Live Blood Analysis (LBA) is a diagnostic tool used by some SCAM practitioners (e. g. chiropractors, naturopaths, medics). It marks a new era of scientific discovery, at least this is what its proponents claim. LBA sounds impressive, looks impressive, commands impressive revenue – but, once we investigate a little closer, it turns out to be rather unimpressive.

The principle of LBA is fairly simple: a drop of blood is taken from your fingertip, put on a glass plate and viewed via a dark field microscope on a video screen. Despite the claims made for it, LBA is by no means new; using his lately developed microscope, Antony van Leeuwenhoek observed in 1686 that living blood cells changed shape during circulation. Ever since, doctors, scientists and others have studied blood samples in this and many other ways.

New, however, is what today’s SCAM practitioners claim to be able to do with LBA. Proponents believe that the method provides information about the state of the immune system, possible vitamin deficiencies, amount of toxicity, pH and mineral imbalance, areas of concern and weaknesses, fungus and yeast infections, as well as just about everything else you can imagine.

LBA is based on assumptions that are not plausible and on a misinterpretation of phenomena that are well-understood (some of them were the subject of research I did some 4 decades ago). What is more, the reliability of LBA as a diagnostic tool has never been verified. The results of the only two studies suggest that the method is not reliable:

1st study:

BACKGROUND: Dark field microscopy according to Enderlin claims to be able to detect forthcoming or beginning cancer at an early stage through minute abnormalities in the blood. In Germany and the USA, this method is used by an increasing number of physicians and health practitioners (non-medically qualified complementary practitioners), because this easy test seems to give important information about patients’ health status.

OBJECTIVE: Can dark field microscopy reliably detect cancer?

MATERIALS AND METHODS: In the course of a prospective study on iridology, blood samples were drawn for dark field microscopy in 110 patients. A health practitioner with several years of training in the field carried out the examination without prior information about the patients.

RESULTS: Out of 12 patients with present tumor metastasis as confirmed by radiological methods (CT, MRI or ultra-sound) 3 were correctly identified. Analysis of sensitivity (0.25), specificity (0.64), positive (0.09) and negative (0.85) predictive values revealed unsatisfactory results.

CONCLUSION: Dark field micoroscopy does not seem to reliably detect the presence of cancer. Clinical use of the method can therefore not be recommended until future studies are conducted.

2nd study:

CONTEXT: In 1925, the German zoologist Günther Enderlein, PhD, published a concept of microbial life cycles. His observations of live blood using darkfield microscopy revealed structures and phenomena that had not yet been described. Although very little research has been conducted to explain the phenomena Dr. Enderlein observed, the diagnostic test is still used in complementary and alternative medicine.

OBJECTIVE: To test the interobserver reliability and test-retest reliability of 2 experienced darkfield specialists who had undergone comparable training in Enderlein blood analysis.

SETTING: Inpatient clinic for internal medicine and geriatrics.

METHODS: Both observers assessed 48 capillary blood samples from 24 patients with diabetes. The observers were mutually blind and assessed their findings according to a specific item randomization list that allowed observers to specify whether Enderlein structures were visible or not.

RESULTS: The interobserver reliability for the visibility of various structures was kappa = .35 (95% CI: .27-.43), the test-retest reliability was kappa = .44 (95% CI: .36-.53).

CONCLUSIONS: This pilot study indicates that Enderlein darkfield analysis is very difficult to standardize and that the reliability of the diagnostic test is low.

So what?, some might think. It might be a SCAM, but it is a harmless one!


LBA is likely to produce false-positive and false-negative diagnoses.

A false-positive diagnosis is a condition which the patient does not truly have. This means she will receive treatments that are not necessary, potentially harmful and financially wasteful.

A false-negative diagnosis would mean that the patient is told she is healthy, while in fact she is not. This can cost valuable time to start an effective therapy and, in extreme cases, it would hasten the death of that patient.

The conclusion is thus clear: LBA is an ineffective, potentially dangerous diagnostic method for exploiting gullible consumers. My advice is to avoid practitioners who employ this technique.

239 Responses to Live blood analysis, another SCAM to avoid

  • Despite Errol Denton’s double prosecution for LBA claims, a search reveals numerous practitioners in the UK. Also eBay sells expensive microscopes for it. In October 2015 the ASA ran a sector-wide project to inform practitioners not to make health claims, but it seems to have had little effect.

  • An orthopedic surgeon (Dr. med.) offering OSTEOPATHY in his private practice next to the hospital where I am practising uses dark field blood tests regularly. Other orthopedic physicians who are practising OSTEOPATHY are using IgG 4 tests for allergy tests or are selling back surface topography to ANY new patient (without RX or CT or MRI) to tell the surprised patients the exact form and size and the location of each vertebra charging the price of a MRI for such a single back surface scan. A lot of other physicians (Dres. med.) do so and all have successfully passed their preliminary exam and their professional specialisation ..

  • But Doctor, clearly it is the new “quantum” microscopes that makes LBA so useful now days. /snark.

    It is amazing how fast new idiotic techniques are developed. The list of thing LBA can be used to treat reminds me of book about the old medicine shows entitiled “One for Man, Two for Horse”.

    Anthony Warner (aka the Angry Chef) in his book The Angry Chef: Bad Science and the Truth About Healthy EatingThe Angry Chef: Bad Science and the Truth About Healthy Eating invents a died based on the brain mass of the animals you eat. IIRC, I think this means you should not eat whales.

    As he points out the diet totally nonsensical but no more nonsensical than most other extreme diets.

  • It is very simple, really: If live blood analysis worked as advertised, then why do we still have diagnostic laboratories?

    • ‘they’ would certainly claim that it is because THE MEDICAL MAFIA WANTS TO MAKE PROFITS!

    • Because hospitals have to make money.

      • “Because hospitals have to make money.”

        Paul, don’t forget you are expected to support claims with evidence in these comments. Please note that in the UK hospitals are public, non-profit organisations.

    • because of the government and the pharmaceutical industry won’t allow it. how do you think before laboratory blood was analyzed? in the blood is the life of every man. when you out blood in a microscope you can see thing that a comuter cant. and some cases when you have a real health problem laboratories uses dark field to see what the computer cant

    • Uh because of the medical establishment and Big Pharma?

  • Opinions regarding ‘diagnosis’ or ‘early detection’ of specific diseases using LBA often miss the point. Firstly, a competent technician is showing highly magnified images of the subjects blood cells – including immune cells – as they are at that moment in time. This is not trickery, it is reality! I was totally ignorant of my immune system until I met a LBA practitioner 20 years ago. I could see with my own eyes something they call ‘debris’ floating around in my plasma – which consisted of undigested proteins and other ‘contaminants’ that had passed through the intestinal wall and triggered an immune response. The white ‘killer cells’ – much bigger than my blood cells – were moving around, consuming these foreign objects as I watched. This was real – not fake. It was a wake up call for me. I realised that my junk food diet combined with poor digestion I had been suffering with for years – probably IBS – needed to be sorted. The technician DID NOT claim I was suffering – or might suffer – from any specific illness. He did NOT prescribe any pill, potion or supplement. I gladly paid a modest fee for the test and then went away and conducted my research on the importance of good food and a healthy gut. Since then through personal recommendation I’ve been help others around the world to take more interest in their diet and lifestyle choices through my not for profit web sites. I DO NOT PRESCRIBE ANYTHING to anyone. I have been a health professional for 20 years now and never received one negative comment from medical doctors I work with OR private clients that say they feel better since meeting me. I am NOT a LBM practitioner if readers think I am biased!

    • congratulations!
      you have fallen completely for the nonsense this charlatan told you.

      • You obviously didn’t understand my account you idiot! I didn’t “fall” for anything! I saw my OWN BLOOD highly magnified – what is it you object to about that? Your silly and very ignorant remark reflects everything that is wrong with people who are without many brain cells. Read again the context of my remarks. I would not have changed my very poor diet and lifestyle if I had not been alerted to what was going on inside of me. Repeat you moron: Nothing was prescribed to me. No diagnosis of ANY disease was made by the technician. You have no idea what you are talking about and I’m shocked there are individuals around like you. Move on and get educated in human physiology.

          • Yes I checked out your ‘credentials’ before making comments about you. If you had any sense you would use an alias on Public forums. ‘Michael Grant’ is not my real name as I wish to protect my clients and prevent unannounced visits from retards. I own and manage a number of holistic clinics in the UK and Europe. I even have more qualifications than you, but I don’t boast about them. Although you claim to have some medical qualifications it is well known that over the years many highly qualified health practitioners have murdered, abused and otherwise treated their patients with contempt. Medical Doctors in the USA and other countries illegally conspired with GlaxoSmithKline a few years ago if you remember. GSK pleaded guilty to criminal behaviour before it went to court (off-label selling by their reps) and were fined over $3 billion which is pocket money to them. None of the highly qualified Doctors or GSK employees were locked up as they should have been. You may have some qualifications, but your attitude and need to dismiss my LBM test as you did without knowing me or the technician I met that day says everything – you are a very sad human being. May God protect the Public from people like you.

          • ” I own and manage a number of holistic clinics in the UK and Europe ”
            did you know that the UK is, in every sense, part of Europe?
            ” I even have more qualifications than you, but I don’t boast about them”
            me neither, I merely tell people my background; please tell us what qualifications you have.
            ” May God protect the Public from people like you.”
            personally, I think you should get professional help against whatever mental condition it is that you seem to be suffering from.

          • Mike Grant said:

            Although you claim to have some medical qualifications it is well known that over the years many highly qualified health practitioners have murdered, abused and otherwise treated their patients with contempt.

            Are you trying to imply Prof Ernst is a murderer or an accomplice or did you just throw in that non sequitur as part of a general smear and insult and to demonstrate your complete inability to provide a cogent and relevant argument?

        • Are you sure that the debris which they showed you came from your blood? That it couldn’t have been dirt or other contaminants from the slide that the blood was displayed on?

          • Dr Julian, with respect I assume you have not had first-hand experience with using a darkfield microscope? Over the years I have met a minority of MD’s/GP’s etc who are deliberately attempting to discredit Live Blood Microscopy for their own reasons. That’s fine – every human on the Planet is biased and that is no different in the medical professional. Since my test over 20 years ago I have met with at least four other practitioners who employ LBM as a useful tool to assess the overall health & wellness of a patient. It really is quite annoying when some Doctors claim that ALL LBM practitioners are using their microscope as a DIAGNOSTIC device… this is a false, outdated assumption! Firstly, the subject will observe the practitioner who always wears surgical grade gloves, cleaning the two slides with surgical spirit (or similar). Then a small drop of the subjects blood is taken from a completely clean finger-tip and placed between two glass slides. Then the lens of the microscope is moved over the specimen of blood and you will see with your own eyes exactly what is in your blood plasma, close up and personal! You may know that human blood stays ‘active’ outside the body for up to a hour. Some sceptics claim the heat emitted from the light causes the blood to move around. This is not the case, no heat is produced from the light. During my first test I observed my killer T-cells slowly moving around – they targeted then consumed the spicules and other stuff that was in my blood, it is fascinating. Since then I have tests every 2 or 3 years and because I have made ongoing improvements to my general diet, my red blood cells have improved in quality dramatically and the plasma is virtually clear of ‘debris’ compared to my very first test over 20 years ago. For those doctors that remain sceptical, then they need to remember that most people have never seen their own blood highly magnified. Many GP’s do not want their patients to be too well informed – I say shame on them! Just because LBM is not taught in Medical School does not mean it is only used by “charlatans” – a word that has no legal, scientific or medical definition. I’m sure you will agree there are many ‘less than ethical’ conventional doctors practising medicine. I recommend all my clients to at least investigate this unique observational test and they usually agree it is a real ‘eye-opener’ to say the least. Anything that encourages the lay person to learn more about their own body should be encouraged and not criticised. What say you?

          • I don’t know about Julian, but I do have plenty of experience with looking at live blood. let me assure you: your notions are very misguided.

          • “Mike”
            I am quite happy with Professor Ernst using my first name, and I am sure that he is comfortable with me calling him Edzard.

            The main qualities of surgical gloves is that they are sterile when they are first opened, and they form a protective barrier to prevent the spread of infection. They are not in any way free of particulate matter, and some of them are dusted with powders such as corn starch to make them easier to put on. Similarly, while cleaning a slide with alcohol will kill most microorganisms, it does not leave the slide clean, and particles from the alcohol or whatever is used to wipe the slide can readily be transferred. I suspect that the reason why fewer particles are showing up in you more recent LBM is that cleaner materials are being used than twenty years ago.

            I would be interested to know why you thought that you were looking at your killer T-cells – is that what you were told? While there are many types of T-cells, and indeed T-cells are one of the subsets of lymphocytes, all lymphocytes look identical under a microscope, and the only way of telling them apart is by using antibody-based stains that target molecules expressed on the cell membrane, which is not something that you can do with live cells. For that matter, lymphocytes are not phagocytic (that is, they don’t engulf particles, microbes or other cells), though there are other cells in the blood that are.

            I have not been specifically trained in dark field microscopy, though I remember being shown the organisms that cause amoebic dysentery in my pathology class as a student, using a similar technique. For that matter I would not know how to operate an MRI scanner, but I don’t think that disqualifies me from having an opinion as to its role in diagnosis and assessing the progress of disease. There is a lot of useful information that can be obtained from a blood sample, and many very sophisticated ways of analysing the blood to get that information, one of which is direct examination under a microscope. However, staining the blood first to highlight particular cellular components is much more informative.

            One of the most widespread haematology tests is a full blood count, which used to involve peering at blood films and counting the various types of cells seen, but is now done by a Coulter counter – a machine which uses the principles of flow cytometry to analyse and categorise cells one at a time according to how they scatter light and how they behave in an electric field.

            There is a lot of interest currently in cancer research in the significance of circulating tumour cells, and also in what is called “liquid biopsy”, which involves looking for tumour DNA in peripheral blood. I mention this because malignant cells in the blood are not visible under the microscope (with the obvious exception of leukaemia).

            Some years ago I was referred a woman in her thirties who had been diagnosed with breast cancer. She had a 4cm lump in one breast and the biopsy had confirmed that it was high grade, but it had not spread further. We advised chemotherapy and then surgery with the aim of curing her. However, she was reluctant to be treated with poisons, as she saw it, and took herself off to an alternative clinic. She came back a few months later, and told me that she had been shown her own blood with the cancer cells visible (this sounds like LBM to me). She was then treated with ozone which she explained had been bubbled through her blood, and the next sample showed that the cancer cells had gone. She went on to have further treatment with “vitamin B17”, a preparation known to contain cyanide. When I examined her, the tumour was much larger and had spread to the other breast and also lymph nodes on both sides; with this degree of progression her chance of a cure was now slim, but chemotherapy could still help to control the situation for a while. she declined, and I never saw her again.

            She had clearly been conned by a clinic which was happy to take her money for bogus tests and treatments, and as far as I know she paid for it with her life, which didn’t seem to bother them in the least.

            They are still in business, and the clinic somehow has just about managed to keep the right side of the law, though when I checked their Web site just now they were no longer treating cancer.

            It is cases like these, and many others that I have seen over the course of my career, that make me feel that I can’t sit back and say nothing when people are promoting false treatments and procedures.

            Coming back to LBM – it is not a complicated technique and does not require expensive equipment. If it were useful in any way haematology laboratories would be using it all the time.

            And coming back to the debris in your examination – if you really did have that degree of particulate matter in you blood what do you think the consequences would be? Imagine the effects of it clumping together in the small blood vessels in the kidneys, brain, spinal cord and other sensitive organs. Do you really think you would be well enough to research changes in diet, rather than lying unconscious in hospital?

          • Hello Dr Julian, thank you for your comprehensive reply to my previous notes. I congratulate you for providing a sensible, reasoned and balanced opinion… unlike others on this forum who have cherry-picked specific words of mine, taken them out of context and ignored the remainder of what I had to say – just like some of our politicians!
            Firstly your point about surgical gloves. At my first LBM test I remember the practitioner/technician used what looked like rubber gloves. I assumed they were some kind of sterile protection to avoid contamination. He removed the gloves from a sealed packet I remember which was always repeated when I had tests with different practitioners in later years. Is this not the same procedure that surgeons use when operating on a patient? If not then your greater knowledge might enlighten me.
            I may have used incorrect descriptions for the large almost transparent ‘immune’ cells that were slowly moving around on the slide. The practitioner was NOT encouraging them to move! They were moving around through the plasma under their own power and I observed they were targeting tiny pieces of what was described as ‘spicules’ or ‘debris’. That may be the wrong description – but that is not the issue here. These large transparent cells were very different in appearance to my blood cells – even I could tell the difference as a lay person. They were enveloping the small ‘spicules’ and moving on to their next target as I watched. If either you or another doctor on this forum could explain what I saw, then it will be appreciated.
            In summary, using silly words like ‘scam’ and ‘bogus’ demeans the credibility of some commentators who should accept that if it had not been for that initial test over 20 years ago that triggered my curiosity (something many adults lose in later life unfortunately), then I would not have achieved the success I enjoy today in helping many others around the world with my knowledge of raw, fermented and sprouted, organic whole food nutrition. The successes received in the form of personal testimonials gives me great satisfaction and spiritual reward. I thank you again for your response.

          • SCAM = so-called alternative medicine
            In this book [you should read it!], I explain:

            Why do I call it SCAM? Why not just ‘alternative medicine’ or one of the many other possible names for it? [BOX 1] Mainly because, whatever it is, it is it is not an alternative:
            • if a therapy does not work, it cannot be an alternative to medicine;
            • if a therapy does work, it does not belong to medicine.
            Therefore, I think, that so-called alternative medicine or SCAM is not a bad term to use.

