, put together from Johns Hopkins data, and tell me you believe the govt. and Big Pharma narrative of deaths due to the jabs:
‘COVID Deaths Before and After Vaccination Programs’:
Then check some of the hundreds of testimonies of doctors around the world who have saved the lives of thousands of people with Ivermectin and HCQ, in various protocols (with vitamin C, D, zinc etc.).
@Paul Barbara
Truth is not really your thing, is it? Almost every sentence in your comment is a lie.
@ Richard Rasker
Say Rich
Who is paying your salary to respond to post after post (many times line by line) everyday here… for years ?
Evidently you reap some benefit from defending the Pharma Industry. … and CONmed.
without evidence?
does not reflect well on your intellectual capacity, I’m afraid.
You’re not Lord Astor, are you? Your reply brought Mandy Rice-Davies’ court response to mind: ‘Well, he would say that, wouldn’t he?’ Care to elaborate?
By the way, somewhere in your many comments (not to me) you mention ‘Correlation doesn’t equal causation’; can you watch this very short video (2 minutes), made up from Johns Hopkins data, and tell me there is not massive circumstantial evidence of causation, which govts. and Big Pharma vehementally deny?
‘COVID Deaths Before and After Vaccination Programs’:
@Paul Barbara
That video is just another lie, and you could have found that out yourself if you had simply looked up the Johns Hopkins University data for yourself.
And oh: the vast majority of all those deaths were in UNVACCINATED people.
Yes, it is quite normal that you feel like a bit of a fool right now. No worries, I won’t hold it against you, and just hope that this clarifies things. Please let me know if you want to have other nonsense debunked.
@concerned patient
Well Roger, who is paying you to keep spreading lie after lie here for years on end?
Oh yes! If you want to know: I get $230 for every comment like this, skewering trolls with fake evidence and faulty so-called ‘scientific’ reasoning! Far more than the $0.15 you make per troll comment. That’s why I’m living in a mansion and you’re still stuck in your mom’s basement 🙂
Thank you! MMS does not have to be taken orally. It has long been successfully used as a topical health product (beginning with animals) along with the addition of DMSO. There are protocol instructions for the use of MMS. Who is responsible if people misuse an over the counter medicinal product like aspirin? Too much aspirin can kill a person. Too much vitamin C will cause a person to have diarrhea, which causes dehydration, which absolutely can result in death. We have a medical cartel partnered with the kingdom of pharmaceutical drugs which have terrible side effects and no cures whatsoever. They are part of the problem. There is not one study to support the use of statins which have detrimental side effects, some irreversible. (See Dr Ken Berry’s videos on statins.) Do these reporters know the protocols for MMS? It is so diluted. It starts with 1 drop each; sodium cholrite and hydrochloric Acid to which 4 oz of water is added; then from that you pour 1/2 ounce (into a shot glass) to drink, and follow a schedule for doses; that’s for adults. Andreas Kalcker promotes a pre activated form of MMS which is even milder than the dosage I explained above (and which I used; didn’t kill me obviously).
Why do you suppose Ezard Ernst described Mr. Kalcker as an “MMS Salesman” instead of a “biochemist educator?”
@Joan Kwasiborski
You talk so much nonsense that you could fill an entire garbage container. So open the lid, put in the verbal garbage, close the lid.
An excellent example of “whataboutism”. Bravo!
Edzard, I would like to see some evaluation of material like this well presented piece. Of course I dont think there will be double blind placebo controlled studies for Chlorine Dioxide, since its use is so inexpensive. However, studies that have been done, peer reviewed and published or not, as well as numerous anecdotal testimony will ultimately drive the adoption of this. Just as salt or water are dangerous at high doses, (as well as wafarin, which has roots in rat poison, are currently used extensively in treating cancer), I think you have to be concerned with the dose, and make sure there is strong education around preparation and use. But as the movement in Bolivia and other Latin American countries shows, people will trust other people that have had good experiences and so it will spread. It is largely independent of whether governments support it or not. Based on the commercial uses of Chlorine Dioxide and applications which demonstrate its effectiveness with so many bacteria, virus, fungi, pathogens, it will adopt a ‘miracle’ feeling because the application is so broad, and we have been indoctrinated to believe that only a pharmaceutical company would have the means to produce something that would work against a specific target. I think nature has a way of providing the cures to that which ails, and a tenet of nature is that those cures should be free and available to all, rather than wrapped in pills and potions and patents that lead to high prices. Freedom of choice and bodily sovereignty are contained in most countries human rights bills, so ultimately we are nothing more than spectators. Truth and goodness will ultimately win over lies and evil, so time will restore balance in the absense of tyranny and coercion.
“there will be double blind placebo controlled studies for Chlorine Dioxide, since its use is so inexpensive”
THIS IS INCORRECT; just think of the many trials of Aspirin
There are no peer-reviewed studies that show that drinking bleach is good for any condition. And no, testimonials have no value whatsoever. See below.
Real doctors and scientists ARE concerned with the dose: in the recommended low dosages, drinking bleach does not do anything beneficial, and already produces symptoms of poisoning. In high doses, it kills people. So people should stop using it and stop promoting it.
Yes, people as a group can be quite stupid. They are easy prey for the fairy tales, lies and propaganda of other people.
People also fool themselves on a daily basis: when they get get better while using product X, then they automatically believe that this product X was the cure. Which is almost always wrong.
NO, this effectiveness is NOT demonstrated — and what’s more: the idiots who promote drinking bleach claim it is also beneficial for conditions that have nothing to do with pathogens, up to and including cancer and autism.
YOU are the one who is indoctrinated to believe that bleach is a panacea. Please note that Prof. Dr. Ernst and all other doctors and scientists around the world only explain that chlorine dioxide is a poison, not a medicine.
And no, absolutely no-one claims that pharmaceuticals are the only solution to illness and death – in fact, most ailments resolve by themselves, without needing any intervention. This is also what happened in all those cases where people drink bleach and think that it cured them of their particular condition.
About the price of real medicine (the system of healing and caring for patients, not just the pills and potions): that is not so much determined by the price of pharmaceuticals, but primarily by the cost of doctors, hospitals, medical equipment, and not to forget nurses and other caregivers. Pharmaceutical products make up only a few percent of the total cost of healthcare, and especially antibiotics (which, contrary to bleach, are effective against pathogens) are usually dirt cheap.
Then I suggest you make a start and stop your extremely ill-informed propaganda for drinking bleach, and read some more of Prof. Dr. Ernst’s explanations why people believe in all sorts of alternative nonsense.
The US Govt has already done a double blind REAL saline placebo study with Chlorine Dioxide, so you know. If only they tested Vaccines with such rigor, instead they swap out the inert placebo for another Neurotoxic Cocktail of sort, to test one poisonous side-effect causing compound against another and claim Safety was determined…LOL!
Here’s that study on ClO2, enjoy!
Controlled Clinical Evaluations of Chlorine Dioxide, Chlorite and Chlorate in Man
….”However, within the limits of the study, the relative safety of oral ingestion of chlorine dioxide and its metabolites, chlorite and chlorate, was demonstrated by the absence of detrimental physiological response.”….
Keep spreading the Truth, the Science, the Replicable Empirical Evidence & I’ll keep doing likewise.
Thank-you for providing a link to the study itself rather than simply an abstract, as I was able to read it in full. Have you done so yourself? If so, did you understand it?
This is a study assessing the safety of various chlorine-based disinfectants as candidates for treatment of drinking water. The subjects were 60 healthy volunteers divided into six groups of ten. Each group was randomly assigned to receive one of five different chemicals, the sixth group being a control. In the first phase of the trial the dose of each chemical was very small indeed and gradually increased. In the second phase, the subjects had to drink 500ml of treated water daily for 12 weeks, the concentration of disinfectant in each case being 5mg per litre (i.e. 0.0005%, or 2.5mg per day).
The subjects were assessed for changes in various standard parameters such as blood count, blood chemistry, kidney, liver and thyroid function. Over the course of the trial changes in haemoglobin concentration, kidney function, liver function, white cell count and other parameters which were statistically significant, despite the very small number of subjects used in the study. The authors dismissed these as being unimportant, however, since they remained within what they considered to be the normal range. They did not include any of the underlying data in their write-up, however, so it is impossible to know the magnitude of the changes that they found.
This study was published 40 years ago, and I doubt that they would be allowed to get away with this today. And please note that the amounts ingested by the volunteers were very small.
Changes in blood parameters, even if they remain withing the reference range (usually two standard deviations either side of the mean in an apparently healthy population that may or may not be representative of the individuals being tested) are often clinically important and can be early signals of serious problems. As a clinician I have generally found it much more imformative to compare this sort of measurement with what it has been before rather than with what it is in other people when assessing my own patients.
I suggest you reread this paper and compare it with the studies used to assess the safety of the various coronavirus vaccines. When you have done so please post conclusions and how you arrived at them.
But haven’t Pfizer, Johnson & Johnson, Astrazenica, all been prosecuted and fined billions of dollars on many, many occasions for falsifying data, poor practice during trials, misinformation and bribery? And yet their products are still approved by the FDA? Anyone who thinks any of the aforementioned self serving crooks has our best interests at heart – is a fool. As is anyone who is willing to put their products in their bodies.
Andreas kalcker protocol have save thousand lives and still go on. Globalism democrat policy mandate jab is killing thousands with reactions and it’s on. Suddenly infart, source of collision acceleration complications on illness( miocarditis, mental issues because the graphene stated in the neuron and all around organs with electric activity).
“jab is killing thousands with reactions”
and how many infections is it preventing?
and how many infections is the ‘Klaker protocol’ preventing?
your spelling isn’t very good; is that because your education was rubbish and is that the reason why you are right wing?
16,000 death reports in VAERS…or is it 17,000 now?
Oh, you don’t believe that vaccines were the cause of death? I refer you to numerous CDC autopsy reports.
Oh, wait, you can’t find them either?
You made the claim, you provide the evidence. Your noisy crankery is not a credible substitute.
Also, please ensure you have read and understood this first:
Because VAERS dumpster diving impresses no-one except anti-vax rubes who don’t [want to] know any better, and will get you laughed out the room.
VAERS is a tool. Like all tools, you have to know how to use it. You, theasdgamer, do no know how to use it. You are just another insignificant and ignorant antivax loon. Run along, now.
Hows about Medicare ‘dumpster diving’…that backs up VAERS reporting, and more…
Here’s some more red-flags from Kirsh.
As for right wing being stupid, in my own experience I have found left wing generally to be virtually devoid of even the most basic of critical thinking skills.
When the piece you link to says “fact checkers have labelled this as misinformation” in the piece then you are rather shooting yourself in the foot.
The man is a lawyer. Not a medic. Or a scientist.
Just more ignorant antivax loonbaggery from people who want to feel special.
Run along now.
@Chez: Who said anything about politics? It’s you who raised “right vs left”, which speaks volumes of your own agenda.
But okay. I’ll play. So what’s behind your first link? A video I am not going to waste my time on with a word-salad summary which you believe constitutes your “killer evidence”. So let’s quote from that:
So what? People die all the time. What Renz needs to demonstrate is that the number of people who die within 14 days of vaccination is significantly higher than the number of people who die within any other 14-day period. So has Renz done this, before he leapt straight to his desired conclusion?
Evidence says “no”. Not a peep in the text above explaining how he got from those raw stats to “proof” the vaccine killed them.
Furthermore, we can do a very quick, very easy, back-of-the-envelope calculation, sufficient to tell us if this scary-sounding “45K deaths” is something we should all immediately panic about. The normal (2019) death rate in the US is 2.8M/yr, or 54,900 deaths per week, meaning anything around 100K US deaths in any 14-day period is perfectly normal. So Renz’s number actually turns out to be well on the low side of that; and in any case tells us nothing about whether vaccines were responsible for any of them. (Remember: Correlation is NOT Causation. From a source that despite its well-known left-wing bias still manages to do joined-up thinking vastly better than you.)
As for Kirsch, he’s full of it. The only thing Kirsch has proven is how easy it is to select self-congratulating beliefs over self-contradicting facts in pursuit of one’s personal agenda, and how quickly and widely lethal misinformation propagates from that.
And you think that the above represents an appropriate standard for scientific evidence? Evidence only that you, Renz, Kirsch, &co. don’t have the first clue what you’re talking about! Welcome.
And since you brought it up: Yes, the US Right is absolutely filthy right now with big lies, greed, and corruption. A tragic though unsurprising consequence of its enthusiastic abandonment of principles in pursuit of Raw Power, from Barry Goldwater’s sell-out of Lincoln in exchange for Southern white (ex-Dixiecrat) votes onwards. But that is a much larger debate for a different forum, so I suggest you take your political nonsense there and restrain yourself here to pimping for your fake-COVID-cure quacks, which is clearly all you’re any good at, and not very good at that.
Finally, there is a term in psychology, motivated reasoning, which I encourage you to look up for your own education. You’ve certainly mastered the “motivated” part, so if you ever manage the reasoning to go with it then do let us know and we’ll be happy to take it apart. Good luck!
Richard Feynman said spelling is a social convention; not a science. Were you taught that a personal attack is an effective debate tool?
According to BrainyQuote, Feynman said:
To which pithy retorts would have included:
I was terrible in theoretical physics. I couldn’t stand the subject. It seemed to me ridiculous to worry about whether you got something wrong or not, because theoretical physics is just a human convention — it has nothing to do with anything real, anything from nature.
You’re absolutely right! This guy is lying, ignorant or just plain stupid! Where’s his proof that cds killed anyone? What were the circumstances around the death of the boy? How much did the mother give him? Did she know what she was doing? Did the mother administer the cds? The hospital? At what stage of sickness was the boy? What was his illness? Did Dr. Kalcker force it on him? How much did the boy drink? A gallon straight with no water? So many questions and this idiot just puts it out there, with ZERO evidence that cds and Dr. Kalcker are to blame?! Anything in excess can harm a person, even EUA “vaccines” and fda “approved” drugs! I’m sorry for the loss of the boy but, to imply it was the cds, without knowing or reporting the details is, or should be, criminal! So this story should be disregarded and thrown in the trash where it belongs! Along with the author of it! He’s completely insane!
And to the author of this hit piece, if you read this response, don’t bother to come at me, you’re not intelligent enough to spar with!
There is something poetic about a True Believer asking lots of questions, then demanding “Don’t answer any of them!” Same as it ever was.
I totally agree with you. Any alternative treatment that combats the current push for “vaccination” is being targeted as false or quackery.
I am sure you got this wrong!
you should have stated this: Any treatment that combats the current push for “vaccination” without proof of efficacy is being targeted as false or quackery.
Or just: Any “treatment” without proof of medical efficacy is quackery.
Which is, of course, the story of Prof Ernst’s career: doing the hard work to gather that proof. Who would’ve foreseen that AltMed, when actually put to that test, could possibly fail?
Such “treatments” are, however, very effective at feeding the egos and wallets of its narcissists and grifters, which is all that really counts.
has: Or just: Any “treatment” without proof of medical efficacy is quackery.
Oh, you may want to rethink that one.
I am not going to play guessing games. You are free to explain my error. Or not.
Personally I would use the term “robust evidence” as proofs are for maths, not science, but I was reciprocating Prof Ernst’s wording. And yes, the level of evidence for some conventional medical practices is also subpar, but at least that evidence base tends to improve over time (or the practice is eventually discarded) whereas in AltMed it remains constant.
That is what sets AltMed apart: it does not wish or intend to test itself, because it fears what the answer might be. So it doesn’t. Vanity, cowardice, and greed are powerful motivators, even before we add loyalty to deeply-held beliefs, social pressures, and fundamental ignorance of how this universe and its contents works.
Ah, so any treatment without robust evidence of medical efficacy is quackery.
I wonder, what the MDs think of your attempt to define quackery.
