George Lakhovsky, a Russian-born scientist, believed to have found out that every cell of the human body has its own frequency. Healthy cells emit a frequency radiation, he claimed, and whenever a part of the body gets damaged, inflamed or ill, the resonance of those cells become less intense. When pathogens, bacteria, microbes take over, they disrupt the healthy cells with their harmful frequency, Lakhovsky thought.
Based on these notions, Lakhovsky constructed a device capable of generating a field of frequencies in a very broad spectrum. He argued that, if one would place a sick person or an affected body part in this frequency spectrum, those diseased cells would recognize their own frequency, tune in and would start resonating in their own, healthy frequency again. Thus the illness would disappear, Lakhovsky thought.
He felt it should be possible to halt and even cure degenerative diseases like cancer in this way. After a long time of experimenting unsuccessfully, he called Nicola Tesla for help. Tesla had the blueprints for the oscillator machine ready for use. Their multi-wave oscillator was said to activate healing processes and cured most cases of cancer, leukaemia, osteoporosis etc.
An important part of Lakhovsky’s work took place in 1920-1930. In France, Italy, England and Germany multiple of Lakhovsky’s machines were operating. But then they slowly started disappearing again. Many people said the reason for this was that the quick results provided by the machines made the hospitals unnecessary and no profits could be made by them.
The Second World War put an end to much of Lakhovsky’s work. While visiting the US, Lakhovsky was struck by a car and died under mysterious circumstances aged 72.
Is this intriguing story the script of a bizarre film?
No, it is a true – well, partly true – story which I have taken from this article by a therapist who, like many others, uses Lakhovsky’s oscillator for treating patients (and sells potions, some of which cost well over Euro 1 000!). Another article by a practitioner offering this treatment claims that the oscillator is effective for the following indications:
- vitalising cells,
- activation of the body’s own healing powers,
- anti-ageing,
- wellness,
- improving general well-being,
- pain reduction,
- detox,
- rejuvenation of skin,
- improvement of visual aspect of the skin.
The article further assures us that the treatment is totally free of side-effects and can be used as an adjunctive therapy for almost any disease.
Yet another website advertises the therapy as follows: Have you lost a loved one to cancer? Georges Lakhovsky had a 98% success rate in treating fatal cancers over an 11-year period. Today we celebrate a 50% five-year survival rate.
And this is what Wikipedia tells us about the Lakhovsky oscillator (depicted in the photo above, together with its inventor): The main circuit basically consists of concentric rings forming electrical dipole antennas having capacitive gaps opposing each other by 180° (called Lakhovsky antennas). The circuit is fed with high voltage, high frequency, impulses from a generator, usually a Tesla coil. If set up correctly, the unit is supposed to create a broad band frequency spectrum of low amplitude, consisting of much more substantially lower and higher frequencies, from 1 Hz to 300 GHz, than those of the exciting generator, usually several 100 kHz to a few MHz from a Tesla transformer or several kilohertz from an induction coil. But the power of this broad band noise spectrum is very low. In order to create more harmonics and sub-harmonics, an additional spark gap on the secondary side has been found in some devices, being mounted directly on the antenna, or being mounted in parallel to the secondary coil…
In an attempt to find out whether the machine works, I have searched for published, peer-reviewed clinical evidence on the Lakhovsky oscillator. I was unable to find any. If any of my readers are aware of any evidence, please let me know.
Perhaps ask these people:
There already is a huge experiment going on with 2.4 and 5 Ghz frequencies everywhere with wifi 24/7. I wonder what Lakhovsky would make of this? Are we all getting cured without knowing it?
Not RF, sound frequency…. as in hertz (Hz)
Sorry, what isn’t RF? And Hertz can be used as a measure of any frequency, whether acoustic or electromagnetic.
C’mon Alan, I know you are playing dumb. Well, perhaps not.
So, what isn’t RF?
Alan Henness on Tuesday 14 July 2020 at 18:23 said
“So, what isn’t RF?”
Everlasting DC.