          • Mike,
            From your description, the cells were probably neutrophils, which are a type of white blood cell. They may well have been phagocytosing (engulfing) particles of starch from the gloves. A cursory search of the Web reveals a number of videos of neutrophils phagocytosing bacteria filmed by time-lapse dark-field microscopy.

            20 years ago it was standard for surgical gloves to be made of latex and dusted with starch to make them easier to put on after scrubbing up. Nowadays concerns about allergies and the potentially irritant effect of starch on surgical wounds mean that surgical gloves are usually made of synthetic materials and are not dusted.

            I stand by my use of the word bogus to describe the treatment that my patient received, particularly as it was under the direction of a qualified doctor who should know better, but who has made a lot of money fulfilling the demand for treatments for which there is no evidence base or indeed plausible mechanism of action.

            I don’t have any details of the diets you are promoting, and so I can’t comment on that, other than to say that raw, whole, organic and fermented food in general is probably an improvement on what most of us eat (though I love fermented food – cheese, salami, wine, olives, prosciutto crudo…). Even if it was in effect a conjuring trick that triggered your interest in nutrition, that does not invalidate that interest and where it has led.

            Testimonials are nice, and used to look good at my annual appraisals, though the complaints were a more useful learning experience (once I learned to look past the feelings of outrage that they provoked).

            If I lost my curiosity I don’t know where I would be. Though I think it is important to apply the motto of the Royal Society “nullius in verbia”.

        • Mike, why didn’t your doctor tell you to stop eating junk food and you listen? Why did you need to pay someone without a medical degree to tell you that? Everyone knows that fast food is bad for you. It’s very hard to give it up. You didn’t need a blood test to tell you that.

          Also, your an adult. Don’t call people names. It makes you look like an idiot.

          • Those on this forum continue to miss the point of my experience and others I know regarding LBM. When someone sees their own ‘alive’ blood in high magnification and see their immune cells moving around in real time it can often have a profound and lasting emotional effect. Until then I only suspected my poor dietary choices might be causing a number of unpleasant digestive related symptoms. Some academics will dismiss human emotions as non-scientific. However, most humans have emotions that can be far more powerful than logic or ‘evidence’ from a clinical trial for example. If an LBM experience prompts a person to take more interest in their choice of foods – and as a consequence they choose to reduce their intake of processed fats (too much Omega-6 usually), simple carbohydrates and high refined sugar products then how can any of you criticise that? In summary LBM provides a harmless, close up view of the subjects own blood in real time. That experience over twenty years ago changed my attitude and encouraged me to take far more responsibility for my diet and lifestyle choices. I no longer have any symptoms previously suffered for many years and since then have not consulted a GP since taking responsibility for my own health. My life has been transformed for the better!

          • Helen, in my last reply to you I tried to explain how science works. This is not my opinion, it is what has told us all we know about the universe since the Enlightenment. You say this is missing the point. If so, you imply that you know more than the great scientists I listed before.

            I ask again what does LBA actually show? I would like to see a study in which a group of people had their blood analysed, with the images scored and recorded. After they had changed their diet (or whatever change the practitioner recommended), the blood analysis would be repeated and scores and images compared. If there is no difference, or just random noise, then what can we say about LBA?

            A problem with such a study is statistical power. There is no plausible mechanism for LBA and no prior knowledge of what magnitude of changes to expect, so an enormous number of subjects would be required. But I would settle for a small pilot study to assess the feasibility. If some consistency in the scoring of images emerged then we might be onto something.

            You imply that it doesn’t matter what LBA shows as long as the patient benefits by changing their lifestyle. In that case it clearly is a theatrical trick and hence fraudulent. There are much cheaper ways to counsel patients.

          • @Helen Murray on Sunday 17 March 2019 at 23:07

            If that is what it took for you to change known bad habits, I can only describe you as feeble-minded.

          • Helen Murray on Sunday 17 March 2019 at 23:07

            I am so sorry to read this. Basic nutrition is taught from primary school. Clearly, you weren’t lucky enough to attend primary school. Apparently, you did learn to read and write later in life, which is commendable, and so there is no need for you to get unreliable (dis)information from alternologists and quacks. Just go to a credible website. There are a lot of them. Here is one to get you started:

          • Carol said: “Helen, to quote you, “I have met in the last 20 years have never once made verbal or written CLAIMS or made any kind of medical diagnosis.”
            Then why are you, Mike and other people having the procedure done if they don’t give you a medical diagnosis? It’s a ‘medical diagnosis’ on your blood. They tell you about your blood with a verbal and written report. What foods to eat and stay away from. How can you both not see that? My response:
            Carol, your ignorant assumptions are quite pathetic. You are completely blinkered and think that all humans are simply mechanical robots(?). You are attempting to describe LBM as a tool for diagnosis – NOT NECESSARILY! That is why I and others who have benefited from one or more sessions of LBM are enlightened and inspired to then seek out further information about how the human body woks and what it finds useful and essential for achieving optimum health and wellbeing in a HOLISTIC sense – a word you probably dismiss as being quackery. The first encounter with my own blood up close and personal was truly amazing and no Doctor advising me on my diet at that time would have made the same emotional impact and prompted me to make fundamental changes to my lifestyle. It’s no surprise that the UK is officially the fattest, unhealthiest Nation in Europe. Unfortunately many in our society suffer from a human affliction called Ignorance and Apathy for which there is no know ‘cure’ or ‘treatment’ and it costs the Taxpayer £billions each year in medical care … Hippocrates must be turning in his grave! Do you not appreciate that some humans find that emotional stimulation can and does produce incredible human achievement in all walks of life. It just so happened that seeing my own blood in detail for the first time inspired me to enhance my education. I now have clients around the world who thank me daily for inspiring them to ‘be curious’ about their own body and it’s complex needs – dietary, spiritually, physically and emotionally. If you and other on the forum fundamentally disagree with my opinions (Edzard claimed he has no opinions on anything which is weird), then you are extremely biased.

          • @Helen Murray

            “Carol, your ignorant assumptions are quite pathetic.” /snip/ “Unfortunately many in our society suffer from a human affliction called Ignorance and Apathy for which there is no know ‘cure’ or ‘treatment’ and it costs the Taxpayer £billions each year in medical care” /snip/ “It just so happened that seeing my own blood in detail for the first time inspired me to enhance my education.”

            I can’t help feeling your education has not yet been enhanced to the point of overcoming your own blinding ignorance of medicine and related matters. Your consistently arrogant, insulting comments do you no favours whatsoever: above all they consistently destroy any case you might have had in the first place.

            Today, Has has gone to the trouble to provide a detailed critique of some of the nonsense you’ve spewed on this blog. He is one of several people who’ve tried to reason fairly with you, but you respond every time with insults, where rational counter-argument and supporting evidence would have been the appropriate reply.

            You consistently present yourself as a bastion of nastiness. Stupid but oblivious of your limitations; incapable of reading and interpreting medical evidence even-handedly but never hesitating to present your interpretations of it without ever even feeling the need to cite your sources; blustering away shamelessly at anyone who tries to explain where you’re possibly missing the point.

            And now you just wrote: “If you and other on the forum fundamentally disagree with my opinions … then you are extremely biased.” What a classic in the annals of debate! Never mind ‘argument from authority’: you apparently see yourself as the unique source of all righteousness; judge and jury; infallible, flawless, impeccable, foolproof and perfect. I guess we should all bow our silly heads in abject respect of your mighty wisdom.

          • well-put; thank you.

        • Same here! Way too many people need to recognize cellular and quantum health. Life wouldn’t exist without either one!

          • Becky

            Care to explain what you imagine “cellular and quantum health” to mean, particularly the “quantum” element.

            As a general rule, anyone using the word “quantum” in a discussion of medicine is either a nuclear physicist or doesn’t have the first clue of what they’re talking about. And I’m guessing, Becky, that you’re not a nuclear physicist.

            Occam’s Razor applies.

          • The constant bashing of health care operators you call ‘SCAM’ is getting very tedious. How about some commentators on this forum acknowledging the horrendous crimes regularly carried out by medically qualified doctors! Today we read this report from the BBC:
            “A culture of “avoidance and denial” allowed a breast surgeon to perform botched and unnecessary operations on hundreds of women, a report has found. An independent inquiry into Ian Paterson’s malpractice has recommended the recall of his 11,000 patients for their surgery to be assessed. Paterson is serving a 20-year jail term for 17 counts of wounding with intent”.
            There are numerous other examples of public health doctors, consultants, nurses and others in the profession who have been found guilty of criminal negligence and even murder (e.g. Dr Harold Shipman). The emotional trauma suffered by thousands of women who went under the knife of Ian Paterson cannot be imagined. And the UK taxpayer will also suffer the cost – millions of £££’s paid out in compensation, plus further remedial surgery and medical treatment these patients will require over the months and years ahead. Just because someone is medically qualified does not mean they can automatically avoid any legal or moral responsibility. Doctors are not GOD.

          • do you go to a butcher to buy bread?
            this blog is about so-called alternative medicine (SCAM)!

          • Mike Grant;:
            “The constant bashing of health care operators you call ‘SCAM’ is getting very tedious.”

            It’s also very tedious to have to point out repeatedly the tu quoque fallacy:

          • Mike Grant,

            I can’t follow you here. Are you saying that the behaviour of Ian Patterson and even Harold Shipman in some way legitimises live blood analysis?

          • For those determined to deliberately misrepresent by attempt to instill some balance on this forum: I am not trying to legitimise so called complimentary and alternative medicine (SCAM) by mentioning the names of convicted criminals (Shipman et al.) who have practiced in conventional health care. These individuals are taught at medical school, funded by the tax-payer, and are therefore held in a position of trust by the Public. Alternative practitioners are usually self-funded and trained privately. Yes there are criminals and incompetents in ALL areas of health care. The difference is clear – private patients can conduct their own due-diligence before taking advice from a CAM Practitioner, not so when a Patient is ‘allocated’ a GP when registering at their local NHS clinic.

          • Mike Grant:
            ” The difference is clear – private patients can conduct their own due-diligence before taking advice from a CAM Practitioner, not so when a Patient is ‘allocated’ a GP when registering at their local NHS clinic.”

            I don’t think it’s as different as you think. There are to my mind two main questions.

            1. What is the competence of the practitioner?

            2. What is the evidence for what they claim?

            For the first, a GP can be checked via the Care Quality Commission. They are of course regulated by the General Medical Council, whose track record for dealing with quackery is pretty woeful I have to say. Regulation of SCAM practitioners is however laughable. Witness the reluctance of the Professional Standards Authority to discipline the Society of Homeopaths for tolerating CEASE therapists.

            For the second, whatever treatment is advised, anyone today can check the evidence. I agree that at the consultation the principle of informed consent is not usually applied with any rigour by most GPs. But a patient can say “no I’ll look up the evidence before making a decision”. They can say the same to a SCAM practitioner. In either case hardly anyone does that, they accept the advice of someone they see as a professional.

            There is a difference though. The SCAM practitioner basically lies about how the body works, and about what is wrong with the patient. There are no meridians, no qi, no chakras, no subluxations, no vital force, and no cellular vibrations. The evidence for all these can be checked online very quickly. Needless to say, regulators such as the PSA never ask any of their registrants for such evidence. They are happy to accept lying.

    • There is a lecture on this subject in the Youtube by Russian journalist Алексей Водовозов. He has received really good education in medicine and his military rank corresponding to lieutenant colonel in the English speaking countries show he has had quite a bit of experience as a combact medic. And in the lecture he shows different slides where dirt, hair and even antenna of a mosquito are used to extort money out of gullible clients. The most “innocent” (because maybe the quack believed in what he did) was presenting red blood cells captured in side-view as parasites. Anyway a simple client does not know even that laboratory personnel should not work with windows open and their hair and dandruff flying in all directions, and they should be able to do microscopy without breaking glass (and without hiding the fact when it has happened). And “debris” in this context is no better than “toxins”.

    • dont listn to him he probably works for the pharmacy industry. in the blood you can see everything a person has

  • The fact you have taken the trouble to isolate a few of my words shows your inability to debate anything sensibly – your intellect is non-existent. Yes I am aware that the UK is part of Europe… my SINCERE APOLOGIES for that unforgivable slip, however the UK as you may know is about to exit Europe. I would usually say: “the UK (which is my main focus) and MAINLAND Europe”. Quite pathetic you needed to correct that.
    You have not been able to defend your very biased view of LBM screening tests – which in my view can provide useful information, being just one piece of a complex jigsaw and not to be used to diagnose anything in isolation.
    You are welcome to visit me at one of our clinics to verify my qualifications, but I don’t expect to see you anytime soon.
    If you suspect I have a mental condition, then it’s surprising not one of the many hundreds of health professionals I’ve worked with over the last 20 odd years ever suggested I should see a specialist – and they often trust me with their patients. Goodbye and what a waste of time it has been communicating with you.

    • it wasn’t a total waste of time – you are about to learn something important that might come in handy when you travel to your clinics in Europe:
      at the very worst, we are leaving the EU, but they are not going to drag our island out into the sea so that is becomes non-European; or did I miss something?

      • Oh dear – what are you talking about? Who said anything about dragging (physically?) our “ISLAND” out into the sea. Unwittingly you have tripped yourself up – The United Kingdom is in fact made up of a GROUP of islands (plural) and not Island singular, take a look at the map!
        You definitely have some personal issues in your life it seems. Your last retort confirms you are looking for meaningless, unimportant distractions that have nothing to do with the main issue. Move on, nothing more to say.

    • @Make Grunts: Me thinks the lady doth protest too much.
      And thank you for supplying compelling scientific evidence i.e. “in my view can provide useful information”.
      Count me convinced!
      My guess; your high-qualifications include chiroquackery and natroquackic “medicine”?
      These fake colleges teach ad hominem and obviation-of-evidence as part of the core curriculum.

  • You are not worthy of your credentials Sir! You said: “but I do have plenty of experience with looking at live blood”. Not a proper answer. You might have said: “I have been trained in the CORRECT use of a Darkfield Microscope and conducted many live blood tests on a variety of patients”. Because you didn’t clarify your so called “experience”, your reply is absolutely worthless. Your short and generalised criticisms of my more detailed and thorough notes is very odd – again I think your lack of intellect is clouding your objectivity …

    Let’s see what Dr Julian has to say – and by the way, you forgot to address him with his title of Dr. Perhaps you have some kind of inflated ego that needs addressing.

    • ” Not a proper answer.”
      to what question?
      your comments get more and more bizarre [apart from being insulting and libellous]

      • As usual ‘Edzard’ you twisted the context of my message and ignored the issue: Have you or have you not been professionally trained to operate a Darkfield Microscope? If yes, where exactly did you receive your training and what hands on experience can you tell us about? Just focus if you can on this specific point instead of trying to be clever. If you have no experience, then as I said previously your comments about LBM are completely worthless.

        • @”Mike Grant”

          This is by no means the first time I’ve said this: if you think you’re good, you’re almost certainly comparing yourself with the wrong people.

          In the second comment you made on this thread you said “get educated in human physiology”. Your follow-up remarks indicate only that your comprehension of human physiology — in particular immunology — is not even at beginners’ level.

          For those of us who’ve spend decades operating microscopes, your silly questions to Edzard about his training in microscopy only indicate the low level of your own “expertise”.

          Where to begin? For a kick-off, you can’t tell killer T-cells apart from any other (T- or B-) lymphocytes under the microscope unless you use highly specific and very expensive fluorescent antibody stains (and a fluorescence microscope, not a plain darkfield condenser). This kind of stain was purely experimental 20 years ago, so you can’t possibly have seen ‘killer cells’ in a darkfield microscopic examination of live blood.

          Then there’s your claim to have seen killer cells ‘consuming’ what you call ‘contaminants’, ‘debris’ and ‘spicules’ (LOL for that one!). That’s not the way killer cells work: it’s polymorphs, monocytes and macrophages that engulf things. Killer cells spread themselves close to a target cell they recognize as abnormal (e.g. a tumor cell or a virus-infected cell) and secrete molecules that induce apoptosis in the target.

          And how did you know the ‘debris’ had “had passed through the intestinal wall”? That’s a hoot inducer!

          You claim that “my red blood cells have improved in quality dramatically”. Please enlighten us how you measure the ‘quality’ of a red blood cell.

          “It really is quite annoying when some Doctors claim that ALL LBM practitioners are using their microscope as a DIAGNOSTIC device… this is a false, outdated assumption!” So what do you think of this YouTube video from 2016? The lady claims to be able to help “detect health issues such as: digestive upset, thyroid issues, adrenal fatigue, yeast, parasites, toxin overload, allergies, auto immune, stress, sugar imbalances, acidity, fatigue, deficiencies, sleep issues, and organ stress”. If those aren’t diagnostic claims, what are they? (BTW, for anybody with even a vague knowledge of human physiology, they’re downright hilarious claims for direct microscopy of a blood smear.)

          You come on this blog arrogantly calling its author an ‘idiot’, ‘retard’, ‘a very sad human being’, ‘your intellect is non-existent’, ‘not worthy of your credentials’ and claiming “I even have more qualifications than you”, without stating what these might be. You have even managed to imply Professor Ernst is a murderer.

          Please re-read the opening sentence of this comment and think about it carefully. To many well-qualified readers of this thread, you appear to be completely out of your depth.

          • Ah. Mike. As Frank says. As so often on this blog the hopeful evangelistic Dunning-Kruger merchants stride forth proudly waving the banners of whichever quackery they choose to evangelise and then have their arse handed to them on a silver platter as someone who actually knows they are talking about rips their hapless argument to shreds. Normally it is Thomas Mohr who does this in an implacable and brutal manner. This time it is Frank’s turn to do so. You are up against an expert and have been bested. Retire from the argument, Mike. Consider perhaps where the errors in your thought processes might be and concede that, just.. just possibly you and your Live Blood Analyst might have been wrong.