I wonder, how much of current medical practices meet such a lofty requirement.
Sure, some medical practices are “disbanded”, for various reasons.
“Here we present a broad and extensive list of established medical practices found to be ineffective in randomized control trials. This list represents practices from all disciplines of medical care. These practices add to a previously reported list of 146 medical reversals published during years 2001–2010 (Prasad et al., 2013).”
I wonder, at what point would you accuse them of practicing quackery (based on your definition)?
So yes, I think you need to rethink your definition, or not. I am content with you looking silly.
What’s your point? That conventional medical practices found to be useless or harmful should be called out as quackery (or equivalent scientific term) and excised from the medical body?
If so, I agree 100%. What’s good for the goose is good for the gander. And that’s how it should be: medicine needs to operate in the patient’s best interest, not put the practitioner’s/hospital’s/industry’s interestbefore it.
Or are you just trying to justify your own special pleadings with an excruciating lame tu-quoque? Because if that was a horse I would shoot it.
DC: “Prasad et al”
Still on the topic of tu-quoques, you may want to rethink that one too, seeing how Vinay Prasad is currently blocking all of his critics while going full Godwin in defense of pro-plaguers. Like John Ioannidis before him, it appears winning a Nobel is no longer a mandatory requirement for contracting Nobel Disease. I’m sure there are plenty more trustworthy sources to cite out there.
Funny enough, the corrective for rot in science is doing more better science; not less and worse, as AltMed wants.
(Oh, and talking of doing right by one’s patients, are you sure you shouldn’t just jump ship to Physiotherapy? Physio’s not perfect or complete either, but next to Chiro it has a strong head start.)
has: What’s your point? That conventional medical practices found to be useless or harmful should be called out as quackery (or equivalent scientific term) and excised from the medical body?
No, that’s not what your definition stated.
You wrote:
Any “treatment” without proof (robust evidence) of medical efficacy is quackery.
Thus, any current medical treatment that does not have robust evidence of efficacy you would label as quackery. That’s your choice, but I suspect most MDs would take issue with that definition.
I take it you don’t have any training as a lexicographer.
From what I have seen over the course I my career I would say, yes it is. I would include among this the many surgeons who continue to perform the operations that they have been trained to do because they “know” that it is the right thing to do in the absence of any evidence that what they are doing is best for the patient, and who therefore do not see any necessity for clinical trials. This is certainly the case for much cancer surgery, and the instances where trials actually have been performed have often resulted in changes in clinical practice.
Agreed. Vioxx killed 50,000 Americans before it was pulled from the market. Do a search for drugs removed from market and you will see a very long list. I wonder if the pharmaceutical company was charged with Mass murder and was prohibited from ever making any other drugs. Betcha not. This is a witch hunt because guess what, IT WORKS! Anything they see can derail their world-wide vvacccine poisoning plans to make trillions and thin out the herd they will attack with all weapons including buying lawyers and judges.
Hypocrisy INDEED.
Andreas Kalcker promotes CDS that is even safer than MMS very hard to overdose being SAFE & EASY solution.
” This nothing short of a witch-hunt to combat Covid-19 therapies. “
Excellent reply. What the pharmaceutical companies don’t get away with, they just have the billions to pay off the families of those they maim and kill, that is, when it can be proven. You come up with a substance that covers so many bases and helps so many people, and what do you get? A witch hunt, and it just gets worse. We are living in a NAZI WORLD, not just the USA; the blind leading the blind, the bought-out governments and the corrupt leading everyone. Live your own life, possibly don’t spout out the truths that you know to be.. truth… and subtly convey the information that you know that will help people. Andrea has stuck his neck out and hopefully now is out of trouble. I just looked him up today to see if he was still around and if MMS were still available. I got a good amount in 2015 when I was traveling to malaria infested places.
Are you being paid to promote MMS or are you just a gullible fool?
she also could be a gullible fool who is paid to promote MMS!
Things are not as media and skeptics say. We found out A LOT MORE!
Here is material about Andreas Kalcker:
“Die Anklage gegen Andreas Kalcker in Argentinien und die Hintergründe”
That is a separate argument.
For today’s discussion, was Klacker charged and arrested because somebody overdosed on what he promoted ? … or because he was pawning ineffective therapy ?
It’s not a separate issue!
Nobody gets arrested for the former and all should get scrutinized for the latter.
Vioxx killed 50,000 people before it was pulled from the market. Fen-phen killed thousands of people before it was prohibited. Remdesivir is shutting down patients’ kidneys (50% or higher) yet it is their go to medication in the hospitals. They had ONE patient who died? Who knows what those parents gave the child or if they gave the child anything. It’s their word. Yet there are hundreds of doctors who have seen results close to 100% using this solution. And by the way, it is a water purifier making water safe to drink. I use it.
Many of you have been drinking chlorine dioxide on a regular basis. Horrors! Its primary use is as a water decontamination agent. Its actually safer than the other chlorine products that are used for water purification because they create organo-chloride byproducts which are toxic, whereas chlorine dioxide does not.
Calling it “bleach” is just propaganda used to scare people away. Chlorine dioxide is very safe and non-toxic when used judiciously. It oxidizes pathological agents and even cancer cells. Dont fall for the propaganda; do your own research.
Prior systematic reviews exploring the effectiveness of medical cannabis for chronic pain have provided conflicting results due, in part, to limitations of analytical approaches and interpretation of findings.
It oxidizes ALL cells, including the ones in the intestinal tract – if the concentration is high enough, that is. This is also why it causes nausea, intestinal cramps, diarrhoea and other symptoms of poisoning.
However, that concentration is never reached inside the body or in the blood. Which is a good thing, because it would instantly kill you if it did.
Well, you fell for it …
Mindlessly believing the fairy tale that drinking bleach will selectively kill pathogens and cancer cells inside the body is not ‘doing research’. That is just ‘being very, very stupid’.
I agree, and mindlessly pronouncing these bogus theories is VERY, VERY IRRESPONSIBLE.
Thanks for qualifying “if the concentration is high enough”.
That is why I said taking it judiciously. Like any medicine, dont be stupid with it.
There are good protocols for taking it safely.
As I said, you have probably been drinking “bleach” many times in your llife. Chllorine dioxide is a water purification agent recommended by government agencies.
Mindlessly running scared because someone mischaracterizes it as “bleach” is being very very stupid.
Once again: chlorine dioxide is a bleach and disinfectant product. It is NOT a medicine, and it does not work for any ailment – quite the contrary: it irritates and damages the intestinal tract, producing symptoms instead of resolving them. So please stop promulgating the idea that it is somehow beneficial for people’s health.
When you drink water that is treated with chlorine dioxide, its residual concentration is less than 1 part per million – this is the maximum concentration that is considered safe and acceptable by regulatory bodies around the world. This means that you ingest perhaps a few milligrams on a daily basis.
You, however, are promoting drinking this product in harmful amounts, up to several grams per dose. And how do I known that it is harmful? Simple: the idiots who drink it actually admit that it gives them nausea, intestinal cramps and diarrhoea. Which are unmistakeable signs of poisoning. Please read and REMEMBER this: The Dose Makes the Poison. A few milligrams is no problem. A few grams make you sick. And more than a few grams can kill you.
No. Claiming that this bleach product is a medicine (and without contributing any evidence, at that) is being very, very stupid. And advising people that they can safely drink it even goes beyond stupid, and firmly into the realm of ‘highly irresponsible’.
And oh, if it isn’t bad enough that people who are not knowledgeable about medicine and chemistry are fooled into believing that this stuff is good for their own health, there’s also this:
These horrible crimes against children happen because people like you are spreading the myth that this industrial bleach product is somehow a miracle cure.
I do agree that we dont need to say that Chlorine Dioxide is a medicine. Recommendations for dosage of other molecules like Vitamin D3 and even simple things like salt have drastically changed over the years, so the current advise of 1ppm is very subjective.
You mentioned that people are drinking several grams (>3g?) per dose? Can you show me where that reference is? Chlorine Dioxide has a half life of about 1 hour in the human body, so if someone is consuming 12 drops in 240ml of water across an 8 hour period, they are subject to 1.5 drops per hour approximately 0.12g, after which the chlorine dioxide degrades into its chlorite byproduct, which is also harmless to humans. If you take time to research this properly, you can see this is a pro-oxident, and oxidizing agent, not a chlorinating agent.
Finally, I dont think quoting the NBC news is a good source of reliable information. Lets look to publish scientific journals regarding Chlorine Dioxide in vivo. There are many. It is emotional and short sighted to say ‘horrible crimes against children’ when we inject newborn babies with Hep B viruses, that are only connected to sexually transmitted diseases. We could look objectively at the way that human foetal cells are used to create vaccines. That seems to be more fitting of the ‘horrible crime’, than a simple oxidising molecule.
Sodium chlorite aka MMS
Label elements
Labelling according to Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008 (CLP)
Signal word Danger
Hazard statements
H271 May cause fire or explosion; strong oxidiser.
H301 Toxic if swallowed.
H310 Fatal in contact with skin.
H314 Causes severe skin burns and eye damage.
H373 May cause damage to organs through prolonged or repeated exposure.
H410 Very toxic to aquatic life with long lasting effects.
Precautionary statements
Precautionary statements – prevention
P220 Keep/store away from clothing/combustible materials.
P280 Wear protective gloves/protective clothing/eye protection/face protection.
Precautionary statements – response
P301+P330+P331 IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting.
P303+P361+P353 IF ON SKIN (or hair): take off immediately all contaminated clothing. Rinse skin
with water/shower.
P304+P340 IF INHALED: Remove person to fresh air and keep comfortable for breathing.
P305+P351+P338 IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Remove contact
lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue rinsing.
P310 Immediately call a POISON CENTER/doctor.
Supplemental hazard information
EUH032 Contact with acids liberates very toxic gas.
EUH071 Corrosive to the respiratory tract.
Hazardous ingredients for labelling: Sodium chlorite, Sodium hydroxide.
Well, @Roger, if you want to swallow the stuff, then here you go. I will see you back at the hospital.
The dose makes the poison, I’m sure you’re in favor of vaccines, so you should understand this concept.
This Govt. double blind placebo study rebukes everything you wrote up above, now you know the Truth & you’re welcome.
*Controlled Clinical Evaluations of Chlorine Dioxide, Chlorite and Chlorate in Man*
….”However, within the limits of the study, the relative safety of oral ingestion of chlorine dioxide and its metabolites, chlorite and chlorate, was demonstrated by the absence of detrimental physiological response” ….
This 19 year old girl Cured her Stage IV Ovarian Cancer when Mainstream Western Med. had nothing left to offer her…..She even tried it their way and she’d be dead today if it weren’t for ClO2, so that disproves the nonsense/nonscience you posted above. Somebody is lying and it’s the Govt/mainstream western med….go figure, eh….lol!
Now you know, which is a good thing in the end.
This Medical Doctor has Cured 1,000’s of sick Covid/CornaVira infected folks with ClO2 both Orally & Intravenously. He’s part of COMUSAV, which consists of over 5,000 MD’s in over 25 Countries and combined they’ve Cured/Saved well over 100,000 Lives, so that makes that copy & paste up above incorrect once again. A Compound that can Kill you can’t Save you as well or are you not understanding the underlying science involved? Do some more research & stop Trusting Authority that has Billions & Trillions to lose once the People learn what’s really going on.
Chlorine dioxide is commonly used as a bleach. Claiming otherwise is proof positive of total ignorance of chemistry.
I guess the idiots who promote drinkiing bleach as medicine do not want to understand that dose and concentration “make the poison”.
Well written, thank you!
He is a biophysicist researcher that has studied Chlorine Dioxide for 13 years and has several patents. He speaks 4 languages. He has worked with several leaders in poor countries to help their people recover from covid. It works for me. Got rid of my IBS. My husband had some sores on his scalp for years. Got several prescriptions from dermatologist to no avail. CDS got rid of it with just a few applications. Great for burns, insect bites, and numerous other things. I won’t be without it. If taken as directed I don’t see a problem with it. Blood thinner is nothing but rat poisoning. Nitroglycerin is a explosive. You can overdose on just about anything. Could be the real reason he was arrested was that it costs pennies and that he analyzed the Covid-19 vaccination and reported what was really in it.
I can’t find any peer-reviewed literature from this ‘biophysicist researcher’ – in fact, it appears that he only completed high school, without any academic education whatsoever.
Well, there is nothing in the literature to show for it. The only things that I can find are one or two books in which he claims that this bleach product is a panacea, with only anecdotal evidence and a LOT of ridiculous nonsense and lies. This is the hallmark of a quack and a charlatan.
No. He has fooled some leaders of poor countries lacking proper medical and scientific resources into believing that administering bleach would help sick people. Of course it didn’t – otherwise those countries would show Covid-19 figures that would be far better than those in other countries.
Well, if constipation was the main symptom … But no, this one event doesn’t prove anything. IBS is a tricky condition, without a known cause or a known cure, and with quite variable symptoms. People can suffer from it for years, and then all of a sudden see it resolve by itself. And when this happens, then whatever you were trying at than moment appears to have cured it.
Now this may actually hold some water, e.g. if those sores were linked to some sort of localized bacterial or fungal infection.
The ingredients of the various Covid-19 vaccines are all fully known. But tell me, what does Kalcker claim? Oh, wait, I found it: he claims that all Covid-19 vaccines contain ‘toxic graphene oxide’. This is hilarious: the man touts toxic bleach as a miracle medicine, but says that the REAL lifesaving products should be shunned because they supposedly contain toxic ingredients that could interfere with the body’s ‘electromolecular capabilities’.
This is complete nonsense. Not only is there no graphene oxide in vaccines, this ‘toxic ingredient’ is created wherever you have a sooty flame, e.g. a candle flame. Also noteworthy is the fact that ‘La Quinta Columna’ (‘The Fifth Column’) can be reached through a Hotmail e-mail address. Real professional!
Anyway, I strongly suspect that Kalcker did not analyze anything, but simply parrotted another quack’s claims. Maybe because all those real, effective vaccines are bad for his bleach business?
He is not the only researcher to say it contains graphene oxide. Many said it also had some HIV virus and really nothing to keep you from getting covid. The graphene oxide allows them to tract you with 5G frequency. This graphene oxide was found also in the flu shots given last year. If you would search outside of mainstream media you would see what it is doing overseas to all the people who actually had the real vaccine. Over in China they were falling over in the streets as soon as they turned on 5G from getting a mandatory flu vaccine. Hopefully here we are getting a placebo or hydroxychloroquine. Vaccines are a depopulation tool. Researchers say that the Spanish flu, HIV, and almost ever other diseases were created by the deep state pharmaceutical companies with a new virus via vaccine. All about controlling our movement, making money and the bonus is depopulation getting rid of us “useless eaters” they call us. All about this New great reset where we will own nothing (no property) and be happy”. Where all currency is digital and if we step out of line they will cut your money off and you will be helpless because they will control all the stores. Also, Andreas Kalcker does not sell Chlorine Dioxide. He just shows you how to make it the proper way. For 20 bucks you can get enough to last you a year and it is sold on Amazon or EBay.
Whoa! Sorry to tell you Nancy, but you clearly have been listening to the wrong people.
Here’s what the real world looks like:
No, there is no graphene oxide in vaccines. No, this substance can’t be tracked with 5G (as I said, it is a constituent of ordinary soot, and created as soon as you light a candle or an open fire). No, people in China weren’t falling over when they switched on 5G. (5G is simply the 5th generation wireless networking, and it doesn’t differ fundamentally from existing technologies. And no, it has no particular health effects whatsoever.) No, hydroxychloroquine is not an effective Covid-19 remedy. No, vaccines are not a depopulation tool – quite the contrary, as they prevent death and suffering in huge numbers, especially in children. No, the Spanish flu, HIV etc. were not created by pharmaceutical companies (at the time of the Spanish flu, scientists didn’t even know that viruses existed). In fact, scientists even now are hardly able to create a fully functional virus from scratch, let alone give it predictable properties. They already have a hard time figuring out what exactly it is that the existing Covid-19 virus does in the body.
