Like so many other anti-vaxxers, Djokovic is deep into so-called alternative medicine (SCAM).
An article in THE TELEGRAPH explains it quite clearly. Here are a few passages:
Here is an anti-scientific crank hiding in plain sight … [In his book Djokovic explains] how he suffered from recurring physical ailments – allergies, breathing difficulties, blocked sinuses – until he gave up gluten.
Nothing especially weird so far – until he explains how his gluten intolerance was diagnosed. A Serbian nutritionist called Dr Igor Cetojevic asked Djokovic to hold his right arm out at right angles and resist the pressure as he pushed down on it. Then the exercise was repeated, only this time while Djokovic held a slice of bread against his stomach. “I was noticeably weaker,” writes Djokovic, who adds that “kinesiological arm testing [has] long been used as a diagnostic tool by natural healers.” Yes, and mediums have long claimed to speak to the dead …
Here is a man who broke up his visits to Wimbledon with trips to the nearby Buddhapadipa Temple to meditate by a lake. A man who revealed two years ago that he has a “friend” in Melbourne’s Botanical Gardens – “a Brazilian fig tree that I like to climb”. Yes, Djokovic’s jet-setting spiritualism might sound charming in itself. But its side-effect has been credulousness.
Serve To Win [ND’s book] describes a so-called “researcher” taking two glasses of water and directing loving energy towards one, while swearing angrily at the other. “After a few days … [the angry glass] was tinted slightly green … the other glass was still bright and crystal clear”. Harmless, perhaps, if deeply dippy. But then, last year, Djokovic could be found hosting a former estate agent called Chervin Jafarieh on his Instagram Live channel. Jafarieh was selling bottles of Advanced Brain Nutrients at $50 apiece, which – like Djokovic’s resistance to the Covid vaccination – sounded contrary to the interests of public health…
… Djokovic expressed in a 2018 interview with Shortlist magazine. “I believe that it is our mission to reach a higher frequency through self-care by exploring and respecting our own avatar, our body and, by doing that, raising the vibration of the planet.” …
And so we return to the dark side of this whole peculiar tale. Were Djokovic just a journeyman player, his pseudo-scientific beliefs would be no more than a bizarre footnote. As it is, he is a powerful role model, particularly in the Balkans. Thousands of people have probably emulated his stance on vaccines. Some are likely to suffer consequences as a result…
Another article explains:
New York Times tennis reporter Ben Rothenberg tweeted out after the news of Djokovic’s visa rejection that the Serbian had been “wildly anti-science” over the years.
“Let’s not lose sight of how wildly anti-science Djokovic has publicly been for years,” Rothenberg began. “Here he was last year preaching about how you can change water with emotion.
“Naive, but maybe these real consequences today can be a reality check for his nonsense?”
Former New York Times reporter Steven Greenhouse said it was “sad to see such a brilliant tennis player join the anti-science, pro-poppycock anti-vaxxers”.
Tennis Channel producer David Kane added: “I sort of don’t care whether Australia bungled L’Affaire Novak because of political/media pressure. This is about someone who has been stridently anti-science and never indicated a good faith effort to receive this essentially mandatory vaccine.F around & find out, as they say.”
And a Guardian article provides further information:
His belief in alternative medicine is complemented by his commitment to alternative history. He frequently retreats to Visoko, in the hills of Bosnia and Herzegovina, where he meets up with the businessman Semir Osmanagic – whose claims that there are ancient man-made structures with magical healing powers, refuted by scientists, have turned the hills into a lucrative tourist destination. Djokovic has also expressed his support for the ultranationalist alternative historian Jovan Deretic, whose writings claim, among other things, that numerous European cultures, including ancient Greeks, Celts and Etruscans, are descended from Serbs.
I am quite confident that I play tennis as splendidly as Djokovic understands medicine. Yet, I do not pretend to be able to teach you how to do a perfect ‘top slice’. In contrast, Djokovic loves to take the role of ambassador for SCAM and other weird stuff.
