On this blog and elsewhere, we have many people doubting that COVID vaccinations were effective; some even claim that they were detrimental to our long-term health. In this context, cardiac conditions are often mentioned, as they constitute a significant category of potentially serious post-COVID conditions.
Perhaps these doubters will find this new analysis relevant. The objective of this systematic review was to synthesise the evidence on the factors associated with the development of post-COVID cardiac conditions, the frequency of clinical outcomes in affected patients, and the potential prognostic factors. A systematic review was conducted using the databases EBSCOhost, MEDLINE via PubMed, BVS, and Embase, covering studies from 2019 to December 2023. A total of 8343 articles were identified, and seven met the eligibility criteria for data extraction. The protective effect of vaccination stood out among the associated factors, showing a reduced risk of developing post-COVID cardiac conditions. Conversely, COVID-19 reinfections were associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular outcomes. Regarding the main outcomes in these patients, most recovered, although some cases persisted beyond 200 days of follow-up. The study included in the analysis of prognostic factors reported that the four children who did not recover by the end of the study were between two and five years old and had gastrointestinal symptoms during the illness.
The authors concluded that the present findings provide valuable contributions to a better understanding of the evolution of post-COVID cardiac conditions. Despite the limited number of eligible studies, this review offers insights that describe the progression of cardiac conditions, from their onset to medium-term follow-up of patients. The protection offered by the COVID-19 vaccination regimen was observed beyond the acute phase of the disease, reducing the risk of developing post-COVID cardiac conditions. Public policies encouraging vaccination should be promoted to prevent SARS-CoV-2 infections and reinfections. Given that both COVID-19 and heart diseases occupy a significant place on the global health agenda, post-COVID cardiac conditions deserve due attention. Although most patients recover in the short term, some require care for many months to prevent chronicity and complications, particularly in vulnerable groups such as children and older adults. COVID-19 emerged as a pandemic in 2020, and four years later, it continues to impact the entire planet. This study provides important evidence to guide government policies on post-COVID conditions surveillance, prevention, and targeted healthcare interventions. Although this review compiles the available evidence on the topic, it is clear that there is still much to learn about post-COVID cardiac conditions. Strengthening the research agenda by proposing and conducting primary studies on the subject is important. Additionally, this review should be regularly updated as new studies are published in the field.
I would be delighted to hear that this new analysis has persuaded some doubters that COVID vaccinations are, after all. helpful interventions – but (as always on such occasions) I will not hold my breath!
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