Acute tonsillitis, which includes tonsillopharyngitis, is a common condition, particularly in childhood. It is mostly caused by a viral infection. Symptomatic treatment is of high importance. But which treatment is effective and which isn’t?

For this expert consensus, 53 physicians from Germany, Spain, Netherlands, Switzerland, Austria, and Hungary with at least one year of experience in anthroposophic paediatric medicine were invited to participate in an online Delphi process. The process comprised 5 survey rounds starting with open-ended questions and ending with final statements, which need 75% agreement of experts to reach consensus. Expert answers were evaluated by two independent reviewers using MAXQDA and Excel.

Response rate was between 28% and 45%. The developed recommendation included 15 subtopics. These covered clinical, diagnostic, therapeutic and psychosocial aspects of acute tonsillitis. Six subtopics achieved a high consensus (>90%) and nine subtopics achieved consensus (75-90%). The panel felt that AM was an adequate therapy for acute tonsillitis.

The authors of this paper concluded that the clinical recommendation for acute tonsillitis in children aims to simplify everyday patient care and provide decision-making support when considering and prescribing anthroposophic therapies. Moreover, the recommendation makes AM more transparent for physicians, parents, and maybe political stakeholders as well.

I found it hard to decide whether to cry or to laugh while reading this paper.

Experience in anthroposophic paediatric medicine does not make anyone an expert in anything other than BS.

Expert consensus and clinical guidelines are not conducted by assembling a few people who all are in favour of a certain therapy while ignoring the scientific evidence.

AM for acute tonsillitis in children is nonsense, whatever these pseudo-experts claim.

Imagine we run a Delphi process with a few long-standing members of ‘the flat earth society’ and ask them to tell us about the shape of the earth …

…I rest my case.

8 Responses to Anthroposophic medicine is recommended for acute paediatric tonsillitis (…and yes, the earth is flat!)

  • Is there any hin on “who dunnit”?

  • I didn’t realize the text was a quote. So, here we are:

    Full text:

    OH DARWIN! Do not laugh! DO NOT LAUGH!

    Just an example from the horror show:

    Anthroposophic therapies for external use (83% consensus): .

    • The neck compress with lemon is used to treat a sore throat associated with tonsillitis. It can be applied to children of two years and above. It should be used 1-2 times a day, especially in the morning when symptoms arise (consensus 83%).

    • The neck compress with curd is indicated for feverish tonsillitis with painful lymphadenitis in children from the age of 3 years. In the acute phase, it should be used at least once a day for around 20 min (consensus 91%).

    • The neck compress with Archangelica comp. salve WELEDA ® is used to treat lymphadenitis and lymphadenopathy in children with tonsillitis, from the 2nd year of life. It should be used 1-3 times a day for about a week (consensus 96%).

    • Warm foot baths with lavender, lemon, ginger flour, or mustard flour are used to treat cold feet of children older than 2 years suffering from tonsillitis. Warm foot baths should be used 1-3 times a day, at the beginning of the disease and especially in the evening hours (consensus 83%).

    Anthroposophic gargle therapies (91% consensus):

    • The gargle treatment with Bolus Eucalypti comp. WELEDA ® is used for children with sore throat associated with tonsillitis. The treatment can be used for children from preschool age onwards* . One teaspoon is given at least 3 times a day for as long as the symptoms persist (consensus 100%).

    *Package leaflet: For children 6 years and older as soon as they can gargle safely.
    • The gargle treatment with sage tea is used for children with tonsillitis suffering from throat and swallowing problems from the ages of 4-6 years. It should be used at least 3 times a day for the full duration of symptom persistence (consensus 91%).

    “Warm foot baths”!? For an infection in the throat? And they claim to be medical doctors?

    By the way, they neglected a very important treatment: the square haircut. It does wonders. The children really do look different. Promised.

    • @”John”
      Could you explain in a couple of words what your comment is about?

      I don’t want to waste my precious time watching videos peddling pseudoscientific antivaxx conspiracy crap.

    • In the words of its synopsis:

      Is Evidence Based Medicine NONSENSE?
      It simply doesn’t work for many people a lot of the time. Everybody is unique, every body is unique…

      It looks to me to be of the “sometimes aircraft crash, therefore flying carpets work” ilk, but I didn’t bother viewing.

      Also, John misnames it: it’s called “Is Evidence Based Medicine NONSENSE?”, so it’s not actually about SBM. EBM and SBM are not the same.

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