His father stated that “Novak is the Spartacus of the new world who does not tolerate injustice, colonialism and hypocrisy but fights for the equality of all on this planet, regardless of skin color, religious belief and money they have.” Personally, I see this differently: Djokovic is badly affected by proctophasia; he tolerates no end of BS and fights for pseudoscience. And sadly, his views are all too persuasive to gullible consumers – not exactly what we need in a global health crisis!
Novax Novak is, as the above piece expertly indicates, a woo-woo promoting fool, and sadly his prominence will mislead many gullible followers. But perhaps even more worrying is yesterday’s account of a senior UK physician, consultant anaesthetist Steve James, who holds publicly professed anti-vax beliefs. He met with govt health minister Sajid Javid in a hospital yesterday, hence the media interest, and took the trouble to express his antivax notions to a rather dismayed Mr Javid.
…here’s a more detailed report, in the Guardian.
I have just read the Guardian article, and I am rather shocked that somebody with those views is able to work as an anaesthetist, particularly in Kings College Hospital, which is (among other things) a major referral centre for liver disease and liver transplants. He undoubtedly comes into contact with some of the sickest and most vulnerable people in the country. I am also sure that he must have already had mandatory vaccinations against hepatitis B otherwise he would not have been allowed to work there at all.
His position is that the scientific evidence does not support the current covid vaccination schedule as antibody levels wane quite quickly. He already has antibodies due to a previous Covid infection and maintains that these give him adequate protection. This is not my understanding of the science, however, which is that vaccination gives stronger and longer-lasting protection than an infection, and that the antibody decline following a booster is much slower. In any case, the presence of antibodies is not the whole story, as T cells and B memory cells also contribute to immunity here, and it is more important that the body is in a position to ramp up antibody production at very short notice than that the level is high in the absence of recent stimulation.
As a doctor I would be very happy to have regular top-up injections in order to protect my patients, even if they were monthly (though I am now retired and no longer have such contact). The Covid vaccines may not give as good protection as Dr James might like, but they are a lot better than nothing, and the only downside for him is the unpleasantness of an intramuscular injection and a mild reaction afterwards.
He also needs to be reminded that he is an anaesthetist, not an immunologist, epidemiologist or virologist, and does not have the specialist training and experience of the Government advisers, who will have spent their careers dealing with infective outbreaks of one sort or another. And if he genuinely believes that he has access to different evidence from theirs, then he should present it to them in a debate. If it is good evidence they may change their position, which is what doctors do all the time in the light of new research.
agreed! I only saw a small clip and was underwhelmed by the response by our secretary of health. if he does not the expertise, he should not ask medics such questions. now the answer of the ‘expert’ is out there and will be used by the anti-vax loons.
I think that JMK will find that this anaesthetist isn’t the only Dr with similar views. JMK can choose to believe SAGE and their hopeless predictions but people are now wising up to this and listening to other scientific opinion. Evidence for this comes from falling uptake rates for the booster.
There are many doctors who still believe that their personal experience and ideas are more valid than the pooled experience of their colleagues and the outcomes of well-designed and properly-conducted clinical trials. Throughout my time as a consultant I was constantly frustrated by my colleagues who didn’t feel that clinical trials were necessary because they already knew what was the correct treatment. And like most intelligent people doctors are usually able to rationalise their beliefs to themselves and others even if they aren’t always able to examine them critically.
I didn’t read the articles but did he every say he doesn’t believe in science or the scientific method?
Just because one believes in Altmed doesn’t mean they are anti-science. He may be unscientific but that doesn’t mean by default he is anti-science.
“I didn’t read the articles but …”
That is one way to undercut your own argument.
So is he anti-science? Do you know the definition?
I never said or implied he is anti-science. I don’t need to know the definition. I am just pointing out the fact that your argument holds no water if you have not read the article. That’s all!
So I will take it: no, they did not provide evidence that he is anti-scientific.
“Here is an anti-scientific crank …”
Poor journalism.
