Search Results for: experience

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...  With his wealth of knowledge and over 30 years of experience, Dr Rau formed his own holistic theory of healing: Swiss Biological ...

...  some very ill individuals. And it’s not just based on “experience” or “perception,” although such evidence should not be ...

...  by SCAM enthusiasts who have no qualitification or experience in research or science. Inevitably, this must lead to bias. Just ...

...  best available evidence and formal consensus of a panel of experienced practitioners, consumers, and experts for chiropractic management ...

...  believed to be of higher value than tried and tested experience, as it is the case with CAM. The aim of this review is to show how a ...

...  at 89.2 ± 8.3 mmHg). Individuals who practiced Tai Chi experienced reductions in systolic blood pressure of 10.6 mmHg, diastolic blood ...

1 3 4 5 6 7 75
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