I suppose we might never know what RG meant…
Alan Henness on Wednesday 15 July 2020 at 14:01 said
“I suppose we might never know what RG meant…”
It’s not just RG, it’s everywhere e.g. my ancient “Radio Systems for Technicians by D. C. Green says p.84:
“…above about 15kHz [it’s RF]…”
And here it’s above 20kHz:
“RF is… in the frequency range from around 20 kHz…”
Which is why QI has an everlasting source…
I think the term RF (radio frequency) comes from the early days of radio broadcasting. The circuitry had to deal with two signals – a carrier, which was a high frequency wave, and a lower frequency signal representing the information to be broadcast (or received) which modulated it. The principle of a radio receiver is that the radio signal signal induces a very weak alternating current in an antenna designed to be sensitive to that band, and then circuitry tuned to resonate at the frequency of the broadcast wave amplifies it, so that the modulating signal can then be separated from it (“detected”) and amplified further by adio circuitry. RF referred to the carrier and any waves of a similar frequency that the circuitry was designed for, to differentiate it from the audio signal. The two behave quite differently (for instance RF signals travel as a field around the cable from the aerial, whereas audio signals travel along the wires to the amplifier). Amazingly, a very simple AM (amplitude modulated) radio receiver can be built using just a diode, a resistor, a coil and a variable capacitor, powered only by the radio wave itself, and it will produce an audio signal loud enough to be heard through headphones (the old “crystal radio” was one such).
Since then the term RF has been used more generally to refer to waves of all types in the range 20KHz to 300GHz or thereabouts. 20 KHz is the upper limit of hearing of the human ear in a young, healthy individual, so frequencies in the range 20 Hz to 20 KHz are known as audio frequencies. The largest pipes of a pipe organ (with a speaking length of 32 feet) produce a fundamental tone at a frequency of 16 Hz (there are a handful of organs around the world that can go an octave lower, i.e. 8 Hz). It takes a lot of energy to get air to vibrate at these very low frequencies, hence the need for high-powered sub-woofers in certain audio systems. Though for very-low frequency applications there is the Thigpen loudspeaker, which uses a fan to move the air, and modulates it by altering the angle of the blades.
It is also quite difficult to get air to carry very high frequency waves. In a medical ultrasound scanner, sonically conductive gel is used to carry the signal between the transducer and the skin, and any gas in the the path of the beam (e.g. within bowel) casts an acoustic shadow obscuring whatever is behind it.
Indeed, getting a mechanical wave to propagate between different media is an interesting engineering challenge. The middle ear functions as a device for matching the impedance of air to the impedance of the fluid within the cochlea, effectively functioning as a mechanical amplifier.
It is not at all clear from the description whether Lakhovsky’s oscillator is designed to produce electromagnetic or acoustic waves, but whichever it is, with the problems of impedance-matching between different media I can’t see how one transmitter can cover the frequency band from 1 Hz to 300 GHz as claimed. I doubt very much that it does what it says on the tin.
@Dr. JMK
you are correct doc
I was speaking of the lower range of sound frequencies recognized by the human ear.
I’m pretty certain the Michael Kenny was aware of what I was speaking also. I just didn’t want to play his game.
RF doesn’t define the frequency per se: it simply means propagation by electromagnetic radiation. Indeed, there are radio transmitters down to just a few Hz – ELF (Extra Low Frequency) radio waves have been used for long distance communication and undersea communication. But RG said:
Just a few words, but no clarity as to what was meant, particularly when Edzard was referring to Lakhovsky transmitting from 1 Hz to 300 GHz (the latter clearly not referring to the fundamental frequency being transmitted but simply harmonics – although he would have had no way to measure them), hence my question to RG.
The gown of the JMK swishes through the door and the classroom goes instantly quiet from the bilateral cease-fire,
“When is AF, RF? – You boy!”
“When the aerial is long enough! Don’t you listen to anything you are told!”
Quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack
@Dr Julian Money-Kyrle
what do you mean by matching different media? Isn’t only the air it propagates through? And what do you mean by “transmitter”? As I see there is no classical transmitter in this device but just two antennas and one Tesla coil. But I feel also that the width of the spectrum is quite too overwhelming to be true.
See the Wikipedia article Impedance matching, especially the section Non-electrical examples:
If Lakhovsky’s oscillator was intended to produce acoustic waves, then there is the problem of how to get the air vibrating in the first place. Most sound generators / transducers produce vibrations in a solid, which then need to be transferred into the air, which is a different medium. How to do this depends very much upon the frequencies involved. It is possible to generate sound waves electrostatically by corona discharge, which does not involve a vibrating solid at all, but I believe this only works for fairly high frequencies.
By transmitter I was referring to whatever device Lakhovsky was using to turn the electrical oscillations in his circuitry into either acoustic waves in air (i.e. something akin to a loudspeaker) or electromagnetic waves (i.e. some kind of antenna); I am still not clear what sort of waves he was claiming to produce, but in neither case can I think of a single device that would cover the wide range of frequencies involved.
