Thanks to Helen Smith we learnt yesterday that Barbara O’Neill (she is the dangerous charlatan who featured on my blog before, see here and here ) was recently awarded an “Honorary Diploma” by the ‘College of Nutritional Medicine’ (CNM) in London for her work in nutrition. I think that this is enough reason to have a look at this institution that modestly claims to be the “No.1 Training Provider in Natural Therapies”.

On its website which makes fascinating reading (I highly recommend studying it in detail), the CNM states its mission:

  • To provide thorough, practice-orientated training in natural therapies such as NaturopathyNutritionHerbal MedicineAcupunctureHomeopathyHealth Coaching and Natural/Vegan Chef.
  • To train students to become highly competent, successful practitioners.
  • To make sure CNM courses are widely recognised and respected in the UK, Europe, and internationally.
  • To continuously raise the profile of natural therapies in society.
  • To support and promote CNM graduates after qualification.

Hermann Keppler N.D. is the founder and principal of the CNM. Here is what he tells us about himself:

Hermann Keppler has more than 30 years’ experience as a practicing Naturopath. During his studies in Germany, Switzerland, Israel, Denmark, and the USA, he gained specialist skills in Homeopathy, Nutrition, Herbal Medicine, Acupuncture, and Clinic Management. He has written several books and has given many interviews on radio and TV.

When Hermann Keppler started his clinic as a Naturopath, he soon came to find that he did not have the knowledge to help some of his clients.  After further training in Iridology, Chinese Diagnosis, Nutrition, Tissue Salts, Flower Remedies, Homeopathy, and Herbal Medicine, he was able to help a greater number of clients, and he became a practitioner for the whole family. That’s when he decided to open a college that would help future natural therapy practitioners learn and thrive by encompassing all of these skills in the curriculum.

Elsewhere, I found an interview with Keppler; here are just two short but interesting passages from it:

Question: There are many toxins in the environment nowadays. What toxins do you find most prevalent, and what approach do you take to clearing them?

HK: That’s a difficult one to answer as there are so many toxins from pollution, increased radiation and electro smog. I have seen in my clinic lots of patients reacting negatively to vaccinations, artificial sweeteners, too much sugar, over-processed and refined foods, microwaved foods, and non-organic foods that do not support our body systems. Drugs, especially psychiatric drugs can have tremendously adverse side effects.

Question:  In the last ten years, more patients are reporting electromagnetic sensitivity. In Sweden this condition is considered an official disability. Can you explain your perspective on this and how you might treat it? Does homeopathy play a role?

HK:  Environmental pollutions including electromagnetic and geopathic stress play an increasingly greater role in our society. Following homeopathic principles, I would take symptoms from a patient and prescribe the homeopathic remedy accordingly.

These bits of information, as well as the bogus treatments and diagnostics he employs, plus his odd stance towards vaccination and drugs made me slightly suspicious of Hermann Keppler and his CNM. There are numerous places on the Internet where essentially the same information about him is repeated over and over again. They all have one thing in common, they do not provide a proper CV of the man. My various searchers for one was not successful. With such a plethora of different skills, I would like to know: where and when did Keppler obtain this knowledge, skills and multiple diplomas?

I hope someone can enlighten me here.

Meanwhile, I have the feeling that an “Honorary Diploma” from the CNM might be far from honorable.


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