“Poor journalism” and you didn’t even read the piece 🤣
Fine. I read it. And as I suspected, no evidence that he is anti-science.
Does this look like someone who is anti-science?
It seems like you are in cherry picking business these days. How much for a bushel of cherries, DC?
@DC, Daneel, Björn
You all know next to nothing about being anti-science. Rather than bickering among yourselves about the definition of anti-science you should ask yours truly, the incredibly anti-science Honest Ape.
I just don’t come here and rant about the dangers of science, I strive to live a science-free live. As I have mentioned before, I gave up modern life (possible only because of the extraordinary scientific advances) and live in a forest under a rock. I eat what nature gives me and wear clothes made of leaves and hides of animals that I hunt. However, I must sometimes use a computer to communicate with fools like you to convince you all to join me in a science-free living. I don’t like using a computer, but I must for the greater good. Similarly, Djokovic may be living a modern life, driving a car, wearing fancy clothes and shoes, using A.I to improve his tennis performance etc. all of which are possible only by great scientific advances. That doesn’t mean he is not anti-science. He is just trying to assimilate into a society plagued by science to change it from inside out. How do I know this? As per the article, he is an anti-vaxxer and believes in quackery. He also promotes quackery in his book and on his Instagram. More importantly, he is a famous person and people will listen to what he has to say, and some gullible people will be influenced by his anti-science views and propagate those view further. In a way he is achieving a lot more in a day to further an anti-science agenda than I can in my lifetime. I am very jealous.
It is so interesting that Ernst has attacked the world’s best tennis player and claims that Ernst knows what is better for Djokovic’s health. The fact that Djokovic had had Covid as early as December suggests that it is highly unlikely that Djokovic would get sick again enough to be hospitalized. Disrespect for each person’s inner doctor seems to be vulgar at THIS website, even though it is this inner doctor that has brought us to this very moment.
And Ernst has said that he also knows what is best for Aaron Rogers, arguably the best American football player…and would probably say this about Kyrie Irving, one of the best basketball players. And I could go on.
It is exactly this type of extreme arrogance that has no place in medicine or science, let alone civil liberties or individual freedoms.
“Ernst knows what is better for Djokovic’s health”
“Ernst has said that he also knows what is best for Aaron Rogers”
Oh dear, so much nonsense here from DU. Just to pick up on one point though: namely the claim that Novax should be free to be his own ‘doctor’. Maybe, but sadly it seems he wishes his ‘inner doctor’ to make decisions for others too: Novax’s excuse for not getting vaccinated apparently is that he contracted covid mid-December. Well, according to the most recent news reports, he was photographed interacting closely with others – including children – the day after getting his positive result. If this turns out to be true, it shows that he is quite happy to risk inflicting covid on others.
Mr Ullman, if you could spare the time to confirm which laboratory it is, from the list posted elsewhere in this Forum, that can differentiate between homeopathic water and other water, that would be much appreciated. Eighteenth time of asking. Thank you.
@Mr. Ullman
As a fellow quack, I have the utmost respect for you. However, sometimes you are prone to making stupid comments that tend to hurt your business and that of your fellow quacks.
You are implying that if someone is best at a sport means they have an ‘inner doctor’ who knows how their body works and by means of that inner doctor they can decide for themselves the best possible treatment. I totally understand your line of thinking w.r.t individual freedoms and all, but you should not say those things out load. Because encouraging your potential patients to listen to their inner doctor will lead them to treat themselves and that eventually hurts businesses of quack like us. We should only discourage our potential patients from seeking allopathic remedies and not empower them to seek self-treatment. We want them to come to us so we can dupe them into giving their money in exchange for sham treatments.
Next time, think before you speak Dana! Seriously!
What is your inner Physician ??? And where did you study your inner Physician ???
WOW Google does not give you a good wrap. Stay away under all circumstances.
And for the record, everyone here will benefit from knowing in detail what Pfizer’s vaccine research really shows:
I challenge everyone here to find one error of fact in this video. In fact, I think everyone here will be impressed by its standards of scientific analysis, that is, those of you who really know something about clinical scientific research.