          • Hello Frank Odds – you probably regret stating this: “You have even managed to imply Professor Ernst is a murderer”. You really scraped the barrel with that assumption didn’t you. That silly comment only reflects on your need to distort what I actually said for your own reasons. As you well know, there are UK based doctors – past and present – who have for whatever reason murdered their patients; would you deny that fact? A certain Dr Shipman was convicted of mass murder only 19 years ago if you remember. However to suggest I implied the host of this forum could or would murder anyone is quite ridiculous – I suggest YOU re-read my words.
            You reference a ‘lady’ on youtube who made diagnostic claims – I agree that is how NOT to behave but there are many other bogus practitioners out there and not just LBM specialists. You seem to be obsessed with this specific discipline – why?
            Virtually every comment you made was an attempt to twist and distort my fairly generalised summarising. I am well aware of a ‘Harley Street’ based bogus (as it turned out) Doctor who used his limited knowledge of Live Blood Microscopy to grossly mislead his patients and it was widely reported. There are others just like him and I would agree they should be banned from interacting with the Public. However, you have tried desperately to take some of my words out of context – you would make a good spin-doctor I would say.
            Finally, I asked Prof Ernst a very reasonable question – has he any first hand experience or training in the use of Darkfield microscopes. He chose not to answer that question – either yes or no, which is rather strange don’t you think? A simple yes or know would have been OK. In summary, your hysterical attack on me was quite pathetic, move on, absolutely nothing to see here.

          • I will answer your question, once you disclose your qualifications, as asked for before you asked your silly question.

          • I learned dark field microscopy in second year of medical school. Among the exercises, we looked at drops of blood and we learned how to avoid being fooled by the artefacts that LBA-scam artists use to deceive their marks.

    • I have followed this exchange with interest, and I am probably going to regret diving back in now, but here goes.

      Firstly Mike, what is LBA actually for? What does it tell you as a practitioner? Whatever it does tell you, is that reproducible? You say that you learned all sorts of things about your diet. What underlying science supported whatever interventions you decided to undertake? What tests were done to ensure that the abnormalities observed were not artifacts?

      I am genuinely interested in the published literature on LBA.

      • Les, with respect you like others here are choosing to take my words out of context for your own reasons. Here is part of what you said: “You say that you learned all sorts of things about your diet”. Again like the others you insist that the initial test I had was diagnostic… wrong! It gave me a visual insight into my blood and what it contained first hand. I now know from many papers and studies that looking at blood under the microscope within a few minutes of it being drawn is very different to viewing that SAME blood days later in a remote lab. Even an idiot would understand that. The test triggered my curiosity, it did not specifically indicate what I should eat or drink each day – that would be impossible. However, it did encourage me to research into the world of whole food nutrition and healthy eating & exercise which I understand is not given any priority at Medical School – in my view it should. A GP or MD would then have a better understanding about the root causes of type 2 diabetes, hardening of the arteries and many other serious medical conditions. LBA does not if used responsibly diagnose any specific illness. You are missing the point.

    • EDZARD – asking me for MY qualifications is avoiding the issue here. My qualifications are not in question because I do not practice LBA – you obviously haven’t understood my comments! I have been on the receiving end of LBA as the subject who observed fascinating images with their own eyes in real time. This visual information then prompted me to investigate the nutritional value of numerous foods which I and many others have since found to be extremely beneficial. NO diagnosis was offered or treatment suggested by the LBA practitioners I have met in the past.
      It was you – not me – that set the agenda for LBA, and you used a very immature headline: “Live blood analysis, another SCAM to avoid”. If you read your own headline perhaps you’ll appreciate you present yourself as just another ill informed, egotistical blog writer … Using words like ‘scam’ and ‘bogus’ have no accurate scientific, legal or medically recognised definition. You can quote all the articles you like that support your assertions – but as I said previously, if the practitioner is unethical in their behaviour, then any kind of medical related screening test or procedure can be misleading or even dangerous. You seem to ignore that fact – just look at the many cases where NHS and Private Practice doctors have been given nothing more than a ‘slap on the wrist’ for serious breaches of ethical and professional conduct towards their patients.

      • I did understand your comments very well. they are so barmy that it is important to know the qualifications that you insisted on boasting about. either you have no qualifications to talk about and are basically talking out of your arse, or you have some, in which case it is you who must be barmy.

      • I have been practicing LIVE BLOOD CELL ANALYSIS for a few years. I was trained out of Canda as an individual and am certified and a Health Coach. I always make sure ones know prior that I am not here to treat, diagnose or cure. I am not a doctor and because I do not prescribe medicine. The white blood cells you had seen engulfing bacteria and debris is called a neutrophil. They represent 60-70% of total WBC count. Eosinophils represent 2-4% of the leukocytes. Increased number of them shows you could be fighting several different things. Allergies, arthritic conditions. They are prominent in the digestive and respiratory tracts. A “recommendation ” would be Vitamin A 20k a day, Vitamin C 2- 5000 mg a day, Quercetin and zinc. This is just an example. If ever I see something unusual for concern I asked them to see their GP. I’m not against doctors. We need them. And what I’ve been trained isn’t to undermine or discredit ones knowledge. There are ones who go too far and things can get emotional where we can’t see logic. And there are some who don’t know what they are doing. And I’ve had my share of some really bad doctors. And knowing staffs who work for some who are right out greedy. I have biologist who come see me, a lot of nurses, sceptics, phlebotomist and so on. I ask a lot of questions. Suggest lifestyle changes, exercise, water mineral intake. Dark field is why you do not need blood stain. The same thing as of chemical composition is not looked for as in a lab. A well trained individual can know the difference between if a dust particle that got involved vs. Cellular debris. It’s like asking an arborist is that a tree when you stuck a stick in the ground and then you want them to prove it. It’s silly. My lenses are clean, my gloves are powder free and their finger is always clean and dry. I ask them not to eat 2 hours prior. And I also put pictures up of what’s being looked for and let them ask questions and compare what they see from the photos. You can’t fake that. I can see a particular several different places and then ask…do you do this? And they answer “YES” being surprised. But I’m not. Bc I’m trained and love to teach what I know. And I continue to learn just as science continues to progress even themselves. I respect doctors who don’t disrespect my knowledge and love that I have to help people. If ever I was told and shown I was breaking the law, I simply would stop. It’s not my faith it’s a way to provide for myself while helping others. My saying is…It’s not what I do but how I do it that matters to me. And I hold others to the same standard. I don’t care what you do for a living. I care how you treat people and doing your job in an honest way. Im also trained in dry blood cell analysis. Thank you

        • Bagara

          Would you be prepared to reveal who you are and where you practise? I can then ask the regulatory authorities to validate what you do.

        • Hello Bagara, how refreshing to read your opinion on LBM. The aggressive and ill-informed criticism on this forum of an observational ONLY means of viewing a subjects live blood is quite shameful. From what you say, you sound like the person I met many years ago that did NOT diagnose any specific medical condition – that is not what they do. It was the visual impact of seeing what was going on in my blood stream that FIRST encouraged me to research more nutritious whole foods (unprocessed), more fruits & veggies, chia seeds etc. that might alleviate my long standing and painful digestive disorders (I’m sure you know what I mean by that). The practitioner (he was based in Australia but was visiting London at the time) made some SUGGESTIONS that enabled me to transform my general health and wellbeing – right up to this day! Going to a GP explaining I had digestive pains would trigger a prescription designed to alleviate the symptoms – I was totally ignorant about my diet and decided to improve my health with real, nutritious food. I know of many in my circle that would be keen to meet you – where are you based?

          • Going to a GP explaining I had digestive pains would trigger a prescription designed to alleviate the symptoms

            Then you should change your GP. It should trigger a series of investigations to determine the cause of your digestive pains, so that the cause, not the symptoms, could be treated, whether it be Helicobacter pylorii infection, gallstones, bile salt malabsorption, pancreatitis, a colorectal tumour…

            Your GP should also be able to advise you regarding a healthy diet – whole foods (processed as little as possible), more fruit, vegetables and fibre, oily fish once or twice a week… Though I have never heard of chia seeds.

        • Bagara,

          The first time I came across live blood analysis was when a private clinic offering questionable treatments used it to deceive a patient of mine, a woman in her 30’s, into believing that “vitamin B17” (laetrile / amygdalin) together with extracorporeal ozone perfusion of her blood was effective in treating her breast cancer. They convinced her to decline the treatment my team had proposed for treating her high-grade but localised breast cancer (chemotherapy initially, followed by surgery). Once she had run out of money and it was obvious to her that the cancer was progressing she came back to me, but by then it was too extensive for any hope of curative treatment and she died fairly rapidly.

          Perhaps there are situations where live blood analysis can provide useful diagnostic information, and if so could you enlighten us? Because I have only ever heard of it being used as a visual aid to persuade people to go along with dubious treatments.

          A well trained individual can know the difference between if a dust particle that got involved vs. Cellular debris.

          My patient wasn’t well-trained, so when she was told that the debris on the slide was cancer cells she believed it.

          A “recommendation ” would be Vitamin A 20k a day, Vitamin C 2- 5000 mg a day, Quercetin and zinc

          When I was training as an oncologist in the 1990’s our course included details of a large Scandinavian cancer prevention trial using a combination of vitamin C at that sort of dose in combination with a vitamin A derivative, randomised against a placebo, in smokers; I think there were about 20,000 participants. The trial was stopped early when an interim analysis of the data showed a 25% increase in the incidence of lung cancer in the group receiving the vitamins. I’m sorry I don’t have the reference to hand.

          There have been subsequent trials looking at other antioxidants (e.g. the SELECT study examining vitamin E and selenium in the hope of preventing prostate cancer) and they have all clearly shown the opposite of what what expected, namely that antioxidant vitamins in high doses INCREASE the risk of cancer. It is now thought that antioxidants, rather than protecting DNA from oxidative damage as was once thought, actually interfere with the cell’s DNA repair systems, which is why they are carcinogenic. I don’t know whether this applies to quercetin (another antioxidant) but in the absence of evidence that it does any good I would be inclined to be cautious. I would also be wary of recommending zinc unless biochemical tests show a deficiency.

          However, the supplement industry has employed PR and advertising very effectively to maintain their profits from selling these harmful preparations.

          I am not a doctor and because I do not prescribe medicine

          Nevertheless you still recommend to individual clients that they should take unnecessary and potentially harmful supplements.

          • Dr Julian – just wanted to quickly say, as you mentioned the Heli pylorii infection, many many years ago I had this infection – obviously being non medical, I didn’t know that initially (it felt like the worst variety of flu).

            It was in the days of GP home visits being more accessible : my GP took one look at me and asked me if I had eaten chicken. The answer was yes and she diagnosed this infection without any tests and prescribed whatever it was I needed.

            I was very impressed, and she is one of the reasons I have respect for many of the medical professionals. Sadly she left our Practice to return to her childhood home and family Practice, which was a loss for our community. She had that extra insight, intuition or whatever it can be called that made her a very special,GP.

          • Angela,

            as you mentioned the Heli pylorii infection, many many years ago I had this infection – obviously being non medical, I didn’t know that initially (it felt like the worst variety of flu).

            It was in the days of GP home visits being more accessible : my GP took one look at me and asked me if I had eaten chicken. The answer was yes and she diagnosed this infection without any tests and prescribed whatever it was I needed.

            From your description of the symptoms this sounds like Campylobacter, not Helicobacter.

            Campylobacter jejuni is a frequent contaminant of chicken, and is also the most common acute bacterial gastrointestinal infection. The symptoms are usually a flu-like illness with a fever and extreme tiredness, along with diarrhoea, often (though not always) severe cramping abdominal pains and very smelly wind. It can take some time to resolve by itself but responds well to antibiotics.

            Helicobacter pylori is a chronic infection, and is the main cause of gastritis and peptic (gastric and duodenal) ulcers, so the symptoms can be pain, internal bleeding, indigestion, and acute illness if the ulcer perforates. Until it was discovered in 1982 the treatment of ulcers was major surgery. It is now a course of “triple therapy” of which there are several regimens.

            Rather confusingly, Helicobacter pylori used to be called Campylobacter pylori until DNA sequencing showed that Helicobacter and Campylobacter were less closely related than originally thought and therefore belonged in different genera.

            The story of H. pylorii makes interesting reading. Two Australia doctors, Barry Marshall and Robin Warren, first came up with the idea that it was the cause of peptic ulcers, rather than excess acid, stress or whatever. The medical establishment took some convincing at first, but once the studies had been done the association was clear and so, as always, medical practice changed in line with the evidence. Marshall and Warren were awarded the Nobel prize in 2005.

  • YOU are the author and mediator for this blog – not me. It is not for me to prove my qualifications, it is for you to prove your assertion that LBA itself as a scam! You insist on saying LBA is used to diagnose something – you are completely wrong. It is how the practitioner decides to use a darkfield microscope and help the subject to interpret and understand the images – that is the issue you should focus on.
    Very sad that you deliberately avoid the specific points I keep making. Why use meaningless words like ‘scam’ and ‘bogus’. If you wish to achieve any credibility with your readers you should use more adult language. I have given you opportunities to describe your personal experience of LBA – you patently failed to confirm you have any first hand knowledge or training in the use of a darkfield microscope – so how can you dismiss it as “bogus”? You should be ashamed of your ignorance. Goodbye.

    • come on!
      it was YOU who criticised me for informing people about my qualifications and the boasted about yours.
      surely, in this case, you have to disclose them or shut up.
      “it is for you to prove your assertion that LBA itself as a scam!”
      no, those who make a claim have to prove it – and nobody can doubt that LBA-advocates make plenty of claims – see here:
      “I have given you opportunities to describe your personal experience of LBA”
      there you had me in stiches! thank you for the comic relief.
      btw, ‘bogus’ and ‘scam’ are not meaningless words; these words indicate that LBA-advocates are quacks [another term that is by no means meaningless]

    • Dr Julian – yes you are absolutely correct – thank you. I told you I was non-medical, and here is an absolutely excellent demonstration of such. . I do remember the GP saying it was a notifiable disease : I am not sure if this is still the case. A good reminder to well cook chicken. Thank you for the interesting information.

      • Anglea

        More than that. Providing the chicken is well cooked, ironically, millions swear by the healing effects of chicken soup.

        • One of my patients described it to me as Jewish Penicillin.

          I looked up the recipe for Jewish Chicken Soup and it seemed quite complicated, though very nourishing (containing a whole chicken, lots of vegetables and matza balls, which are something I have never tried). It seems to be pronounced CHICKensoup with a strong emphasis on the first syllable, I suppose to distinguish it from the non-Jewish variety, which I make quite frequently when I have a chicken carcase to use up, but which is merely food.

  • Of course @Make Grunts is a chiropractor…everyone knows that right? Chiroquackers are chin-deep in this vomitus….led by Scientology trained reprobates like David Singer. Of course MG won’t reveal his qualifications as he has none but in buffoonery. Or might he surprise us and reveal a Bachelors’ in English lit?

    • I don’t need to tell you anything about my qualifications because I am not practising Live Blood Analysis or hosting this forum dummy. I am a guest contributor and as mentioned before I’m using an alias. That means you don’t know my true identity or anything else about me apart from my opinions stated on this blog. I don’t need to defend myself because I am not claiming that Live Blood Analysis itself is bogus or a scam. As I said before – only those persons using the microscope unethically deserve to be criticised. Your intolerance of Live Blood Microscopy is very juvenile if you have not been professionally trained on the correct use of the instrument and then conducted live tests on real people; only then would you have a right to criticise. Remember, many health care professionals with qualifications after their name have been convicted of serious crime and unethical behaviour. Your obsession with ‘qualifications’ says everything about you – an intolerant idiot (nothing personal – you were probably born that way).

      • I too am not claiming that LBA is bogus or a scam.
        I have researched the evidence, found none, AND THIS MAKES IT BOGUS AND A SCAM!
        not soooooooooooo difficult to understand, is it?
        a similar logic applies to your failure to disclose your qualifaications AFTER BOASTING ABOUT THEM: we simply have to assume you are a charlatan without meanigful qualifications [and all your comments seem to confirm this hypothesis].

        • Oh how ignorant Edzard – I am shocked at a fellow professional refusing to acknowledge my take home message summarising the benefit I received from that first LBA encounter over 20 years ago. As usual, and it’s becoming VERY boring, you make absolutely no comment on the substance of my general opinions. As an analogy, I cannot prove with ‘first hand personal knowledge and hard evidence that the world is round – can you? You believe that LBA is a scam – well you are entitled to your opinion as we all are. You may not like it, but some of your fellow highly qualified medical Doctors prescribe placebo pills to their patients and achieve clinically measurable improvements in a significant number of those patients that suffered from a variety of diagnosed conditions. I have never taken – to my knowledge – a placebo pill, but I don’t dismiss it as as a scam! That would be very stupid of me.
          You are really scraping the barrel, highlighting in BLOCK CAPITALS not disclosing of my credentials. I have already explained to you (but you seem to have ignored it) that you are welcome to attend one of my clinics and I will show you written evidence of my qualifications – but you won’t take me up on that offer.
          You are obsessed with cherry picking for your own reasons and therefore ignoring the bigger picture. Charlatan you say? You don’t know who I am, who I work with in the medical field and who my clients are. Your assumptions are laughable. I’m sure Dr Julian raised an eyebrow at your retorts.

          • “You believe that LBA is a scam – well you are entitled to your opinion as we all are.”
            thank you but I don’t believe or have an opinion.
            LBA is not backed by sound evidence and thus it objectively is bogus.
            your experience might be of interest to some but it is an (unreliable) anecdote and not evidence.
            “obsessed with cherry-picking”??? that’s a good one! there are no cherries to pick; there is no evidence for LBA.
            and btw, it would help, if you did abstain from insults.