And oh: no, bleach is not a medicine.
(And no, I am not involved with Big Pharma or Big Industry or the Big Reset or whatever – I’m just a self-employed biomedical electronics engineer who really loves good science, and knows a thing or two about the subject.)
I really don’t know who you are. You can think how you want. I don’t wear a mask in public because I have a disorder. And the name of it is CS. And when I am asked what it is, I reply , “Common Sense.” Apparently, you are one of the deep state players that gets paid to go along with their agenda. I am not going to waste my time anymore, on someone with a closed mind and has no idea what is really going on in this world. The military is in complete control. This is a movie. Nothing is as it seems.
Soot is a carcinogen
Tell me the ingredients of the covid vaccine, please. The leaflet that comes with it is blank. I would appreciate it.
There are several COVID vaccines. Which one(s) do you want the ingredient lists for?
If you can’t find that information for the vaccines you’re interested in, you’re not trying very hard.
The AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine that I had two doses of in Australia has all its ingredients listed in this document:
Had I had the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine, its ingredients would have been as listed in this document:
I found the documents by simple searches on the Web site of the relevant authority: the Australian Thereputic Goods Administration.
Funnily enough, neither product sheet mentions graphene oxide as an ingredient.
How they got around not including it was they said it was a trade secret.
“They”? You haven’t even said what vaccine you say you got a blank package insert for.
If you can’t find a product information sheet for the vaccine you’re interested in, I suspect that it’s because you haven’t really tried.
Those real vaccines have been killing and debilitating people all over Europe. They are protesting in the streets all over the world. Again, give me the ingredients of the covid vaccine. Prove it even exists.
This is total nonsense. Covid-19 vaccines have the same rate of serious side effects as other vaccines, about 1 per 100,000 vaccinations. Deaths due to vaccination are even far less frequent, with estimates of less than 1 per 1 million vaccinations.
Covid-19, on the other hand, kills on average 1 in every 140 people it infects, and causes about in in every 50 people to need hospitalization. And oh, about debilitating long-term damage: that happens to 1 in every 20 Covid-cases.
You mean those people who know nothing about science, vaccines or medicine, yet claim that “vaccination = murder” etcetera? So what? They are quite wrong, just like all those QAnon fools in the US with all their insane conspiracy mongering.
Here ya go:
You want proof that Covid-19 vaccines exist? You might as well ask for proof if it’s really water that comes out of your kitchen tap, and not some sort of heinous substance that merely looks and tastes like water …
Worldwide, some 5.7 BILLION people have received at least one vaccine dose, and about half that number is fully vaccinated – and they are living proof that those vaccines exist and work: the vast majority of Covid-19 infections now occur in unvaccinated people. The latter are also the ones who are still dying in droves, not all those vaccinated people.
I’m sorry to say, but you are one seriously messed-up puppy … we’re no longer talking ‘rabbit hole’ here, but a veritable underground Lepidorae Grand Metropolitan Area that you seem to inhabit. So I think it’s better to stop responding to your madness here, at least not until you exhibit a rather better grasp of reality.
Best wishes, and get well soon.
Here it here;
However, Pfizer is not going to admit what is in the vaccine. They are/will claim that the ingredients are proprietary and can not be disclosed.
Vaccine testing has been done and the vaccines are not only found to have graphine oxide, the vaccine is largely graphine oxide solution.
Before It’s News is a fake news site.
Karen Kingston has no experience in immunology, virology or pharmacy. She is an “expert” in the “feng shui art of cleansing and clearing energy flows in buildings”
Please go away and play with your QAnon friends on Telegram, YT or Facebook.
Exactly. Trade secret they claim. With a little HIV thrown in. Another virus created in the lab and more fake treatments given, hiding the real cures.
It took me 10 seconds to find the ingredients of BioNTech/Pfizer’s vaccine Comirnaty/BNT162b2.
Nancy says: “With a little HIV thrown in.”
I even know what vaccine that might be referring to. If I’m right, it’s one that never made it into production.
You’re clearly not very well. I don’t think this forum is the right place for you. We deal in evidence and science and fact. For most of us, it’s our job. Your inconsequential tinfoil-hatted batshit paranoid ramblings really aren’t worth our time. I hope you get the care you need.
Can you really say you know what is in the Covid 19 Vaccines? I would be very keen to see where you have that reference. Also, if you do produce that information, how sure are you that it is actually what is inside the vaccine bottles. You will note that multiple vaccines have been acquired and studied by independent 3rd parties and all is not what it seems with the stated ingredients.
I hope you could be more open in general to concepts. I.e. if 1ppm was safe, and u accidentally took 2ppm, with no adverse reaction, such that you decided that knowingly or unknowingly, you could now consume 2ppm without issue, then you may end up realizing that there is more to this claim that you currently believe. The science is definitely on the side of safety up to 100ppm.
If you did have a condition (which I sincerely hope you dont) that you could potentially treat with Chlorine Dioxide rather than a ‘real medication’, I hope one day you would be open enough to try that. If you end up with arthritis, I would strongly recommend trying CD.
I think the world is too quick to ignore personal discovery and simply distrust other people, even if they have had genuine real world, life changing events when using CD or many many other natural substances. I wonder how you feel about Traditional Chinese Medicine, Ayurvedic medicine and the like? Are they also quackery?
Time will tell, but humanity will move on past our simple discussions, and like water the truth will flow and continue to be free and accessible to all, so long as the greed of others is not there to control, coerce and monopolize.
TOXIC BLEACH ? ? ? !…..
All what we can read is the you don’t have an idea of what your are talking about.
‘TOXIC BLEACH IS NOT Chlorine dioxide. Any questions?…
We can see you work for the establishment and all what you want keeps under your ‘control’
“Any questions?”
Yes: how much of the stuff does one need to drink to post as much BS as you do?
Prof Ernst, Although you seem to have posed the question sarcastically, I think this is a legit research question. Judging by the number of comments (270+ as of today), majority of them by bleach drinking cohort, I would assume one would not have any problem finding subjects for their research. 🙂
@Carlos Garcia
Sorry to puncture your balloon but you are simply wrong!
Chlorine dioxide is widely used as a bleaching agent, e.g. in the paper industry .
can you fact check these?
I will not ask about Celine Dion 🙂
@Jeffrey Bloom
?? What does this have to do with people who drink bleach?
Motive for not allowing anything including your “BLEACH” to be under EUA
So fact check the potential $ MOTIVE why REMDESIVER is in USA Protocol.
In fact, why not fact check, how well it did in the EBOLA trails while you are at it.
Or that Japan or India never used ivermectin
Maybe that was fake news
People looking for prevention not a vaccine that does not prevent or stop transmission which CDC finally admitted.
That includes this topic as well….
And if EVERYONE was the same, this world would be a boring place.
BTW, I understand Andreas Kalcke had a motive. You can make his “magic potion” for dirt cheap
Andreas Kalcker is NOT a biophysicist.
Regarding his claimed doctorate without any recognizable field of study and without previous studies, a Spanish-language website states “doctorado en Salud Alternativa” (“doctorate in alternative medicine”).[7] In Spanish, Kalcker, a medical layman, even claimed to have been awarded a doctorate twice (in “alternative medicine” and “biophysics”). In fact, Kalcker earned his doctorate from a title-trading company in Barcelona (with a branch in Florida) called “Open University of Advanced Sciences Inc.” The company, which has no campus, offers master’s and other titles and sells them along with a decorative certificate. The “doctorate” costs 1500 euros,[8] and the buyer can choose his own field of study. The OUAS company also refers to Kalcker as an honorary professor of the company (see image at right).
Translated with (free version)
Bill Gates is not a Doctor either. He didn’t invent Microsoft in his garage, he was a dropout and a Rothschild and has no medical credentials. Didn’t stop him from going to India to give all the poor children polio vaccines. They had wild polio under control until he came along and he injected them with his vaccine in which many children died and thousands were given polio and maimed for life. The people of India were so upset that they hung him and his wife years ago. Of course, he was replaced with a clone and the show went on. It is not what you know, it is what bloodline you are from and how much money you have.
You know I’ve read some serious tinfoil-hatted lunacy on this blog in my time but you’re way beyond anything previously posted, Nancy. Keep it up. It shows the antivax crowd the company which they keep.
I agree – she is hilarious
You are a conspiracy theorist, crank and blatant antisemit. Please go away and play with your QAnon friends on Telegram, YT or Facebook.
Let’s see, conspiracy theorists. I believe that is the phase our corrupt CIA came up with to discredit the truth.
I suppose you never heard of Nesara and Gesara need to look into it. Just use a browser that lets you find things where Soros paid fact checkers put a not true label on it. DuckDuckGo is a good one. Look up the relation to 9/11. Nesara has been passed but has not yet been announced. As soon as our new currency is switched over everything will be revealed. New quantum system back by gold, silver, platinum. Foreign currency is now being exchanged. Nesara wipes out all mortgages, car loans, credit card debt, student loans. No more irs. Only a tax on new items. None on food or medicine. Gesara is the same thing and includes 206 nations. Russia, China, India are included. We have all the Gold. The Crowns, the Vatican (where all our tax money went Saudi Arabia just a few. It will be distributed to it’s proper owners. Plus all the money of the traitors that have been convicted because of Trumps executive order 13848. No more poverty, no more wars, no more CIA, FBI, Five eyes and the like. Now, that ought to give you enough ammunition to demean me further.
And until Nesara appears you are banned for posting conspiracy lunacy on my blog.
Thanks for amusing us for a while.
Could be he is simply deluded or he could be a cold-blooded, reptilian crook.
The reptilians have been eliminated. The queen, her family, and lots of Hollywood actors have been eliminated. The Patriots and the military are in complete control.
you are reading strange websites!
Find out what is really happening.
oh, dear!
Those conspiracy loons including our Nancy simply don’t (or more probably: won’t) understand what this ‘priority date’ in a patent search Web site actually means: it is the application date of the first version of a patent.
Interestingly, these loonies even provide the link to the Dutch Web site:
And when you click on the 2015 patent link behind ‘Prioriteitsnummer(s)’, you get this:
“System And Method For Diagnosing An Individual’s Health And/Or Wellness Using Enhanced Telemedicine Vital Sign Tracking”
No mention at all of Covid-19. Which of course is simply because the virus was not discovered yet, and is named after the year of discovery.
And here’s the one from 2017:
“System and Method for Using, Biometric, and Displaying Biometric Data”
And again no mention at all of Covid-19.
The reason why these dates show up in later patent applications of this Rothchild person is simply because the newer patents are extensions of the older ones. But I guess that this concept is too difficult to grasp for our Nancy.
I’m frankly growing a bit tired of the endless stupidity shown by conspiracy loonies. They have the mental faculties of five-year-olds, believing the most outrageous stories and lies at face value, being completely incapable of something even approaching rational thought. In fact, this is quite insulting to five-year-olds, as kids usually have enough intelligence to see that they may be wrong, especially when things are explained to them.
This “The-Rothchild-Elite-Patented-Covid-Tests-Already-In-2015!” is just a point in case: if the “Rothchild Elite” has all sorts of sinister plans with humanity, and knew of the Covid-19 virus years in advance, then why on earth would they file a completely public patent application for anyone to see – and even under their own name, at that? This is just plain dumb.
That piece has already been ripped to pieces and shown to be utter nonsense. The author has wibbled that he’s correct and has threatened to sue. An empty vessel making lots of noise. But keep posting. It lets us know just how warped your mindset is.
A Pfizer whistleblower came out and said no doubt the vaccine is full of graphene oxide. Also, French scientists have shown this in microscopic blood samples of vaccinated people.
oh, really?
Just the usual Russian-Republican firehosing nonsense. (Must be a day ending in “-day”.)
Paranoid Narcissism is the base state of all True Woo believers; and these psychopathic state actors and financial grifters play them like a fiddle.
In the next breath the same people will gleefully peddle Big Pharma’s patented sheep drench, even as Big Pharma itself says “don’t do that”.
Epistemology wept; but then, that is the point.
Richard Rasker are you for real or a pharma payed troll…?
I have used chlorine dioxide for ten years in large doses. Healed many of my chronic illnesses and have never felt better than I do today. Also know a lot of friends using it successfully, no side effects. Thousands of people in online forums reporting about its effects, never heard of any side effects there either. Strange huh?
It’s great against most infections. I know that a lot of money is at stake for the pharmaceutical industry (that’s why they give Andreas a hard time) so they are fighting like hell right know, throwing money everywhere on propaganda, it’s sad to see. Nobody cares about big pharma propaganda anymore though so just drop it, the game is over.
Isak Gerrbo
are YOU for real, or are you a chlorine troll?
This is hugely interesting! How many chronic illnesses are we talking about? I have never met anyone who suffered from ‘many chronic illnesses’! Could you mention them? And why did it take you TEN YEARS of drinking bleach to get rid of them?
You mean all those thousands of unverifiable, undocumented anonymous accounts which may be complete fabrications – not unlike what you are doing here?
How can you tell? These days, people rarely suffer from infections other than an occasional cold, and there is no credible evidence that it helps against even that – unless you’re talking about skin infections, treated by topical use.
You really have no idea what you’re talking about. Antibiotics make up less than 5% of the global pharmaceutical market with an annual turnover of ~50 billion dollars. Just vitamins and supplements bring in far more than that, as does quackery.
Yes, you are right about pharmaceutical companies wanting to make lots of money – but they do this by embracing newly found medicines and products, NOT by fighting them. If drinking bleach was actually beneficial, pharmaceutical companies would immediately capitalize on this, and start selling medicinal bleach – just like they have done with vitamins and supplements, or e.g. ingredients for energy drinks. Heck, many smaller pharmaceutical companies (especially in India) have even jumped on the homeopathy bandwagon, and produce the sugar pellets that homeopaths sell as ‘remedies’ to their gullible customers.
And oh:
Yes, of course I am a pharma-paid troll! Every week, I get thousands of dollars worth of pay checks for just a few hours of debunking online pseudoscience. It is a great way of making LOTS of money, and to GET RICH QUICK! (Of course I am already rich, but hey, a few thousand extra every week never hurts 🙂 )
And since you’ve been so smart as to spot my lucrative ploy, I’m willing to introduce you to one or two of my contacts in pharmaceuticals – of course this goes out of my own profits, but hey, I’m always willing to share with other people who are as smart as I am. Besides, Big Pharma spends hundreds of billions every year on their troll army, so there’s enough to go round.
Of course you will have to show that you are capable of producing pharma propaganda, so please write a few articles denouncing drinking bleach, and touting the huge benefits of, say, using aspirin or hydroxychloroquine. Looking forward to a great co-operation that will benefit both of us!
The MSM should stop misinforming the world that chlorine dioxide is bleach. It is NOT bleach. Can you please write out the chemical formula of sodium chlorite and sodium hypochlorite which is bleach? If you cannot write it out, then any further discussion is built on a completely false foundation, and meaningless. Chlorine dioxide is made of sodium chlorite and an acid activator. Sodium chlorite (in chlorine dioxide) and sodium hypochlorite (bleach) have two different chemical formulas. Common table salt, through various manufacturing processes, becomes sodium chlorite (NaClO2). Chemically this is done by adding two atoms of oxygen (O2) to each molecule of salt (NaCl) to produce sodium chlorite (NaClO2). Sodium hypochlorite (NaCIO), or bleach, on the other hand, has only one molecule of oxygen. Sodium chlorite is totally harmless in tiny 30ppm doses (which was maliciously omitted). Chlorine dioxide oxidizes, or breaks down the bacteria, viruses, pathogens in us that make us sick. It denatures the protein layer of the viruses and spike proteins which are reduced to harmless amino acids and eliminated from the body. Oxidation takes out the form of the viruses rendering them harmless and unable to accumulate to clot our blood. Because both sodium chlorite and sodium hypochlorite share the same chlorite chemical compound, that’s why you smell some chlorine, which is the sodium chlorite smell and is harmless. The chlorine we drink in our water and swimming pool is sodium hypochlorite bleach chlorine which is toxic and carcinogenic, and they put that chlorine and fluoride and graphene oxide in our water, meat, GMO food and air which are absolutely toxic to the world.