You are spreading b*llshit, Dana.
Once again.
As always.
I said this in my earlier post:
But I somehow missed this earlier post of yours discouraging people from getting vaccinated. I am sure it is an evidence-free presentation of highest homeopathic quality from our good friends at the Canadian COIVD Care Alliance. The evidence (if any to begin with) presented is probably diluted to 200C potency that there is nothing left there. After all, we quacks are known for our pseudoscientific bullshit, amirite?
Regardless, gullible sheeple will be convinced that vaccines are evil and bigpharma is the crossroads devil and they will come seeking pseudoscience-based remedies from us quacks. More money in our pockets! Well, done, Dana! You deserve a medal for promotion of quackery! I nominate you for “Quacks Are Us” medal of honor.
Here is an excellent, high integrity review of the research concerning the Pfizer vaccine for Covid-19:
Very worthwhile watching in its entirety and giving very serious, honest consideration.
WOW, thanks for the video link
That’s some damning reporting on Pfizer shenanigans. It will be interesting to see if there is any official fallout…. I doubt it. The system is fully corrupted, yes including the FDA.
I can understand that the reason that many nurses and doctors in the medical field (yes, those actually providing front-line care to patients), did not want the vaccines themselves is because they witnessed first hand the amount of patients that ended up in the ER or whatever form of VAERS reporting.
As has been repeated many times in medicine… do no harm.
@Mitchell Fleisher
Au contraire, mon ami, the video you are linking to is a vile piece of crap, dreamed up by a bunch of antivaccine idiots who are either scientifically and medically incompetent, or plain evil – or, quite likely, both. One of their main goals is to spread FUD (Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt) about vaccination.
See e.g. and
You could of course have figured this out for yourself too: if the Pfizer vaccine really causes more harm than good, then this implies that it makes about 1 in 20 people extremely ill, causing them to end up on the intensive care, and killing 1 in every 100 vaccinated. Because that is what happens to unvaccinated people: sooner or later, they will contract Covid-19, with all the risks mentioned.
Worldwide, several billion people have received multiple doses of the Pfizer vaccine. If what those idiots who call themselves “Canadian Covid Care Alliance” claim is true, then at least some 50 million people should have died as a result, and the hospitals and ICU’s should have been absolutely overwhelmed with vaccine-injured people.
Reality shows the exact opposite: the vast majority of people ending up in hospital, the ICU’s and morgues are the unvaccinated ones who contracted Covid-19.
And please note that by spreading this sort of rubbish without checking it first, you are contributing to the Covid-19 death toll by scaring people away from vaccination.
At the beginning of the video presentation, the alliance claims they are IN FAVOR of SAFE and EFFECTIVE vaccines. In the estimation of the Canadian alliance, the Pfizer vaccine is neither. Do you truly believe that you could find 500 anti-vax doctors and scientist in a county as small as Canada ? If so, the movement is growing, and if it’s growing, you can blame it on mandates.
Many a MD, healthcare professional or patient that was not previously anti-vax are now being labeled anti-vax simply because they are now opposing mandates. A large percentage of those pushing back on mandates have been vaccinated…. yes. Opposing vaccine mandates is NOT the same as anti-vax. And many patients that were/are considered anti-vax are not even that, they simply want vaccines that offer more safety than what has been previously been made available.
So now many that find themselves fighting against these covid vaccines on the basis of lost freedoms. Freedom of patients to control what medical procedure they choose to accept in their body. Mentally ill patients can do much harm to other individuals also, but anti-psychotic meds are NOT forced on the mentally ill in most countries. The world should not be attempting to force a medical treatment on anybody that the treatment is still under study is still under study (EUA). If you watched the presentation (or know anything about vaccine science), you will understand that these vaccines were not studied to the satisfaction of previous standards.
We can argue the safety of the vaccine till the cows come home, it all depends on how much collateral damage you are willing to accept. Evidently you are will to accept much more damage.
