EuroConsum‘ is an organisation that aims “to focus on areas that otherwise receive too little attention. Together with our approximately 6,000 members, member and partner organisations, we find these areas and work on them in numerous projects. We have been entered in the list of qualified organisations for this purpose since 2012 and, as a public body, carry out market inspections with a focus on the retail sector and have maintained the market watchdog Psychomarkt since 2015. We are particularly committed to the principle of scientific rigour and evidence.” (my translation)

‘EuroConsum’ recently published a bizarre statement:

For more than a decade, EuroConsum has worked closely with the Gesellschaft zur wissenschaftlichen Untersuchung von Parawissenschaften (GWUP e.V.). Under the leadership of Amardeo Sarma and Dr Holm Hümmler, we experienced a fruitful and always respectful cooperation that contributed significantly to the improvement of consumer advice and information. This cooperation was in line with shared values, which manifested themselves in a commitment to an informed public and against quackery and evidence-free advertising promises.

The murder of Halit Yozgat by right-wing terrorists of the so-called “National Socialist Underground” (NSU) and the assassination of the Kassel district president Dr Walter Lübcke, also by a right-wing terrorist, took place during the same period. The racist murders in Hanau, which could have been prevented and in which a right-wing terrorist took the lives of Gökhan Gültekin, Sedat Gürbüz, Said Nesar Hashemi, Mercedes Kierpacz, Hamza Kurtović, Vili Viorel Păun, Fatih Saraçoğlu, Ferhat Unvar, Kaloyan Velkov and Gabriele Rathjen, also took place during this time. Not only these murders, but also the involvement of state authorities in these events have increased pain and caused suffering. Many of our members know the victims or their surviving relatives personally. These events are fundamental and guiding for us and our work.They remind us every day.

For us, one of the lessons of this terror is that we must clearly distance ourselves from right-wing extremist and neo-right-wing movements. We must also fight to improve social conditions alongside those who share our values; in particular, these are groups in which people who are themselves affected by discrimination and marginalisation organise themselves. Work that does not take into account the perspectives of these people does not meet our own standards; work that is directed against the legitimate concerns of marginalised people and groups is inconceivable for us.

At the GWUP’s general meeting on 11 May 2024, a new election of the GWUP Board was held, which was previously presented as a “directional election”. The decision was close, as ultimately only around 20 votes made the difference. We perceive the result of the election as a decision on the future positioning of the GWUP in terms of content and as a commitment to a new direction for the GWUP and recognise it in this respect.

With this election, the GWUP has declared that it is taking a new course, which we do not want to follow against the background of our own association identity and cannot follow for personal reasons. EuroConsum will therefore terminate its cooperation with the GWUP immediately and finalise joint projects promptly. A statement to this effect was sent by post today.

This decision was not taken lightly, particularly in view of the long-standing good relationship and the considerable overlap within the groups and circles supporting our two associations. However, after an intensive discussion, there is no alternative for us.

EuroConsum would like to continue to engage in dialogue and cooperation with all sceptical people who share our values and want to work towards a fair and inclusive society.

(my translation)




‘EuroConsum’ seems to be disappointed with the result of the recent election of the GWUP-Board – I did previously mention the contest between ‘TEAM HUEMMLER’ and ‘TEAM SEBASTIANI’. The latter group won, and several Huemmler fans, including ‘EuroConsum’, have since left the GWUP. Nothing wrong about that! Everyone is free to do what they think is right, of course.

To associate the new GWUP leadership with a series of right-wing murders, is however an entirely different matter. In my view, this is not just extremely bad taste and utterly unjustifiable; it is slanderous and potentially actionable.