So by your logic, potassium chloride isn’t a salt because sodium chloride is already a salt? I pity your heart!
Have you ever contemplated the possibility that there might conceivably be more than one kind of molecule in the universe which has a bleaching action, thereby earning the moniker “a bleach”? (H₂O₂, to give one example, is famous for its bleaching action, as any hairdresser will attest.) And that what is more properly referred to as a “domestic bleach” (i.e. the stuff you have under your kitchen sink) is only one of many, many available bleaches?
Everything is harmless at a sufficiently small dose. e.g. People inject botulin toxin into their face in hopes of appearing younger, yet completely fail to die despite it being just about the most poisonous molecule in existence. Conversely, everything is harmful at a sufficiently high dose. Water—which utterly is essential to all life—will drop you dead you if you drink too much of it.
When it comes to medicinal products, the trick is to use molecules that are particularly toxic to bacteria and parasites at a dose which is not [as] toxic to us humans. Given that bleaches are not remotely selective in their toxicity, it’s a fair bet that drinking bleach at a dose that is harmless to you is not going to harm any bacteria either, while drinking it at a dose that kills off any bacteria is going to kill off the cells of your intestinal lining too; and the only mechanism of action that you’re actually observing is the human capacity for endless self-deception and reckless vanity.
Biochemistry is hard. Pharmacology is hard. In-vivo anything is just ridiculously maddeningly hard. Your sad attempt to drag the vast complexity of reality down to your pitifully simplistic level of understanding, just to make yourself feel clever and powerful and in control, is not hard at all. Stupidly easy, in fact. And the MMS grifters all know this too, which is why they can afford to dine on fine steak while you’re on the lavatory crapping out dead worms.
At least MMS admits it’s a religion, if only for tax purposes and regulatory evasion. And it’s all fun and laughter and jokes about Darwin Awards, until true believers start feeding it to their kids. Stay classy.
Real pity on the one who is chained to twisting logic, misrepresenting facts to convince no one and not even themselves and resorting to personal attacks when reason fail. There are not just a few people giving their MMS testimonies which you do not have the freedom not to troll. Here are hundreds more which you are chained to attack but doesn’t change the fact that their health has been fully restored with pennies and they won’t ever have to go back to the satanic matrix that profit from making and keeping them sick and taking a lot of money away from them before letting them die, just as what we’re seeing in a lot of vax injured cases. Their deaths have been entirely preventable if they had been treated with chlorine dioxide. You cannot bend people’s mind to your perverted thinking. Every one is free to find out the truth for themselves, do their own real science and non propaganda research.
Good point. Please do tell us when you are ready to make start. Because so far, your comment is devoid of both truth and science, and full of propaganda.
Testimonies are not in themselves worth the toilet paper they’re written on. At most, they are a beginning of enquiry (“Is there any hard evidence behind these claims which shows they’re more than wishful thinking?”), not its end.
Of course they are. The problem is, most people have absolutely no clue how to do this, and no awareness/interest/desire to learn how to do it either.
As Feynman warned: “the first principle is that you must not fool yourself, and you are the easiest person to fool.” Sadly, alties like you want to fool yourselves, because your overwhelming belief that you are intelligent and educated and superior to all us “sheeple” feeds your narcissism, and stroking the ego is what AltMed is really all about. Which is why there’s a whole vast global industry of fellow paranoiacs, narcissists, and stone cold psychopaths only too delighted to feed you exactly what you want, for their own profit too. The world’s biggest circle-jerk, outside of organized religion, all because of your unquenchable needs to feel sPeCiAl.
Even so, all your lazy fabulist pretensions and OCD fapping would be nobody’s business/funeral but your own; except that, like all narcissists, you crave the adulation and servitude of others, so must propagate your nonsense to them too. And then it becomes their funerals, which is what makes your words and behavior everybody’s problem (but, of course, that feeds your narcissism via your martyr complex too).
And this is where science and medicine gets to speak from harsh experience. Because all of the mistakes that you make now (and don’t realize/accept/admit) are mistakes that it already made first, and only very belatedly came to terms with after leaving a very long trail of bodies in its wake.
Mainstream medical practitioners spent two thousand years peddling actively harmful Galenic treatments that injured and killed who knows how many millions of people, all because of Appeal to Authority, Appeal to Antiquity, Appeal to Popularity, and a fundamental unwillingness to ask themselves a single, simple, question: “What if I’m wrong?”
And when they finally put on their big-boy pants and asked it of themselves, they were forced virtually overnight to throw out everything they had believed for millennia was True; because Galen was wrong and the evidence—once they bothered to look for it—overwhelmingly proved it.
Compared to the epic, epochal wrongness that was Galenic medicine, your precious MMS is a mere rat’s fart. Yet it is no more valid, because it is built on exactly the same base: your unshakeable Belief that you are Right; not a cautious, provisional weighting of rigorously gathered evidence with the absolute willingness to prove yourself wrong at any point.
When you are ready to ask the same question of yourself—“What if I’m wrong?”—then come back to us and we’ll be happy to talk. Until then, kindly take all your unevidenced wibble and poisonous abuse, and cram them up your fundament in private. Because we’ve already heard the same old crap a million times before, from a million other altie jerks who couldn’t pony up the evidence for their ego-fueled claims either, which makes you not even remotely special at all.
What YOU forget is that all those who are advocating alternate approaches HAVE NOTHING TO GAIN and everything to lose and their motivation is purely to help people. Can you say the same for big Pharma and their shills?
People should stop misinforming the world that bleach is a medicine.
And chlorine dioxide also oxidizes, or breaks down the cells in our intestines that keep us healthy and alive. This is why many consumers of this bleach product experience typical poisoning symptoms such as nausea, intestinal cramps and diarrhoea – unmistakeable signs that your body wants to get rid of this poison ASAP. In higher doses, it can cause haemolysis, kidney and liver failure, and eventually death. Which apparently happens on a regular basis.
When consumed in a more or less safe dosage, it does NOT break down pathogens inside the body, simply because it never reaches high enough blood levels to accomplish this. Which is a Good Thing, because it would absolutely kill you if it did reach high enough concentrations. The fact that this bleach product can kill bacteria in test tubes and drinking water does NOT mean that it does exactly the same inside your body, let alone in a safe manner.
And oh, about pathogens: the idiots touting this bleach product don’t stop at its purported antibiotic activity. They claim that it cures almost any condition, up to and including very serious things such as Alzheimer’s disease, multiple sclerosis, diabetes and even cancer – diseases which have ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with viruses or bacteria.
Straight from the mouth of Jim ‘Bleach Brains’ Humble:
“it has proven to restore partial or full health to hundreds of thousands of people suffering from a wide range of disease, including cancer, diabetes, hepatitis A, B, C, Lyme disease, MRSA, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, HIV/AIDS, malaria, autism, infections of all kinds, arthritis, high cholesterol, acid reflux, kidney or liver diseases, aches and pains, allergies, urinary tract infections, digestive problems, high blood pressure, obesity, parasites, tumors and cysts, depression, sinus problems, eye disease, ear infections, dengue fever, skin problems, dental issues, problems with prostate (high PSA), erectile dysfunction and the list goes on. This is by far not a comprehensive list. I know it sounds too good to be true, but according to feedback I have received over the last 18 years, I think it’s safe to say MMS overcomes most diseases known to mankind.“
No, it has proven nothing of the kind. It is just bleach. It can disinfect skin and perhaps the mouth in high enough concentrations, but that’s all it does. It is NOT a medicine, and it certainly is NOT a panacea.
But alas, those almost criminally insane claims are believed and mindlessly parroted by lots of people …
Video explains what Chlorine Dioxide does in the body molecularly and via its chemistry.
I am a chemist with diploma. What you and Andreas Kalckar are saying, is not chemistry, biochemistry or physiology but utter dangerous bullshit to put it blunty.
thank you; that needed to be said clearly!
thank you; that needed to be said clearly!
my cat was very sick and after research he was given the fip diagnose, confirmed by labo. Here in europe they said that there was no cure for that. But then the told me that there was a non regulated drug that could possible help. Normaly they shoudn’t say anything like this, but the did and even recomended a website where there would be people who could get acces to that drug. It cost about 10 euro per pil. Knowing my cat’s condition the said he needed 2 pils a day for 84 days. You do the math. I went to go talk to some people who sold that stuff and starting asking questions about the drug. Resently before i became familier with cds. And because they told me it was , lets say, the brother variant of remdisvir, product of china, the drug also called GS 441524? Remdisivir is GS441525. Funny, and when you go looking for wat subtances are in there and you learned about mms or cds, you will know the resemblance. At first i bought some of these pils, not knowing what else to do, 30 pieces, so 300 euro. There was another option and dat was via injections. But they sting and burn, plus the leave scars, certainly with a sfinx. Therefor i was going to try the pils, altough the injections seemd more efficiant, so they said. But that proven to be a disaster. He couldn’t swallow them and mixing them under the food was also not workable. Now as i said, i had just learned about mms or cd or cds and downloaded the book of Jim Humble. I started reading it and it became all clear to me. I started to read and learn about it, and i got to tell you it is not for “dummies”. The basics for human adults is quit easy, but for children and animals you have to be very accurete. Then i started with cds and later on implaying the dmso with it, wich also is in the GS441524, you can all look it up, its there on the internet. An imported thing i learned was that the comparising dose of mms with cds had diffirent opinions. So i started with the recomandations of the people with the “softest” approuch. Later on i came in contact with 4 more other Vets, and they all knew or were a part of that experimental drug, just like with offoicialy still experimentel corona vaccin. It’s all in the open now, welcome to the freak world of medicine! We are 4 weeks further now, my cat is cured!!!!! Proof by a very very very long shot. Still today there are cats dying from this!! My wife is member of a social media platform from the fip warriors, we know! I also found a medical researh about mms, dmso, silver collodial, citric acid and msm, its called the overnight cancer cure, look it up !! This research is from 1984!! So arresting this men is a crime, not just a crime , but one of the biggest of all, due to know that the governments know about this cheap cure! Still not believing their true intensions. They don’t care about us, we are just waste to them !! Don’t stay blind forever, dare to change , stay young in your mind!! Denial is the first stage! I kow the truth know, i was witness of it! Don’t believe me , i can proof this all, so please no back stinging comments please, not from the lobbyer’s, some people who don’t know what they are talking about, or other people who are bored or so. We have been true some tough times and more are comming up. Let us not all attack each other, but help and listen to people who seek or give help. So if anyone is out there with a “fip cat”, due check out Jim Humble. I’m glad i did it, do it was a tough decision to make , without guides of a doctor or what so ever. But it worked and if i can , most of you will do too. Sorry for the grammer faults, not realy used to write in english. If you realy want to know the truth about something you have to search, find and do something with it. Then you have “been” there or were witness of it. And i did for this topic, so yeah i truely know. I hope this helps someone somewhere, somehow! You all have a nice day now, JB 5 (PS chemisest, they only let you learn what they whant you to learn, don’t be so naief please)
@Jurgen: You are an incoherent lunatic and an animal abuser. The first could be forgiven, but not the second. FOAD, you disgusting excuse for a human.
What – for finding a cure for their cat? YOU are the disgusting one!
If you live in the modern world you have invested more Chlorine Dioxide then you can imagine. First off it is in your water system, it’s used to kill nasties. Second almost all meat that is processed commercially, is washed down with a chlorine dioxide solution. If you think that you are going to drink CD straight you are from another planet. The dosage is 1 drop every hour mixed with your choice water or juice. Has there been a rash of deaths from people using this in Bolivia? No. Is Chlorine Dioxide bleach, it will bleach the color out of your cloths but it is not bleach. Bleach – NaOCl. CD – ClO2. CD is salt and oxygen. When it breaks down it leave behind the salt. I have used it for years and still kicking around, so quit commenting on something you little about.
“If you live in the modern world you have invested more Chlorine Dioxide then you can imagine. First off it is in your water system, it’s used to kill nasties.”
It’s amazing how often MMS boosters point this out. Yes, thanks, we already know this; we aren’t nearly as ignorant as you take us for. The points that your critics make, which you persistently fail to absorb, are 1. The ClO₂ used to kill bacteria in tap water is not at a sufficiently high dose to harm humans. 2. The problem with using ClO₂ to kill bacteria in humans is that it is equally toxic to both: if the dose is high enough to kill bacteria then it will also kill human cells, and if the dose isn’t high enough to kill human cells then it won’t kill bacteria. Which—surprise!—makes your claims of MMS’s efficacy and safety a load of bull: pick one OR the other, you can’t have both.
The reason treatments like antibiotics are safe and effective (within limits) are because they are selectively toxic: i.e. they are far more harmful to bacteria than to animal cells at the given dose. Perhaps you should look that term up; you might learn something!
BTW, since you’re in the business of killing “nasty” bacteria: what do you think drinking ClO₂ will do to the trillions of healthy natural symbiotic bacteria that live harmoniously with you inside your digestive tract? I get that you purity cultists screech at the mere thought of “dirty”, but that’s a psychological malfunction, not a physiological one, that bleaching won’t do squat to correct. Perhaps you should look up the term “fecal transplants” too, which is the modern medical remedy for those who’ve unavoidably killed off their gut flora taking powerful antibiotics, and presumably those who’ve stupidly wrecked it drinking industrial bleach too.
We look forward to hearing from you once you’ve educated yourself a bit better on how our universe really works. Good luck!
To quote myself:
Let me guess: the MMS peddlers couldn’t fit all information that onto those tiny bottles they sell at extortionate markup, so they left it off entirely. So much for “Knowledge is Power”. But that’s okay, because it’s Vegan and Gluten Free, which is what’s really important.
No Edzard, you misunderstood the news. Kalcker was charged but was not arrested in Argentina, he remains free in Europe. They still did not ask Interpol for his capture
Knowledge is power, due you all realy think they would share everything with you all. You all are so naïef, i’m sorry. Yes you are all so important! Don’t make me laugh. Or you all are some people who make money out of letting people and animal suffer, or you just aren’t smart enough. I have proof of the crazyness of the doctor realm. As i asked before, no calling names please, but here we are the “big ” adults are talking. Being civilized means that you don’t go on and try to break people or being cruel and unpoliet with them. Only fools, arrogant people and litlle children do that. Witch do you whan to be? I have witnesses of this all, my cat is cured, while his broher and sister are still not wel yet. They all had several antibiotic cures. Anti-body!!! Do you al think that langues has no meanig? Antibiotics don’t cure! these are the things that kill everything! It’s there in the word and even that you don’t understand. Taking to much antioxidants is not good for you, it’s ANTI.The balance needs to be perfect. Please first learn how to realy understand langueges before you implement the words. Thats why there are oxodizers in nature! Like everthing in this world it’s about the wright amount, like as with sucker ,salt and all the other tings. If you don’t give a chance to people, when they discovered something, then you are limited in intelligents. There is also an EQ intelligence, not only the IQ. And even that is being ignored. I Have years of experience in history, wich most of it i learned outside the schools, about 90%. Yes ,we all important! Dream on, wake up and smell the coffee! So again my cat is cured by this, if you like it or not! Every medicine can give you an overdose, end of discussion! It’s all about the money, if you cannot see that, you still have a long way to go. It doesn’t matter if you have proof, it’s who wants to listen to it, what matters. Thats pretty abvious here! I still found this all very disappointing, how people react to one and other. Its shameful to be a human! We are so intelligent, yeah right! Where there is smoke, there could be a fire! Everyone and everything deserves a real investigation, an independet one! You are al cruel not to investigate this actuel cure that happend!! No instead you let all those other cats die four your state of mind! Selfish is the only fitting word here! And fascism! Good luck with your Certificate Of Vaccination ID! Yes when words are given in all kapitals, it means it’s an abbreviation! Even that you can not see. What matters is that my cat is cured , or you find this not to be great news! If you don’t give this a chance, you probable have motiefs, bad ones. A cured fip cat should be an amazing thing, and should be given positief attention, unless you’re a cruel fascist. If you have even a litlle respect for all life, you should investigate this, not break it down. And chemisest , how much are you paid to lie or to ignorend. Proof to me that thats not the case, you even can’t. If this would be a life debat, you would all probable leave the conversation after a while, due to not knowing what to say else. I have been already trough that in my own enviroment. Starting debating about it and after about 10 min , they would mostly walk away or get angry, and thats the sign of weakness, it is acctualy admitting, without using words. So i’m gong to leave it whit this , because apparently there are no real adults to talk to here. I am not going to wish you a wel day now, because you don’t deserve it. It’ s a sad sad planet.