The EFFICACY however falls far short. Any vaccine that fall below 50% efficacy in six months is a complete failure. So the alliance is correct in condemning the jab on the basis of inferior efficacy.
Furthermore, it is quite interesting that the CDC saw the need to change the definition of a “vaccine” in 2021.
” a county as small as Canada ?”
are you trying to be funny or just stupid?
Canada has a population of 38 million. That is relatively small.
Why is Edzard being so abrasive to a reasonable statement? Oh, I guess that happens almost all of the time.
@concerned patient
Yes, that is the default lie of all antivaccine idiots.
As I said: the “Canadian Covid Care Alliance” is a bunch of idiots who are not medically and scientifically competent. Here is the actual research paper that the ‘review’ is based on:
Now please tell me where does it say that the vaccine is unsafe and ineffective? I can’t find it anywhere.
Do you truly believe that there are 500 doctors and scientists in this ‘alliance’? I don’t think so. I think that there are maybe one or two MD’s at most, and that the rest of the bunch are the usual stupid antivaccine quacks such as naturopaths, chiropractors and integrative medicine practitioners (as also mentioned on their homepage).
And on their FAQ page they claim that they need to remain anonymous because “the state of affairs, censorship of free speech, and rampant tyranny and coercion is such now in Canada that CCCA must protect the identity of its scientific, MD, academic and other health care professional (HCP) members.”
Does this sound like legitimate doctors and scientists? Nope, it sounds like uneducated conspiracy loonies who KNOW that they are spouting lies and nonsense, and don’t want to be held accountable for doing so. No real scientists ever chose to remain anonymous when telling what they believed was the truth.
Allow me illustrate this with one example from their FAQ page, based on this paper:
So far, so good, although they already fudge the numbers, because the control group had 751 children (not 1500), with 16 infections (not 32) – but at least the ratio is correct. But then they do this:
Can you spot the Big Stupid Lie here? The one that real scientist or doctor would never make?
Yes, I can already hear the groans and slapping of facepalms from any statisticians and real scientists out there: You do NOT subtract the percentages from each other in this situation, because those infection rates only tell us what percentage of children were infected during the 3-month trial. What these dumb people implicitly say that “hey, only 2.1% of children will ever get infected with Covid-19, so vaccination doesn’t help much”. Which of course is simply wrong. Almost ALL unvaccinated people will get infected sooner or later, and that includes children. And then they heap on some more lies (emphasis added):
The vaccines provides very good immunity, it does not merely ‘assist in gaining some immunity’. The vaccine is NOT experimental. The vaccine has virtually NO ‘inherent risks’, especially for children. It is astronomically unlikely that the vaccine will have any ‘future side effects’. And those ‘minimal risks’ of a ‘natural infection’ has killed 550 American children already, and landed tens of thousands in hospital, and often the ICU. And this was just one of their many Big Lies.
These people should be sued, because their lies and misinformation will kill people who get scared away from vaccination.
Oh Richard. You with your nasty harsh facts and science cruelly puncturing the delusions of the loons.
Hmmm…and what penalty do you suggest for Fauci and ALL of the Big Pharma and Big Media who ONLY use the “relative risk reduction” rather than “absolute risk reduction”?
It is so much fun to watch people here use “high standards” of science to evaluate alternatives…but don’t use these same high standards when evaluating vaccines or conventional treatments.
And what is additionally fun to observe is that they pretend that they are not notice this obvious (and significant) bias. Further, the SILENCE amongst the other cult followers of this website is friggin’ LOUD!
That said, good for Richard for he is the only person to have seemingly watched and commented on the video. I assume that the others have to deal with the cognitive dissonance they will experience if they began to learn what “good” science has to say about their beloved vaccines.
