It has been reported that a man has been charged after the death of a woman attending a slapping therapy workshop run by Hongchi Xiao. Danielle Carr-Gomm died aged 71 at Cleeve House in Seend, Wiltshire, on 20 October 2016. Hongchi Xiao (60), an alternative healer who advocates a technique known as “slapping therapy”, living in Cloudbreak in California, has now been charged with manslaughter by gross negligence, after being extradited back to the UK.

Xiao promotes paida lajin therapy, also called slapping therapy, in which patients are slapped or slap themselves repeatedly, ostensibly to release toxins from the body. Patients often end up with bruises or bleeding. The technique has its roots in Chinese medicine, but critics say it has no scientific basis. Xiao, who is originally from China and runs the California-based Pailala Institute, has led paida lajin workshops around the world.

Carr-Gomm’s son Matthew said after his mother’s death that she had sought “alternative methods of treating and dealing with her diabetes” because she struggled to inject insulin due to a fear of needles. “I know she was desperate to try and cure herself of this disease,” he said. “She always maintained a healthy lifestyle and was adamant that nothing would stop her from living a full life.”

A warrant for Mr Xiao’s arrest was originally issued in October 2019. He has now been arrested after returning to the United Kingdom from Australia on an extradition warrant and was taken to Gablecross custody in Swindon where he was charged with manslaughter by gross negligence. Police said Xiao, 60, is due to appear in court in Salisbury, southwest England, on Friday.

The Pailala Institute claims to be  a non-profit organization incorporated in California. It is managed by a team of non-paying volunteers to promote and support the self-healing practice of Paida Lajin, led by Mr. HongChi Xiao. Their mission is to “transform our world into a healthier place, by enabling every one of us to awaken our self-healing power, we were born with, to heal ourselves, reducing medical cost and its related potential side effects.”

The institute also claims that “based on Traditional Chinese Medicine, the practice of PaidaLajin helps you to relieve from chronic pain, hypertension or diabetes, without equipment or medication. It can quickly improve your circulation and let your body heal itself. PaidaLajin has facilitated the healing of over 210 different illnesses worldwide. Join millions of practitioners in China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Bulgaria, Germany, Indonesia, India, South Africa, Australia, etc. Just Google and following their witnesses.”

It goes almost without saying that the evidence for slapping therapy’s effectiveness is non-existent.

4 Responses to Slapping therapy: therapist arrested and charged with manslaughter by gross negligence

  • Don’t blame the therapist, blame the PATIENT:
    Let me say right away that I had never heard of ‘slapping’ until very recently, and I wouldn’t consider this so called therapy for myself or recommend it to anyone else for that matter.
    There are numerous therapists and practitioners providing unorthodox and potentially harmful treatments to the Public. However, it must be remembered that a significant number of patients die from receiving orthodox treatment in clinics and hospitals around the word due to medical negligence or incompetence.
    There is no doubt that some folks need protecting from their own inability to conduct due diligence and sound judgement, including driving while under the influence of drink and/or drugs, injecting themselves with illegal drugs and other dangerous activities.
    The following BBC report may be of interest:

  • Should any researchers propose to conduct a trial on Slapping therapy, I would advise of taking a homeopathic approach and reduce the slap intensity by a factor of 100. This though the law of similar smiles and pottytentisation could result in even more toxins being removed. This would be like a Slap 1c remedy.
    I am available as a very expensive consultant if required.

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