          • Edzard, you just requested I refrain from using insults, yet you said these words: “We simply have to assume you are a charlatan”. Well if that isn’t an insult then I don’t know what is! A case of hypocrisy me thinks.
            Please move on, you seem to be deliberately looking to criticise me for no useful purpose. In any event, it is very unlikely that anyone reading these exchanges will take them seriously.

          • wrong!
            if I say: you are a charlatan – it would be an insult
            If I say: “We simply have to assume you are a charlatan”, it is a fact, because you have given reason for this assumption.

  • Ahhhhh, I have at last figured you out Edzard. Because of your inflated ego you probably insist on having the last word in any debate or conversation. You will no doubt respond to this final message from me with pointless rubbish. However I have decided to move on as this is all getting very tedious. Wouldn’t be surprised if you now have a smug grin on your face – enjoy!

  • Mike, I would be happy to attend your clinic and observe your methods, but you will need to tell me where you operate.

  • Hi,
    I do not have any type of medical degree, I just sit in reception of the ones who does, so I get to see and speak with their patients. I have worked with both sides. It is my experience that at the wellness clinic I would hear more often than not a patient saying ” Oh my God I feel like a new person, for years I suffered” As for me personally, I have just started seeing a Naturopath in hope that she can help me with issues that many, and I mean many Physicians and Specialist have not been able to, I would say not even wanted to because my issues can’t easily be explained. I have suffered since my teens and I am now 60. She doesn’t charge me anything. As a matter of fact she gives many a break, because that is how nice she is.
    I am a bit angry at these people I now work with are being called scammers, as they are wonderful people and completely believe in their work. Some because that was the only thing that helped them. So please do not call them all scammers.

    • JustMe:
      I am sure that some naturopaths believe what they practise. I am also sure that some patients feel better after treatment. I am not sure that the treatment was the reason. This is is why we do clinical trials, to minimise bias and get a better idea of what works. Clinical trials have not shown that naturopathy works. Anecdotes are not evidence.

      I am also sure that some practitioners are scammers. Try this one:

      • Les, your attitude is quite juvenile. Errol Denton is VERY old news, and his case only attracted media attention because he had a Harley Street address which anyone can obtain without any qualifications in anything. I can quote many qualified GP’s and MD’s that have hit the headlines for the wrong reasons… so what does that prove???
        Medical Doctors (GP’s and others) in the UK and elsewhere have (for example) shown that placebo pills can cause a group of subjects that were suffering from a variety of diagnosed ailments to make significant improvements. We know for example that drug companies will repeat clinical trials until they get the result they want – which is a lucrative Patent and licence to print money. When administering placebo pills, even the colour of the capsule has been shown to have a positive – or not – effect in clinical trials! And even when some subjects were told they were taking placebo, clinically measurable improvements were still recorded – equal to those obtained from clinical trials. I do not promote or recommend placebo, but conventional medicine often lacks humility and an acceptance that ‘alternative’ treatments can often be highly beneficial. Doctors today might have forgotten the wise words of Hippocrates; “first, do no harm”.

        • “Errol Denton is VERY old news”
          He was sentenced by Blackfriars Crown Court on 21st April 2018. How is that very old news?

          “conventional medicine often lacks humility and an acceptance that ‘alternative’ treatments can often be highly beneficial”
          By definition alternative treatments have not been shown to be beneficial, otherwise they would be incorporated into conventional medicine.

          “first, do no harm”
          That is all very well, and appropriate 2,000 years ago when no doctors were able to do much good. We now know that any intervention that can have a beneficial effect can also be harmful, and it is a matter of balancing benefit and risk.

        • Helen, I am reluctant to debate with someone who resorts to insults, but here goes. Here are the basic principles that apply:

          1. What is the claim? In this case, what benefit is claimed for live blood analysis? “Tells me all sorts of things….” is not specific. Just choose one claim and tell us what it is.

          2. What is the evidence that supports the claim? This must conform to the standards that have been established by science over centuries, ie rigorous controlled trials, peer reviewed and published.

          3. Is the evidence reproducible? Or is it only visible by the practitioner?

          Let’s apply this to your claim:

          “…drug companies will repeat clinical trials until they get the result they want…”

          Please provide one example of this, with evidence.

          • “…drug companies will repeat clinical trials until they get the result they want…”
            I think you should read Bad Pharma by Ben Goldacre (who has co-authored other books with Professor Ernst).

            Drug companies are well known for failing to publish negative results to the extent that many researchers now feel that publication of results, whatever they show, should be a necessary part of obtaining ethical approval for a trial.

            In my experience they are also very selective in the way that they present their (published) data to healthcare professionals, many of whom do not take the trouble to read the research paper in full, and may not have the training in statistics required to evaluate the research critically.

          • minor correction: Ben and I published several articles but never any books together.

          • I have read Bad Pharma, and know Ben fairly well. I spent 40 years in the pharma industry and saw the good, the bad and the ugly. On several occasions I attracted opprobrium by criticising bad ethics and science. I even blew the whistle on one company to the MHRA (who did nothing). But the latest evidence is that pharma is much better than academia at publishing results, even though there are ways to go. I always used to say that drug development went fine until the data got into the hands of the marketing department, who were quite happy to distort and obfuscate.

            My comment was in response to a specific claim, that “…drug companies will repeat clinical trials until they get the result they want…”. There is no regulatory mechanism that would allow this. Apart from that, trials are so cripplingly expensive that doing the same thing over and over again is not viable. What they can do of course is to design the trial to show the study drug in the best light. An example is choosing assessment points that suit your own drug better than the comparator. Regulators don’t seem to be wise to this.

            But all this is a distraction from the core debate, and is just a tu quoque fallacy.

          • Apologies. My mistake.

          • none needed

  • Oh what joy! I am leaving this forum for a more balanced blog I have just discovered. So refreshing to read objective, balanced opinion…

    Goodbye everyone, I’m sure you will all say good riddance.

    • “A more balanced blog” = “An echo-chamber filled with halfwits who will unquestioningly reinforce my misconceptions unlike here where you nasty people with your facts, logic and science have repeatedly and empirically demonstrated my foolishness”

  • @Helen,

    A blog that characterizes heart disease, Alzheimer’s and cancer as ‘metabolic’ diseases (see the first sentence in the ‘About’ page of the blog) is not a source of “objective, balanced opinion” to anyone with even superficial comprehension of medicine and ability to think critically.

  • Les, you are wearing blinkers. The six or more Live Blood technicians I have met in the last 20 years have never once made verbal or written CLAIMS or made any kind of medical diagnosis. You are obsessed with ‘science’, ‘bogus claims’ ‘clinical trials’ and ‘evidence’. There are many events in our world that science cannot yet explain. Evidence is not necessarily PROOF of anything. Why is the medical profession so against allowing the lay person to educate and inform themselves. Looking at their own blood in great detail often has a profound and lasting emotional effect that prompted me to learn more about nutrition and a more balanced lifestyle. If you discourage lay people from at least making up their own mind then you are a pompous fool (nothing personal).

    • “There are many events in our world that science cannot yet explain.”
      but the validity of a diagnostic test is not one of them!

    • Why is the medical profession so against allowing the lay person to educate and inform themselves.

      In my – very current and personal – experience, that is not even remotely true. On the contrary, the profession does everything it can to make it as possible as possible for the lay person to educate herself/himself/itself to the point of providing educators and educational programmes.

    • There are many events in our world that science cannot yet explain.

      That is so. That is precisely why we still have science. The day everything is explained, science will die and we will stick with knowledge. That is a time we are very unlikely to witness before the heat death of the universe.

      Evidence is not necessarily PROOF of anything.

      Indeed. In science, there is no such thing as proof, only cases of more or less, and more or less solid, evidence. Non-science just provides (far) less credible evidence. Live blood analysis has so far been unable to provide credible evidence. That does not necessarily mean it never will. However, until then, it will not be taken seriously, and rightly so.

      I was recently reminded of this with the case of flexible/foldable/bendable displays. They were announced in the 70s of last century. We are still waiting. That’s long time on a human scale.

    • Helen, to quote you, “I have met in the last 20 years have never once made verbal or written CLAIMS or made any kind of medical diagnosis.”
      Then why are you, Mike and other people having the procedure done if they don’t give you a medical diagnosis?

      It’s a ‘medical diagnosis’ on your blood. They tell you about your blood with a verbal and written report. What foods to eat and stay away from.

      How can you both not see that?

  • Helen, I suggest you go away and learn some philosophy and science. All that we know about the universe we have learned via science. I certainly don’t discourage anyone from making their own decisions, but they need to understand what evidence is. Anyone can do that. I do take your insult personally. If you think that anyone who relies on science, evidence, and fair tests is a pompous fool, then you include the likes of Einstein, Faraday, Hawking, Feynmann, Crick, and Watson in that category. I do find it insulting to be told that my 40 year career in science, and fellowships of two professional bodies, have blinded me to ideas. I’ll look at any idea, and ask for the evidence. Yes I am obsessed with science, because science works and anti-science harms people.

    You need to understand how evidence works. There is never 100% certainty. As science progresses, uncertainty is reduced. This often unsettles lay people because they want certainty. But as scientific methods improve the evidence can change. A good example is giving steroids for head injuries.This was done for decades because there was a plausible mechanism, but there were no controlled trials. When a trial was done it was found that steroids kill people with head injuries, so medical practice changed. It would not have changed if someone had said “I looked at a live blood sample and saw all sorts of interesting things”.

    If your technicians never made any claims or recommended anything, then what on earth was it all for? Money for old rope I reckon.

    • One more example of this, appropriate for this blog, is acupuncture. When I went to med school in the late 70s, I was still taught about the fact that there were plausible explanations for how acupuncture could work. I don’t think those are being taught any longer, for the very simple reason that acupuncture has not been shown to work in the first place. So, plausible or not, the explanations have no value. Science has prevailed above non-science. In the end, science may not always win, but it certainly never loses.

  • Helen, thanks for the link to another health forum, likely one of the better things I’ll take from this MB. Nothing here but a bunch of over educated fools in blinders, and ear plugs in their ears. They wear sanctimonious white robes getting together for a cyber-circle-jerk. I’ve wasted enough time here, same as you concluded.

    PS – notice how they won’t give ear to a thing you profess, but every time as you and Mike witnessed, they want to know specifically who and where these health care healing is taking place. No doubt they are astute at whistleblowing and retaliation. Their aim is nothing more than to discredit alternative medicine and those that subscribe to it. Must be nice to have the FDA to be the moat around your castle, a corrupt FDA at that.

    so long suckers

  • Disclaimer: I am not a doctor and have absolutely no place diagnosing any disease or symptoms. Despite this I would like to share something that is currently happening and get opinions/advice. This does concern LBA but it has a long background story (sorry).
    I have a good friend who is exhibiting dizziness, impaired vision, fatigue, pain all over her body (especially spine and joints), lack of muscle control and occasional loss of control of her bowls. She was going to a Chiro who was adjusting her and telling her to “not cross her legs when she sits” in order to make the pain go away. As soon as I found this out I told her husband to take her to the ER right away and he took her that night. They ran several tests thinking she might have had a stroke but as far as I was told they found lesions on her brain (I honestly don’t know what that means). They said she might have MS but they don’t know for sure and wanted her to see a brain specialist. They referred her to one before discharging her.
    She called the brain doctor every day for a month until her referral ran out and never once spoke to the doctor. During this time she was going through immense pain, couldn’t walk more than about hundred feet without having to sit down and pooping her pants multiple times a week with no control.
    Another good friend (friend 2) of mine told her about an alternative clinic which friend 2 went to and per them saved their life. She was getting no response from her brain doctor and even after physically going back to the ER and asking them for help was turned away (note that it was very taxing for her to go back there).
    She then flew to this clinic where she did 5k worth of tests and was told she had Lyme.
    – – – Here it comes – – –
    With her husband and parents in the room her finger was pricked, blood put on a slide and she was able to see her blood on a large TV. She was shown how her blood circles were clumping together and the worm looking things moving around were identified as Lyme disease. This made such a large impression on her that it was the one part of her trip that she told me about in detail when she returned.
    – – – – – – –
    The tests are not back yet but she was diagnosed with Lyme, Leaky Gut and an Autoimmune Disease the same day she took the tests and got the pushy-arm thing while holding bottles (it has a name but I don’t know it)

    She is going to do the treatment at this alternative clinic – I don’t know exactly what it is but it includes Ozone Therapy and vitamins and several other things to the tune of around 40k (which isn’t readily available to her). She has very minimal insurance which covers almost nothing – alternative or otherwise.

    I’ve been doing research somewhat frantically because I’m concerned that her condition is misdiagnosed and she is going to deteriorate. Each time I bring up a problematic point like Lyme disease needing to be tested properly or the dangerousness of Ozone I am told about how unhelpful the doctors were who she went to see and how they don’t know what they are doing and misdiagnosed her with MS instead of figuring out that she had Lyme.

    She is excited to go get cured at this clinic, she is doing the Keto diet, eating mostly salads etc and healthy food (although she is getting very very skinny and frail). She reads the testimonials from others who were cured of Lyme on the clinic website and sends me links of the videos they take with their cured patients.

    I am at a loss. I don’t trust Alternative Medicine. I can’t convince her to go back to a brain doctor because she has had such a bad experience. I am hoping she somehow does get cured either from her better diet or whatever magic Alternative Medicine works on.

    One takeaway from this for me is that while proper scientific study and correct diagnosis is the basis of medical care, the presentation to the patient and attitude towards the patient is absolutely imperative to treatment. This young woman was let down by her doctors – not by their diagnosis or errors in execution of procedures but by a failure to be treated as fellow person who is scared and confused and wants help and answers from people in authority. When she failed to get answers from the normal medical establishment she went to her alternative who was very willing to treat her kindly and explain everything that was the matter with her – even showing her the bacteria that was causing all of her problems on a screen. They say they can treat her and make her fully better in a few months rather than her having to live for the rest of her life with MS.

    I wanted to provide this insight as someone who is external to these proceedings but was able to observe how LBA was used in the real world as well as what could be done by real doctors to help curtail this practice

    Whatever happens with LBA and ozone therapy I simply hope that my friend’s condition improves by whatever means.

    • I am sorry to hear of your friend’s experience. It is difficult to know what is really wrong with her and on the basis of your description of her symptoms it could be anything from a serious neurological problem such as MS, Lyme disease or another chronic infection (syphilis will do this, though its advanced form is now very rare; like Lyme disease it is caused by a spirochaete), an unusual autoimmune or metabolic problem or something psychiatric rather than physical at all. If she is getting progressively more unwell with significant weight loss, as you suggest, then this could even by an atypical presentation of a cancer (some tumours secrete hormone-like substances that have very strange effects on the rest of the body resulting in what we call a paraneoplastic syndrome). The point I am making is that it is impossible to know without the diagnostic skills of an experienced physician and the diagnostic resources that he will have available.

      She has clearly got off to a bad start with conventional medicine. Maybe ER wasn’t a good place to start (I don’t know how the system is organised where you live) as she was probably assessed by relatively junior doctors who are more used to dealing with accidents, injuries and acute medical problems such as asthma, stroke, cardiac disease and chest infections. The emergency doctors’ assessment was probably that she didn’t require immediate treatment and should see a specialist for further investigation. Referring her to a neurologist is a reasonable next step. In the UK a wait of a month for the appointment isn’t unusual, but if her condition was deteriorating she should have chased it up harder and at the second visit to ER they should have recognised that the situation was changing (if it was changing at that point), but they probably decided nevertheless that she was still beyond their expertise and should weight until the specialist appointment came through.

      I don’t know what you mean by the brain lesions. A lesion is essentially anything that shouldn’t be there, and if they were found on an MRI or CT scan then that obviously indicates a serious problem which I would regard as urgent. If it was a junior doctor’s guess based on a physical examination that wouldn’t carry the same weight.

      Probably the best thing to do at this point would be for her to go to her family doctor, and hope that he would be able to arrange there and then for a specialist opinion, so that she leaves with an appointment to see them.

      You can’t see worms or anything else wriggling around in the blood. There are a few infections that can be diagnosed on a blood film (malaria, and mononucleosis are two that come to mind) but mostly if there are enough microbes present to be readily visible the patient is heading for ITU. Most tests for infection as based on culturing the organism in a lab, looking for specific antibodies against it or (these days) DNA analysis. There is a lot of useful information obtainable from examining the blood cells under a microscope, but this should be by a haematologist in combination with a flow-cytometry based blood count (this is standard in all hospitals and takes a few minutes).

      She is now in the hands of people who sound as if they are con-men who know how to convince punters to part with their money. If the really is seriously ill then they may well kill her and if not they will take all she has. These people are somehow able to stay just the right side of the Law, unfortunately.

      When I was at medical school one of the doctors teaching me said that the most important thing a doctor could do is make the right diagnosis. It didn’t matter how nice he was to his patients or how much they loved him, without the right diagnosis he couldn’t do anything to help them. I don’t entirely agree with him, because all doctors are completely reliant on the team they work with, and having a dysfunctional team or hospital systems that don’t work properly does not result in good outcomes. I also think it is very important to have a doctor you can trust, though patients tend to base this on personality rather than expertise in my experience. Nevertheless, the thing your friend needs most at the moment is a proper diagnosis.