Dana said…
Oh, Dana boy! Every time you open your mouth, you sound a lot stupider than I realize. Did you actually read Richard Rasker’s response to the stupid video you gleefully posted and challenged everyone with? Here are some tidbits:
OUCH!! That looks like a brutal take down of anti-vaxxer arguments you are promoting. Do you even realize that no one else need to watch your stupid video after Richard’s response? Rather that bickering about it, you should have posted a rebuttal. If you want to prove yourself to be a devout quack, you should respond to Richard.
I spoke too soon earlier when I said I was going to nominate you for “Quacks Are Us” medal of honor. I am rescinding my nomination until you prove yourself to be worthy of it. Now get to work and do right by us quacks.
“Oh Richard. You with your nasty harsh facts and science cruelly puncturing the delusions of the loons”.
Aye. Well, as the poet Burns wrote in 1786, “Facts are chiels that winna ding”.
Mr Ullman, as a proponent of high ethical standards, could I ask you to take a moment to identify the academic institution whose laboratory can distinguish homeopathic water, from the list that Lenny posted in another thread, based on the chain of academic institutions in India that you mentioned? Thank you.
Is there a homeopathic remedy for writhing under opprobrium? I am still writhing under the opprobrium of being numbered (by you, at any rate) among “fools or liars”. Please tell me this small piece of evidence – you said it would be ‘no problem’ to do so – and I shall follow where that evidence leads.
Nineteenth time of asking.
Thank you.
Rasker, you devious rascal, you must be in the employ of the big pharma vaccine industry to make such blatantly ridiculous, uneducated remarks, e.g., “The vaccines provides very good immunity, it does not merely ‘assist in gaining some immunity’. The vaccine is NOT experimental. The vaccine has virtually NO ‘inherent risks’…” These views have all been proven to be totally untrue, erroneous, outrageous lies and intentional deceits promulgated by vaccine industry apologists and spokespersons. Even Fauci and his CDC and NIH cronies admitted long ago that the Covid-19 pseudo-vaccines do NOT, in fact, impart immunity, but rather, are merely intended to possibly mitigate symptoms in some elderly patients. The vaccines are most definitely ‘experimental’ as evidenced by their EUA classification in the USA, and the complete lack of any double blind, placebo controlled trials to ascertain safety and therapeutic efficacy. Moreover, there is now a plethora of clinical data regarding the serious, adverse reactions to the CV-19 vaccines in all age groups, esp. in children and adolescents, many of whom have died unnecessarily due to the vaccines. To deny any of these genuine facts, as you probably will try to do, just proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that you are not only ignorant, stupid, arrogant, hateful and means-spirited, but a lost soul. May God have mercy on you (buy only if you repent).
@Andreew Coster
Whoops … I’m afraid that this is where our discussion ends. Yes, I read the rest of your comments, but at no point do you actually contribute evidence for what you claim.
Please feel free to try again when you have gathered proper peer-reviewed scientific articles supporting your point.
Mr. Rasker,
The arrogance and asininity of your reply belies your limited intelligence and shallowness of spirit . By all means, please take as many CV-19 boosters as you can. Let the poisons seep deeply into your cells and do their damage. The world needs far less evil trolls and troglodytes such as you. The same sentiment goes for Ernst. Auvoir.
@Theodore Irone
Since when is exposing lies and scientific/medical incompetence the same as arrogance?
And do I read it right that you actually defend these people, who try to scare the general public away from vaccination by spreading lies and misinformation, and even pretend to be doctors and scientists in order to lend their untruths more credibility?
Look, I don’t mind a respectful discussion about the merits or lack thereof of vaccination mandates and vaccinating children – but only when all sides respect science and reality.
Now you are of course at liberty to call me ‘arrogant’ all you like (and I don’t even blame you for that, as my tone and my words were indeed meant to be provoking), but that does not change the fact that this “Canadian Covid Care Alliance” tells lies, as I think I have convincingly demonstrated.
However, I can and will NOT be respectful to people who try to poison the public debate with deliberate lies and misinformation. The CCCA is a point in case.
Ah, I think I see where I hit a nerve. Good. Now I would like to ask you to set aside for a moment this belief that vaccines are ‘poison’, and actually look at the science.
