Measles had been declared eliminated from the US in 2000. Now the disease is back with a vengeance. In February, an unvaccinated Texan child became the first person in a decade to die from measles in the US. Another death occurred in New Mexico.

The reason for the outbreak is simple: the uptake of the measles vaccine dropped below the 95% rate that is necessary for herd immunity. In the region where the current outbreak began, only 82% of the kids were vaccinated. This triggered the outbreak and, in turn, might mean that the US will lose its ‘measles elimination status’.

Only days after his appointment, Trump pledged to withdraw the United States from the World Health Organization and to drastically cut the US Agency for International Development. Both moves are likely to cause more cases of measles and similarly vaccine-preventable diseases in the US and around the world. To make matters worse, Trump administration has fired hundreds of workers from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

And to make matters even worse, Trump appointed Robert F. Kennedy Jr., one of the US most deluded antivaxer. Since being appointed, Kennedy has downplayed the importance of the current measles outbreak, postponed a meeting of the CDC vaccine advisers, made statements like “vaccinations are over-rated” and claimed that good nutrition and treatment with vitamin A as ways to reduce measles severity. He even praised the benefits of cod liver oil as a measure against measles. “There are adverse events from the vaccine,” Kennedy said in a March 11 interview. “It does cause deaths every year. It causes all the illnesses that measles itself causes, encephalitis and blindness, et cetera. And so people ought to be able to make that choice for themselves.” Further confirming his cluelessness Kennedy also stated: “When you and I were kids, everybody got measles, and measles gave you … lifetime protection against measles infection. The vaccine doesn’t do that… The vaccine wanes 4.5% per year.”

But Kennedy does not just propagate BS in interviews, he also plans to investigate whether vaccines cause autism — an assumption that has been discredited ad nauseam. A spokesperson for the US Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) said: “The rate of autism in American children has skyrocketed. CDC will leave no stone unturned in its mission to figure out what exactly is happening.”

Meanwhile in Texas, some parents, who evidently believe Kennedy’s deluded nonsense, are giving unvaccinated children vitamin A, which, of course, is toxic at high doses.

8 Responses to Alternative treatments against measles are as useless and dangerous as RFKJr. himself

  • an update:
    36 more measles cases announced in Texas today, 259 total so far in Texas during this outbreak, 34 people have been hospitalized. Only 2% had full 2-shot measles vaccination. 95% unvaccinated or unknown vaccine status.

  • If you watch this week’s episode 415, of T..H…W…, two children with measles, with <80% O2 in their blood were recovered in 24 hours using a steroid of 30 years standing + a common antibiotic – starts at about 01:27:00 into the programme.

    Ten children are involved between two families, three of the parents who were vaccinated, caught measles too.

    All children were unvaccinated.

    All members of both families fully recovered.

    The first little girl was air-lifted to the hospital where the family physician explained the treatment to the local hospital doctor who then followed it. The next day the child was discharged at 3:30

    The family physician had 34 years of practice and had never seen a case of measles before this. As he explains, a fellow MD had already used the steroid successfully, and passed that info on to him.

    If the hospital doctor had not been advised, who knows what would have happened, maybe another death?

    (The second child had a feeding tube and other problems and was treated at home as only the mother was familiar with her other special needs.)

    • Antibiotics? Are you so stupid that you do not even know that measles are a viral disease? Antibiotics are used to combat bacteria and are absolutely ineffective against viruses, ignorant liar!

      • @RPGNo1
        … not to mention the 100% made-up ‘recovery in 24 hours’.

      • Folks don’t die of “covid” or “measles” but of secondary bacterial pneumonia according to the Dr. Above, he explains it carefully, and it must be given immediately – watch it – at 01:43:26, with the right antibiotic because some don’t work, also, using the steroid on its own likely won’t work.

        • You now trust doctors? That’s news to me 😂

          Maybe it’s a good thing you do. Most doctors recommend vaccination. I think you are clamouring to get in line at a vaccine clinic. 🤣

        • @Old Bob

          Folks don’t die of “covid” or “measles” but of secondary bacterial pneumonia according to the Dr. Above, …

          Then this ‘Dr. Above’ does not know what he is talking about, and should immediately hand in his license to prevent him from killing people. Pneumonia and other serious complications of measles including encephalitis can absolutely be caused by the virus itself. Same with COVID-19 and lots of other viral diseases.

          Vaccination is by far the best approach, since it prevents measles. But you never mention this.

          • The appearance of Dr Above is a surprise. He was probably always here. We are only transient. Show some respect.

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