“you all realy think they would share everything with you”
who are ‘THEY’?
“you all are some people who make money out of letting people and animal suffer”
no, but you seem to be an 18-carat fruit cake!
[I did not read any further because that was enough for me]
Congratulations! The first three words of your comment are error-free!
Now keep working on the rest, and you might get a serious answer one day.
And oh, good to hear that your cat is well. I like cats.
Oh, lovely, more incoherent wall of noise drivel from the cat abuser.
I see you tried to quote Bacon, who said “Knowledge itself is power”; alas, he did not say it had to be right. And your knowledge patently isn’t, despite the enormous irrational ego you’ve lovingly wrapped around it. I would suggest you go away and learn the basics of epistemology, but honestly I think you need to practise something a bit simpler, like linebreaks, first. However, the going away part will suffice.
Like i said , no adults
You are psychotic. There is no conversation to be had with you. Please go away and get yourself help from real medical professionals.
You are the one who seriously needs to grow up. Your comment is not just teeming with the most horrible spelling and grammatical errors that not even a 12-year-old Dutch elementary school pupil would make, it is also insulting, highly arrogant and very ill-informed. You claim that your cat was cured by feeding it bleach (which in my book is animal abuse), and then apparently claim that this is evidence for the magical properties of bleach, throwing in a couple of ‘fascism’ references for good measure.
And then you accuse people of not being adults if they don’t want to listen to your propaganda (bleach is a medicine, but antibiotics ‘kill everything’? Yeah, sure …) and walk away.
Please educate yourself, and learn some humility and politeness in the process (although I doubt if you even know what those words mean).
I have been informed that Klacker has NOT been arrested in Argentina
but only charged
Please Edzard stop your tweets informing that kalcker was arrested, he wasn’t, he is still free and active. He is going to travel to Mexico in November.
We need Kalcker in jail, but he is is still free.
You need Kalcher in Jail ? …. really.
Because one person died, quite likely from taking the treatment wrong.
Good thing pharmacies, hospitals and MD’s aren’t held to the same standard, we would need to build more prisons.
Pretty sure if a pharmacy, hospital, or MD fed their patients industrial bleach, they’d go to prison too. So yes, same standard.
What a liar!
We have each year about 300k death victims from medical malpractice and treatment in germany!
Nobody is brought to jail.
You have no evidence of proof for your statements.
That’s not true. We have each year about 30k death victims from medical malpractice and treatment in germany!
Nobody is brought to jail.
Show the practice, you see as standard for going to jail, if your doctor treated you with regular pharmaceutical and you die from it.
Well, yes, that is because of all those homeopaths and bleach salesmen like Kalcker, killing people by the thousands. And nobody does anything about it! It must be a conspiracy!
And what about your statements?
@Richard Rasker
This was a mistype, but you can search your proof for 30k 😉
I searched for “has on” statements but didn’t find any proof xD
Sorry, but that’s not how it works. YOU make the claim, YOU provide the evidence.
I’m pretty certain that medical errors and malpractice in Germany don’t cause 30,000 deaths annually either. The real number is probably a lot lower, but varies wildly, largely depending on what counts as ‘error’. Culpable malpractice is quite rare, and causes only about 100 deaths annually – but this again is almost certainly way too low.
If you count all deaths that could have been avoided relatively easily, you probably end up at between 5,000 and 10,000 deaths per year, most of which are caused by medication errors. (This is based on the situation here in the Netherlands, where between 1000 and 2000 avoidable deaths happen every year.)
Yes, this is still a lot, but don’t forget that this mostly happens to people who have very serious conditions already. And also note that it is not always clear what constitutes ‘medical error’. A very sick patient may end up dead if he isn’t diagnosed correctly right away – but that is often pretty difficult under severe time pressure. Is it a medical error if you didn’t catch that rare bacterial pneumonia, and the patient dies because he didn’t get matching antibiotics?
Anyway, even if 300,000 Germans would die from medical error every year, this still does NOT mean that fools who advise people to drink bleach should be allowed to do so. It would mean that both real healthcare workers and bleach pedlars should be forced to stop doing the wrong things.
@Louisleon: “30k death victims from medical malpractice and treatment in Germany”
Obligatory: [citation required]
Furthermore: So what?
Yes, medical errors happen. Yes, some of those result in preventable deaths. Yes, some of those errors are caused by incompetence and perhaps occasionally malice. Yes, more needs to be done to reduce the frequency of medical errors, including research to identify best/worst practices and ensure those are rigorously followed/discarded accordingly, actively monitoring for and striking off incompetent and dishonest medical practitioners, corporate manslaughter laws with actual teeth that put hospital/pharma directors behind bars when their corruption causes deaths, and so on.
None of that, however, is an invitation or license for anyone to drink bleach. So whatever argument you think you’re making, you’re not.
“you can search your proof for 30k”
Once again: No. Even if iatrogenic deaths had relevance to the discussion (which they don’t), you made the claim. Therefore it is your responsibility, not ours, to provide the evidence on which that claim is based. It is not our job to make up for your laziness. We are not your servants.
But you are still lying with your title.
It’s German, you have to translate it.
Why are you obfuscating the truth, are you dependend from BigPharma?
First things first, Chlorine Dioxide IS NOT BLEACH! It is a gas composed of one Chlorine atom and two Oxygen atoms which is CIO2, therefore IT IS NOT BLEACH!
You want commenters to provide proof of their claims, yet your comments are curiously lacking them, perhaps it’s because you can’t prove it! Your arguments (or lack thereof) are null and void because the very premise of your arguments are false (in that you say Chlorine Dioxide is bleach), Chlorine Dioxide IS NOT BLEACH, which is proven in it’s chemical makeup CIO2. For you who say that it is bleach, you are wrong and obviously uneducated in your comments on the matter, so for you to continue spouting your falsehoods clearly would show that, you have an agenda that is not based in/on truth. Furthermore, all substances are toxic to the human body if you receive too high a concentration (water is deadly if you drink too much of it), yet many can be beneficial if taken in the correct amount(it’s the where, when and how much that matters) and Chlorine Dioxide can be beneficial as well! Here is proof from an excerpt from a paper from a leading medical journal (link below): …Mixing of water with ClO2 gas was continued by the cycle till the concentration of ClO2 in water was over 2000 ppm (Figure 1) and pH value was 2.2. The chlorine dioxide solution produced by this process is named as UC-1. UC-1 was produced through a green process with clean starting materials and procedures. UC-1 solution demonstrated satisfactory antibacterial, antifungal, and antiviral activity. Low toxicity was demonstrated through an in vitro cytoxicity test (high IC50 765 ± 18 ppm), 50 ppm ClO2 did not cause eye irradiation in an ocular irritation test, mice did not exhibit abnormality and mortality in a 20 ppm ClO2 inhalation toxicity test, and concentrations of UC-1 up to 40 ppm were nontoxic to mice for 90 days in subchronic oral toxicity test. Therefore, a higher safety profile for UC-1 than those yielded in previous studies was demonstrated.!po=55.6818
Lastly, Andreas Kalcher is not a Snake oil salesman, he is a very well respected Bio Physicist who has given the last thirteen years of his life researching CDS(Chlorine Dioxide Solution), not selling MMS as you say. He had a very positive effect from taking CDS on severe arthritis that he was suffering from, so he wanted to know all about it and why it worked so he could help others. He has endured endless persecution from people like you, that for whatever reason (money maybe?) they/you go to endless/evil lengths to keep this truth hidden and vilified, all without truth or merit. We owe Andreas Kalcher and many others or deepest gratitude, for all they have given, done, endured and sacrificed in trying to make this world a better place for all, only to be degraded by people like you that do nothing good and spread hate and evil. You should be ashamed, but make no mistake, you will be judged by God for your actions and words!
You’re just showing your ignorance of basic chemistry. Sodium hypochlorite is not the only bleach in the same way that sodium chloride is not the only salt. ClO2 is a bleach.
And a “leading medical journal”?
Oh dear. The Int J Environ Res Public Health is an open-access piece of tripe with an impact factor of three.
You need to become aware of the idea of “burden of proof”, Dan. And how science works to test claims.
“Int J Environ Res Public Health”
Of note: MDPI, which publishes said tripe, was one of the publishers who harrassed Jeffery Beall’s employer forcing him to shut down his [in]famous list of known predatory publishers. Which certainly fits with AltMed’s MO: if you suppress all mention of problems in your product, then those problems don’t exist.
I look forward to Dan’s return wherein he educates us all on basic chemistry and what is and isn’t a bleach. (I am laying in popcorn as we speak.)
And you have no knowlegde about the human organism!
Learn from nature not from pharma!
I’m sure, you will also telling me, that weed is dangourous and could be deadly. xD
You know, how ethylenoxid could harm?
Each fucking in vitro test being used in vivo is harming you and the jab is killing you (see Powell), think about that!
Thisone is not reachable for me, maybe you can open the page and tell me about its content.
@Louiseleon: “”
LOL. Because nothing screams “trustworthy source” like a screeching red and black banner, claiming “One Million chemo deaths per year” with dead reference link, no “Who We Are” page, and anonymous domain owner.
That said, it looks SOP for a Mike Adams hatchet job. Which would not surprise as he’s one of the most prolific publishers of AltMed scammery and far-right propaganda on the planet. A greedy grandstanding psychopath and professional fraudster who mints millions every year taking gullible paranoiacs like you to the absolute cleaners, through a global empire of money and lies that leaves even the most venal of Big Pharmas trailing in his dust.
Mote, meet beam. You are very dull.
Nature is trying to kill you. Pharma is trying to keep you alive (but, admittedly, at a price).
You know the Australian box jelly, also nicknamed the sea wasp? It ist called the the most poisonous animal in the world and can kill you with ease.
Sea wasp one. Louisleon nil.
@Dan: “First things first, Chlorine Dioxide IS NOT BLEACH! It is a gas composed of one Chlorine atom and two Oxygen atoms which is CIO2, therefore IT IS NOT BLEACH!”
Perhaps, instead of telling us what is not bleach, it would be helpful if you can tell us what is bleach. Just to make certain we’re all on the same 5G wavelength here.
@Dan K.
“Please remember: if you make a claim in a comment, support it with evidence.”
I can avouche for it, i’ve been at the pre-chamber of the portal, be sure, you will be proofed for it.;)
@Louisleon: You can’t form a coherent sentence. If you have a native language I suggest you use that.
Maybe you don’t want to understand?
I’m a miracle, back from heaven;)
You’re psychotic. Or possibly addled on narcotics. Either way you are neither rational nor coherent. Your mania bores us. Go away.
@Dan K
You wrote:
It is common practice before offering one’s opinions in discussions like this, to check if they are factually correct. You are severely mistaken and it is easy to prove. For example Wikipedia is an accessible source of common knowledge. In one of its arrticles on bleaching processes for pulp wood (e.g. paper manufacture) it says:
(The emphasis added by me)
If you had just bothered to search the web for the term “Bleach” you would readily have found definitions of it like this one:
You are not only wrong, you are not even wrong.
Vinegar will bleach, put it on your clothes see what happens. Cl02 is a viricide, used in a US patent circa 1990’s for blood bags, whereby screening is not possible. It destroys viruses, pathogens, bacteria etc in the blood. Ingested at 20ppm with water on a protocol, works and is safe. There’s more a health risk in the scotch by your keyboard, pal. I know. an MD reached out with a friend suffering, after 4 days of fever and a POS test,48hrs later, gone. Up and about like a nightmare passed. Suffered some Herx as it goes after everything. Until you have it and you’re abandoned by your health system only to want you back when A/ you need ventilation, or B/ you’re nearly dead (or both) you’ll eat shite and you wont care who knows. What the co called expert vehemently reject, i study. if you dont understand who they protect, you’ll never EVER get it
You know what else ClO₂ will destroy in the blood? Red and white blood cells, and the vessels that carry it. Because it’s an indiscriminate killer. That’s why viricides are supposed to be used externally. If you ingest it at a dose high enough to destroy viruses and bacteria, it will destroy your own cells too. If you ingest it at a low-enough dose that it doesn’t kill your own cells, it won’t kill the viruses and bacteria inside you either.
Oh, and did you know that your normal 100% natural gut flora consists of many trillions of “good bacteria” with which all of us live with symbiotically. So even if MML did only kill bacteria and viruses, deliberately drinking it to kill off bacteria would still make you sick as a dog by ruining the normal functioning of your digestive system. Go look up “fecal transplants” to discover what the modern treatment for that is: it will make your little OCD purity-cult heart cry out in terror.
What you have is not therapeutic. What you have is self-congratulatory fantasy, a paranoid narcissism going on psychotic delusion. The devout and uncritical belief that drinking bleach will make you healthy, without ever verifying 1. you have a disease in the first place (at least a physical disease; your mental health I would not vouch for), and 2. drinking bleach is actually effective at treating that disease without being just as harmful to you as well.
So here’s a Real 100% Genuine Truth for you, and unlike that revolting grifter Humble I won’t even charge you $29.99 for it:
You don’t drink MMS to feel healthy, you drink it to feel Special. Only it doesn’t make you special, it makes you a dangerous fool. An emotional crutch for an emotional cripple, with added bonus of making you sh-t out all your intestinal linings if you drink enough of it to have an actual effect.
And the worst of you lunatics feed it to kids and pets too.
That doesn’t make you enlightened. That makes you abusers.
So please go away and don’t come back until you’ve learned what Selective Toxicity is. Because that is the essential feature that an antibiotic/antiviral/antiparasitic treatment must have in order to be safe and effective in-vivo. Until you have understood that principle, you aren’t even qualified to discuss MMS (never mind actually prove it).
Believe it or leave it!
Yes, these people use bleach the way it is supposed to be used: as an external disinfectant.
Please note that they do NOT say that people should ingest this bleach product.
You know Paracelsus?
You read this:
“ClO2 can be activated in small or large quantities and in varying strength levels from potent enough to sterilize medical instruments to mild enough to use in toothpaste to fight off germs in the mouth.”
I want to remember the use in water desinfection and the fact, that everybody yousing a pool, get more chlorifide water, then the CD- solution in a usefull concentration would cause.
“ClO2 can be activated in small or large quantities and in varying strength levels from potent enough to sterilize medical instruments to mild enough to use in toothpaste to fight off germs in the mouth.”
And guess what your linked article doesn’t promote: drinking it. As everyone here whose head isn’t filled with semolina keeps saying: ClO2 is a bleach. It kills viruses, prokaryotes, and eukaryotes indiscriminately. It is used to disinfect surfaces and, at lower strength, to sterilize water. It is very good for that. It should NOT be ingested. It is very bad for the digestive tract. People who deliberately drink bleach are either suicidal or delusional. Don’t do that.