If I may provide a simple, factual starting point: those mRNA vaccines do NOTHING that the Covid-19 virus doesn’t ALSO do:
– Both the vaccine and the virus merge with a target cell.
– Both release mRNA into the cell, and
– In both cases, the cell’s machinery starts making viral proteins.
The main difference is that the vaccine’s mRNA only causes one viral protein to be made (the spike protein), whereas the complete viral mRNA causes ALL viral components to be made – which then self-assemble into thousands upon thousands of new viral particles, which infect thousands upon thousands new cells, repeating the cycle, causing lots of damage and, in about half the cases, disease symptoms ranging from mild to terminal.
The vaccine’s mRNA on the other hand is not infectious, but instead degrades and disappears within a few days, at which point the production of spike protein stops. After two weeks, the only lasting effect is the immune response against the viral spike protein.
Now could you point out what this ‘poison’ is that you mention? And can you show peer-reviewed literature to this extent? And even if you can produce one or two papers, can you tell us why those few are right, and why countless papers from thousands upon thousands of highly competent scientists are wrong?
One suspects that Andreew Coster M.D., Ph.D. and Theodore Irone M.D., Ph.D. are one and the same troll.
“belies” would appear to be a mistake, as the sentence makes no sense with “belies”. I think it was meant to be “displays” or “betrays”.
It should be “far fewer evil trolls” not “far less evil trolls”.
Readers may easily judge for themselves who in this Forum is making informed scientifically validated contributions, and who is trolling.
Here is an interesting addendum:
Eddie Eddie Eddie…Hmmmm…it seems that Djokovic posted on Twitter that photo of him from the previous day BEFORE he knew that he was positive.
But heck, don’t let a bad smear and a lie get in the way of your narrative.
And you ask WHERE you are telling Djokovic that he should be getting the vaccine? Hmmmm…you ARE blind, deaf, and very dumb. You might benefit from reading your blog above where you support his exportation out of Australia for not being vaccinated, even if he has immunological protection with this “new” thing called antibodies. You might benefit from following the science here.
sorry, I did not smear anyone; I linked to a Guardian article.
but I should admit that I trust the Guardian more than you and Novax put together.
Stupid patient most Patients Die from critically low oxygen saturation levels as SARS Cov-2 has viciously attacked the Pulmonary system, not from vaccination which pee’s you off.
I don’t think when Djokovic last had COVID is going to be relevant to the cancellation of his visa, since having had COVID in the last 6 months does not appear to be a valid reason for vaccine exemption.
It appears that Tennis Australia incorrectly informed AO players that there was a vaccine exemption available to players who has recently had COVID, even though it seems that the Australian federal health department informed them in November that there was no such exemption.
Similarly, the “blind assessment” of Djokovic’s exemption seems to have been a Tennis Australia process and it also seems to have been misinformed about the vaccine exemption rules.
The rule for COVID vaccine exemption to enter Australia is : “that you have a medical condition which means you cannot receive a COVID-19 vaccination (vaccination is contraindicated).” The reports I’ve seen of the health department communitaction to Tennis Australia was that having had COVID within the last 6 months was not a contraindication.
No doubt more actual information will come out once the hearing resumes on Monday 10 Jan (Australian time).
While I have no sympathy for Djokovic’s refusal to get vaccinated against COVID, it appears that he has probably been been given bad advice by Tennis Australia.
this may be so – but it is not subject of my post.
There’s a clue in the name “Tennis” Australia. Not the organization I’d be seeking medical advice from. Perhaps if I wanted to know what kind of shoes work best on grass courts, I’d listen to them.
