It is hot, very hot? People have difficulties sleeping at night, not to mention working during the day. If you are one of the millions suffering, do not despair. Luckily, we have so-called alternative medicines (SCAM) that can help.

This article, for instance explains what homeopathy can do for you:


This is one of the top remedies to consider in heat stroke especially in the following symptoms are present; eyes fixed without expression, glassy eyes, pupils contracted, pulse either barely perceptible or so quick it can’t be counted, loss of speech, face pale, white or yellowish-red; cold sweat, body cold and head hot to the touch.


It is easy to confuse Belladonna and Glonoine (see above).  They both have cold body with a hot head, fixed or staring eyes etc.  However, there are some differences.  Typically you would see dilated pupils in Belladonna.  In addition, the face will typically be red.  Other symptoms that indicate Belladonna can include involuntary stool or urination, twitching or trembling of the limbs, bending the head backwards and an unusually heavy sleep.


Aconite can also be useful.  Symptoms calling for this remedy can include heat in the whole body (and not as much in the head as in Belladonna and Glonoine), contracted pupils, hard and full pulse.  One way to differentiate Aconite is its characteristic anxiety and restlessness.

Another article recommends acupuncture:

Acupuncture is always a great option, too.  Your practitioner will focus on clearing the heat, and if you have the damp type, they will also resolve the dampness and calm your digestion down.  There are also some really effective Chinese herbal formulas specifically designed for Summerheat.  So be cool and don’t let the hot weather get you down.

And yet another article advises us to use Bach flower remedies:

Into a glass of water, put 4 drops of Rescue Remedy and 2 drops each of Beech and Olive and sip through out the day.  If you’re travelling, into a 500ml bottle of mineral water, put 6-8 drops of Rescue and 3-4 drops of the single remedies into the bottle and sip.

Find it hard to decide which one to try? Let me make the choice easier for you:

  • Homeopathy is ineffective.
  • Acupuncture is ineffective.
  • Bach flower remedies are ineffective.

But you knew that anyway, didn’t you?

8 Responses to Is the heat bothering you? Try homeopathy, acupuncture or Bach flower remedies!

  • All you pseudo-skeptics, if you are susceptible to heat stroke, could carry the seemingly appropriate remedy, based on your previous experiences. When you are suffering, on the way to checking into the the emergency room (and going into bankruptcy), you could take the remedy (while full of skepticism, of course) and see what happens.

  • None of the above, of course. Heat stroke is a true medical emergency. I mean, a barely perceptible pulse sounds like a bad thing to me. But what do I know. I’m just a person interested in things other than magic.

  • Hm, no one has made the obvious crack yet.

    Preventing heat stroke is one of the few conditions for which homeopathy *might actually work!*

  • “. . .especially in the following symptoms are present; eyes fixed without expression, glassy eyes, pupils contracted, pulse either barely perceptible or so quick it can’t be counted, loss of speech, face pale, white or yellowish-red; cold sweat, body cold and head hot to the touch.”

    Heat stroke? I thought that was just a hangover. Hair of the dog, man! No homeobachunpuncture necessary!

  • If you live in the USA and need a small plastic case to carry your favourite homeopathic heat stroke remedies with you, Boiron will happily supply one for a mere $36.

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