In Germany, two doctors, Dr. Christian Denné (from Vechta), Dr. Hans-Werner Bertelsen (from Bremen), and myself have initiated a petition. Here is my translation of its full text:
We, the undersigned, demand that the “homeopathy” training certificates be revoked. After the deletion from the further training regulations of the vast majority of state medical associations (13 out of 17), as well as the deletion from the model further training regulations (MWBO), it is no longer acceptable that medical fees are paid from the solidarity community pot for a sham therapy. The clear vote of the German Medical Association must be followed by consequences for doctors in private practice in order to avoid continuing to support the organised self-deception of a minority that clings to outdated and thus dangerous forms of medical practice.
1. Dubious cash flows – parallel shadow financing
In addition to the payments made to doctors via the associations of statutory health insurance physicians, there is a second method of cash flow that enables the doctors who bill to generate funds for “homeopathy”, bypassing any control functions of the associations of statutory health insurance physicians (plausibility checks, time profiles). The selective contracts concluded for this purpose with the participating health insurance funds, which were concluded directly by many statutory health insurance funds with the “German Central Association of Homeopathic Doctors” (DZVhÄ), above all Barmer GEK, Techniker Krankenkasse and DAK, are not suitable for building trust, but rather enable medical billing fraud due to the lack of any independent control functions on the part of the health insurance KV.
Enabling parallel billing channels while bypassing the KV’s control function means that the important instrument of billing control is boycotted because neither plausibility checks nor time profiles can be created. The Barmer GEK and Techniker Krankenkasse were informed of the criticism of the implementation of this dubious and non-transparent shadow financing. The management boards of both health insurance funds firmly rejected any interest in changing this situation, for example by cancelling the contracts concluded with the DZVhÄ.
2. Dubious therapies instead of talking medicine
It is no longer acceptable that “homeopathy” will still be used in 2023 to pay for sham therapies in a medical context with annual amounts of up to €530 per patient, while talking medicine remains remunerated with single-digit amounts. Talking medicine must no longer be associated with esotericism in order to generate medical fees. The organised self-deception of inclined sections of the medical profession must be stopped for ethical reasons.
3 Dubious social consequences and dangers
It is no longer acceptable that doctors allow themselves to be conditioned into self-deception by participating in expensive, so-called “advanced training courses” and ignore elementary scientific laws in order to fulfil the need for causality of their patient clientele. Numerous – sometimes fatal – consequences, such as missing an indicated therapeutic time window, have been documented. In addition to serious individual medical consequences, social effects such as denial of science, refusal to vaccinate, etc. are increasingly becoming a problem with far-reaching, unforeseeable consequences.
You can go to the petition here.
Say and believe what you want, but the entire field of nanopharmacology is encroaching on mainstream medicine. According to various medical economic journals, “nanopharmacology” is around a $30 billion industry and growing. Although homeopathy is only a small part of this broad field, one has to be deaf, dumb, (very dumb), and blind to not see it.
And at the Homeopathic Research Institute’s conference in London (June, 2023), the two most compelling presentations was on the use of homeopathic medicines in agriculture (according to now dozens of studies published in peer-review agricultural journals, homeopathic medicines increase crop yields, improve the nutritional content, and do so with no use of pesticides…here comes the Green Revolution 2.0)…and the other body of research was on the use of homeopathic medicines to treat farmed fish.
But then again, according to the minds of skeptics, plants and fish respond so well to placebo.
It seems that the skeptics point of view is becoming hyper-metaphysical…and is so fun to watch.
So, you continue to be on the wrong side of history…and yet, you maintain such arrogance that you belittle science in your dogmatism.
homeopathic medicines in agriculture – according to now dozens of studies published in peer-review agricultural journals, homeopathic medicines increase crop yields, improve the nutritional content, and do so with no use of pesticides…here comes the Green Revolution 2.0)…and the other body of research was on the use of homeopathic medicines to treat farmed fish.
Please link a few of these studies that you think are compelling.