      • Dr. Julian Money-Kyrle, Thank you very much for taking the time to answer so completely.
        She spent about 48-72 hours at the hospital when she went to the ER as the doctors there were very concerned. They did several tests and the brain lesions were spotted from one of the imaging tests, I can’t say for sure which one since I don’t fully understand the difference between them. I know for sure she got an MRI and I think this is possibly where it was spotted. They did originally think that she had either a stroke or a brain tumor but ruled this out when it didn’t come up on the scans. There were multiple doctors who all agreed it was MS but retracted their decision before discharging her because they wanted the neurologist to make the final diagnosis.
        Thank you for the explanation of her experience, it actually makes sense to some degree. Although she was very quickly deteriorating and was getting frantic about her condition during the month that she was waiting to see the doctor. She lives in NY City so one would think there would be more than one excellent neurologist she could go see but they probably are booked flat out with such a large population. I don’t know.
        One think I have noticed is that when a medical doctor doesn’t know something they tell you that they don’t know but alternative medicine always has an answer. This actually counts as a good thing for me as I worked on machine repair for years and would rather a tech told the customer that he didn’t know how to fix a machine rather than break it further by trying to figure it out himself.

        It is possible that she is losing weight and becoming more frail because of her overly-restrictive diet. She is basically eating salad with cheese and peanut butter shakes. I have brought this up but I’m somewhat of the outsider because I tend to pop people’s bubbles when they excitedly tell me all about their new Keto/Atkins/Sibo/lemon juice/Paleo diets, the reason they don’t get vaccinated, cage free, grass fed, organics or the newest supplement they are buying now. I’m just that guy who is skeptical of anything which isn’t modern medicine or proved out by science.
        I’ve even had a mother who donated her liver to her daughter and saved her life tell me she doesn’t trust modern doctors because they have no clue what they are doing. I pointed out that she must have trusted some doctors to do that procedure but it didn’t really resolve.

        Her other friend (Friend 2) genuinely feels that this clinic saved her life. She just gave me a book recommendation about this clinic while I was writing this. I actually called the clinic a few days ago and spoke to a few people who seemed feel that they can actually help people. It doesn’t seem like these guys are trying to harm people or just make a quick buck although I still don’t believe their treatments because they don’t make sense. I downloaded the manual to the machine they are planning to use to give her Ozone therapy and it looks super dangerous. Check this out:
        It even states that it can’t cure anything but when I brought this up I was told that they have to do that to get around the corrupt FDA (are they corrupt? maybe? I don’t know. Seems like they let people get away with too much).

        One other thing is that this clinic employs a real MD who is actually trained. This gives them legitimacy and he was actually the one who showed her the LBA.

        At this point I have given her all of the data and I don’t think I can convince her to not go to this clinic. She is there now and will be starting treatment in the next few days. I will keep looking for a doctor who can see her and diagnose her properly when she returns to NY. Ill come back here and post updates occasionally if I remember. I mostly wanted to share how LBA is used out in the real world and what it is used for.

        P.S. to Helen: LBA was used to prove to my friend that she had Lyme disease – this is a fact. Where opinions differ is whether what she saw under that microscope was Lyme or not. Based on that opinion she was either shown the actual bacteria that is causing all of her problems and which when handled will make her well (which I have to admit is neat if it’s true) or she was lied to (knowingly or unknowingly) by a person she trusted about a life or death matter. She is going through with the treatment at this clinic so the real answer will be evident in the near future.

        • It sounds as though she was investigated more thoroughly than I thought from your earlier comment, so on that basis perhaps the diagnosis of MS is more likely, but it should certainly be confirmed (or ruled out) by a neurologist who deals with MS in all its variations on a daily basis, and is also familiar other conditions that can mimic MS (for instance it can be a one-off with full recovery, in which case by definition it isn’t MS where there are multiple attacks).

          If this is MS then conventional treatment isn’t very satisfactory, though as this isn’t my area of expertise (I am an oncologist) I am not familiar with recent developments even going back 10 – 20 years so it may have got a lot better.

          To confuse matters further MS generally fluctuates in severity. People tend to seek treatment when they are going through a bad patch, and when it gets better for a while (because that is what MS does) they naturally credit whatever treatment they have had. I should add that not everybody ends up permanently disabled and wheelchair-bound.

          I don’t know very much about Lyme disease, though if the diagnosis was based on the LBA I would take that with a pinch of salt. If she does have Lyme disease, however, it is essential that it is treated properly.
          If she has MS it is unlikely that the clinic will cause her significant harm, other than in the wallet.

          I wouldn’t be suprised if the clinic employs practitioners who genuinely believe in what they are doing, and probably most of the other staff (receptionists etc.) would have no reason to doubt, either. But the people running it, and the MD giving it respectability, know exactly what they are doing. Having said that, if you find yourself making a lot of money about something it is easy to start to believe that what you are doing is right, both morally and factually. I have seen surgeons who are convinced that unnecessary operations are essential, and I don’t think anybody is immune to this phenomenon.

          There is a clinic in the UK which sounds quite similar. I won’t name it as I can’t afford to get embroiled in a libel suit and they can afford better lawyers in any case; maybe when my cancer becomes terminal I will worry less about this sort of thing. I have had patients go there, be shown their “cancer cells” on LBA which then vanish after ozone therapy, “vitamin B17” and other nonsense, and then die of cancers that might have been curable if they had stuck with conventional medicine in the first place. Fear, based on the not entirely justified reputation of chemotherapy and radiotherapy, of the uncertainties over outcome and of feeling out of control, seems to be an important driver here.

          I have downloaded your manual for the LBA machine and I look forward to reading it. Thank-you.

          • Dr. Julian Money-Kyrle, thank you again for taking the time to explain and give a great answer. I was unclear in that the manual I linked was for the Hocatt machine used for ozone therapy, not for the LBA.

            I’ve decided my course of action.

            What I will do is write her a letter with all of the data I’ve gathered point by point laying out why I think this is not a viable treatment option.
            She can then make her own decisions. It is her body.

            I cant possibly understand how this clinic could possibly help her other than maybe cleaning up her diet and giving her rest but I have been positive about my rightness but still wrong enough times in my life that I let people have their own opinions – as far fetched as they might be.

            Who knows, maybe there is something healing in whatever understudied/rejected/dangerous things they do in this clinic. Hard to know now but whoever looks back in a hundered years will probably be horrified by our current methods just like we are by the methods used a hundered years ago.

            Again, thank you very much for prowling this forum and giving such great researched, courteous and complete answers. You have no doubt saved lives with your answers.

          • Again we have some commentators suggesting that ‘dirty slides’ could skew the accuracy of the plasma on the slides. Although dirty slides are a possibility, the practitioners I know FIRST place the two clean slides under the microscope – the image is seen both by the practitioner and the subject. Obviously if under high magnification there are no visible signs of contamination, it is safe to assume that the glass slides are free from debris. When the practitioner using clean gloves places a spot of blood between the slides, they are immediately placed back under the microscope. Are we suggesting that the practitioner then deliberately contaminates the slides in order to create false images? On we go now to the visual evidence – yes evidence – because what is seen on the computer screen is a highly magnified series of images of the subjects own blood – that is not in dispute I hope. Typically the practitioner will cover all areas of the blood by moving the scope around the slide. These images are then captured on a DVD and handed to the subject for them to gain second or third opinions from professionals who are experienced in looking at similar images. I assume there are qualified medical doctors who will be experienced in analysing LB images? These professionals often have viewed many hundreds of live blood samples and can recognise abnormalities which are not present in clean healthy blood. I expect to receive critical comments about this post and I have no problem with that as I know what I saw and the profound effect it had – prompting me to improve my diet and lifestyle which had a positive impact on many symptoms I suffered at the time – particularly my poor digestion & elimination which I won’t expand upon here!

          • Dr. Julian Money-Kyrle, thank you again for taking the time to explain and give a great answer. I was unclear in that the manual I linked was for the Hocatt machine used for ozone therapy, not for the LBA.

            No, I think you were clear. It was my mistake. Nevertheless I look forward to reading it when I have a moment free.

          • Okay, I gave her all of the information but she is going through with the clinic.
            I went on the website and read a bunch of testimonials. They are quite convincing, I hope she has the same results they did.

          • Today is the official start of treatment day – 14 Jun 2019.

          • Hello Person 95; anyone that mentions LBM/LBA is shot down by blinkered commentators on this forum. I have yet to see any reported deaths being caused by these ‘irresponsible’ alternative practitioners. Just to balance the subject of medical care generally, this latest report (15th June 2019) is far more concerning than so called scam medicine. This is a UK Government comment today: …”A “root and branch” review of hospital food has been ordered by the health secretary after two more patient deaths were linked to an outbreak of listeria. Public Health England (PHE) confirmed on Friday the total number of DEATHS related to pre-packed sandwiches and salads had risen from three to five”.
            It’s time that some of you removed your blinkers and commented on the gross negligence and even criminal behaviour that is perpetrated by Doctors, Nurses, Consultants and ‘Grey Suited’ Managers within the NHS. This forum is remarkably silent on commenting about these frequent and highly disturbing reports …. I wonder why?

          • why don’t you show us some evidence that LBA is a valid diagnostic technique before ranting about things that are unrelated?

          • With respect, you missed the point, and I don’t ‘rant’… not a very scientific word is it? The majority of comments are criticising various ‘alternative’ practices – but where is YOUR evidence these so called scammers are killing people? You know very well that conventional drugs and medical procedures are the THIRD single cause of premature death in the Western world, so how about more balanced comments from the ‘experts’ on this forum?

          • stop ranting and provide evidence!

          • “Three people have died after eating hospital sandwiches contaminated with listeria”, Public Health England has said. Your request for ‘evidence’ relating to LBM/LBA is silly, irrelevant and juvenile. There are far more important issues you should be addressing within the medical industry such as the latest shocking news that patients are dying from food poisoning. The levels of hygiene in hospitals is a scandal. Concerned about the truth? Time to get real!

          • I am so sorry that your intellect evidently does not suffice to realise that this blog is about so-called alternative medicine (SCAM) and this post about LBA.

          • Have you heard of the tu quoque logical fallacy?


          • “…where is YOUR evidence these so called scammers are killing people?”


            “You know very well that conventional drugs and medical procedures are the THIRD single cause of premature death in the Western world, so how about more balanced comments from the ‘experts’ on this forum?”



          • Helen Murray,

            anyone that mentions LBM/LBA is shot down by blinkered commentators on this forum. I have yet to see any reported deaths being caused by these ‘irresponsible’ alternative practitioners.

            One of my own patients, a woman in her 30’s with an aggressive but limited and potentially curable breast cancer, declined conventional therapy and went to a clinic of this type where she was treated with “Vitamin B17” and extracorporeal ozone therapy, with before and after LBA to show how the “cancer cells” disappeared with the ozone, then came back to me with extensive progression of her cancer. She eventually died. The treatment was clearly bunkum and I don’t think the director of the clinic (a doctor who was at medical school with a friend of mine) was under any illusions about its efficacy or legitimacy. If they had advised her to continue with proper treatment, instead of taking her money for this nonsense, she would have had a reasonable chance of being cured.

            this latest report (15th June 2019) is far more concerning than so called scam medicine. This is a UK Government comment today: …”A “root and branch” review of hospital food has been ordered by the health secretary after two more patient deaths were linked to an outbreak of listeria

            The contaminated sandwiches came from a food supplier, and while the patients who died were under the care of the NHS at the time, you can hardly argue that it was conventional medicine that killed them. Outbreaks of food poisoning of various kinds happen in all sorts of settings – hotels, schools, restaurants – and the people who died were vulnerable because they were immunosuppressed. At least the hospital had the expertise and resources to diagnose and treat listeriosis, and reported the cases so that the source could be identified and investigated in order to stop any further infections. Suppose this had happened as a result of food supplied in one of these alternative clinics, where treatment isn’t even based on the philosophy that microbes can cause disease?

            It’s time that some of you removed your blinkers and commented on the gross negligence and even criminal behaviour that is perpetrated by Doctors, Nurses, Consultants and ‘Grey Suited’ Managers within the NHS. This forum is remarkably silent on commenting about these frequent and highly disturbing reports …. I wonder why?

            The reason is that this is not what this forum is about. If you want to read about problems within the NHS there is plenty of information available, and while individuals may be rogues (as in all walks of life) the NHS as a whole is transparent about its shortcomings, which is an essential prerequisite to doing something about them.

          • @Helen

            The fact that people sometimes die in aircraft accidents does not validate a belief in flying carpets.

        • Person95

          “It even states that it can’t cure anything but when I brought this up I was told that they have to do that to get around the corrupt FDA (are they corrupt? maybe? I don’t know. Seems like they let people get away with too much).”

          Yes, the FDA is more corrupt than not. The US FDA is not your friend.

          The fact that homeopathic therapies don’t usually make cliams to cure anything is because they are not allowed to make such claims without documented studies…. did you not know ?
          If such claims are made, the practitioner will surely end up in court… or prison, for sure if somebody dies.
          While MD’s kill people everyday, in most every country of the world…. almost entirely without consequences.

          It’s a rigged game, allopathic medicine has the wind blowing at it’s back.

          • Yes, real doctors kill people every day. They do this when they make mistakes. They mostly make decisions based on available evidence, and sometimes get it wrong. Homeopaths make decisions based on fantasy, using `treatments’ that do not and cannot work. Who is the more corrupt?

          • I should also add that in UK hospitals, at least, unexpected outcomes and deaths are discussed at a regular Mortality and Morbidity meeting to see what lessons can be learned from this.

  • There are far too many ignorant commentators on this forum and elsewhere who choose to discredit Live Blood Observations. I use the word ‘Observations’ rather than ‘Analysis’ because medical doctors immediately jump on that word and throw their arms up in anger. When someone sees their own blood highly magnified for the first time it can be a life changing experience – as it was for me and others I know personally. Yes, leaky gut is a symptom of poor diet and lifestyle and can be ‘OBSERVED’ under a high powered darkfield microscope – it’s NOT an analysis, it’s reality dummy! Unfortunately medical doctors completely dismiss Live Blood Observation… they prefer to take a sample of blood, send it to a Lab and two weeks later tell the patient they have high cholesterol, which often results in the patient being prescribed Statins for the rest of their life. One of the main culprits in the Big Statins Scam is a deluded professor known as Sir Rory Collins – a puppet of the drugs industry who should have retired long ago.

    • leaky brain seems also to be a problem for some!

    • they prefer to take a sample of blood, send it to a Lab and two weeks later tell the patient they have high cholestero

      Point of information: A standard blood count takes less than a minute to perform and will give detailed information concerning the numbers of red cells, plateletes and each type of white cell, together with average cell size and haemoglobin content, and how much these measurements vary from cell to cell. If these deviate significantly from what is expected then a haematologist will prepare a slide, properly stained to highlight details fo the cells, and examine it carefully under a microscope. Cholesterol is quite different as it is a chemical test on the serum after it has been separated from the cells. There are a great many other chemical tests that can be done on blood, the routine ones very rapidly in automated batches. As well as this there are immunological tests for specific antibodies, and now DNA tests which can reveal the presence of viruses, tumour cells and fetal abnormalities in a pregannt woman.

      Dark field observation of live blood provides none of this information, or indeed anything particularly informative, though it might be useful to a biologist sutying the behaviour of protozoans. As far as I can gather it is often done using a dirty slide so that visible debris is passed off as resulting from various pathological processes. Following ozone therapy (or whatever) the observation can be repeated with a clean slide, showing the effect of “treatment”.

      Yes, leaky gut is a symptom of poor diet and lifestyle and can be ‘OBSERVED’ under a high powered darkfield microscope

      I doubt this very much, but perhaps you can enlighten us here. What, specifically, are the features of this diagnosis visible on a dark field blood film?

      It is certainly a humbling experience seeing your own blood cells for the first time, and indeed many other phenomena in medicine, biology and science more generally.

      One of the main culprits in the Big Statins Scam is a deluded professor known as Sir Rory Collins – a puppet of the drugs industry who should have retired long ago.

      Do you have statistical or epidemiological evidence to support these libellous allegations?

    • Helen Murray said:

      There are far too many ignorant commentators on this forum


      Anyway, once blood has been OBSERVED under a darkfield microscope, happens then?

    • PT Barnum wept.

      [citations required]

    • Interesting how ignorant commentators ignorantly try to project their ignorance ;).

      Speaking of live blood microscopy, its main promoter, Robert O, Young was recently sentenced to jail for playing doctor and defrauding desperate patients.

      Examining blood under a microscope, including dark-field microscopy, was one of the first things we learnt when I was in medical school. We learnt how NOT to examine blood drops, which is exactly what these fools do.

  • @Helen: ranting, obfuscation, illogical conclusions and the inability to process information are clearly your strong points. Have you considered politics? Or becoming an evangelist? I’d suggest the law but it’s already too crowded.

  • It worked for me!

    I could be called all the negative words used in much of the cometary above and when I had it done, I had a bit of an awakening, be cause of one question I asked, nothing to do with the science behind it all. I asked on a scale of 0 – 10 what score would you give the health of my blood. They shared we don’t normally do that and I said, I understand that and if you did what number would you choose, they said a 4!

    That shocked me into taking responsibility and action…

    3 month’s later I went back, which I did not have to do because I felt amazing full of beans like never before. I asked the same question of a different person although I could see a totally different picture and they said to me, what have you been doing, that’s amazing and they gave me a 9 when I pressed them for a score…

    Now even if it were all a scam and not the sort of evidence based science the modern world works by, when done well it can work plus I’m super in favour of taking people from a more victim and dependant state and move towards a more responsibly and self empowered state which is what worked for me…

    • I agree with you Anthony John – live blood viewed under a powerful microscope is an emotional and revealing experience for lay people. The problem with conventional Doctors is they don’t like dealing with human emotions because they can’t be quantified or measured very easily. When I viewed my blood and saw my immune cells in detail it had a profound effect on me. At the time I was suffering from severe indigestion, stomach cramps, constipation and other symptoms too unpleasant to list here. The technician did NOT try to sell me supplements and he did NOT diagnose any specific medical condition. But I could see with my own eyes images of my own blood which I compared to images of live blood taken from subjects that were considered well and didn’t suffer from any known ailments. Based on the technicians suggestion and comments I decided to research foods that might help to alleviate my digestive disorders and lack of energy. The technician did say that my highly processed diet was probably causing my discomfort – and he was right! Many years later my improved diet now includes raw foods including Agave Inulin fibre, some fruit, fresh veggies, sprouted seeds & grains and Omega fatty acids. Today I feel far healthier, no more indigestion or stomach cramps and if I had listened to sceptical doctors back then I would not have had any reason to improve my diet the way I did. Unfortunately sceptics will always criticise anything they don’t like – even if it might help their patients to live a longer, healthier life.

