Chiropractors may have a bad reputation, but that’s all wrong. They are selfless and dedicated to the extend that some of them even offer their services for free! A UK chiropractor, for instance, proundly claims on his website this:

If your spine is not healthy, you are not healthy. Chiropractic care works to help ensure your spine is aligned so that your central nervous system works properly as it controls every single organ, gland, blood vessel and cell in your body. Over the years, Dr Jason (Chiropractor) has seen how chiropractic care goes far beyond pain relief to find the underlying cause of your problem. “I have seen people simply giving up all hope of a life free from pain and illness, then taking an active role in their health and completely turning their own and their families’ quality of life around.”

He also states that:

When complications during delivery led Dr Jason’s (Chiropractor) son Jake to be born via a ventouse birth, his passion for paediatric care was also born. Seeing his son immediately benefit from care inspired him and has led the O’Connor Chiropractic direction to focus on helping Yorkshire families experience wellness. Now, Dr Jason (Chiropractor) has paired a passion for helping children with specialised paediatrics training so he can help children to live life to their full potential.

Children are being offered free spinal checks in Harrogate this weekend.

O’Connor Chiropractic on Station Parade is welcoming visitors for a Christmas party on Saturday (16th December). Families are being invited to attend the family wellness centre for coffee and treats from 7:30am until 12pm. And children are being offered free spinal checks from chiropractor Jason O’Connor alongside an offer for 50% off full assessments.


The 16th December has long passed, and we all missed the occasion of free spinal checks for our kids.

What a shame!!!

Think of all the subluxations that will now have to remain undiagnosed!

Think of all the Yorkshire families unable to experience wellness now!

Think of all the children unable to live life to their full potential!




To those who are not regulars on my blog, I recommend a few previous posts that put the above into context:

19 Responses to The altruistic chiropractor: free spinal checks for children

  • The Chiropractic place in my area has long had a big poster in the window advertising “Free Spinal Checks”. I have visions of going in and being told “Sorry, we’ve checked, and you’re spineless…..”.

    It would be interesting to know what percentage of people going in for a “free spinal check” get told “It’s all good. Your spine is great. You don’t need any manipulation”.

    I looked at Dr. Jason’s (Chiropractic) website, but I couldn’t see there who awarded his Doctorate, or what it is in. It might be in Renaissance Literature, for all we know….

    For all that there is the parenthetical (Chiropractic), arguably clarifying the medical status, I think that that great legal entity the Reasonable Person, would justifiably be ready to assume that someone using the title Dr in a clinical/medical treatment setting, is in fact a medical Doctor.

    • Agreed, but there’s no law against such use.
      The only protected title is ‘Registered Medical Practitioner’.
      All folks can do is call out ‘Dr. Chiropractor’ for passing off and lacking integrity.

      • Oh, and sue for damages on the grounds that treatment was given without properly informed consent if due explanation was not offered.
        As in the case of John Lawler.

        All patients should ask right from the start of any consultation:
        “To avoid any misunderstanding, are you a registered medical practitioner?”

        Similar issues are arising with the advent of PAs and AAs – Physian/anaesthetic assistants who, since 2014 in UK, have been restyled as ‘associates’.
        Restyled by the NHS/government who want foilks to think they are being seen by associates of the medical profession – which PAs and AAs are not.
        More sighs!

        • “All patients should ask right from the start of any consultation:
          “To avoid any misunderstanding, are you a registered medical practitioner?” ”

          That’s superb, and cuts to the nub of the matter.

          Mind you, it occurs to me that they could avoid actually answering the question by saying something like “Well I am registered with the British Chiropractic Association”…. In which case, perhaps the question could be repeated, until they answer it yes or no. (Unlikely ever to be yes!)

          All treatment requires consent,
          Which means that I know what is meant
          When you proffer the claim
          That your treatment will aim
          To bring health to a body that’s bent.

        • “Similar issues are arising with the advent of PAs and AAs – Physian/anaesthetic assistants who, since 2014 in UK, have been restyled as ‘associates’.
          Restyled by the NHS/government who want foilks to think they are being seen by associates of the medical profession – which PAs and AAs are not”.

          And I guess the “associates” are paid a great deal less than Physicians and Anaesthetists? Kidology at its worst.

  • Child abuse, unquestionably! Unconscionable!*

    *Dictionary definition: “adjective
    not guided by conscience; unscrupulous.
    not in accordance with what is just or reasonable:
    unconscionable behavior.”

  • Has a “free spinal check” ever failed to find the need for regular chiropractic sessions?

  • I don’t know what it is about Chiropractic that brings on my muse: There was previously the Fourteen Chiropractic Limericks I submitted in this august Forum, inspired by the publication of Professor Ernst’s book. And now I offer this:

    They offer a check of my spine
    To discover if everything’s fine
    Proclaiming with glee
    “While the check-up is free
    Your bones we must now realign”

  • And…

    Let us handle the spine of your child
    As his cartilage might be quite wild.
    If it is then, you know
    We shall never be slow
    To give treatment, though fees won’t be mild….

  • Your child may appear in good health
    But we have designs on your wealth
    So bring the kid in –
    It isn’t a sin;
    We’ll empty your wallet by stealth.

  • “Think of all the subluxations that will now have to remain undiagnosed!

    Think of all the Yorkshire families unable to experience wellness now!

    Think of all the children unable to live life to their full potential!”

    You’ve missed your poor child’s subluxation
    And now we are prey to vexation –
    Your wallet’s still fat
    Leaving us feeling flat
    And our bank account prone to deflation…..

  • Your children are safe in our hands
    Be it ligaments, fascia or glands
    We’ll fix everything
    With just the one string –
    Your money, where we make demands.

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