Thanks, Dana
Thanks for bringing up homeopathy in agriculture, Dana! Only fools need “scientific” journals to understand that homeopathy works miracles. I have been an ardent practitioner of homeopathy and I have the most compelling evidence of homeopathy’s magic.
As you know, I have always been fascinated by esoteric and the eccentric field of homeopathy a.k.a water-shakelology. During my initial foray into homeopathy, I created a remedy called Banana Elixir™, a potion that could not only solve any ailment known to ape or man but it could improve the brains of those who take it. The Banana Elixir™ is concoction, brewed from the rarest bananas that glowed under the moonlight and a secret blend of jungle herbs and potentized using Hahnemann’s teachings. I gave the homeopathic Banana Elixir™ to an orangutan with bone spurs who used to live on a neighboring tree. Thanks to nanopharmacological effects of my medicine, the orangutan was cured of bone spurs and his cognitive capabilities increased exponentially. He then went on to become the 45th president of USA!
I made a billion-dollar deal with Boiron to expand production and sales of my Banana Elixir™. It will be hitting the stores very soon, keep an eye out for it. You can certainly use the bump in cognitive capabilities that will come from dosing on my Banana Elixir™.
Thanx for explaining this new development…and I’m so glad that you’ve experimentally successfully in embibing it up your back-side. This explains the smirk on your face.
homeopathic medicines in agriculture – according to now dozens of studies published in peer-review agricultural journals, homeopathic medicines increase crop yields, improve the nutritional content, and do so with no use of pesticides…here comes the Green Revolution 2.0)…and the other body of research was on the use of homeopathic medicines to treat farmed fish.
Please link a few of these studies that you think are compelling.
Thanks, Dana
Published in “Reviews in Aquaculture” (Wiley)
To learn and access more, watch a presentation of research on homeopathic medicines and ultradilutions in aquaculture by Professor Carvello…
Please link a few of these studies that you think are compelling.
Thanks, Dana
You are welcome, Dana! Always happy to help a fellow aqua-agitator!
The reason for the smirk on my face is because I achieved something in life. If you have bothered to comprehend my last post you would know that I am partly responsible (along with Russians, of course) for putting Trump in office and no one can beat that.
If I may ask, what is the reason for your smirk? Is it because you are a fan of Gerson Therapy, more specifically the aftereffects of Gerson’s unconventional coffee delivery system?
As far as I understand you don’t have any medical training and you haven’t achieved much to deserve a smirk on your face. Perhaps you are smirking because you have a law named after you?
Anyhow, I am happy to help you achieve in life by sending you a sample of my Banana Elixir™. Once you take it via the delivery system of your choice, there are no limits to what you can accomplish, after all it put Trump in office.
I have something better than a medical degree…I have a masters in public heatlh from UC Berkeley…and in fact, my old alma mater is so proud of me that they interviewed me for their monthly magazine, a honor that is often saved for the many Nobel Laureates:
Please show me where your alma mater honored you…though I’m guessing that you already used your degree to clean-up your back-side.
I am impressed, Dana [and I woun’t tell anyone that your degree is available via a 2 year online course; my lips are sealed!]
Oh Dana! You got nothing to show for in the 20+ years after that piece was published. Pathetic!
Here I will throw you a lifeline: give me an example of what you have done with that “superior to medical degree” MPH degree.
You seem to have an unhealthy obsession with ape back-side. I must warn you that bestiality is illegal in most states in the US.
so, Dana, I take it that yo have no sound studies showing that agrohomeopathy works.
