Dr Alok Pareek has been elected as the World President of the International Homeopathic Medical league (LMHI – Liga Medicorum Homoeopathica Internationalis), the largest, oldest and only association of Medical Homeopaths in the World. He is the first Asian in 4 decades to bring this honour to India. Dr Alok Pareek was elected at the 71st World Congress of the LMHI held in Buenos Aires, Argentina on 23rd August 2016. He was elected unopposed by over 70 member countries. He has been elected for a three year tenure from 2016 to 2019
Dr. Alok Pareek runs a homeopathic hospital together with his father R.S. Pareek in Agra, India with fifty beds, treating around two hundred patients daily. His clinical practice spans thirty years. This extensive experience has given him a wealth of opportunity to carry out and refine homeopathic treatment in a wide range of acute and emergency situations… Dr. Pareek demonstrates that homeopathy has much to offer in acute and emergency settings. He aims to increase the confidence of practitioners, to improve results and encourage them to offer safe and effective treatment in this important field, enabling homeopathy to take its place alongside conventional approaches within mainstream medicine. “As an Emergency Medicine physician who deals with life threatening diseases on a daily basis, I found Dr. Pareek’s homeopathic approach to be full of well-rounded clinical criteria and plenty of wise advice to the homeopathic doctor. I truly hope to be in medicine long enough to see us practice ‘hand in hand’ and enjoy the great benefits of this marvelous ‘scientific marriage’ in my emergency medicine patients.” Gladys H. Lopez M.D., M.P.H. USA Board Certified in Emergency Medicine
These two quotes might give you a fairly good impression of Dr Alok Pareek.
But why do I dedicate an entire post to him?
The reason is that I was alerted to one of his books entitled ‘Cancer is curable with homeopathy’. Even though it is obviously a translation from English, I could not find the original; so you have to bear with me as I translate for you the German abstract copied below:
75 years of homeopathic experience by father and son from India are expressed in this book about the homeopathic cure of cancers. Based on excellently documented cases, it demonstrates how homeopathy is clearly superior to chemotherapy and radiotherapy. We experience how a cure is possible even for such a serious disease as cancer in advanced stages. Dr D. Spinedi (Switzeralnd) estimates the immense experience of the doctors Pareek as ‘essential basic knowledge that should be accessible to all homeopaths’. It is a book that gives courage to both patients and therapists.
Zusammen 75 Jahre homöopathischer Erfahrung von Vater und Sohn Pareek aus Indien mit Tausenden von Patienten finden in diesem Buch ihren Niederschlag in der homöopathischen Heilung von Krebserkrankungen. Anhand exzellent dokumentierter Fallbeispiele wird gezeigt, wie in klassischer Arbeitsweise die Homöopathie der Chemotherapie und der Strahlentherapie deutlich überlegen ist. Wir erleben mit, wie Heilung bei einer so schweren Krankheit wie Krebs auch noch in fortgeschrittenen Stadien durch Homöopathie möglich ist. Dr. D. Spinedi (Schweiz) wertet die immense Erfahrung der Dres. Pareek als “unverzichtbares Grundlagenwissen, das allen Homöopathen zugänglich sein sollte.” Ein Buch, das Patienten wie Therapeuten Mut macht!
It is by Jove not often that I am speechless, but today, that’s exactly what I am.
This is homeopathic arrogance at its worst, and claiming things like this should in my opinion be a criminal offence – as it lures desperate, sick people away from effective treatment and into the claws of medically incompetent quacks and con artists.
Too bad we don’t have a universal Cancer Act 1939.
And oh, if homeopathy is an effective cancer treatment, then how does this dumb quack Pareek explain that India is among the countries with the worst cancer survival rates?
I think in India the relationship with poverty contributes more to this cancer survival rates.
Admittedly, most people in India don’t have access to good healthcare, and that is indeed a major cause of many public health problems. But many people do have access to bad healthcare such as homeopathy, ayurvedic ‘medicine’ and other traditional treatment modalities. Which don’t contribute to better health in any way.
It is not only Pareek that claims to heal lots of Cancer patients with homeopathy. There are the Banerjis, a certain Sujit Chatterjee and I am sure many more. If you read accounts of their successful treatments and their claim that homeopathy outperforms EBM, then you should expect poverty (which brings the patients to homeopathy) one of the predictors of cancer survival.
if you type ‘homeopathy, cancer’ into the search option of this blog, you get another dozen or so.
I read the “About” page of the Pareek clinic website. The three Pareeks certainly think highly of themselves. The two younger Pareek’s use the MD (Hom), which I guess means they went through medical school and then took a residency in homeopathy, right? But Old Pareek’s honourific says “DF (Hom)”, which I had some difficulties in finding the meaning of. The closest guess would perhaps be Diploma of Faculty of Homeopathy??
He calls himself Dr. as well. I guess anyone can do that in India?
As to their alleged scientific prowess, I am unable to find any signs of it in the usual places. For example the
research by Aditya Pareek on chronic kidney failure and patients on haemodialysis that is mentioned in the section on him, is conspicuously absent from scientific databases that I looked into. I guess homeopaths have their own “alternative” repositories of homeopathic research?
The hubris is certainly high with the three Pareeks.
It was granted by the Royal London Homoeopathic Hospital, which is now the Royal London Hospital for Integrated Medicine. They no longer give degrees in Homeopathy.
Apparently there was a list of degrees recognized in India as qualifying you to be a homeopathic doctor, and the Royal London degrees were on their list.
Working in a Anthroposophical clinic in Filderstadt, Germany, I know fist hand that this is really taken seriously. In the oncology section they would administer mistletoe injection along side chemo and claim that most of the success was through the mistletoe therapy. Though, it is quite possible that Rudolf Steiner (Father of Anthroposophical medicine) may have died from stomach cancer instead he claimed he was being poisoned and that he must endure his karma. They even have homeopathic vaccines.
I don’t much about Homeopathy so I won’t say word on this. But you also don’t know about Ayurveda too. My family use ayurvedic medicine only, if you practice yoga and meditation that also fall under ayurvedic sciences.
It is capable to cure many disease particularly i am referring to those which seems incurable in field of modern medicine. You know there are many things people following not even knowing that it is ayurvedic medicine. For example if you use honey, milk, curd, drinking warm water before breakfast, use of turmeric, tulsi ( ocimum sanctum ) also known as holy basil and lots more.
If anyone suffering from diabetes, blood pressure, kidney stones, overweight or underweight, hair loss, short-sighted, drug or alcohol addiction, stress to name few do visit patanjali ayurvedic hospital.
Please visit patanjali site and take medicine and lets see if you change your opinion on that.
Every single ayurvedic medicine are scientifically proven.
“It is capable to cure many disease particularly i am referring to those which seems incurable in field of modern medicine.”
any evidence, or is that your personal belief only?