Sorry, but I am fighting a spell of depression today.
Why? I came across this website which lists the 10 top blogs on alternative medicine. To be precise, here is what they say about their hit-list: this list includes the top 10 alternative medicine bloggers on Twitter, ranked by Klout score. Using Cision’s media database, we compiled the list based on Cision’s proprietary research, with results limited to bloggers who dedicate significant coverage to alternative medicine and therapies…
And here are the glorious top ten:
Andrew Weil – Dr. Andrew Weil’s Daily Health Tips
Joy McCarthy – Joyous Health Blog
Stacey Chillemi – Stay Healthy and Cure Your Conditions Naturally
Kristi Shmyr – Prana Holistic Blog
Cathy Wong – Alternative Medicine Blog
Renee Canada – Hartford Healthy Living Examiner
Dee Braun – Natural Holistic Health Blog
Geo Espinosa – Dr. Geo’s Natural Health Blog
All of these sites are promotional and lack even the slightest hint of critical evaluation. All of them sell or advertise products and are thus out to make money. All of them are full of quackery, in my view. Some of the most popular bloggers are world-famous quacks!
What about impartial information for the public? What about critical review of the evidence? What about a degree of balance? What about guiding consumers to make responsible, evidence-based decisions? What about preventing harm? What about using scarce resources wisely?
I don’t see any of this on any of the sites.
You see, now I have depressed you too!
Quick, buy some herbal, natural, holistic and integrative anti-depressant! As it happens, I have some for sale….
On the plus side, Mike “Health Danger” Adams, Gary Null, Dana Ullman and the execrable are not on the list. Which is a bit like thanking the muggers for leaving you with your bus ticket, I know.
Since they’re going by Klout score, it’s probably just that these blogs (being promotional in nature) employ the most SEO, for their ad revenue.
By linking to them you are improving their ranking in Google and Bing…..
I would be inclined to atleast make the links “nofollow” (happy to explain if you wish)
Thanks for reminding me of that. I’ve added rel=”nofollow” attributes to the appropriate links and made it easy for Edzard to do this in future.
They left out Merola, quite the oversight since so many in CAM quote him as the ultimate expert.
Do you mean the osteopath Jo Mercola? There is an Eric Merola, but he produces promotional videos for Burzynski.
I suppose the problem is that the list is almost endless…
What about Dr Oz ? In US and Canada many people only swears by him.
Well I´m feeling depressed today so bring them on lololol
Thanks for the post 😉
the meadows hospital in center hall, Pennsylvania is full of quacks and should be investigated asap. they use brain washing drugs.
Dr. Oz, Dr. Joel Fuhrman, Dr. Michael Greger