    • @Anthony John

      Perhaps you don’t realize that “the health of your blood” is a totally meaningless parameter. Or perhaps you’d like to educate us on what it does mean?

      • Your comment: “Perhaps you don’t realize that “the health of your blood” is a totally meaningless parameter”
        Oh very clever… not. The writer was using the word ‘health’ in a generic sense dummy! Have you never heard the advice handed out to patients by their own medically qualified Doctors such as: “eat a healthy balance diet” (whatever that is) and other meaningless soundbites. Unfortunately single words and catch-phrases have replaced long detailed explanations in our society. But to take time out to criticise the phrase “health of your blood” made by a lay-person demonstrates an arrogance that is quite extraordinary – even by the standards of this forum.

        • @Mike Grant

          You wrote

          The writer was using the word ‘health’ in a generic sense dummy!

          I disagree. He was given a numerical score for the “health” of his blood. On the basis of that score he changed what he was eating and later got a new, improved score. This, for Anthony John, proved that live blood analysis “works”. Mr John put his trust in not in data provided by laymen but provided by two people professionally operating the pointless racket of live-blood analysis.

          I see this story as further confirmation of the original post of this blog thread. Please re-read the final paragraphs of that post. Live-blood analysis is a confidence trick that plays on the widespread ignorance of biomedicine that underpins your observation that “single words and catch-phrases have replaced long detailed explanations in our society”.

          • You totally miss the point! There is a normal human condition involved here called emotional response – something not even a qualified doctor can ‘measure’ in the same way you can measure blood pressure for example. You use the phrase ‘confidence trick’ without any evidence. You would need to visit a wide cross section of LBM technicians accompanied by undercover scientists to test their competence – or not as the case may be. And are you saying that a layperson should not look at their own blood in detail? Why would you object to that – please answer that specific question and your reasons. Are you saying that LBM technicians deliberately place a fake image under the microscope? The level of criticism on this forum is extreme … now let’s have the evidence that all LBM technicians are frauds and quacks. Look forward to the ‘evidence’ as Dr Ernst always asks for.

  • @”Mike Grant”

    You wrote: “You would need to visit a wide cross section of LBM technicians accompanied by undercover scientists to test their competence – or not as the case may be.” Not necessary. A read through the comments on this thread will suffice. I am certainly not the first to suggest that LBA is a confidence trick.

    are you saying that a layperson should not look at their own blood in detail? Why would you object to that – please answer that specific question and your reasons.

    No, I’d welcome lay people to learn about biology and medicine. But that requires a level of expertise in the teacher that appears not represented by LBA practitioners, to judge from their contributions to this blog thread. I endorse the comment [31/01/2019] that “Even if it was in effect a conjuring trick that triggered your interest in nutrition, that does not invalidate that interest and where it has led.” But with the proviso that the trainee understands they might be given wholly inaccurate interpretations of what they see under the microscope.

    Are you saying that LBM technicians deliberately place a fake image under the microscope?

    I have never said anything remotely like this!! I can’t even imagine which of my words you’re bending to put these in my mouth.

    Please take the time to re-read the comments on this thread. Julian Money-Kyrle has taken the trouble, several times, to point out the errors that are on conspicuous display from the accounts we’re given of LBA. Maybe he’s just too gentle to get through to you. I’ve tried, less gently, to explain why the accounts from yourself and others of what you’re seeing under the microscope are just plain howlers to professionals with real knowledge of biomedicine.

  • Its interesting to see how many stupid idiots there are with long educations.

    Off course they claim that microscopy analysis of live blood is a scam. A hoax. Off course.

    Cause it might take a lot of businessmen and so called scientists out of work.

    Good luck with your struggles to stop people from knowing the truth. You picked a fight you can not win, doc.

    Maybe you should “doc up”

    I expect that you or one of your pets will reply arrogantly. Please do so. I’ll let you have the last word in this thread. I don’t need to fight idiots.

    • “Good luck with your struggles to stop people from knowing the truth. You picked a fight you can not win, doc.”


      You are probably correct, with people like you, the fight is hard to win.

    • I know, Michael. All these experts with vast knowledge of their subject yet who remain ignorant of something a layman knows all about.

      You have no idea what you’re talking about Mr Lind. You are a deluded fool. Of course if you have robust, replicated published evidence to support your argument I will happily change my mind. But you don’t. Because you are an idiot.

      “A fight you cannot win”

      If a fight is watching a blindfolded fool flail on his own in a darkened room, then indeed we do have a fight.

      Run along now, silly man.

      • Why are there so many negative comments regarding Live Blood Imaging – I refuse to use the word ‘Analysis.’ For example, when a hospital takes an Xray of your bones, this IMAGE is factual – agreed? The image is then subjected to ‘analysis’ by a medical professional. Unfortunately, even trained physicians qualified in this field of medicine can provide differing opinions regarding exactly the same Xray image… nothing new about that!
        Live Blood Imaging was an eye-opener for me some years ago. Watching my immune cells slowly moving around in the sample of plasma on a slide was NOT fake. These wonderful images encouraged me to conduct my own research which prompted me to radically improve my daily diet & lifestyle choices. I am now 76 years young, never had a covid or flu jab, normal vital sign measurements and extremely fit by regular use of my rebounder (indoor trampoline) among other exercise routines. Anyone have a problem with that?

        • this is totally bonkers!
          any diagnostic method must fulfill certain criteria like:
          1) provided similar results when examined several times by different experts
          2) differentiate between normal and abnormal
          even X-ray examinations meet these criteria.
          LBA does not
          thus LBA is prone to provide false-negative and false-positive diagnoses which put patients in danger.

          • With the greatest respect Edzard you seem to have inadvertently misunderstood my comment. I am NOT referring to Live Blood ANALYSIS. Why would you object to a lay person requesting a set of Live Blood IMAGES they can take away on a CD or memory stick for review by one or more practitioners at a later date? Why would you object to anyone seeing first hand, their own blood and its contents in highly magnified detail? I found the experience extremely interesting and as I say it prompted me to review my own diet and lifestyle choices that have proved to be of great benefit over the years … do you really have a problem with that? Would you also object to a lay person asking for copies of their own Xray images for future reference? I hope not!

          • this post is about LBA
            if you waffle about something else, then you have misunderstood the post – with respect.

        • @Mike Grant

          Live Blood Imaging was an eye-opener for me some years ago. Watching my immune cells slowly moving around in the sample of plasma on a slide was NOT fake.

          Absolutely, the blood is real, and so are the red and white blood cells that you could see. And yes, those images are fascinating – which is exactly why quacks use this to impress their gullible customers.

          Why ‘quacks’ and ‘gullible’? Because the above is literally the ONLY thing you can identify in those images: the actual blood cells themselves, floating around. Nothing else. So no, nobody can see
          – deficiencies
          – parasites(*)
          – infections(**)
          – organ problems
          – allergies
          – immune problems
          – other conditions
          by looking at just one minute blood sample under a microscope.

          *: Yes, it is sometimes possible to identify malaria parasites in the blood, but for that to happen the patient must have lots of parasites in their blood (read: is really, really ill), and the blood sample must be correctly stained and processed. And even then, a lot of the time, the microscopist can’t find any plasmodium in the sample, as these parasites emerge from red blood cells in waves, with no discernible blood presence in between.

          **: If a bacterial infection is so bad that the pathogens are visible in even a tiny drop of blood, then this is called terminal sepsis, and the patient is dead or almost dead.

          There is of course absolutely nothing wrong with being amazed at the intricacy of life, even inside your own body, and as a result improve your lifestyle accordingly.

          The problem is that Live Blood Analysis (or Imaging, if you will) is not used as a kind of revelation to people the way you describe it, but as a trick to defraud people. This is done by convincing people that they have all sorts of ailments that need ongoing treatment, preferably in the form of supplements, sold by the same fraudulent quack who ‘diagnosed’ the non-existing problems in the first place – or by one of their colleagues or business associates, of course with due kickbacks.

          And oh, when someone is unlucky enough to actually have a serious condition without knowing it (yet), then of course this LBA will not show it, putting the patient at risk because they think they are in good health (although EVERY LBA ‘diagnosis’ will find ‘deficiencies’ and other things that need ‘treatment’, no matter how healthy the patient is).
          Furthermore, as most LBA diagnoses are carried out without correct hygiene procedures, small dust and fibrous particles will almost inevitably contaminate the slide – which are then of course also ‘diagnosed’ as whatever ailment the quack cares to make up.

          • You said: “The problem is that Live Blood Analysis (or Imaging, if you will) is not used as a kind of revelation to people the way you describe it, but as a trick to defraud people”.
            How do you know that? Have you interrogated every practitioner who offers Live Blood appointments? I don’t think so. Are you claiming that ‘quacks’ do not exist within conventional medicine? I for one would never have begun a career in nutritional research if I had not observed the amazing sight of my own blood under a microscope. It seems that both you and Edzard assume that everyone who practices So Called Alternative Medicine is a ‘quack’ and those who want to see their blood under a darkfield microscope are all ‘gullible’. Not true. There are deluded and crooked people in all walks of life – as you may have read today a trained Nurse in the UK murdered a number of babies in her care. Think about that.

          • @Mike Grant

            How do you know that? [quacks use LBA to defraud people]

            Um, because those fraudulent quacks tell us voluntarily? Here is an example:

            “A comprehensive and scientifically based system, combining three advanced microscopic techniques, giving me the most complete blood analysis available.
            This analysis can tell us your
            * Blood Cell Integrity – well, yes, granted, you can identify damaged or deformed cells, e.g. in case of sickle cell anaemia. Then again, the way that these quacks prepare and handle slides (air exposure, contaminants) can easily cause damage after the blood has been drawn.
            * The nutritional status of your blood – this is total nonsense. You can’t identify nutrients in a blood sample by looking at it through a microscope.
            * Digestive Health – this is total nonsense. You can’t identify ‘digestive health problems’ by looking at a blood sample through a microscope.
            * Liver and General Organ Health – this is total nonsense. You can’t identify ‘organ problems’ by looking at a blood sample through a microscope.
            * Hydration Levels – this is total nonsense. You can’t assess ‘hydration’ by looking at a blood sample through a microscope.
            * Any inflammatory processes – this is total nonsense. You can’t identify inflammation by looking at a blood sample through a microscope.
            * Status of your immune System – this is total nonsense. You can’t diagnose immune problems by looking at a blood sample through a microscope.
            * Toxin and antioxidant levels – this is total nonsense. You can’t assess levels of ‘toxins’ (what ‘toxins’?), antioxidants (or any other substance for that matter) by looking at a blood sample through a microscope.
            * Other potential health issues – yeah, like hyperpecuniosis in the leathery structure called ‘the wallet’, with credulitas insanabilis as a comorbidity. This is in fact the only condition that can be reliably detected with LBA.

            .. those who want to see their blood under a darkfield microscope are all ‘gullible’.

            You really seem to have no idea what you’re talking about. People do not pay hundreds or even thousands of dollars to quacks ‘to see their blood under a darkfield microscope’. They pay hundreds or even thousands of dollars to quacks because they have health problems (real or imagined), and believe that those quacks can reliably diagnose and treat those problems. They can’t.

          • @Mike Grant
            And oh, in case you want to hear it from someone who is actually trained to examine blood and tissues under a microscope:

            Generally speaking, quacks like these LBA microscopists do their best to come across as competent science-based practitioners, and the dark field microscope is just one of their favourite (and frankly pretty effective) props. In reality, they are what I call them: quacks, utterly incompetent at diagnosing (and thus treating) anything.

            Yet these people convince their customers that they have all sorts of deficiencies and other health problems (which in itself is already criminal IMO), and that these problems can be fixed with supplements. Sure, they will also give you lifestyle advice, and that is generally good advice. But I don’t think anyone is willing to shell out hundreds of dollars for simply being told what everyone already knows: don’t smoke, don’t drink too much, eat varied and in moderation, take exercise etcetera.
            But hey, if you’re willing to pay me $500, I can tell you what colour the sky is. And as an extra bonus, I’ll give you the time of day.

            Also notice that all this doesn’t detract from the fact that, yes, seeing your own blood ‘in action’ as it were is quite fascinating, and can certainly be a starting point to take better care of your health. I can agree with you on that.
            But just looking at a drop of blood can’t diagnose any of the problems that quacks claim it can.

          • @ Mike Grant,

            Not only is LBA quackery, but if one further misdirects via deployment of a misleading title, e.g. Dr Mike Grant as used above on Thursday 14 November 2019 at 17:04, it may constitute health fraud or medical fraud.

            Health: Live Blood Analysis
            CAP Executive 15 Feb 2022

            Live blood analysis (also known as live blood testing, nutritional microscopy, live cell analysis and hemaview) is the observation of a pin prick quantity of blood through a microscope. Marketers have claimed that by studying ‘live’ blood in this way, they are able to detect diseases and identify abnormalities in blood cells including allergies, vitamin deficiencies and illness.

            Do not use the title “Dr” unless you hold a general medical qualification.

            In 2013, the ASA upheld a complaint about a live blood analysis practitioner who referred to himself using the “Dr” title. In the context of an ad for live blood analysis, the ASA considered that the title would be understood as a reference to a general medical qualification. However, because no evidence was supplied to demonstrate that such a qualification was held, the titled was considered misleading (Live Blood Test t/a Errol Denton, 24 April 2013).


          • Oh my goodness, you really are scraping the barrel, I am a Doctor of Engineering. If you had taken the trouble to ask me I would have told you. In any event, the Dr title was last used THREE YEARS AGO and I no longer use Dr on this forum as I know how touchy you all are. I respectfully suggest you apply for a brain transplant … unfortunately, there is a very long waiting list for that procedure as I’m sure you are aware.
            For the record, I do not possess a Darkfield microscope and therefore do not practice Live Blood procedures of any kind. Also, your silly reference relating to “health fraud or medical fraud” is not applicable to me as I do NOT practice or claim to carry out any medical treatment or procedure. I hope that helps to clear up any confusion that might exist.

          • You said: “The problem is that Live Blood Analysis (or Imaging, if you will) is not used as a kind of revelation to people the way you describe it, but as a trick to defraud people”. There are numerous reports of conventional doctors and physicians tricking and defrauding patients – you may have forgotten the case of GlaxoSmithKline a few years ago? GSK pleaded guilty to criminal fraud – specifically bribing doctors to ‘prescribe’ off-label drugs inappropriately – and they were fined 3 BILLION dollars, which is no more than a smack on the wrist for these highly profitable organisations. I rest my case.

          • There are numerous reports of conventional doctors and physicians tricking and defrauding patients ……

            @Mike Grant

            Totally agree with you. Since healthcare fraud exists in conventional medicine, it is okay for quacks to perpetuate their fraudulent activities with impunity. Makes perfect sense to me. Where can I sign up to be trained as a quack?

            BTW, I see you have a Doctorate in Whataboutery as well. Which university offers it?

          • I haven’t a clue what you were attempting to convey in your response. Interestingly, no contributor to this forum has been able to publish a list of so called ‘quacks’ and their respective countries of operation so we can avoid them and also warn our friends & family about these charlatans. I wouldn’t want to be quacked unknowingly … heaven forbid!

          • I haven’t a clue what you were attempting to convey in your response.

            Other people understood my response and it served its comedic purpose at your expense. Therefore, mission accomplished. It doesn’t matter if you did or not.

            Interestingly, no contributor to this forum has been able to publish a list of so called ‘quacks’ and their respective countries of operation so we can avoid them and also warn our friends & family about these charlatans.

            I am glad you asked. Here is a list:

          • @Mike Grant

            There are numerous reports of conventional doctors and physicians tricking and defrauding patients

            1: This is a lie (and of course a Tu Quoque fallacy), and
            2: Even if it weren’t a lie, it doesn’t make it right or even acceptable that quacks defraud people.
            Quacks should stop offering LBA as a diagnostic tool, because it does not work. It is 100% deception.

            You’re really scraping the bottom of the barrel here, aren’t you?

          • has MG ever produced anything but fallacies here?

          • Sorry to disagree with you Edzard – Glaxo did indeed plead guilty to criminal fraud. Are you still claiming I only produce ‘fallacies’? You ask for the evidence – well here it is:

          • @Talker

            Where can I sign up to be trained as a quack?

            Well, this seems like a good place:
            For just $600 for the video and maybe another $2500 investment in a microscope YOU too can learn how to defraud and deceive anxious patients, all in just 12 hours of watching simple videos! So if need be, you could start diagnosing and treating patients the day after tomorrow, and just watch the cash roll in!

          • @Richard Rasker

            I am way ahead of you on this buddy. I found a cheaper way to quackdom, with $0 investment. All I need are three of my fingers and 20 min of my time.

            Allow me to introduce you to Nadi Pariksha a.k.a pulse diagnosis:

            Nadi Pariksha is the ancient ayurvedic technique of diagnosis through the pulse. It can accurately diagnose physical, mental and emotional imbalances as well as diseases. It is a non-invasive science that enables to reach the root cause of health issues and not just address the symptoms.