One thing for sure is that the MWO didn’t work with acoustic waves. This is just one of those silly claims made by people later on such as that the machine generates scalar waves and so on. Non of these things have ever been claimed by the inventor. I don’t actually believe that the transmitter itself is really the problem in the first place. What is more outstanding is the fact that the dipole elements are too close to each other to resonate at their own frequencies. Furthermore the way the antennas were connected makes them rather more like capacitive endings than antennas, because none of the antennas were connected correctly like dipole antennas should be connected. I see that the frequencies can only be generated with a spark gap or another non linear component inside the device. There is none. I measured one such MWO once myself and found absolutely nothing. These antennas look spectacular but act just like sheets of metal would do. It just emitts what have been put in. A big hoax I almost fell for myself.
I haven’t found any evidence for the machine itself. I mean there is no evidence proving that this machine is able to produce such a wide range of frequencies and from my point of view, with my understanding of physics, I really doubt it can. But if it really creates a broad band it might actually do. I’ve found some evidence for radio frequencies being able to have physiological effects in this regard.
I got one MWO now for measurements and we found no frequencies created by the Lakhovsky antennas. There are no frequencies measureable except those emitted by the coil and spark gap itself.
May i ask which machine you have?..
Im considering one to assist with Blood C.
Thank you.
Theres a book called The Cure for All Diseases featuring several case studies in which experimentation with audio frequencies via an audio oscillator is conducted for the purposes of curing all diseases. Hulda Regehr Clark Ph.D is the author.
Also, a website called sound healing, i believe is worth checking out. They’ve created a program that can identify one’s ailments only with a listen to a recorded bit of your voice.
Hulda Clark?
are you serious?
I am. Is it all rubbish? I’m quite new to all this information.
Hulda Clark is utterly idiotic.
Sonyja on Friday 06 November 2020 at 17:51 said:
“There’s a book called The Cure for All Diseases… via an audio oscillator… Hulda Regehr Clark Ph.D is the author.”
Clark managed to fool herself “[…the easiest person of all to fool]”. She is in earnest and makes her little oscillator in a shoe box with parts from Maplins and full instructions, so that any kid can make one too.
She then places something to “test” on some part of this oscillator and grabs hold of some other part and squeezes it just so, to make it change frequency (which will happen with any sort of low energy, high Z, oscillator – it’s called “pulling it” in the jargon.)
She has invented an electronic ouija board / divining rod, that’s all.
And she has fooled herself.
(calling her a quack or whatever is ignorant because no one is immune from self-deception, all that is required to to expect something to happen, and then when it happens, that’s the danger zone – the subject of an other thread about critical thinking on this blog.)
Hulda Clark? Of “cancer is caused by liver flukes and cured by my £300 zapper” fame? Who died of cancer? That Hulda Clark?
Big woop. I can diagnose “blindly ignorant”, “terminally gullible”, and “dumb as a stump” just from reading two paragraphs.
Indeed. Hulda “The method is 100% effective in stopping cancer regardless of the type of cancer or how terminal it may be. It follows that this method must work for you, too, if you are able to carry out the instructions.” Clark. Who died of cancer.
One of the most shameless and brass-necked of quacks. Invoking her name labels you only as a fool.
The whole thing is screwed up. There is no such thing as a cure for everything and these antennas aren’t even antennas nor is it an oscillator. Scientifically it’s just bunch of capacitors. No frequencies, no proven effects.
Is it all rubbish? I’m quite new to all this information. Sorry to have wasted your time then. Lastly, ouch?
Sonyja on Thursday 19 November 2020 at 06:25 said:
“Is it all rubbish? I’m quite new to all this information. Sorry to have wasted your time then. Lastly, ouch?”
Hi Sonyja, these guys love it, so you have not wasted their time 🙂
As described above, Clark invented an electronic version of ouija board / divining rod, and fooled herself (from which no one is immune), and that makes her infinitely more dangerous because she utterly believes it (whatever her ouija board says) + she what she says about diet is standard vegetable fare, which is true, eating properly makes you healthy (ignoring the whether-it-cures-cancer for the time being 🙂 ) – no one would disagree with that. (plus the parasite thing is bananas).
So you have a mixture of True and False, with the false, riding on top of the true.
I think the first thing to do when you come across something like this is to ask yourself “does this sound likely?”.
