What Quacks Don’t Tell You is that ‘What Doctors Don’t Tell You‘ and ‘Get Well‘ magazines misinform the public in a scandalously dangerous fashion. If one ever needed evidence for this statement, it is provided by their latest action, explained on their website:

Lynne McTaggart and Bryan Hubbard, editors of What Doctors Don’t Tell You and Get Well magazines, are pleased to announce a series of four FREE weekly webinars, via Zoom, starting Thursday, April 2 designed to maximize your health and wellness in every way during these challenging times.

In these free hour-long sessions, Lynne and Bryan will interview a number of pioneering doctors and specialists, who will give you detailed advice about natural substances that kill viruses, the best supplements, foods and exercises to boost your immune system, and the best techniques to stay calm and centered during these challenging times.

Sign up to be sent the link for the live webinar where you can have the ability to ask your questions to these pioneers, get access to the recording of the webinars and receive a handout of helpful relevant tips to that webinar.

Part 1: Supercharging Yourself With Natural Virus Killers
Thursday, April 2, 2020
9 am PDST/12pm EDST/5 pm BST/6 pm CSTThis webinar will feature the best substances and supplements proven to prevent the spread of viruses. Joining Lynne and Bryan are noted pioneer Dr. Damien Downing, president of the Society for Environmental Medicine, who was part of a team of orthomolecular doctors who devised a special supplement preventative against the coronavirus; Dr. Sarah Myhill, a British integrative doctor noted expert on vitamin C and other natural virus killers; and Dr. Robert Verkerk PhD, the founder and president of the Alliance for Natural Health and an expert on food and health.
This hardly need a comment. Perhaps just this: there are no dietary supplements that have been shown to prevent the spread of the corona virus. Claiming otherwise might be commercially motivated or it might stem from a deep delusion. In any case, it risks the life of those consumers who believe in such bogus claims and, wrongly feel they are protected, and thus neglect effective measures of protection.

7 Responses to Corona pandemic: What Quacks Don’t Tell You

  • Maybe I’ll attend and ask that question: Is this seminar commercially motivated or does it stem from a deep delusion by its organizers?

    I’m guessing the question will either not be allowed or it will not be answered.

    Maybe I’ll save my money. Oh, it’s free? It’s worth it at twice the price!

  • The fact that IV ascorbic acid is currently being trialled as part of a combination therapy in the treatment of some life-threatening acute conditions makes Lynne and Bryan imagine that their claims for vitamin C have been given credibility.

    They haven’t.

    Vitamin C may well be viricidal in vitro.

    So is petrol.

    No in vivo “virus-killing” has been demonstrated.

    As ever we must assume that they are preaching only to their own deluded congregation and hope that they will otherwise be regarded as the inconsequential fools that they are.

  • The signup page doesn’t work for me – loading icon never goes away.

  • What a very strange comment Edzard, I thought you were better than that! You said:
    “This hardly need a comment. Perhaps just this: there are no dietary supplements that have been shown to prevent the spread of the corona virus”.
    Well of course not, unless you conduct a double blind, placebo controlled, randomised, peer reviewed and published trial in a recognised Medical Journal – and who would be prepared to pay the enormous cost of such a trial?
    As you know, there is no legal, scientific or medical definition of a ‘supplement’. It’s a word that means different things to different people!
    Public Health England estimates that at least 10,00 people die from seasonal ‘flu’ each year – and many more from viral related conditions. And the Government say that the vast majority of fatalities connected to the current pandemic had ‘underlying health issues’ … oh very scientific – not.
    It’s about time that GP’, MD’s and others recommended that all members of the Public have their Serum 25(OH)D levels checked at least every 12 months – ideally during the winter period. I know of many contacts that have been refused this basic test because their doctor considered they weren’t ‘at sufficient risk’. I have yet to meet a doctor that can measure this or many other important markers with a stethoscope and thermometer.

    • ok; forget about corona:
      “there are no dietary supplements that have been shown to prevent the spread of a virus”.
      do you think that there is evidence?
      if so, please show it to me.

      • Edzard on Friday 27 March 2020 at 16:23 said:

        “ok; forget about corona:
        ‘there are no dietary supplements that have been shown to prevent the spread of a virus’.
        do you think that there is evidence?
        if so, please show it to me.”

        That’s impossible because the control arm would also need vitamin C.

  • “It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends upon his not understanding it.” – Upton Sinclair

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