Bullshit, if you use it, you take a small amount of a 0.3% solution of clo2 in a few hundred ml of water.
Why didn’t you try it by yourself as chemist, asked my daughter, studying chemistry. 😉
An experiment to proof hydrogen is more dangerous.
Have you ever tried it?
I can promise you will not be harmed. Try 15 drops of 0.3% CDS in a few hundred ml of water two times a day if you feel sick for flu or other infects.
But i’m sure, you all are well informed by BigPharma, telling you lies everywhere.
Now, i will not disturb you any longer in your bubble. Keep cheating with the truth, it’s good for the medical business 😉
@Louisleon: “Bullshit, if you use it, you take a small amount of a 0.3% solution of clo2 in a few hundred ml of water.”
If you drink ClO2 at a low enough concentration not to do any harm to yourself, it will not harm the viruses and bacteria within you either. So what is the point of doing so, other than to puff up your overblown ego?
“Why didn’t you try it by yourself”
Because I am not an absolute steaming moron, that’s why. There’s a reason why bottles of bleach have a warning label.
However, since you are: please explain to us exactly how are you determining—free from your own personal biases and the obvious sample-size limitations of N=1—that your own drinking of bleach has the selective toxicity effects that you claim? (Be sure to use actual science this time, as we all have laryngitis after your previous risible attempts.)
Oh, and I wish your daughter the absolute best of luck in passing her chemistry GCSEs next year. By your own account, she’ll need all the luck she can get as she obviously doesn’t understand [bio]chemistry either.
I have a diploma in chemistry, so I tell you: You are NOT a chemist, neither does your daughter studies chemistry.
I am also working in “Big Pharma” and I tell you: If the stuff would really work medically, the big companies would have divided the market among themselves long ago. Your MMS shamans and pseudo healers would have disappeared and would come up with the next big scam.
Indeed. Though as a professional skeptic with expert knowledge (as opposed to a lay amateur like me), I wonder if there’s anything you can offer that will better explain how @Louisleon is wrong.
LL’s claim—that ingested chemical X kills bacteria and viruses but leaves animal cells unharmed—requires that X must be selectively toxic. i.e. Either 1. it targets a molecule (or molecules) that are present in viruses and bacteria but not found in animal cells; or 2. it targets a molecule that is present in all of them, but animal cells possess some instant defense/repair mechanism that the others don’t.
Presumably, a quick laboratory test to determine if chemical X is selectively toxic is to grow a bunch of petri dishes: half containing bacteria, half containing animal cells; then subject pairs of dishes (one of each) to increasing concentrations of X (increasing in steps of 10× should do to begin with). If X is selectively toxic, the bacteria dishes will start dying out before the animal dishes do†. If X is indiscriminately toxic, both will start dying at the same concentration.
I don’t suppose you or other professionals here know of a nice (e.g. YouTube) demonstration of that test being performed for ClO2, to which we can point the bleach drinkers for their own edification? i.e. It not only provides the numbers but shows how the numbers were arrived at, by analytical testing versus LL’s “just so” stories.
Lacking that, I did a quick rummage to find some general numbers:
• for water sterilization, between 0.5 and 2 mg/L for 15-30 minutes (plus, I assume, a further N minutes waiting for the ClO2 to break down after killing the microbes before that water is safe for us)
• for safety (i.e. low enough not to be a poison hazard to us), <0.1ppm.
I am guessing the effective concentration is higher than/equal to the safe concentration, but the above numbers are in different units which prevents us lay readers from comparing them directly. A nice set of graphs or comparative table using common units that shows how effective ClO2 is at killing bacteria vs animal cells over a range of concentrations would shed a lot of practical light on what is otherwise undistinguished from hypothetical discussion.
(Ideally, once we have that effective vs safe comparison we could overlay LL’s Harry Potter-esque dosages—which employ yet another set of units; something stupid like furlongs per fortnight—to see where that falls relative to those curves. Again, I’m guessing either 1. too dilute to kill either or 2. strong enough to kill both; but I don’t want to calculate it myself as my math is also shot.)
† (Or vice-versa, of course. But we aren’t interested in killing animals while leaving bacteria alive, so can ignore that option.)
I an sure Fauci has diplomas too (whether legit is another matter), and he still manages to be one of the arch enemies of humanity. Big Pharma have ammassed billions in fines for high-level crimes, yet so many mugs still trust their spiel, drugs and jabs.
You work in Big Pharma, but you think they would ‘share the market’ of a dirt-cheap product like Chlorine Dioxide? Pull the other one.
That’s why it is used arounf the world for water purification – because it is not meant to be ingested. So you better buy bottled water.
Kalcker WAS managing money earnings from MMS and from GEnesis II fake church.
Check this very well documented information (in spanish, sorry)
@ Edzard on Tuesday 16 November 2021 at 11:28
GcMAF is short for “Gc protein-derived macrophage-activating factor.” It’s a type of immunotherapy.
are you sure it’s being ‘blocked’?
by whom?
I couldn’t answer under your quiery, as I couldn’t see a ‘Reply’ button (though many other comments have one).
Here is one good example I have some personal knowledge of:
‘GcMAF and the Persecution of David Noakes, Lyn Thyer & Immuno Biotech’:
David Noakes is at present on remand in a French prison. After serving time in the UK, France got him extradited to there, where he awaits trial. On top of that, Switzerland now want to extradite him.
By chance I saw an update on a crowd funder for him on UK Column:
The short update comes at 27.41 minutes in.
It’s 03.15 in London, and I was just going to bed when I found your question, so I won’t go into any more detail. But GcMAF is, like Ivermectin, HCQ and, yes, chlorine dioxide, demonised over much of the Western world.
To Paul Barbara
It appears nobody has a response for you, I happen to agree with you.
Yes, the ‘Agencies’ supposedly set up to protect the public (CDC, FDA, EPA, MHRA etc.) have been ‘captured’ by the big corporations, who operate ‘revolving doors’ and mega-bribery to make them mere rubber-stamps ‘Agencies’ for whatever poisonous or dangerous products the corporations want to market, while they hound genuine people who try to provide cheap viable products, which if allowed would decimate the corporation’s rip-off junk.
Just as the Courts, including the SCOTUS, refuse to consider the damning evidence of the blatant election steal by the Biden shower and the Deep State.
@Paul Barbara: “the ‘Agencies’ supposedly set up to protect the public (CDC, FDA, EPA, MHRA etc.) have been ‘captured’ by the big corporations”
It never ceases to amaze me that, while Alties have absolutely no difficulty spotting self-serving corruption throughout mainstream medicine, it never even crosses your mind to check your own house as well, just to be sure. If for no other reason than to guard against any Pharma-Industrial agents provocateur secretly infiltrating your ranks, from where they can work to bring AltMed into disrepute by making you appear dishonest, greedy, and cruel.
And yet, not once in your brave heroic push forward do you ever look behind you. I assume that when you climb into a fast car, you never put on safety belts either. Why is that, do you think?
“blatant election steal”
Never mind—question answered!
You appear to agree that ‘…(CDC, FDA, EPA, MHRA etc.) have been ‘captured’ by the big corporations”…), but then try to say ‘Alts’ are just as corrupt (at least, that’s what you appear to be saying). ‘Our side’ (Truthers) don’t have the opportunity to be so corrupt, even if we wished, which of course we don’t.
As for the Biden steal, if you can’t see that, what to say?
You asked me previously if I was sure about GcMAF being suppressed – when I sent proof, you didn’t respond.
Where are you based, by the way?
‘…I think it goes without saying that MMS has not been shown to be effective against any condition while being very harmful when taken orally by humans…’, yet ‘…Chlorine dioxide is a powerful anti microbial compound that has a long history of use – mostly known for its ability to sanitize drinking water (the last 60 years being the primary chemical used in municipal water supplies)…’.
How many billions of people have been drinking this daily for 60 years, apparently harmlessly? Yet you claim ‘…while being very harmful when taken orally by humans…’? Almost anything can be dangerous when taken to excess, including pure water, alcohol, salt, sugar, even air.
Indeed, ‘Peter C Gøtzsche: Prescription drugs are the third leading cause of death’:
So what exactly are you trying to say? Are the sanitation departments of the world also ‘snake oil salesmen’, poisoning the world’s drinking water (actually many are, dumping poisonous fluoride into drinking water, in toxic proportions)? Kalcker stresses the minute amount of chlorine dioxide in the medication, and also stresses how important it is to cut the ppm down drastically to a safe level.
That boy apparently had massive organ damage – also a finding from jab deaths with their artificially bodily induced ‘spike proteins’. Did the dead boy have the jab?
“Chlorine dioxide is a powerful anti microbial compound that has a long history of use”
not for internal use!
inside your body, it is either doesed so low that it is ineffective, or it is doesed high enough to do serious damage.
@ Edz\ard: Here is the guy you label a ‘snake oil salesman’. Most people on here have probably not seen or heard him, so watching this, do you still call him a ‘snake oil salesman’?
‘Andreas Kackler talks about sodium chlorite / chlorine dioxide’:
He appears very thoughtful, logical and decent to me, not at all how you portray him.
A few people may actually have died through overdosing with chlorine dioxide, but hundreds of thousands, if not millions, have and continue to die due to the criminal Big Pharma concoctions (Pfizer had the biggest criminal fine in history, and other Big Pharma Corporations are close runners-up) – yet you would happily have injected into you and your family their toxic experimental concoctions?
By the way, ypu ask me if I was sure about GcMAF being suppressed – when I sent evidence, you didn’t respond. Also ypu didn’t respond when I asked where you were based.
once again your ‘evidence’ is laughable and does not deserve a serious discussion
@Paul Barbara
That is the hallmark of any successful quack: what they sell and promote is utter bullshit, but they manage to get away with it by being very likeable, well-spoken and self-confident, and often even outright charismatic (yes, the exact same traits that make successful cult leaders – who also succeed in making their followers believe the most outrageous nonsense). False humility is also very common: “Of course I can make mistakes too, but in my experience, treatment X almost always works well!” And, quite important, they emphatically tell their victims to never give up hope, saying that there is always another remedy/protocol/treatment/etc. to try.
They always have the answers, and no challenge is too big for them – as evidenced by the fact that these quacks more often than not claim that their treatment of choice works for a huge array of conditions(*).
Only when they are challenged by less gullible people, e.g. by someone asking for actual scientific evidence or pointing out the huge flaws in what they say, do they show their true colours: they quickly go from very confident to hugely arrogant to patronizing (“You don’t know what you’re talking about!”) to outright hostile. And all that while NOT addressing the questions at hand – because suddenly, they have no answers any more. Which is to be expected, because these people generally have no real medical or scientific knowledge. They learned their myriad of quackery selling points by heart and can regurgitate these at any time, but are completely lost at sea when they have to address questions that dig just a little deeper and require real knowledge.
*: Which in an of itself is already a huge red flag. And yes, you obviously fell for this nonsense too: in your previous comment, you tout the antimicrobial properties of this bleach product, implicitly saying that it not only kills bacteria and other pathogens outside the body (which is mostly correct), but also inside the body (which is absolutely NOT correct). This latter is one of the most repeated claims about how drinking bleach supposedly ‘works’.
I’d like to invite you to actually engage your brain, and think about this: What good are antimicrobial properties against diseases that have NOTHING to do with microbes? And this is already assuming that this bleach products actually has an antimicrobial effect inside the body – which it doesn’t.
Because THIS is a list of diseases that can ostensibly be cured drinking bleach, as claimed by Jim Humble:
Hepatitis A
Hepatitis B
Hepatitis C
Lyme disease
MRSA infection
Multiple Sclerosis
Parkinson’s disease
Alzheimer’s disease
‘Infections of all kinds’
High cholesterol
Acid reflux
Kidney diseases
Liver diseases
‘Aches and pains’
Urinary tract infections
Digestive problems
High blood pressure
Tumors and cysts
Sinus problems
Eye disease
Ear infections
Dengue fever
Skin problems
Dental issues
Prostate enlargement
Erectile dysfunction
As you can see, the majority of conditions mentioned are not caused by microbes at all. Which means that the claimed ‘mechanism of action’ of drinking bleach already falls apart at a cursory glance.
And this isn’t even a remotely complete list. Jim Humble literally makes the not-so-humble claim that “I think it’s safe to say [my bleach] overcomes most diseases known to mankind.”
It is the good old adage: if it looks too good to be true, it IS too good to be true. And that certainly goes for this whole bleach panacea thing.
As far as I can tell that it quite a good description of Andrew Wakefield, not to mention Harold Shipman, as well as many corrupt politicians and quite a few other successful psychopaths.
The only things Andrew Wakefield didn’t manage to ‘get away with’ were exposing the truth, and upsetting Big Pharma and it’s captured ‘Regulatory Agencies’.
Oh please. An utterly discredited con-artist who lied and misrepresented in an attempt to make money. So presumably the “regulatory agencies” captured by Big Pharma include the legal systems of both the UK and the USA who have repeatedly knocked back his fatuous lawsuits.
You’re worshiping false idols, Paul and showing yourself to have been captured by the cult of antivax. A shame that your own sense of inadequacy has to be propped up by the thought that you’re privy to Special Truths denied to the rest of us.
@Paul Barbara
Wakefield was found guilty of serious professional misconduct, based on the following transgressions:
– Performing invasive procedures(*) on children without any medical indication (i.e. the procedures were unnecessary from a medical point of view).
– Performing these unnecessary invasive procedures on children as part of a personal research project without the required permission from an ethics review board.
– Performing these unnecessary invasive procedures on children without full informed consent of the children’s parents.
– Fraud: he retroactively falsified the lab reports of 9 out of 12 of children that did not show anything out of the ordinary to signal bowel inflammation as a pathological finding.
– Fraud: he consistently omitted and ignored any medical records showing signs of autism disorder before the MMR vaccine was administered.
– Fraud: he backdated medical records of children who only showed the first signs of autism long after MRR vaccination to falsely show autism symptoms immediately following vaccination.
– Undisclosed conflicts of interest: it turned out that Wakefield was in cahoots with a lawyer who paid him $650,000 as funding for his research, in order to use the outcome from this research as ammunition against the regular MMR vaccine. The end goal was to patent and sell Wakefield’s own vaccine, which, marketed as a ‘safe’ alternative, was expected to bring in dozens of millions of dollars in revenue.
And Wakefield actually did get away with
*: And we’re not just talking about a throat swab or even drawing a bit of blood, but highly invasive and relatively risky procedures such as colonoscopies and lumbar punctures.
So how on earth can you defend utter scum like Wakefield?
Oops, unfinished sentence, my apologies:
“And Wakefield actually did get away with …
… merely being stripped of his medical license. What he did was nothing short of criminal, and it really is a missed opportunity that he wasn’t actually prosecuted in court.
We are discussing Andreas Kalcker here, not Jim Humble, whose name is new to me.
I’m trying to catch up on my emails, I have only just found a number which I previously overlooked (due to my cluttered Inbox).
@Paul Barbara
Humble was the first idiot to promote drinking bleach as a panacea. Kalcker is one of Humble’s followers who simply repeats Humble’s madness word for word.
Thanks for enlightening me re who Humble is. But it should be obvious to you, and others, that referring to chlorine dioxide, no matter how weak a solution, as ‘bleach’ is as stupid as staing some people take an animal de-wormer for Covid. Might as well say someone uses hazardous waste to clean their teeth (flouride).
Though it may surprise you, some substances have different uses, at different concentrations.
Chlorine dioxide has bee shown to work curing illnesses, at very low concentrations. Yes, sure enough, it can also kill at high concentrations. As one takes nitroglycerine for a migraine, but not half a dozen sticks of dynamite.