These days when smartphones and smartwatches can monitor your heartbeat and detect unusual rythms, perhaps the idea of being able to make a diagnosis from a recording of somebody’s voice might not seem so far-fetched. Indeed, it is well-established that certain conditions, such as Parkinson’s disease, cerebellar brain injury and laryngeal cancers, can affect the voice in a specific way, and the other day I read that an AI has been developed that can recognise Covid-19 from the characteristic cough that it causes. However, these are very specific examples, and no doctor would rely on voice alone to make a diagnosis.
Consider the claim that any ailment can be diagnosed from a recording of the voice. Does this really give more information than a doctor would collect in a normal consutation, which should involve taking a detailed history of the symptoms, a careful clinical examination and probably ordering some additional tests (blood, x-rays, scans, biopsies etc.); even with these reaching a diagnosis may not always be possible. Then compare the possible expertise of a program with 5 plus years of medical school, more years of post-graduate specialist training and years of experience practising medicine. Which do you think is more likely to come up with the right answer?
It is true that AI’s are being used now to assist doctors in making a diagnosis, but this is still in its infancy, and the AI at least has access to the same information that the doctor has.
Now consider the idea of curing diseases with sound waves. Does this actually seem plausible, given what we know about the causes and mechanisms of disease, whether it is infective agents (bacteria and viruses), trauma (injuries), degenerative (systems in the body “wearing out”), malignancy (i.e. cancers), autoimmune (the immune system is even more complex than the brain)?
Also consider how these ideas fit with what we already know. If somebody is suggesting something that goes against established ideas in physics, chemistry and biology, then who do you think is more likely to be mistaken? Bear in mind that engineers relied on these ideas in order to design your smartphone.
Anybody can put whatever they want on the Web. It doesn’t even carry the basic safeguards against fake news that are supposed to be in place with social media. If something sounds too good to be true, than mayber there is a reason.
But on the other hand it’s not really relevant whether something sounds likely or unlikely. That’s way too subjective. Only science and research/studies can give the answer. And in this case there are no studies. So there is no proof for nor against it. Enough to be cautious.
Science on the other hand can be used to take a closer look at the claims made concerning the physics of the device. It’s supposed/claimed to create a broad band spectrum through the antenna rings. Actually the rings forming the “Lakhovsky Multiwave Oscillator” themselves aren’t a real dipole-antenna at all, nor an oscillation/frequency generator. So it doesn’t/can’t do what has been claimed. Does it work or not? What’s more probable now, what do you think?
You could all do with researching PEMF which is Pulsed Electromagnetic Field therapy. The use of frequencies to heal is nothing new… Even NASA have confirmed that PEMF can heal the body of anything using ELF range 2Hz to 15Hz frequencies which mimic the Earth’s Schumann Resonance which used to be around 7.83Hz. It fluctuates around that frequency, some believe it has increased in frequency over time. But the idea is to create a frequency like 2Hz and use Sympathetic Harmonic Resonance to target other multiples of that frequency.
There are thousands of scientific papers about this under PEMF on PubMED and other online journals.
Check out the EarthPulse system or the SOTA Magnetic Pulser or the Ken Presner Ultimate Zapper. They heal everything, I haven’t been sick in over 13+ years.
Also, check out Dr. Robert C. Beck’s research into Blood Electrification aka Blood Zapping:
And one more thing, don’t forget about Colloidal Silver, with its extra electron on the outer shell, and how it can kill viruses, bacteria and parasites.
All of this tech is under the name of “Electromedicine” which is the future of medicine using electricity and magnetism to heal the body.
By the way, the human ear can only hear between 20 Hz and 20,000 Hz. But the Electromagnetic spectrum includes all frequencies above and below this range.
very good!
as you are so well researched, please show us 2 or 3 rigorous clinical trials to demonstrate that it is effective to treat any human disease.
Already did but you seem to have missed them…
Another 4,200+ scientific papers on the effectiveness of Silver Nano particles against MRSA, E-Coli, Strep, Staph and lots lots more… !!
i do not see ” 2 or 3 rigorous clinical trials to demonstrate that it is effective to treat any human disease.”
The only thing for which there is some tentative evidence is indeed PEMF therapy, but all the rest is rubbish – especially anything offered on this ‘Electrobiotics’ website. Here is an example of the lies and total BS these people peddle:
“The World’s first super quantum electro-magnetic zapper which produces a constant voltage or quantum electro-magnetic field …” yada yada yada …
I am what you may call an expert in the field of biomedical electronics, and I can assure you that this is nonsense. Yes, electromagnetic fields are quantized (as consist of discrete energy packets called photons), but these ‘zappers’ don’t actually produce any electromagnetic field to speak of. They simply produce an electrical block wave voltage (pulsed or continuous) – but that does nothing special in the body.