thanks – that’s helpful
Give the man a break, will ya Prof. Ernst! He is busy reveling in the honor he received more than two decades ago. Besides, your request that is so trivial an ape can fulfill it. Therefore, on behalf of Dana I hereby provide you and your fellow evidence junkies with an astonishingly simple and resoundingly powerful study that proves once and for all that nanopharmacodynamics are at play in agrohomeopathy and homeopathy in general. Read and weep:
“Conclusion: This study conclusively proved the presence of NPs of the original drug materials used in the combination of ‘Homoeo agrocare’. Now it is clearly evident that the earlier hypothesis of homeopathic drug action based on the theories of water memory [69-71], formation of clathrates[72], epitaxy[73],silica hypothesis[74] and quantum physical aspects[75,76], etc. in the current model stands nullified with the clear evidence of the material content of the original homeopathic drug elements in nanoscale. But there is a high possibility that these NPs close to atomic scale can initiate quantum mechanical properties in biological systems and modify water structure. It seems that rational use of homeopathic UHDs can improve agricultural production by improving plant health; prevent and cure diseases. Therefore, all the desired results can be achieved without the extensive use of pesticides and chemicals which damage organic life and environment.”
Now, where is that Nobel prize in medicine for Dana “I have something better than a medical degree” Ullman? He deserves one for uttering nanopharmacology and agrohomeopathy in the same sentence.
@Dana Ullman
I have no degree at all, yet even I can see that homeopathy is useless nonsense that should have been relegated to history’s garbage heap two centuries ago already.
I’m always amazed how seemingly smart people with degrees and all fall for stuff like this.
pity that Berkeley did not teach Dana much – not even the difference between a study and a review.
That puff-piece is from 1999. A long time ago. Obviously in that time your sterling work promoting homeopathy will have shown results. You claim in it that in 1999, 40% of British doctors refer patients to homeopaths. What would that number be today? The most recent figures I can find are 8.5%.
Your pathetic yammering has only made it more obvious to people that homeopathy is nonsense and with every utterance you dig your hole of irrelevance a little deeper.
@Dana Ullman
Sure, but nanopharmacology is NOT homeopathy.
Nanopharmacology studies the application of nanoparticles in the targeted delivery of drugs.
It involves very careful studying and controlling of (bio)chemical and physical properties of those nanoparticles, and how these interact with biological structures. There is increasing evidence that this is indeed a useful branch of medicine.
Homeopathy is outdated belief in magic, where it is assumed simply diluting and shaking a more or less arbitrary solution almost unfailingly results in an effective medicine. No credible evidence exists for its efficacy.
Or, more succinctly: nanopharmacology is for scientists, homeopathy is for gullible fools.
I think our dear resident homeopath meant to say homeopathy is nada-pharmacology but got his words mixed up. 😏
yes, he does get a lot mixed up!
You’re absolutely right about nanopharmacology, Dana. Apart from one thing. Homeopathy is not nanopharmacology.
This has been explained to you. Repeatedly. Yet still you continue to repeat this lie.
You could of course show us the articles in nanopharmacology journals relating to homeopathy but you won’t because there aren’t any.
As for the asinine wibblings of your fellow idiots at the HRI as they engage in their ongoing circle-jerk? Pathetic. They, like you, are irrelevant and inconsequential fools howling their nonsense into the void. No heed is paid to you or them. Suck it up, Dana. Nobody of any consequence pays you any attention to what you say.
Nanopharmacology ≠ homeeopathy, Mr. “I am an ignorant fool, but so proud of my MPH”.
By the way: The Master of Public Health is “a interdisciplinary professional degree awarded for studies in areas related to public health. The MPH degree focuses on public health practice, as opposed to research or teaching.” You do not have a clue about medicine or natural science, as you so aptly prove time and again in your comments.
Honest Ape,
Interesting ideas! Beware the Moonlight Glow efficacy will change based on collection location time of day & Tides!
New Moon Vs Old Moon + Tide elevation will all impact this novel product. Banana Elixir™ was this not first promoted but the UK Singer-Songwriter Donovan in 1966 but the idea all went up in Smoke?
Don’t give away my trade secrets. My infinite monkey posse of lawyers are typing up a cease and deist letter. I will see you in court, John Richards!
Dear Edzard or maybe I should say Dear Professor Edzard Ernst MD, PhD, MAE, FMedSci, FRSB, FRCP, FRCPE to keep some happy.
