Who could resist reading an article entitled “Is Dead Vagina Syndrome Real? Plus, 4 Ways To Boost Your Libido“?
Well I couldn’t, particularly as it came from a site promisingly called ‘ALTERNATIVE DAILY’!
And I did not regret it. Here are some excerpts:
…“Dead vagina syndrome” or DVS is used to describe a woman’s over-sensitized vagina. Some people believe that regularly using a strong vibrator can cause a woman to lose feeling in her private parts. What’s worse, it’s thought that this desensitization of the nether regions makes it almost impossible for a woman to get aroused with an actual human partner. Thus, DVS is born. The theory behind the condition suggests that using a strong vibrator regularly will ultimately damage sensitive nerves around the clitoris and in the vagina…”
[Luckily, there is help – help from all natural, herbal remedies, no less. The article recommends the following cures]Saffron
Saffron, a culinary delicacy, has a powerful libido-boosting effect. In fact, research suggests that saffron has been used traditionally as an aphrodisiac. And a little goes a long way. All you need is one or two strands to do the trick.
Maca root
Used for centuries in Asian countries, maca root has traditionally been used for male sexuality. But a study from the Department of Psychiatry, Massachusetts General Hospital has found that it may also be helpful for women in need of a sexual boost.
In animal studies, nutmeg has been found to increase sexual activity in male rats. Interestingly, nutmeg has also been used traditionally as an aphrodisiac by African women and is still used today by women of all cultures. So, what’s good for men is obviously good for women too…
Before you get all excited and start planting your own physic garden or hurry to the next health food shop, let me tell you this: I have looked into the evidence, and to call it flimsy would be the understatement of the year. There is no good reason to believe that these herbal remedies (or any other alternative therapy) can help women increase their libido.
Thankfully, the article ends on a truthful and reassuringly positive note: “most experts agree that DVS is not a real medical concern for women.”
… nor for men, I hasten to add.
This really is a good example of the old advertising maxim of inventing a non- existent problem in order that you can flog a worried audience the cure.
The use of the word ‘syndrome’ also adds a bit of cod ‘science’ veneer to fool the gullibles. Used a few years ago by the madder end of feminism with the phrase ‘ recovered memory syndrome’, which turned out to be largely nonsense- a kind of modern version of the poltergeist craze, or the Salem witch mania, in which hysterical girls (especially) were whipped into a frenzy which quickly ran out of control, with, in many instances, disastrous results involving innocent people.
The harm here, such as it were, wouldseem to be confined to gullible delusionists, but nonetheless results, as does all alternative ‘medicine’, from flabby, and indeed religious, thinking.
Wonder what acupuncture points are recommended for this problem?
You shouldn’t have asked. You really shouldn’t have asked. And certainly NEVER Google it…
Not that specific ‘syndrome’, but, apparently, the acupuncture points to treat vulvodynia include ‘Master Tung’s Fu Ke point’.
… and the Ling Gu (but not, I noticed, the Ling Gam or Ling Gus) points.
I’ll get my coat….
(Sorry, but I just cant take this stuff seriously at all… 🙂 )
Oh dear, Alan. You’ve started something now. The scope is pretty endless since the English transliterations of the oriental names vary a lot, and the names come from Japanese (Romaji) and Vietnamese, as well as the several variants of the Sino-Tibetan languages used in China.
I’ll restrain myself to mention of two meridians I found by Googling: fuku to, the ‘Crouching rabbit’ stomach meridian (St-32) and the kidney acupuncture point, KI-7, which could serve as the master point for all branches of Big Snakeoil: fu liu.
I decided not to go here… 🙂
Would I not be justified in thinking… They probably invented the theatrical as a hoax, and named the points accordingly to warn sufficiently rational bystanders as an undercover gentlemen’s agreement…
Maca root “Used for centuries in Asian countries”. Right. Since when were Peru and Bolivia Asian countries?