And just look how these hacks try to scare people into spending hundreds or even thousands of dollars on this rubbish:
“It has been estimated that the average Western adult male carries up to 2 lbs of parasites in his body. …”
This of course is nonsense.
“Blood Electrification using Zappers has been shown to kill parasites – simple.”
And this is a lie – simple.
I’ll leave it at this, as debunking all the endless nonsense, lies, pseudoscience and quackery on this Web site would easily take up all my holiday.
The human ear cannot hear any of the electromagnetic spectrum.
Are you serious Pete? You have no clue, sound waves are on the electromagentic spectrum, everything on the electromagnetic spectrum is measured in frequencies and is nothing more than waves of electromagnetic radiation at different frequency ranges that our eyes, ears, noses, touch, taste etc. all decode to give us sight, smell, sound etc. EVERYTHING in the Universe is electromagnetic energy vibrating at different frequencies.
“If you wish to understand the universe, think of energy, frequency and vibration” – Nikola Tesla
The audible range of the electromagnetic spectrum for Humans is 20 Hz to 20 KHz or 20,000 Hz. This is ON the electromagnetic spectrum, just like every other frequency except the ones we can’t detect which are above and below OUR perspective of the EM range but of course it goes much higher and lower than we can see or measure with our instruments… But it’s there…
Anyway, energy is all around us in the form of electromagnetism, we just haven’t learnt how to harness it yet but we’re working on it and nearly have Free Energy devices tapping into Earth’s magnetic field to harness it’s energy and the heliosphere field and the Galactic Centre field… They’re all around us, stay tuned for some fun times ahead! 🙂
I’ve read some ill-informed horseshit on this blog but this is truly spectacular in its wrongness.
Sound is compression waves in a gaseous, liquid or solid medium. Nothing to do with the EMS
The 20Hz-20KHz range on the EMS is occupied by SLF, ULF and VLF radio waves.
Franny. Please go and learn a bit of basic physics and look up what a photon is.
LOl! 😭😭😭. Thank you for educating me about this. My world is now so much richer, I can smell, taste and hear EM radiation. I can “feel” it though- that’s hot!
All these discussions don’t lead anywhere! We would need big clinical trials which will never happen. The experience of a few might relevant to a few but have no relevance to the majority of people. You can’t treat “any” human disease with any technology, as every technology has its limitations, and that’s true for the multiwave oscillator as well. I’ve been treated many times when I was younger with a machine like this, as a friend of my father had one. From my own experience I would say it works well if applied correctly. Is it a placebo? In most cases placebo and nocebo effects anyway play a role, even in conventional medicine, so that they are not easy to separate them from the verum. But if nerves regrow or heal within a very short time, migraines go away, healing processes are accelerated by rates that are sky scraping so to me personally it seems mostly not to be a placebo. On the other hand this technology doesn’t work well if applied in the wrong way. I have also seen many cases where it didn’t work. There are even effective therapies that don’t work in any case. So I don’t drive a definite conclusion. I stay open to it with a certain carefullness. That’s what I even do with conventional stuff. There will be always people where even the effective treatments don’t work. There are many aspects of this but I won’t go into detail. But look at this example: when you drive a car, how do you know that your brake and gas pedals are what they are and not just placebos? How do I prove that they are real and not just imagination. To someone of our civilization or with a certain experience it seems absurd to ask this question. But for an outstander it is a serious problem. So don’t get tricked into the belief (prejudice) that you know something for sure based on some theoretical nonsense if you might actually have no deeper understanding and experience of it. We need more life orientation and less parameter orientation. We’ve become obsessed with parameters as they helped to bring out so many good things here and there. But we also lost the other aspect of life. That’s what I miss in our actual times.
These antennas have truly interesting properties. I’ve actually spend some time studying them in the context of experiments with resonance, oscillators and stuff like this, including Tesla coils… There bandwidth is usually from around ~ 65 MHz to ~ 2 GHz. The modal analysis shows a very clean and broad white noise which means that they have a very stable impedance pattern through all frequencies, which seems better than that of other normal broad band antennas. At some amplitude they probably can also create other frequencies because they seem to behave like chaotic oscillators. But all of these effects are very small and need special driving and measuring methods as the efficiency is not very high. I doubt that anyone really knows how they originally worked. I don’t know whether they really enable healing or have any health benefits, I have never seen any actual studies on them so I do not say or advertise they have any healing properties! But I can remember that someone treated some heavy illnesses in me a long time ago when I was a child and it seemed to work. But as you know Sir, in your own experience, you can never exclude a placebo mechanism or any! That experience btw was the reason why they came into my mind when I started experimenting with high frequency. I want to do some other experiments with them in some time. Of course these experiments will only explore the physical but not the physiological aspects of the device.