@Paul Barbara
Whatever you want to call chlorine dioxide (bleach or disinfectant, dependent on what it is used for), it most certainly is not a medicine – and ALL scientists and medical experts agree on this. If you think otherwise, please show us proper peer-reviewed scientific literature that shows that chlorine dioxide is indeed effective for even one condition.
(And oh, the ivermectin that some people erroneously claim is a cure or preventative for Covid-19 IS mostly the animal deworming product – probably because the ivermectin approved for human use is both more expensive and less easy to obtain. And no, the fluoride in toothpaste is NOT ‘hazardous waste’, as it has proven efficacy in preventing caries, and is also approved for that use.)
Once again, please tell us which illness(es) it supposedly cures, and, importantly, produce the peer-reviewed literature supporting this claim(*). Because I am quite certain that you are wrong. Here’s a starting point:
*: Also note that even in all 226 comments so far, nobody has actually contributed even the slightest bit of evidence to this extent.
He will get off. There are hundreds of studies on chlorine dioxide. Klacker has tons of peer reviewed studies on his site. Im assuming those responsible for the deaths of this bioweapon will soon be prosecuted. You can not keep a lie forefront when there is so much evidence to the contrary. Your article did not weather well
Can you dispute what Dr Cole is stating please ?
Or anything these three men discuss which is based right from the Pfizer trails?
What the majority of what we are doing to treat covid 19 in the USA is far from a best practice.
Our hospitals most likely are not even close in a success rate to her below
Obviously, there are other methods to help so why is it people are having to beg/sue hospitals to give a drug after all else is not working? Why not try a “Hail Mary” instead of throwing the ball out of bounds?
If one of your patients had covid, what would you tell them to do?
Looking forward to your reply
“Idaho Doctor Makes Baseless Claims About Safety of COVID-19 Vaccines”
“Controversial Idaho doctor no longer part of St. Luke’s health care network”
@Jeffrey Bloom
No need for us to invent the wheel.
The internet is full of trustworthy information for you. Here are examples regardiing your questions.
And regarding Ivermectin… This is only one of many arrticles by Gideon and others that supply evidence that it extremely doubtful Ivermectin has any effect on Sars-coV2 or Covid-19. They have put down enormous work to analyse the purported evidence for its efficacy:
You NEVER answered the question how you would treat a patient.
Waiting on that reply.
In murder, there is a motive, none of these doctors have ANY reason to lie, do they?
Or him
Or her….
or these nurses
There is a HUGE motive for the USA not to allow ivermectin
What motive does he have below?
I can tell you, NONE!
So, again, how you would treat a patient?
@Jeffrey Bloom
I have some questions for you (assuming that you are not a troll, and actually believe the stuff you link to):
– What are your criteria for believing what doctors, healthcare workers and scientists say? Because you appear to believe what a mere handful of these people(*) claim, yet you reject what the literally dozens of millions of other doctors, healthcare workers and scientists worldwide say.
*: Many if not most of which are tied in with this bunch of right-wing quacks:
– What do you think is more likely: that a handful of self-proclaimed ‘experts’ are spreading nonsense, or that those dozens of millions of other doctors, healthcare workers, scientists and government officials are ALL part of a HUGE worldwide conspiracy, and NONE of them has ever blown the whistle?
– What MOTIVE would all those dozens of millions of doctors, healthcare workers and scientists and government officials worldwide have for lying to us about this disease and the ways to prevent and treat it? Most of these people do not stand to gain from the inflow of patients – quite the contrary: they often make extremely long hours without extra pay.
And then there’s this: if there’s one thing that governments (and, by extension, politicians) want to see, it is healthy, happy people – because healthy, happy people are not only the most lucrative people (they are economically productive AND avid consumers), they’re also the voters who will keep that government and its politicians in power.
Anyway, this subject is quite off-topic here, so I’ll leave it at this.
Jeffrey Bloom said:
Emphasis mine.
It is called follow the money and there will be an influx of vaccine injuries which in the USA will be caused covid deaths.
Being reported by life insurance companies then again, they could be lying…NO MOTIVE!
You mentioned no one blew the whistle..not true
Maybe you missed that one.
We shall see what the ICC says.
So I will ask for a 3rd time, what would you recommend?
Green tea?
Would yourself recommend remdesiver over other treatments?
And BTW the USA has changed the definition of a vaccine so would recommend people boost their immunity with supplements or the vaccine or is this too difficult a question for you?
And the doctors in major hospitals have a motive….
Many have been fired for going against the normal hospital protocol
Half the states here are going against Biden’s mandates so politics is HUGE here.
I do not know what is going on in your part of the world
Here BIDEN is calling it a pandemic of the unvaccinated
They are pushing boosters
You must have faith in Fauci, I do not.
Maddie is in a wheel chair and in the trial, she has a stomach ache?
FYSA….I am not a troll
BS in mathematics and computers
When I leave the house, face mask with a hepa vacuum as a filter and a shield to reduce the risk.
IMHO, who really want to get sick
Jeffrey Bloom
You’re making mathematics and computer grads look bad.
Do you by any chance also believe that NASA faked the moon landing?
@Jeffrey Bloom
So basically you claim that ALL doctors, healthcare workers, scientists and public health officials are evil, and willing to harm and kill thousands upon thousands people for money(*) – instead of protecting them, as they have sworn to do? Do you have any idea how insane this sounds?
*: And just calculate how much money this would involve – IIRC, there are about 15 million doctors in the world, and at least 50 million healthcare workers. Now, what bribe would it take to make sure that each and every one of them looks away while they kill people with their vaccines? And NOT ONE blowing the whistle? I’d say that such a hush program would cost hundreds of billions of dollars per year, and still be doomed to immediate failure, because most doctors would of course never partake in such an evil scheme, not even for a million dollars each.
Or, alternatively, do you claim that almost ALL doctors, healthcare workers, scientists and public health officials are so extremely dimwitted that they don’t notice that they actually harm people in large numbers as a result of vaccination? Come on … And besides, if those highly educated people don’t notice all that purported mayhem, then how can it be that a small number of mostly uneducated people do clearly see it? Isn’t it way more plausible that these latter people are simply wrong?
Um, this may come as a shock to you, but there are other countries around the world, LOTS of other countries, with completely different (and far cheaper) healthcare systems. Yet when it comes to Covid-19, they ALL do the same basic things: 1: vaccinate, 2: take social countermeasures to curb the spread of the virus, and 3: treat patients in ways that help those patients. Ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine, remdesivir, bleach and all those vitamin and mineral supplements are not effective treatments, so those are not used.
Unfortunately, once someone is ill, there is not much one can do, apart maybe from a hugely expensive treatment with monoclonal antibodies. And oh, dexamethasone is very effective in severe cases, when the immune response against the virus goes out of control. Follow the money you say? Well, dexamethasone costs about 50 cents per dose of 1 milligram, and a severely ill patient may need up to 5 milligrams a day, for one or two weeks. So that’s a couple of dozen bucks, tops.
But the first and foremost course of action is vaccination in order to prevent illness, hospitalization, and death. And that is quite a successful strategy.
Well, you could have fooled me …
Then you should appreciate the logic above.
And about your question as to how I would treat patients (even though this question was not directed at me): Not, as I am not a doctor.
But if I were a doctor, I would treat them according to the best scientific and medical insights of the moment, and that excludes ivermectin etcetera, because that turned out to be completely ineffective. See above for the one or two realistic treatment options.
“BS in mathematics and computers”
BS generally.
Instead of asking your doctor, you are repeatedly demanding that some random people on the internet give you medical advice. I think the logical conclusion is that either you are extremely stupid (despite your degrees in mathematics and computers), or you are just trolling. Have a nice life!
My Doctor asked me if I got the vaccine…
I said no
He replied good…..
I guess he is stupid as well, right?
BTW, Thanks you for answering the question
I’ll take my chances with Zinc, D3, and a good ionophore…..
@Jeffrey Bloom
It is great that you are relying in your raw intelligence and not on doctors and modern health care system available in your country. I am taking a similar path in that I do my research on the internet and come up with treatment options for myself and my family. Sometimes I also ask the random homeless guy walking on the streets for remedies, and you’d be surprised how much they know. All that said, there is one thing you are missing, a well-constructed tinfoil hat. You must wear a tinfoil hat when go out, along with other stuff you said you already wear (masks, heap filters etc). Tinfoil hats have a bad reputation, but they work in keeping covid infection at bay, especially when you are unvaccinated for whatever reason.
I happen to have a rental business that rents out tinfoil hats that provide 110% protection from covid. Would you like to rent one? It will cost you $100 per second but I will give you a huge discount and let you rent it for $100 per minute, only because we are both brothers-in-arms against the medical and scientific industrial complexes and you seem like an outstanding guy.
I am glad I could be of service to you Jeffrey Bloom.
Although, why would anyone seek medical advice on internet forums when they have access to a doctor who is an anti-vaxxer? That doctor would have answered all your questions about zinc, D3 etc. and would have happily given you a prescription for ivermectin or any other medication. The logical conclusion that one can draw is either you don’t trust your anti-vaxxer doctor, or you are an extremely dumb troll.
@Jeffrey Bloom
Yes, if your doctor says that it is a good thing to refuse vaccination, he is indeed stupid, and should lose his license.
I would strongly recommend you find another doctor who actually keeps up on the science of his profession, and values their patients’ health over whatever politicized conspiracy ideas your current doctor is messed up in.
There are tons of evidence that show us that vaccinated people
– have a hugely reduced chance of contracting Covid-19,
– have a hugely reduced chance of hospitalization and death, should they contract Covid-19 after all,
– have a hugely reduced chance of spreading Covid-19,
– almost never suffer any significant side effects (IIRC, a chance of ~ 1 in 10 million of death, ~ 1 in 100,000 for serious allergic reactions).
There is no evidence whatsoever that vaccination is associated with risks that are more serious than the ones mentioned above; the risks associated with a Covid-19 infection are always far greater than the risks of vaccination, even for the youngest children.
And once again: this doctor of yours is one of only an extremely small minority(*) of doctors and scientists who reject established scientific facts. So why listen to him if millions of his colleagues disagree with him? Why did you not question his deviant stance on this matter?
*: Here in the Netherlands we also have a few of these rogue doctors – about 10 or 20 or so, on a total of 40,000 registered physicians. Several of them have been disciplined for dissuading people from getting vaccinated and/or prescribing useless medication (ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine), and one of them even went as far as to deliberately sabotage vaccination appointments for their patients, so that these people could not get vaccinated – even though they explicitly wanted to get vaccinated.
So even doctors sometimes become complete idiots – it’s almost as if they are part of the human race …
I think the biggest question here after reading all of the comments is why are not more studies being done to see whether it benefits or it harms. It comes down to the truth, facts, and money. Cures don’t make money. Viruses, parasites, and disease all are big money makers. Even doctors are part of the whole scam. If they cure a patient, they are out of a job. I am finding in my own doctor that all she wants to do is give me a drug to take care of the symptoms. Meaning I have to take that drug the rest of my life and what quality of life does that mean for me in the future? Hiding the symptoms does not heal me from the disease or virus. The scientists probably already know the answer and that is why there are not more published research out there. All you have to do is see what the media says about it because they are the ones brainwashing the rest of us. Calling Ivermectin a horse deformer is crazy. Our government recommends it to all illegal immigrants when they come over the border. It is used daily in other countries and is over the counter drug. All of our government politicians are using it to protect themselves from covid. Unfortunately, the government cannot ban Chlorine dioxide because it is used for many different things, disinfecting our water that we drink every day, cleaning vegetables, sterilizing hospitals, improving air quality, and many different oral and dental health benefits. But as I type this, I have found the first scientific study on humans with chlorine dioxide for therapeutic use as of April 7, 2020.
The highly satisfactory results of the first multicenter clinical study in humans, on the effectiveness of chlorine dioxide (ClO2) as CDS in the treatment of COVID-19, were successfully published in the scientific journal Journal of Molecular and Genetic Medicine (ISSN: 1747-0862).
The study was registered and accepted in on April 7, 2020 (NCT 04343742) and falls within the studies categorized as ECE (quasi-experimental studies) by the NCBI (National Center for Biotechnology Information).
This is the first clinical study with chlorine dioxide for therapeutic use in humans, demonstrating with scientific evidence its effectiveness and safety in the treatment for COVID-19. The research focused on studying the effectiveness of the use of ClO2 in patients with SARS-CoV-2, measuring before and after treatment, the clinical symptoms present and laboratory variables based on standardized and accepted scales in research (VAS and Likert) of an experimental group, compared to a control group.
The clinical study showed that chlorine dioxide is effective in patients treated with oral ClO2 and that its use in the COVID-19 pandemic becomes and positions itself as a great hope to control it, based on the scientific foundations revealed in previous research .
Chlorine dioxide was shown to be beneficial in the treatment of COVID-19, making negative RT-PCR at 7 days in one hundred percent of the patients who took it during the clinical study, rapidly mitigating their symptoms associated with this disease, and significantly reducing the laboratory parameters to normal in a space of 14 to 21 days.
In addition, the researchers observed that patients who consumed chlorine dioxide as a treatment for COVID-19 also substantially reduced post-illness symptoms, compared to patients not treated with ClO2.”
I think people have to understand what it means when they say Emergency Use…… it is only emergency use when there is no other treatment available and by the looks of some great doctors, we seem to have many other treatments available that make these emergency use so-called vaccines useless because the don’t protect you from getting it, spreading, or death. But the other treatments do.
Rocky Tyme,
Could you provide a link to the actual paper, not just the journal?
Could you also provide a link to this paper?
Please note that when reading a medical paper it is rather misleading only to look at the conclusion, as this is nearly always rather over-optimistic as the authors need to justify their expenditure to whoever is funding them, and are generally looking at how to get funding for the next stage of their research. Have you ever wondered why any new discovery or treatment modality in the early stages of investigation is described as a potential cancer cure, even if you never hear of it again? The most important sections are the Methods section, and the Results section. Reading the Methods section will tell you whether the study is properly designed to distinguish the effect that is being looked for from random chance results. This includes things like how the randomisation was done, how subjects were recruited, how the size of the trial was calculated, what statistical methods were to be used for analysing the results including how to deal with individuals lost to follow-up etc. If this is not up to standard (and it frequently isn’t, as few trials involve a statistician at the design stage) then there is no point in reading further.
The Results section will tell you whether the original design was followed. If not, then the statistical analysis of the results may well not be valid at all, and “significant” outcomes could well be entirely due to chance.
If you don’t have any training in medical statistics and (hopefully) some experience of conducting clinical trials yourself, and also of treating patients with the conditions in question, it is very difficult to assess a research paper critically. They are written for other professionals working in the field, not for the lay public, and assume that the reader has a minimum level of knowledge and experience.
@Dr Julian Money-Kyrle
I believe that this is what is referred to:
Full article:
It rehashes the nonsense that chlorine dioxide selectively attacks pathogens because of their purported ‘acidity’. Also, both patient groups consisted of just 20 people each, which is ludicrous. With Covid-19 causing no or only mild symptoms in over 80% of people, this leaves just 8 people on which any conclusions are based.
Other huge flaws are that apparently no blinding took place, and that they just looked at symptoms, but performed no testing to determine actual viral load.
I’d say this checks all of the boxes for the category ‘utter rubbish’.
(And oh, Hilaris appears to be a rebrand of a predatory publisher by the name of OMICS, convicted to pay a fine of 50 million dollar for fraudulent and deceptive activities.)
Thank-you for the link. I have just had a look at the paper. It is clear that a great deal more trouble went into writing it than in conducting the study.
