I was alerted to this message on ‘reddit’:

I went in to a chiropractor for a sports injury which was completely unrelated to my neck (wrist). While I was there, the chiropractor insisted on also doing a neck adjustment. To make a very long story short, this adjustment caused a vertebral artery dissection. The injury has left me with lifelong symptoms that I won’t get into here.>Because of tort reform law in Texas, and the $250k cap, I had a very difficult time finding any attorney to represent me even though there’s a mountain of evidence in my favor. My time to file a lawsuit has almost run out (statute of limitations).

Out of principle I want to hold this person accountable. How would I go about at least filing my lawsuit so that I get in within the statute of limitations which is very quickly approaching?

My thought is if I do sue this person within the two year timeframe then I can either self represent, have the option of withdrawing my case, or maybe in the meantime find an attorney to represent me for if/when we go to trial.

Any other advice or things that I should be considering? What would you do?

Thank you


If anyone can help this person, please do so. I have acted as an expert witness in several such cases and would be happy to do so also in this instance.

Chiropractors will, of course, say that this message is not a proper case report and cannot therefore count as evidence against the safety of chiropractic. I agree that it does not in itself amount to compelling evidence. But I would like to remind the chiros that it is up to them to establish a proper surveillance system for such tragic events which seem to occur far more often than they want us to believe (as discussed ad nauseam on this blog).

One Response to Chiropractor caused a Vertebral Artery Dissection from a completely unnecessary neck adjustment

  • Did the complainant give properly informed consent?
    What form did the ‘insistance’ take?

    Could be a crime of assault, for which the statute of limitations in Texas might be longer than 2 years.

    Please let us know the outcome of this case.

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