For all you that are truly interested in this, the HEALTH chapter (22) of the renowned “PJK FE Projects Book’ has lots of info, parts list and step-by-step instructions for building one of these devices, using a Model-T or a more modern Car Spark coil. The 12 rings are not just fabricated ‘willy-Nilly’ but utilize calculated lengths and diameters and materials for each one to ensure that when the 2nd from outermost is activated, ‘Rings’ and creates instantaneous, multilevel ‘musical’ harmonic and sub harmonic reactionary pulses, which benefit the patient/you, and the inter-coil ‘HV and HF arcing’ activity, activates the next smaller ring to do the same and so on down to the last (center) ring which has the highest range of ‘note’ and then the sequence repeats. In this manner, Lakhovsky, who worked with our hero Nicola Tesla on this device, claimed to be able oi ‘tickle’ and thereby ‘energize’ ALL the cells of the human body, which would then naturally pick up its’ particular ‘note’ and self-resonate when hit with it (a controlled, focused EMP blast of millions of frequencies on your body’ of sorts, which ‘forces’ these muscle, bone, organ, and tissue cells to then DO WHAT GOD INTENDED THEM TO DO – replicate like mad – yea, even the nearly dead, nutritionally starved and dormant ones 🙂
Scribd has a ton of these you can DL:,books,documents,podcasts&language=0
Here’s a link to DL a compilation of Lakhovsky’s many books:>><<
(Remove to fix link, click link, wait for ‘Robot’ checkbox, do puzzle, click Download, wait 10 seconds, click download again)
Here’s a link to the “PJK” book in 5 languages:
FYI: I use a Bob Beck Zapper, make and take Colloidal Silver, MMS, Hydroxychloriquine and Pine Needle tea daily. If you want more info on these – use and search. If you don’t find what you want ASK – I have tons of info and tons of techie sites to share.
Lastly… this ‘Quack’ stuff works! but you won’t know it until you try it. I have not been sick with anything and have not gotten any shots I didn’t want for ‘their Lab-made diseases’ in over 40 years.. but body is wearing out and I met a 94yr old on the golf course that built and has used a Lakhovsky machine for over 30 years… so I’m building one.
… The hardest thing about this project is getting those 12 rings perfectly circular, otherwise thy ARC pre-maturely.
Cheers and good health to all of you, and PLEASE don’t get the CV JAB or the B/S Booster – any of them. All part of planned global genocide which if you don’t know, you will very, very soon.
Hello Mr. Rhoades, it’s just fantastic that you are building one of the Lakhovsky MWO, and may I ask if you are working also on the basis of Ing. Bruno Sacco and Tony Kerselaers book’s “The Lakhovsky Multiwawe Oscillator Secrets Revelead” ( I am interested to contact any person that will be operating the MWO for medical applications. Best luck and regards.
So sorry Natale, On 22 Aug, I was reassigned, packed my bags and baggage and went to xxxx for 2.5yrs. My laptop was put in storage…. Now I am retired. Will answer soon…
After those 2.5 yrs do you still think the “planned global genocide” will be “very, very soon”?
Tried to edit but was all wiped out – sry
Postscript: I accidently wrote this as a reply to ashvetenry but wanted it to be a general answer.
“Just a few words, but no clarity as to what was meant, particularly when Edzard was referring to Lakhovsky transmitting from 1 Hz to 300 GHz (the latter clearly not referring to the fundamental frequency being transmitted but simply harmonics – although he would have had no way to measure them), hence my question to RG.”
No sound waves, EM waves. The acoustic waves are just used for analogies.
No transmission of any waves is considered without the far field. Therefor the term “antenna” is not accurate and just a misleading commodity.
There is no fundamental frequency in the mwo (LC – rings) as they produce a continuous spectrum in the approx. form of a white noise. The only device creating harmonics on top of its fundamental is the Tesla coil itself.
There are two diifferent planes of energy that need to be considered here. The source excites all elements by impulses and distributes its energy over these two aspects inequally by nature. The 1. being a high energy and high amplitude smallband signal, the 2. being the low energy and amplitude broadband noise.
I write this, being well aware that even accurate information adds only more to the standing confusion for the majority of people, because there are way too much misunderstanding and wrong conclusions and assumptions around the physics here.