The bad news for German homeopathy just keeps on coming. As I reported, recent events must be depressing for homeopaths, e.g.:

And now this:

After heated debates in the run-up, the Bavarian Medical Association decided yesterday to ditch the postgraduate education program in homeopathy for its doctors. This means that, of the 17 regional medical associations in Germany, 12 have now discontinued their further education efforts in homeopathy. The ones that have not yet done so are:

  • Baden-Württemberg,
  • Rhineland-Palatinate,
  • Saxony,
  • Thuringia,
  • Westphalia-Lippe.

In the past months, homeopaths had collected 11,597 signatures in favor of maintaining the additional qualification of homeopathy. The ~ 400 doctors in Bavaria, who have acquired ‘homeopathy’ as an additional title, will be permitted to continue to use it.

The spokesperson of the Information Network Homeopathy, Dr. Christian Lübbers, welcomed the decision of the Medical Association. It was a “landslide victory for patient safety”, he said. The Bavarian regional chairman of the German Central Association of Homeopathic Doctors, Dr. Ulf Riker, regretted the outcome of the vote and added: “We will consider legal steps very seriously.” I would advise against such a step which would only render homeopaths more ridiculous than they already are.

Yes, it’s bad news for German homeopaths – very bad news indeed. Of course, homeopathy fans will claim that it is all a sinister conspiracy against them. Sadly, they are unable to realize that the only driving force behind the long-overdue decline of German homeopathy is the evidence: HOMEOPATHY DOES NOT WORK BEYOND PLACEBO and therefore it has no place in the evidence-based medicine of the 21st century.

9 Responses to German homeopathy suffers another severe blow

  • IMO, Homeopathy as a whole is better off separating entirely from the CONmed (Conventional medicine con). Doctors who try to shoehorn homeopathy into their conventional medical practice generally dont do a great job for their clients as homeopaths. Its not surprising that it is not cost-effective to ADD homeopathy to CON-medicine which is what the study shows. Homeopaths should be free to warn patients about the harms of vaccines without looking over their shoulder. Its not surprising that some ignorant court ruled against the labeling of a homeopathic remedy.

    Unfortunately as beneficial as it may be for homeopathy, it might be difficult for the doctors that try to straddle the fence and add homeopathy to their practice. There might be economic hardship for them. I give them credit for being open-minded enough to try.

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