            Nadi Pariksha understands the vibratory frequency of the pulse at various levels on the Radial artery. Subtle vibrations are read at seven different levels vertically downward that help in ascertaining various functions in the body. The pulse, when examined, reveals both physical & mental characteristics of the patient. This is interpreted in the form of symptoms along with their prognosis, which helps in understanding the cause. Thus, Nadi Pariksha forms the basis for addressing any ailment in an individual. Additionally, it is also the scientific tool that enables an individual to secure their personalized wellness regimes that range from therapeutic massages, personalized diet, exercise programmes, rigorous detoxification and lifestyle transforming experiences.

            Nadi Pariksha is a scientific tool just like LBA, but non-invasive and requires no investment in microscopes or expensive courses. You can find free courses on YT such as this one, just invest 20 mins of your time and you are all set.

            I already watched the videos. I just need to launch my own website to attract unsuspecting cash cows.

          • @ Michael “not my real name as I wish to protect my clients and prevent unannounced visits from retards” Grant,

            Nothing you write can be verified therefore it is prudent to apply Hitchens’s razor: “What can be asserted without evidence, can also be dismissed without evidence.”

            You said to me: “I respectfully suggest you apply for a brain transplant … unfortunately, there is a very long waiting list for that procedure as I’m sure you are aware.”

            I must apologize for excluding you when, on another article, I wrote:

            I think it is important to know how to differentiate genuinely knowledgeable persons from numpties, quacks, and woomeisters.

            From now on, I shall use the following inclusive version:

            I think it is important to know how to differentiate genuinely knowledgeable persons from numpties, quacks, woomeisters, and fecking eejits.

            NB: that isn’t an ad hominem.

          • @Mike Grant
            Since when is GSK a conventional doctor? Yes, pharmaceutical companies have regularly broken the law and they are severely punished for that. But doctors who tricked or defrauded patients are so rare that I can’t find any examples.

            So, when does the punishment of LBA quacks start? There are literally thousands upon thousands of these con artists out there, none of whom are hindered in any way to keep defrauding trusting customers all of the time, for years on end, raking in billions with 100% fake diagnoses and 100% fake treatments. And when their deception is exposed, there are even fools who staunchly defend them …

          • Richard, with the greatest respect, you have chosen to mis-interpret my point. Fact: CONVENTIONAL DOCTORS took bribes from GSK. It was the acceptance of bribes by (as you call them) ‘conventional doctors’ that justified the record breaking fine of 3 Billion dollars for Criminal Fraud. The doctors were complicit in the scam – don’t you get it? Maybe you should read the detail behind the headline as I did.

            As for your silly assertion about “literally thousands of these con artists out there” then why don’t you back up your claim as Edzard requests? Name and shame them if you have that information.
            I own and manage a database of over 80,000 medical practitioners, immunologists and others (covering a wide range of disciplines) plus thousands of health conscious consumers; over 20 years or more working alongside highly qualified physicians (are you one of those I wonder?) I have encountered less than five reports of anyone even attending a live blood consultation. As you know I did attend such a consultation many years ago just out of curiosity. The technician did not sell me any treatment or supplements, I just paid him a modest fee for his time.
            I came away with video images of my blood plasma which promoted me to conduct research into how my body worked and how best to nourish it. Do you really have a problem with that? Is it all a scam? I don’t think so.

          • @Mike Grant
            With all due respect, but you are the one who is misunderstanding things and committing one fallacy after another.

            No, it is not acceptable when pharmaceutical companies break the law, nor is it acceptable when doctors accept bribes. But it is ALSO not acceptable when alternative practitioners do the same.
            Pharmaceutical companies get punished for their crimes. Doctors get disciplined for their crimes. Quacks on the other hand get away with their crimes – and that is not right. (And yes, a business model where people are told that they suffer from conditions that they do not have in order to sell them products they do not need is nothing short of criminal.)

            Also note that the topic here is not pharmaceutical companies, but aforementioned practitioners offering fake diagnoses and selling useless supplements.

            About evidence for thousands of LBA con artists: just Google “LIve Blood Analysis”, and you will find those thousands of practitioners offering this SCAM.

  • @Mike Grant

    Glaxo did indeed plead guilty to criminal fraud. Are you still claiming I only produce ‘fallacies’?

    In this case it’s tu quoque.

  • Have just spent hours reading through this blog. Many thanks for an interesting, humorous and at times, concerning read. Three of my family members have just undertaken this procedure and have raved about the “analysis” given by the practitioner. In particular all being shown the Chondrits and Ascits, but also a raft of other issues. They were then advised of diets to follow with suggestions of additional supplements (that they could purchase from the practitioner). I was sceptical, and hence ending up on this blog. But I then viewed this site that helped me understand what had been discussed with them. Compelling viewing and has helped reinforce their choice to use LBA, but not mine.

      • Trent, you have published a balanced and sensible summary on this topic. My experience with a Live Blood Practitioner (aka technician) many years ago was totally positive and had a major impact on my thinking relating to a poor diet & lifestyle that I was unaware of at the time.
        In the last 30 years communicating with thousands of consumers, qualified physicians and CAM Practitioners globally, I have only encountered a handful of people who have even heard of Live Blood Imaging (my term) – aka LBA. The amount of hysterical comment from educated adults (even medical doctors!) on this forum is totally out of proportion to the (possibly) very few ‘scammers’ out there who might exist.
        We also need to remember that GSK where fined 3 billion dollars some years ago for committing criminal fraud when they pleaded guilty to bribing Medical Doctors for prescribing ‘off-label’ drugs among other ‘misdemeanours.’

    • Trent, me again. I have just viewed the link and video you included. I know the UK based practitioner personally, she has many years experience of LBA. Even a layperson looking at this through the microscope would surely wonder why there is a lot of strange looking ‘junk’ in the plasma apart from the blood cells. This warranted further investigation by Elizabeth.

      • @Mike Grant

        It is utterly idiotic to think that a layperson can remotely understand what they are seeing thru a microscope during live blood analysis. It is asinine to spend money on live blood analysis to understand that one is eating a poor diet. There are many free and legit resources on diet and nutrition such as this:

        LBA is utter BS. You don’t even realize that you got fleeced by a LBA practitioner.

        • Dear ‘Talker’ whoever you are. You seem to be in need of anger management – I could recommend a qualified therapist. How dare you claim I wasted my money all those years ago, you were not present at my appointment – am I correct?
          I found the images fascinating and they encouraged me to conduct my own research into numerous visible ‘entities’ I observed in my own blood that were clearly not red and white blood cells – as a layperson, even I could recognise that!
          If laypeople don’t even know what healthy blood should look like, then that is for them to think about.
          There are too many hysterical commentators (usually anonymous) on this forum that have failed to identify and publish names of LBA practitioners that have been found guilty in a court of Law of scamming the Public. I look forward to viewing your list of offenders on this forum or elsewhere Mr/Mrs/Ms Talker. And please don’t refer me to certain 3rd party web sites such as the silly ‘quackwatch’ site… does anyone regulate I wonder? Why not publish your own list of scammers that you have personally taken to Court?

          • Mike

            Convicted scammers?

            You’ve obviously not heard of Errol Denton, a live blood analyst who was convicted of fraud. He tried to conduct his defence in court using some strange bastardisation of the law showing that he had as firm a grasp of legal concepts as he did scientific ones.


          • Lenny, yes I am familiar with the isolated case of Errol Denton. My complaint is the way some people on this forum are claiming that all practitioners who provide Live Blood Analysis to the Public are scammers. I could give you a list of convicted criminals in virtually all professions! For example, you may remember Dr Harold Shipman, a highly trusted and respected GP in England, he chose over a long period of time to murder over 100 of his patients. What do you think about that? And there are many other examples of criminal activity perpetrated by licenced medical practitioners, Nurses and Carers that I’m sure you are aware of?

          • Mike

            Ignoring your egregious straw men and whataboutery, yes. LBA hawkers are scammers or, if they believe their own nonsense, deluded charlatans. And you were taken in by one.

          • You seem desperate to make a nonsensical point. You were NOT present at the appointment I had with the practitioner all those years ago. You have no idea therefore what he said and showed me under the microscope. Obviously you have NOT seen the video images I took away with me. I was charged a very modest fee for the hour and I was NOT sold any supplements!!!
            The experience prompted me to follow up and conduct my own research into what the images may mean and how I could improve the quality of my diet. I certainly don’t have any regrets – it was money well spent!
            As a result of the real-time images I had seen with my own eyes, my diet improved significantly and I now run a very successful global business helping others to benefit from my research. Your ill-informed comments are quite ridiculous, how dare you say I was “taken in by one” as you falsely claim – what EVIDENCE do you have – will you answer that question please?

          • Oh Mikey! I see me to have touched a nerve. My name is John Smith. Now, you are not talking to an anonymous rando on the internet. Does that make you feel better?

            You still can’t accept the fact that you got conned by an LBA practitioner. Therefore, your judgement w.r.t healthcare practitioners is questionable and your recommendations worthless. But don’t let me stop you though. Perhaps I should see a scientologist for anger management? Maybe you already got hooked up to an e-meter and experienced the inner working of your mind and can’t wait to tell us all about it?

            Your insinuation that I should not criticize quackery unless I have personally investigated said quackery and sued those quacks in court is beyond hilarious.

            Are LBA practitioners paying you to say these things, Mikey?

          • I expected a more adult response Talker. You have no idea what went on at my LBA appointment many years ago. You don’t know what – if anything – was recommended to me, but I can confirm the practitioner did not attempt to sell me any supplements or follow up tests – he left that up to me. It turned out to be a very valuable experience that set me on a path of discovering the benefits of a varied and nutritious diet. I’m now 76 years young and in perfect health as far as I know. I chose to reject UK Gov’s kind invitation to get impregnated with a cocktail of synthetic chemicals during the Covid pandemic and haven’t regretted my decision..
            I found the LBA experience very interesting and it prompted me to conduct my own research into improving my diet. Do you really have a problem with that?
            P.S. Sorry to disappoint you but you failed to touch a nerve – it would take a far more credible individual to achieve that.

          • Mike Grant,

            Unless you had the LBA appointment for free, you got fleeced for sure. Beyond that I don’t give two sh!ts about your personal experience with LBA and what you did after that. It has been explained to you by several people why you are wrong about LBA, yet you managed to comment 41 times on this post, most of which is repetitive nonsense devoid of logic.

          • ‘Talker’ … you obviously have nothing better to do with your time having counted all my posts on this topic. ‘Fleeced’ has no medical, legal or scientific meaning so may I respectfully suggest you to look for someone else to criticise even though you know nothing about their personal experiences with LBA (or anything else for that matter) unless you were sitting alongside them at the time – which you were not.
            My only regret is that I bothered to respond to your nonsense.

          • Fleeced means:

            to take someone’s money dishonestly, by charging too much money or by cheating them


            Usage: You got fleeced by LBA practitioner.

          • Dear ‘Talker’, with respect, you are making yourself look very foolish. I am well aware that ‘fleeced’ – among many other slang words – is in the Dictionary. So what? I specifically said this:
            “Fleeced has no medical, legal or scientific meaning” which is a fact. So unless you have CREDIBLE EVIDENCE that I was somehow ‘scammed’ at the LBA appointment I attended (according to you), then your allegation is seriously flawed and without foundation. Credible evidence would included the following:
            A signed document proving you attended the appointment in person, plus you had a complete transcript of everything that was said by all parties present and you saw the images through the microscope with your own eyes.
            You won’t win your argument because you don’t even know the name of the Practitioner so why waste your time?

          • Thank you for your concern about what I do with my time. I really appreciate you looking out for me, Mike Grant.
            No asked you to provide any such evidence nor questioned whether you went to an LBA practitioner or not. But you are free to make sh*t up as you please. However, you do sound like a broken record because you keep saying the same thing again and again.

          • Good news for you? Following the many unwarranted and senseless criticisms I have received from people with an obvious agenda, I will not be visiting this forum again. What does that mean for you ‘Talker’ and others? Simple, you can now focus your attention on those who dare to disagree or question your deluded nonsense.

          • We have heard the sob story before, Mike Grant. It wont be long before you are back spewing your BS.

          • Mike Grant,
            So not only did the LBA practitioner fleece you, they also put your health at risk by convincing you that vaccines are dangerous.

          • ‘Zebra’ – you said this: “Mike Grant, So not only did the LBA practitioner fleece you, they also put your health at risk by convincing you that vaccines are dangerous”.
            You are WRONG and deluded! My encounter with said LBA practitioner was many years ago and vaccines were not even a major issue in those days – apart from MMR for young children which I was given. Where is your brain?
            The latest data (you can check) from the NHS confirms that over a 5 year period, seasonal influenza vaccines on average are only 35% effective. However, that figure may well be over-optimistic.
            When the Government Covid ‘vaccination’ programme began, I – like millions of others – chose to be ‘vaccine cautious’ and conduct due diligence. The reasons why I chose not to get impregnated with a fake vaccine are numerous. If you knew anything about traditional vaccines that have been developed and tested for safety over many years, you would understand how they are manufactured! A typical example being the very effective MMR (Measles, Mumps & Rubella). This combination drug contains weakened/inactive elements of the original viruses. Covid vaccines do NOT contain any element of the original Covid virus – do you understand that?
            I can send you links of countless serious illness reports and even Coroner confirmed fatalities of citizens that resulted directly from being injected with various brands of Covid ‘vaccines.’

          • ‘Mike Grant’ you seem to be ‘vaccine moronic’. What is a ‘fake’ vaccine? Before you answer please be aware that ‘fake’ has no medical or scientific meaning so perhaps you should use your BRAIN and reconsider your terminology.

          • Is that really the best you can do? Moving on from your version of ‘fake’ (you took the word too literally), you could at least have tried to counter my claim that Covid vaccines are not the same as conventional vaccines such as MMR that contain some elements of the original virus – would you agree? If not then I respectfully suggest you go back to school.
            Just for the record and those on this forum who are determined to disagree with everything I say: Nearly 40 years ago I suffered a dose of Influenza which kept me in bed for 2 days. Obviously I didn’t die. That experience encouraged me to study how my immune system works and the best ways to support it.
            As you know, I declined an offer from UK Gov in 2020 to get impregnated with a cocktail of synthetic chemicals that had only been subjected to a limited number of safety & efficacy trials. To this day I remain ‘vaccine-free’, in fact if I even suffered a sore throat I would be highly embarrassed, never mind being struck down with an invading pathogen.
            Most of us – apart from a very small section of society – are blessed with a robust IMMUNE SYSTEM. If folks choose to ignore how best to look after it and decide to always rely on the next vaccine being touted by the drug companies, then that is their decision.

    • @Trent Taylor

      I have a few family members that have been to practitioners that push their own pills also. It was always a turn-off for me to hear of that. Now, if the same recommended supplements are available from other sources, then that is different. However, some claim to be proprietary.

      • @RG

        … if the same practitioners recommended supplements are available from other sources, then that is different.

        Not necessarily. Quite often, those LBA quacks are in cahoots with the supplement quacks, with the former getting nice kickbacks for pointing their hapless victims towards the latter. And the problem is that the total lack of regulation of the quackery business means that this is not even illegal – as it would be in real medicine.

        • Anyone on this forum who is a practising GP or MD will have regular meetings with drug company salespeople. And I know from first hand accounts, some (not all) pharma-salespeople offer certain ‘inducements’ to their ‘customers’.
          It seems my reminder about GSK admitting criminal fraud for bribing doctors was conveniently ignored.

  • Ahhh, has anyone clicked on Lenny’s profile? He describes himself as a ‘dentist’ – suitably attired in a baseball cap and dark glasses hiding his face … nice one Lenny!

    • Are we supposed to think you are tree frog?

      • The tree frog is my company logo and represents our concerns and support of sustainability and conservation issues. You and anyone else on this forum is welcome to visit me at my London office where you can see the man behind the name. How about you posting a similar invitation?

        • There are probably thousands of Mike Grants in UK and hundreds of such companies. Without the company name or website, logo on its own is worthless. As far as I am concerned, you continue to remain anonymous while questioning anonymity of others. I don’t have a problem with you being anonymous, I am just pointing out your hypocrisy.

          • Ahhh, you took the bait – I thought someone would! Reply with your email address and telephone number. I will contact you with details on how to book an appointment to visit our London office. You can review our web sites and any other data you think is appropriate. Look forward to meeting you! Your allegation I am ‘anonymous’ is obviously incorrect. You only describe yourself as ‘Talker’ which is weird – or what?!

          • You got me Mike Grant. You sly devil! Except you didn’t comprehend what I wrote:

            I don’t have a problem with you being anonymous, I am just pointing out your hypocrisy.

            Maybe you live in a different plane of existence where words have different meaning and/or an internet troll with a generic moniker and a picture of a frog.

          • I repeat my invitation ‘Talker.’ Reply with your email address and telephone number. I will contact you with details on how to book an appointment to visit our London office. You can review our web sites and any other data you think is appropriate. Look forward to meeting you!
            I give Edzard permission to disclose my email address to you. I will be happy to meet with you and you can check out and verify any facts you want to. Ezdard – your opinion of me being “deranged” is without substance – you are better than that I thought – obviously not.

          • Mike Grant on Monday 28 January 2019 at 17:12

            [replying to Edzard]

            Yes I checked out your ‘credentials’ before making comments about you. If you had any sense you would use an alias on Public forums. ‘Michael Grant’ is not my real name as I wish to protect my clients and prevent unannounced visits from retards. I own and manage a number of holistic clinics in the UK and Europe. I even have more qualifications than you, but I don’t boast about them. Although you claim to have some medical qualifications it is well known that over the years many highly qualified health practitioners have murdered, abused and otherwise treated their patients with contempt. Medical Doctors in the USA and other countries illegally conspired with GlaxoSmithKline a few years ago if you remember. GSK pleaded guilty to criminal behaviour before it went to court (off-label selling by their reps) and were fined over $3 billion which is pocket money to them. None of the highly qualified Doctors or GSK employees were locked up as they should have been. You may have some qualifications, but your attitude and need to dismiss my LBM test as you did without knowing me or the technician I met that day says everything – you are a very sad human being. May God protect the Public from people like you.