There were only 20 subjects in each group, so a randomised trial would be underpowered to detect anything other than a huge difference between those who were treat and those who weren’t. However, there was no randomisation, and it was the patients themselves who decided whether they would like to have chlorine dioxide or not. The controls received a variety of other treatments, including antibiotics, antihistamines, antiinflammatory drugs and steroids, none of which are likely to be very useful in treating Covid and all of which can have side-effects. The patients were recruited from multiple centres in Bolivia, Ecuador, Peru and Mexico, though the three Mexican patients were all controls. The sex ratios were different in each group, as were the age ranges and averages (the authors don’t state whether the averages were medians or means). The follow-up was only 14 days in the control group and 21 days in the treatment group. Assessment was of symptoms reported by the patients with no objective measurements and no laboratory tests.
I agree.
@Rocky Tyme
Acceptance of a study into registry is not an indication that it is a great study. It is in fact required by law and for journal publication:
Several public health organizations warn against using chlorine dioxide as a cure for covid-19.
Pseudoscience in the Times of Crisis: How and Why Chlorine Dioxide Consumption Became Popular in Latin America During the COVID-19 Pandemic (
I’d like to prove to some on here who choose not to do their research even though they claim to do so.
There recently was two studies done on the effectiveness of using Chlorine Dioxide as an alternative treatment for Covid-19. I will use the one with the bigger groups since it seems to have more detailed information.
Chlorine Dioxide as an Alternative Treatment for COVID-19 Journal of Infectious Diseases & Therapy
This is the first study to examine the adverse effects and the benefits of a Chlorine Dioxide solution as an alternative treatment for COVID-19. Side effects from consuming Chlorine Dioxide are rare, 6.78% of the patients reported secondary effects, and these were mild, transitory and did not endanger the patient’s life. The blood tests revealed no systemic changes following Chlorine Dioxide consumption; furthermore, several initially elevated blood parameters decreased and went normal after Chlorine Dioxide treatment. From the first intake, Chlorine Dioxide improves the concentration of oxygen in the blood, which improves the physiological response. Patients treated only with Chlorine Dioxide had fewer days with symptoms compared to those treated with several drugs. 99.07% of the treated patients were discharged without any health problems. Our findings indicate that when used correctly, Chlorine Dioxide as a solution is safe for human consumption at the appropriate concentration and dosage. This study demonstrates a high level of safety and efficacy of Chlorine Dioxide in the treatment of COVID-19. These findings justify conducting RCTs to assess its efficacy against SARS-CoV-2. Such trial could pave the way for new research into the potential use of new compounds to solve current and future public health issues, which is after all, the goal of the World Health Organization and other health authorities.
@Richard Rasker
You state:
There are tons of evidence that show us that vaccinated people
– have a hugely reduced chance of contracting Covid-19,
– have a hugely reduced chance of hospitalization and death, should they contract Covid-19 after all,
– have a hugely reduced chance of spreading Covid-19,
– almost never suffer any significant side effects (IIRC, a chance of ~ 1 in 10 million of death, ~ 1 in 100,000 for serious allergic reactions).
There is no evidence whatsoever that vaccination is associated with risks that are more serious than the ones mentioned above; the risks associated with a Covid-19 infection are always far greater than the risks of vaccination, even for the youngest children.
Please show me your evidence to these facts that you state because I have reviewed different information that contradicts your statements including information coming straight from Pfizers own documentation.
@Rocky Tyme
No, you have not ‘reviewed different information’, you just watched a video in which a bunch of scientifically and medically incompetent idiots tell lies, in order to spread panic and fear about vaccination (and yes, they even explicitly state that their goal is to convince people not to get vaccinated).
Please stop and think for a moment: if the Pfizer vaccine really causes more harm than good, then this implies that it makes about 1 in 20 people extremely ill, causes them to end up on the intensive care, and kills 1 in every 100 vaccinated. Because that is what happens to unvaccinated people: sooner or later, they will contract Covid-19, with all the risks mentioned.
Now worldwide, several billion people have received multiple doses of the Pfizer vaccine. If what those idiots claim is true, then at least some 50 million people should have died as a result, and the hospitals and ICU’s should have been absolutely overwhelmed with vaccine-injured people.
Reality shows the exact opposite: the vast majority of people ending up in hospital, the ICU’s and morgues are the unvaccinated ones who contracted Covid-19.
Should you prefer anecdotal information: about one hundred people that I know received the Pfizer vaccine, and NONE of them had any serious side effects apart from a tender upper arm, with one or two showing a mild immune reaction in the form of a slightly elevated temperature and a bit of fatigue for a day or two. In about 100 Covid-19 cases that I heard about were two deaths and four hospitalizations, and at least 8 people suffering from long-term sequelae up to this day.
Also see
I’m not going to waste more of my time debunking all the other misinformation that you apparently believe in, e.g. that bleach is a medicine. There is enough information about this already among the hundreds of comments here.
Nope, he is not an idiot….just because you say he is, is he?
We can agree to disagree
Just like you, I could go on all day long.
Why does there seem to be zero effort, interest, promotion, or care about early treatment, people who are sick with COVID-19, but there is a complete and total focus on people who don’t have COVID-19 and giving them a vaccine or boosters?
And another whistleblower , no motive lie
Getting back to your article, you can pick up this stuff at your local Walmart to treat bad water.
Anything taking wrong can kill you.
Too much water
Taking ivermectin in a dosage meant for a 1200 pound horse which by the way seem to be holding it own India
@Jeffrey Bloom
Since you seem to like YT videos, here is one for you: The good doctor puts out a lot of different reasons to get vaccinated and boosted.
Another good doctor wrote a whole series of posts regarding why one should not use ivermectin to treat covid. Enjoy!
Jeffery Bloom, it is your prerogative if you want to poison yourself with bleach or other cleaning products that contain bleach.
Here are some links that warn about the dangers if anyone is stupid enough to consider drinking bleach regardless of its concentration:
Respectful Insolence is a Govt/BigPharma Skeptic Paid Shill, just so you know find a better source…it’s lying to you & is a remorseless psychopath.
Here’s PROOF….Ivermectin for COVID-19: real-time meta analysis of 77 studies (Efficacy)
And listen to DR. PIERRE KORY…..this is what a Real Medical Doctor sounds like and whom is successful at saving the lives of those sick with the Corona Vira’s/Coivd.
Had the FDA/CDC/NIH/etc not ignored Ivermectin & Hydroxychloroquine they would have saved the lives of 80%+ of those that needlessly died. Let alone, Chlorine Dioxide has an Efficacy of 99%+per over 5,000 MD’s in 25 Countries that have saved the lives of over 100,000 people. Here’s another Doctor who actually saves lives without conflicts of interest like those within ALL Govt’s.
Peace & keep an open mind….read the Science for yourself and the FOIA’s involving the studies, the follow the money. Reading just the Abstract & Conclusions doesn’t work any longer….way to much pseudo-science is published and the Corruption is systemic. Just look at the 2 Retracted Fraudulent Hydroxychloroquine studies last year in the LANCET & NEJM…enough said. Thank goodness for independent scientists & Doctors that blew the whistle on those rags!
Sorry but I enjoyed drinking a lot of bottles of CDS…. LOL… my mother enjoyed. THANKS GOD… we are alive!
and more nurses that you wound consider rogue
As far as less numbers, and that is my specialty, your stats do not add up else you would not see so many athletes dropping to the ground, but then again, ABC news says it was staged….
Pfizer documentation showed it goes in to bone marrow….
That you can not dispute unless there were rogue Pfizer personal
Could explain why T cells are getting reduced……
These nurses have no need to hide the truth……
A study published by the American Heart Association — then widely censored by Big Tech — found that mRNA covid vaccines greatly increased the risk of vascular inflammation and therefore heart attacks and other vascular events. The risk of heart attack alone increased by 127% in a group of 500 patients, according to this one study.
So I guess the AHA has a good reason to lie, right?
provide a link to the paper so that one can examine it
I suspect this one which has been revised as outlined in the link below
@Jeffrey Bloom
What this AHA article describes is a finding of elevated markers that are usually associated with cardiac inflammation.
It is, however, imperative that this is verified against actual presence of myocarditis and other inflammatory conditions, because markers are just that: signals that may or may not point to an actual problem.
The only thing found so far is a slightly elevated risk of transient myocarditis in young people, which rarely causes problems, and has never caused death.
Also note that an actual Covid-19 infection comes with a a far higher risk of causing myocarditis than vaccination. Given that almost everyone will eventually be exposed to the actual virus, this means that even for young people, vaccination is better that getting infected.
So no, this too is no good argument against vaccination.
thank you Richard; I was about to say something similar
LOL! the author Steven Gundry is/was a Goop contributor. That says it all!!
For those who are unfamiliar with Goop and her Goopyness Lady Gwyneth, she has received some coverage on this very blog:
For some fun at her Goopyness’s expense, Stephen Colbert routinely covers Goop products on his show:
I understand that when the pandemic was at its 2020 peak in New York, the number of sudden cardiac deaths in the community jumped by a factor of four. This is though to have been due to Covid myocarditis, though the actual cause of death was not established in many cases.
A relative of mine (a 50-year-old mother of four) who was previously healthy had a sudden cardiac arrest at home, and although she was resuscitated she died two days later in hospital. This gave her medical team the opportunity to make a diagnosis of Covid myocarditis on the basis of various radiological and laboratory findings, although Covid swabs of her nose and throat were negative, as I gather they usually are when the infection is predominantly in the heart.
I have another relative, this time my cousin (also Dr Money-Kyrle) who is a cardiologist working in the NHS. He tells me that he regularly sees people with Covid myocarditis and pericarditis, often mimicking the symptoms of a myocardial infarction (what many people call a “heart attack”).
There is your correlation.
Bob Saget , bragging how he just got his booster, found dead…..
Then again, the vaccine MIGHT not be involved….Could be a drug overdoes…same with the athletes, right?
No reason at all for these doctors or nurses to hide the truth……
32 died right after the shot, could the vaccine be related?
Bottom line, it should be a choice….
Can you find me one video of a doctor claiming the vaccine is safe and effective.
BTW, Fauci does not count.
Jeffrey Bloom asks:
Jeffrey Bloom, based on our previous conversations I gathered that you think you are very smart, because you have (or rather claim to have) a degree in mathematics and computers. However, you are so predictable that I have already answered your question yesterday.
Here is the YT link again, of a doctor (not Fauci) talking about the safety and effectiveness of vaccines. He has several other videos (in fact 90+ videos) since the beginning of this pandemic. It is obvious that you haven’t watched the video I referred you to, nor would you bother to watch any of his other videos.
I truly want to believe that you are just an ordinary guy drowning in misinformation. Since the past few weeks several readers of this blog including myself tried to provide you with the most up to date information and help you dig yourself out of the misinformation hole you are in. However, after reading your responses and your continued attempts to spread more misinformation confirms what I have already predicted, that you are nothing but an extremely dumb troll. Now that we have concretely established that fact, you may want to put on your tinfoil hat, pop some horsey pills that stole from a nearby farm, wash them down with an ice-cold bleach-cola and crawl your unvaccinated ass back into your hole to watch more YT videos of your favorite anti-vaxxers while waiting for the inevitable omicron infection.
PSA: If you or your loved one is contemplating about drinking bleach to cure covid-19 or to remain unvaccinated as the pandemic rages, please take a moment to call your nearest suicide hot line.
I guess factcheckers MUST always be rights as is this doctor.
Celine Dion I gather that is all fake news as well just like all those videos of soccer players dropping on their faces are faked too.
I pass on MMS, but in which video exactly does that Doctor put blood under a microscope and add the vaccine? Or show no heart inflammation in x rays? Or he did blood work showing nothing changed after taking the vaccine….
He says it is safe……
Does he show evidence?
Jeffrey Bloom says:
Ah..the tried and tested tactic of pretty much every antivaxxer troll:
Ah, the standard bleat of the antivax loon.
Science, Jeffrey, is not done via YouTube. Which you would know if you were a scientist. But you are not. You are just another insignificant, ignorant, tinfoil-hatted nutter.
@Jeffrey Bloom
Fake news and misinformation
@Jeffrey Bloom
Here is a good depiction of your view on the world in general and science in particular:
Here is the AHA post talking about the paper he might be referring to:
I could only get to the abstract: and I might be wrong but I don’t see where they did a risk relative risk assessment.
Here is a recent study published in Nature Medicine: that assessed the risk of cardiac AEs associated with both COVID-19 vaccination and SARS-CoV-2 infection.
Same place will say Celine Dion never had issues from Covid 19 vaccine, yet her twitter account states something like “she believes we can only get over THIS if vaccinated. ”
Pretty safe to assume that she was vaccinated.
Could be a coincidence.
Might not.
Same for Marvelous Marvin Hagler too
Maybe this was all a TV show.
ABC called it fake news.
@Jeffrey Bloom
Don’t get too cocky thinking that no one responded to your comment. I doubt anyone here understands what the fu*k you are trying to getting at. Communication skills are important even for dumb trolls.
RPGNo1 replied fake news about athletes, maybe below is as well
You best hope this is fake too and the governments want people to be happy/healthy.
You should know by now that the Experimental Gene Therapy Jabs do NOT prevent Infection, nor Replication of the Vira(s) within the inoculated, nor do they prevent Transmission, hence why the jabs don’t even meet the Medical Definition of what a Vaccine is i.e. There’s a Reason Webster’s HAD to change the definition of what a vaccine is, because these jabs are clearly not providing ANY immunity as vaccines are supposed to do…lol!
Even the corrupt Pseudo-scientific CDC admits this lack of efficacy/immunity & hence why those Jabbed are the ones with the HIGHEST rate of infections and the HIGHEST percentage within hospitals i.e. That’s at least how the data looks in Israel, England, Scotland, Ireland (where the hospitals are reporting accurate non-convoluted numbers). So, don’t expect to see these sort of numbers here in our hospital system, as it is the CDC/FDA state a person is NOT considered Vaccinated until their after their 13th day after their 2nd Jab…lol! This nonsense/nonscience allows for incorrect percentages her ein the US of Vaccinated vs Unvaxxed. Not to mention after 90 days after the 2nd Jab the person is considered UNVAXXED once again until they get a Toxic Failed Booster Shot…lol!
So, your statement/assumptions about prevention are completely off base & now you can see why this sort of confusion/shenanigans is going on.
10,000’s have died due these Jabs, look up VAERS & other Govt tracking systems (CMS)…1,000,000’s have adverse effects for a Vira that 99.98% of us will survive & be Healthier for catching said Vira, as humanity has done for the eon’s.
We have Federal Govt Whistleblower(S) now that have testified alone that these jabs have Killed over 48,000 seniors (Medicare-CMS Database) and likewise the statistical figures on our Boys & Girls within our Military are suffering severe health issues due to these Experimental jabs that mirror those of the aforementioned countries above e.g. The most infected are those jabbed, the highest hospitalization rate are those jabbed, plus there’s a 300% increases in miscarriages, 1,000% increase in Neurological Issues, a 300% increase in Cancers, 467% Increase in pulmonary embolisms, 269% Increase in Myocardial Infarction, a 291% Increase in Bells Palsy, a 156% Increase in Congenital Malformation, 471% Increase in Female Infertility…..enough said. So please stop defending these Criminals, Pseudo-Scientists, Snake-Oil-Quack Schmucks.
Here’s the attorney that is representing 4 WHISTLEBLOWERS now, sworn affidavit’s mind you backed with Empirical Evidence, which indisputable.
Time to wake up Ed and realize who the real criminals, psychopaths, pseudo-scientists truly are. now you know Ed, now go forward & spread the message of Truth & Honor….I forgive you.
Peace Sir
Oh look. Another idiot with delusions of their own significance.
Keep howling into the void, Setag. Your grasp of science and statistics is up their with your understanding of the law.
Run along, now.
Videos of miserable quality on a fake News site/video portal spreading conspiracy theories prove what?
Thank you for making a complete fool of yourself. Applause!