Seems to be working for Djokovic to be “anti-science”. Maybe someone wanting to be world class athlete should go that route. 🙂
Well, well, well…it seems that the Australian court has enabled this tennis player to play in Australia!®i_id=72668179&segment_id=79167&user_id=d7603daa6bc21df1634a76192eeb5438
For the record, if anyone is truly concerned about the health of others in your respective countries, perhaps we should not let obese people into our countries or into shops and sporting events (vaccinated or not) because epidemiological data show that they are at much greater risk for complications and death. According to the present policies of keeping unvaccinated people out of certain countries and out of the public marketplace, perhaps not allowing obese people into the public square, by this same logic, is “for their own good.” This logic personally makes no sense to me…but it must make sense to the majority of others who seek to discriminate against the unvaccinated.
are you trying to be funny or stupid?
Dana neither tries to be funny or stupid, but he is a vain ignorant self-promoter who is after other people’s money.
Mr. Ullman, I would appreciate it very much if you could take a moment to name the laboratory that can distinguish homeopathic water from other water. You said it would be “no problem” to do so, and that “only fools or liars” doubted that it could be done. If you could now name the relevant laboratory, that would be very much appreciated. Thank you.
Twentieth time of asking.
I have already answered that question, while you continue to pretend that I haven’t. This will be my last reminder about this simple fact.
You have NOT already answered the question, Mr Ullman. Definitely not.
You mentioned a chain of universities across India, that is all. My Lenny was kind enough to post a list of the addresses of all those universities, and all you have to do is name the one with the laboratory that can do what you say. Please do so now. Twenty-first time of asking. This will not be my last reminder.
Readers may begion to form conclusions, Mr Ullman, if they have not already done so, about just who is to be counted among “liars or fools”.
Excuse my typographical infelicity. I meant to type “Mr Lenny”, not “My Lenny”. I make no claim to ownership!
I don’t know much about homeopathy. To a lay person like me, your question seems basic enough that most homeopaths be able to answer it with certainty. Especially a homeopath of Mr. Ullman’s stature (who is big on promoting homeopathic education) should be able to answer that question with ease.
Logically speaking, if there is a difference between regular water and homeopathic water and that difference is somehow contributing towards the therapeutic effects of homeopathic medication, and a laboratory technique that can detect those differences would be hugely beneficial to the entire field of homeopathy. I don’t understand why it would be hard for Mr. Ullman to provide information that would once and for all shut up critics of homeopathy.
I’m all yours if you want, Big Boy..
*saucy wink*
Who could resist those bashfully fluttering eyelashes….
No Dana. You haven’t. And we explained why you haven’t in our replies. We asked for the laboratory. You handwaved about some Indian establishments. We have provided the names of the establishments and asked you which one you wished us to use. So far, you have not replied.
As ever, you and the concepts of truth and objective fact remain distant cousins.
What is it ???
The question is: “Name the laboratory that can distinguish between homeopathic water and other water”.
You see, noted homeopath Mr. Dana Ullman previously took the time in this Blog to kindly explain that “only fools or liars” doubted that it was possible to distinguish between homeopathic water and other water.
This placed me in the invidious position of having to place myself mentally in one of those two unenviable categories. So to resolve my doubt, I asked Mr Ullman to spare a moment to name a laboratory that could carry out this feat.
Mr Ullman said that it would be “no problem” to do so. But for some reason (doubtless, like the rest of us, he is extremely busy) he has not yet done so, despite my having asked in this Blog twenty-four times. Regrettably, in one of his statesmanlike responses, he sounded a little irked…..
Ullman is a Quack of Homeopathic Witch Doctory. No better than a Fake Chinese Herbalist, and he thinks his Quackery is better than mine. The most dangerous aspect is two or three dumb asses may follow this Quack, and therefore Die from pure Quackery.
The temple is a beautiful suburban surprise.
Great tennis player, beautiful mind not so much.
As far as I know there is no lab that can identify a homeopathic remedy. This doesn’t concern me and millions of others as we grow from grassroots level outside of the medical establishment. Many of us have quite openly been vaccinated so you lot can’t spin that one against us.
Get used to us being around in more and more numbers.
Oh, JK, you place yourself among “fools or liars”, for Mr Dana Ullman says in this Blog that only those two categories of person doubt that it is possible to distinguish homeopathic water from other water.