My Google searches bring up this guy who has a team in Mexico and who has published a few papers on homeopathy in aqua systems.
Then I found this guy who has published on homeopathy and agriculture.
I haven’t got time to read any of it as I am busy making presents for you all. So I await your response. It all seems rather magical but this is ok with me and Rudolph though.
Father Christmas alias JK
what makes you think I have the time?
You asked for some links relevant to Dana’s post and my elf researchers found some.
You don’t though have to ‘open’ my present until Christmas day .
Father Christmas.
No, I asked Dana to link a few of these studies that HE thinks are compelling.
Well this shouldn’t be too
difficult now.
Why does Homoeopathy still exist, why won’t it just go away? Do we blame the people who want to use it, or the people who practice it or the anti-Homoeopathy crusaders and skeptics who couldn’t rid the world of Homoeopathy?
@Mutus Bellator
Good question.
The ones who practice it of course.
Homeopathy is quite appealing for several reasons:
– Homeopaths can pretend to be healers just like real doctors, but without all the hassle and cost of studying medicine for ten years or more. Anyone can decide to be a homeopath and start treating people right away, often even charging more than a real family doctor.
– Homeopathy is simple enough that even a child can do it: find something that matches a patient’s symptoms, and then just dilute and shake it into oblivion. And presto, there’s your ‘remedy’!
– Then again, homeopathy is not so simple as to be obviously nonsensical; over the centuries, homeopaths have come up with hundreds of ‘symptoms’ to look out for, with matching ‘remedies’. This helps create the illusion of a legitimate system of medicine.
– Homeopathy is supposedly 100% free of side effects and risks, yet still effective – something that is hugely attractive to sick people.
– Homeopaths have come up with ‘explanations’ for every outcome, all of which purportedly support the notion that homeopathy is effective. The patient got better? Hurrah, another success for homeopathy! The patient didn’t get better? Not to worry, just keep taking the remedy. Homeopathy is mild and can take a while to have an effect. Things didn’t get better even in the long run? Then we must have got the symptoms not quite right. Let’s schedule another consultation (that’ll be another $180, thank you very much) to get to the bottom of it, and find the right remedy. We still have dozens more to try! The patient’s condition got worse? This is called homeopathic aggravation, and it is quite normal; it is in fact a sign that the homeopathy is working. Just keep taking the remedy and you’ll see that things will take a turn for the better soon. The patient died? Ah well, that’s what you get with those allopathic butchers …
It’s interesting that many medical doctors who have studied medicine for ten years or more choose to study and practice Homoeopathy. Some scientists also continue to do research on Homoeopathy even though it has supposedly been debunked. Why do they do that? Is there something wrong with these doctors and scientists, do they need help?
Why do they do that?
I might be able to answer this because I did all that myself:
– beacuse they are naive,
– because they believe that, despite everything, homeopathy might work,
– because they are curious,
– because life offers them the opportunity to do it.
If they, after a while, do not realize that they were barking up the wrong tree, they did it because they are deluded.
The fascination seems to be with research done on ultra-dilute Homoeopathic preparations and not on low dilutions where active ingredient is still present. Surely studies done on very low dilution levels would show a physiological effect. Homoeopaths are known to use very low dilutions and it is what separated Homoeopaths into two camps in the early days, the low dilutionists and the high dilutionists.
“find something that matches a patient’s symptoms, and then just dilute and shake it into oblivion”
That’s what most pharmaceutical remedies do… treat the symptom. But only for as long as you keep consuming the meds that have many negative reactions.
RGJohnThis is not correct. Many drugs treat the underlying cause of the symptoms. But even if many drugs ‘only’ treat symptoms, does that make them useless or even bad? Treating symptoms relieves the suffering of millions of people and saves countless lives, even if the cause of the symptoms can’t be taken away.
What a load of nonsense. There are lots of medications that have few, if any, bad side effects.