          • Yes, I remember this – the words read like those of a deranged person.

        • Hi Mike, I have read this long thread and agree with your stance on this. I had a LBA and it was also bought to my attention what I’m lacking or having too much of. Since following a tweeked diet and with the aid of some nutrients/minerals my arthritis, for one, has improved 80%. So, I wouldn’t waste my breath on others that believe different but focus on the wonderful job you are doing with your clients. Don’t kill all your good energy on bad. 😊

          • Thanks for your message Deborah Jayne. Some ignorant commentators on this topic have deliberately (in my opinion) sought to discredit ALL LBA practitioners regardless of their competence, even though these same commentators have no first-hand knowledge or experience of this procedure.
            As stated previously, to see my own blood in real time highly magnified, it prompted me to take more interest in how my body works and to conduct research on how best to improve my diet and lifestyle choices. If I had not met up with that LBA practitioner all those years ago, I would not now run a successful business supplying a wide range of raw, enzyme active, nutritious whole foods and supplements to thousands of health conscious folks around the world… and some of them are highly qualified medical professionals that work at the front line of patient care. I love my work and I’m pleased to say my energy at age 76 years young is boundless!

          • Deborah and Mike,

            It is very heartwarming to see you both exchange stories of LBA and fall in love with each other. Perhaps there is potential for a Hallmark movie here? Jokes aside, please allow me to jump in on this action and make it a ménage à trois. I too had a very positive experience with LBA and that prompted me to research other not-so-well-known but effective techniques and stumbled upon a new technique called Live Doo-Doo Analysis (LDDA). LDDA is like LBA in that you would sift thru your poo-poo under a microscope to see what your body excreted. Looking thru the microscope at my own dung taught me about what my body needs and what it contains in excess (of course it’s sh!t, why else would your body expel it). All this live analysis inspired me to lead a healthy life, I am 80 years young and healthy as an ape (I run a marathon every year). I look at my poop under a microscope every day before I decide what to eat that day. LDDA changed my life. It can change yours too! I sell books and CDs that will teach you the techniques on how to sift your own feces for just $969.69 plus S+H. Let me know if you would like to purchase the material, I take Visa/MC/Paypal and Venmo. Invest in your health today, what else do you have to lose?

          • Richard Rasker said this: “And don’t listen to Mike; he’s a notorious troll, constantly promoting the most egregious forms of quackery here”.
            Question for you Richard: What egregious forms of quackery are you referring to that I have praised on this forum other than LBA? In any event, have I ever tried to sell them to anyone on this forum?
            You obviously don’t know the difference between a ‘Troll’ (definition please?) and a genuine business owner who has received thousands of positive testimonials over the last 20 + years from satisfied clients – and not ONE negative report on any social media site relating to my online health and wellness business web site. I work alongside qualified physicians (are you qualified Richard – if so in what?) including a well known clinic in Harley Street. If I was a quack then I would have been exposed or found guilty in a court of some misdemeanour years ago.
            And for the same small number of peeps like ‘Honest Ape’ I have never claimed that my LBA appointment provided me with any kind of DIAGNOSIS! It is way past time that sceptics ceased from stating that this is all ‘quackery’ – which is a very silly description and meaningless.
            QUESTION: If you were shown a sample of your own blood highly magnified, would you describe what you see with your own eyes as ‘quackery’?

          • @Deborah Jayne
            I’m sorry to disagree, but personal experience is the absolute worst way to determine if something works or not. And don’t listen to Mike; he’s a notorious troll, constantly promoting the most egregious forms of quackery here.

            Please just think for a second: if live blood analysis would produce a valid diagnosis, then why doesn’t every doctor use it by now?
            After all, it would be much faster and cheaper than a normal blood panel, which involves drawing at least two vials of blood, sending these off to a lab with millions of dollars worth of equipment (as opposed to just a $2000 microscope), which then still takes several days (not 5 minutes) to come up with results.

            The reason why no real doctor uses live blood analysis is because it is completely useless. If you don’t believe me, you can find this out for yourself: simply consult three or four different LBA practitioners, and see what their ‘analysis’ comes up with. And oh, also get some real blood work done, for a baseline comparison. If you do this, you will find that those different practitioners come up with diagnoses that are quite different from both each other and the legitimate blood test. In other words: their diagnosis is simply made up.

            And if you still have doubts: try and find scientific evidence for the viability of live blood analysis, e.g. on PubMed. There is nothing at all, except two articles discrediting live blood analysis. Note that searching for “blood test” produces almost 10,000 hits – none of which have any reference to live blood analysis.

            It is of course nice that you’re feeling better, but that has other causes than any treatment based on LBA.

          • @Mike Grant

            QUESTION: If you were shown a sample of your own blood highly magnified, would you describe what you see with your own eyes as ‘quackery’?

            No – and we’ve been over this before. Looking at a blood sample under a microscope and marvelling at what you see is not quackery.
            Quackery is when someone claims that they can identify all sorts of deficiencies, infections, ‘toxins’ and other medical conditions by looking at this blood sample(*).

            To the best of my knowledge, the only deficiencies that can be identified under a microscope are vitamin B12 (folate) deficiency, which causes enlarged red blood cells, and severe iron deficiency, which causes a pale colour in red blood cells. But I doubt very much if LBA practitioners will recognize even these conditions, especially in the absence of healthy cells for comparison.

            And oh, testimonials don’t mean anything – if only for the reason that they’re usually only left by living, happy people, not by the ones who didn’t get better or even died.

            *: Also see :
            “Live blood analysis is not accepted in laboratory practice and its validity as a laboratory test has not been established. There is no scientific evidence for the validity of live blood analysis, it has been described as a pseudoscientific, bogus and fraudulent medical test, and its practice has been dismissed by the medical profession as quackery.”

          • Richard,

            To the best of my knowledge, the only deficiencies that can be identified under a microscope are vitamin B12 (folate) deficiency, which causes enlarged red blood cells, and severe iron deficiency, which causes a pale colour in red blood cells.

            As far as I know, neither vitamin B12 deficiency nor iron deficiency can be confidently diagnosed from a blood film. Vitamin B12 deficiency causes macrocytic anaemia (among other things) but so does folate deficiency. Iron deficiency causes hypochromic, microcytic anaemia (the cells are both pale and small), but there are a number of other conditions which will do this, including lead poisoning, the various thalassaemias and chronic disease such as rheumatoid arthritis and advanced cancer.

            a normal blood panel, which involves drawing at least two vials of blood, sending these off to a lab with millions of dollars worth of equipment (as opposed to just a $2000 microscope), which then still takes several days (not 5 minutes) to come up with results.

            A normal blood panel usually consists of a full blood count (performed by a haematology lab) and a number of standard biochemical tests (performed by a biochemistry lab) including kidney function, liver function and electrolytes.

            Although a blood count can be performed manually, it is usually done by a Coulter counter, which examines blood cells one at a time as they flow through various sensors, determining their size, haemoglobin content (for red cells) and subtype (for white cells) from the way that they absorb, transmit and scatter light and how they affect an electric field. It takes less than a minute.

            Biochemical analysis takes longer. The sample has to be centrifuged first and it is the plasma that is analysed. A small quantity of this goes into an analyser which runs a number of tests, many of them involving chemical reactions catalysed by enzymes. Some give results quite quickly (a few minutes) whereas others can take nearly an hour. The samples are processed in batches in order to get through the lab’s daily workload.

            Most of the delay in getting results is administrative rather than relating to the analysis itself, though there are tests that can take longer (such as protein electrophoresis) and less commonly used ones that are run in batches maybe once a week; I occasionally needed to measure serum neurone-specific enolase, which is a marker for small-cell cancer, and that one took about six weeks to get back as the lab tested it so seldom. Microbiology results can take longer as they often involve incubating the samples and waiting for microbes to grow (24 hours for most bacteria plus another 24 hours incubation with antibiotics to test their sensitivity, but up to eight weeks for TB).

          • @Dr Julian Money-Kyrle
            Thank you once again for your elaborate explanation, additional information and corrections!
            I tried to make a generous (towards LBA) interpretation of some things that might just be diagnosed by merely looking at a blood sample, but according to what you say, even those examples don’t hold water.

            I’m not a doctor or academic, but almost on a daily basis, I see how difficult it can be to correctly diagnose patients – even doctors, with at least 15,000 hours worth of education and internships, regularly get it wrong or simply can’t tell what’s wrong with someone.

            And with every new example (such as this one), I’m stunned by the pretence of alternative practitioners that they can confidently diagnose and treat patients, more often than not with no relevant training to speak of.

          • @ Richard Rasker

            “I tried to make a generous (towards LBA) interpretation of some things that might just be diagnosed by merely looking at a blood sample, but according to what you say, even those examples don’t hold water.”

            Read the following Wikipedia articles side by side:
            Blood smear
            Live blood analysis (LBA)

            That is just one example of why I state:

            I think it is important to know how to differentiate genuinely knowledgeable persons from numpties, quacks, and woomeisters.

          • @Honest Ape
            [poo analysis parody]
            I am sorry to inform you that someone beat you to it already:

          • Mr. Rasker,

            I am a real businessape who owns a line of successful not-fake health care products. I also own several patents related to various health care technologies as well as LDDA quantum microscope. It is first and only such microscope that uses quantum and ML technologies successfully. It single handedly heralded the field of Copromancy into 21st century and beyond.
            How dare you poo-poo on the sacred art of poo analysis and suggest that I am parodying it? I will neither stand nor sit for it! My good Sir!

            Me and my fellow brethren (hydro-agitators, spine-crackers, dermo-needlers, energy-traffickers etc.) sell hope to hopeless masses left behind by profit-seeking main lame-stream medicine (LSM). On paper, our remedies may not be as efficacious (or not at all efficacious) as those of LSM’s but we are experts at sweet-talking the patient into believing various anecdotes of remedy working on other people, this unleashes the hidden innate vitality within the patient hastening the healing process. Unlike LSM, we are masters of unlocking the true human potential. We also advise our patients to exercise, eat healthy foods, and lead an active lifestyle and have been doing so for centuries! If you don’t quit trashing our professions, I will use distance healing to heal you in your sleep of any maladies that you may have. That said, I bid you adieu and a happy, healthy and prosperous new year.

  • @Richard Rasker

    <<< even doctors, with at least 15,000 hours worth of education and internships, regularly get it wrong or simply can't tell what's wrong with someone.>>>

    Wow Richard
    Thanks for that admission.

    • I apologise to any commentators who criticised my previous posts on this topic – it seems I didn’t make myself clear as to why my encounter with an LBA practitioner all those years ago was such a powerful and life changing event. At the time I was curious to see my own blood under a microscope – is there anything wrong with that I ask the academics on this forum?
      I witnessed first hand various objects – including red blood cells – that were mostly static on the slide. However I was intrigued to see a few strange looking jelly fish like blobs (macrophages) moving around under their own power and literally consuming smaller size objects. I found this fascinating and it encouraged me to investigate in more depth how my own immune system works. The practitioner didn’t DIAGNOSE any specific illness, nor did he PRESCRIBE any pills or potions. I left with a video recording of the screening so I could compare the images of my own blood with other examples that I found during further research – including those from people I knew personally.
      The following live video is a typical example of immune cells in action – that is the ‘miracle’ I observed. I expect some of you will claim I have been scammed in some way. But the modest fee that I paid for my screening test subsequently led to me building a highly successful global business supplying nutritious food products to health conscious consumers around the world. And I often reference my recommendations by adding appropriate links to randomised, double blind, placebo controlled clinical trials and studies published in recognised medical journals. Was I scammed? I don’t think so. Here is the video I mentioned for your perusal:

      • Mike Grant,

        Apology accepted and happy new year!

        I still think you got scammed by LBA practitioner because LBA is far inferior to LDDA that I describe in my earlier post. Compared to LBA, LDDA provides way more information your body. To make LDDA more effective, I invented a quantum microscope under which you would examine their cack to gain highly valuable intel about your body. The quantum microscope comes equipped with a quantum chip loaded with machine learning algorithms. This technology is optimized to provide real-time analysis and visualization of the things you see in your droppings. Information generated by the machine learning algorithms is overlayed on top of microscope’s field of view. You can set the microscope to record and upload videos of your dookie to youtube for rest of the world to see. My quantum microscope only costs $6969.69 plus S+H, this is a one-time fee for a lifetime of learning and I guarantee that you will see things that you never dreamed of in your wildest dreams. You can either purchase my microscope or keep getting scammed by LBA practitioners. Your choice.

        • Honest Ape – do you realise you are not comparing like for like – the two are totally different. Plus it’s not very professional making a direct sales pitch on this forum – and a $7,000.00 one at that!
          You and a few others again fail to understand that I was prompted to discover how my immune system worked only after having seen with my own eyes the immune cells moving around on the slide. I wasn’t scammed, there was no sales pitch (unlike your posting) and I seem to remember the fee for the 1 hour consultation and video recording was the equivalent of around $50.00. In my opinion this was money very well spent. As I’ve said previously, this encounter set me on a path that enabled me to build a global health and wellness business with the help of medically qualified doctors and professors who are NOT LBA practitioners. You were NOT present at my consultation, so to claim I was scammed is quite ridiculous and without foundation. And to infer I regularly visit LBA practitioners “keep getting scammed” as you say is also not true – where do you get your information from I wonder? Good luck promoting your poo business.

          • Mike Grant,

            For starters, , you are neither medically nor legally qualified to make judgements on what I can compare LBA with.

            Secondly, price of microscope is $6969.69 plus S+H, not $7000. Get your facts in order!

            Thirdly, this ain’t your blog and you don’t get to make rules about what constitutes professional behavior. Besides, no one stopped you from promoting your “highly successful global business supplying nutritious food products to health-conscious consumers around the world.” on this blog.

            Fourthly, spending any amount of money for something you get for free falls under the definition of ‘getting scammed’. Here is a video of macrophages: You owe me $50, but I will give you a 10% discount. Venmo me $45 to my email: ape-goes at ape-sh!t dot com

            Finally, my encounter with LDDA set me on a path that resulted in invention of quantum microscope. Of course, I am going to sell my invention to any interested parties. But I was wrong in assuming that you are open-minded enough to understand that what I have to offer is far superior to LBA and may even help your wellness business.

          • Honest Ape, I am entitled to my opinion, and you have no idea what qualifications I have – medical or otherwise. Out of interest, what are YOUR qualifications?
            Your total price INCLUDING shipping and handling is appx. $7,000.00, to suggest I need to get my facts right is rather childish don’t you think? In other words, the total price for your gadget is around $7,000.00 – agreed?
            In my opinion you don’t demonstrate professional behaviour – you can disagree with my opinion, but you cannot gag me from expressing it!
            The alleged ‘promotion’ of my global business is not a promotion as I have never disclosed my web address, you will never know where to find it fortunately.
            I won’t bother viewing your video of macrophages that are NOT from my own blood – do you really think I’m that dumb? Move on, nothing to see here as they say in the movies.

          • @ Mike “not my real name as I wish to protect my clients and prevent unannounced visits from retards” Grant

            “do you really think I’m that dumb?”

            In the context of the question, the word “dumb” has no legal, scientific or medical definition. I certainly wouldn’t describe you as “dumb”; indeed, your comments appear to be forged by someone who’s as sharp as a marble.

            “the total price for your gadget is around $7,000.00”

            Apparently, we don’t need to actually buy a quantum microscope in order to use one:

            The LDDA Quantum Microscope: Remote Viewing and Operation
            Voyant Clair, Kinesis T.
            J. Proctophasia MMXXIII⋅IV⋅I

          • I must be very dumb Mr Attkins as I have no idea what point you are trying to make. “Sharp as a marble” – Weird or what!?

          • I must be very dumb Mr Attkins as I have no idea what point you are trying to make. “Sharp as a marble” – Weird or what!?

            Although this is not a phrase I have heard before, I think most people growing up in the UK would recognise it as a reference to a popular children’s game, and appreciate the metaphorical use of the radius of curvature of one of the pieces in the game to describe such of your qualities as may be inferred from the way you have chosen to present yourself in this thread.

          • Sharp as a marble is a derogatory statement saying you are ignorant/dumb without directly saying you are ignorant/dumb.

          • DC says whatever comes to mind. I give him the benefit of the doubt when I say he is a troll, at best. His logic is, I don’t know, bizarre?

            Anyway, I wouldn’t pay too much mind. It’s like listening to a child. You know he’s saying something, you just can’t make sense of it.

            — Ron Jette on The mode of action of spinal manipulation

      • @Mike Grant

        I apologise to any commentators who criticised my previous posts on this topic – it seems I didn’t make myself clear as to why my encounter with an LBA practitioner all those years ago was such a powerful and life changing event …

        Well, my apologies for calling you a troll – it seems I repeatedly misunderstood the reason why you kept being enthusiastic about LBA.
        Yes, I can completely agree with you that the things that happen inside our body are absolutely mind boggling, even if you just catch a small glimpse – and I have great respect for all those scientists such as doctors, biochemists, biologists and people from lots of other disciplines who manage to understand quite a lot of what is going on …

        So let’s end this thread in a positive way: a happy new year to you, and of course to all those others who took the time to share their comments – even the ones I don’t agree with; they are still valuable in showing what people think and also why.

        All the best,

  • Wow. That is an elaborate scam. Thank you for blogging about it.

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