What is perhaps also worth mentioning in this context an exchange that occurred on ‘X’ when ‘EuroConsum’ made the announcement. Here is the part of it that I could retrieve (my translation):

  • Holm Gero Hümmler: Surprised. Not.
  • Jörg Wipplinger: Wow, listing the right-wing extremist murders creates a context that, in my view, borders on character assassination. It doesn’t imply any affinity with right-wing ideas, but puts you in the neighbourhood of right-wing extremist murderers. Don’t you realise that or do you think it’s okay anyway?
  • Holm Gero Hümmler: If that is your only worry…
  • Jörg Wipplinger: What kind of answer is that? I find it extremely disturbing when a club, a board that has never worked a day, is portrayed in this way. I’m not with the club, but if that happened to me, I’d be pretty upset.
  • Jörg Wipplinger: It’s not about all the gwup stories at all, zero. It’s about Euroconsum’s explanation, which provides no real explanation, but a list of murderers as ‘context. Holm shared this and I want to know if he thinks it’s good. I find it shocking.
  • Holm Gero Hümmler: Euroconsum has always clearly positioned itself against anti-democratic tendencies.
    So I think it’s only natural that we don’t want to have anything to do with people who are in favour of the GWUP spreading the narratives of enemies of democracy and using their rhetoric.



6 Responses to ‘EuroConsum’ abruptly ends all co-operation with the German skeptics (GWUP)

  • Holm Hümmler’s reaction shocks me. This can no longer be explained by anger or frustration over the lost board election He seems to be following in the footsteps of Andreas Sönnichsen as his statement borders on spreading conspiracy theories. How can a person change like that?

  • It is much more mysterious. In the forum thread

    “GWUP: Die Ruhe nach dem Sturm ist die Ruhe vor dem Sturm”

    (English: “GWUP: The calm after the storm is the calm before the storm”) a comment from the Psiram forum is quoted:

    “Was Herr Hümmler in seiner Rolle als Unschuld vom Lande natürlich vergisst zu erwähnen ist, dass ein hochrangiger Vertreter von Euroconsum und gleichzeitiges (bis dahin) Mitglied der GWUP massiv und äußerst aggressiv während das Team Sebastiani versucht hat, in die rechte Ecke zu stellen. Diese Person war einer der lautesten Pro-Hümmler-Protagonisten, der beispielsweise eine Distanzierung von André und Nikil von der AfD forderte.”

    Translated with

    “What Mr. Hümmler naturally forgets to mention in his role as an innocent from the countryside is that a high-ranking representative of Euroconsum and at the same time (until then) member of the GWUP massively and extremely aggressively tried to put Team Sebastiani in the right corner. This person was one of the loudest pro-Hümmler protagonists who, for example, demanded that André and Nikil distance themselves from the AfD.”

    Interesting to see that the Psiram admins blocked the very long thread about Hoaxilla and GWUP. But in ALLAXYS-1 a part can bee seen. Users of ALLAXYS-1 found something dated 2021, which is showing the euroconsum in a rather different light. Looks like there are – and were – more things happening than we were told by the GWUPpians. I guess that most of the members of the GWUP still do not know about these things.

    The parts of the GWUP are drifting apart. This began YEARS ago.

    On which raft or lifeboat will the members go on paddling in the rough sea?

  • *maybe* an organisation that involves relatives to the victims do have a pretty good reason to distance themselves from a new board that won the election by calling it “Richtungswahl” and literally regurgitating alt-right propaganda. This does not mean, that Team Sebastiani is necessarily part of the alt-right. It DOES mean, that the new board (which also gets supported by the pseudo-therapy lobbyist in GWUPs “science counsil”) has a fundamental problem with critical skills necessary to lead a sceptics organization. This also becomes incredibly clear by Sebastiani telling hpd that his GWUP should be “for everyone” although – as stated in the statute of GWUP – the organization is specifically aimed against a certain group (esoterics and pseudotherapists) and allows the removal of GWUP members acting against these ideals. For example an anti-scientific pseudo-therapist in the science council.

    • “regurgitating alt-right propaganda”?
      “the pseudo-therapy lobbyist in GWUPs “science counsil””

      • @Saegge will not be able to provide any evidence. Just as no one from Team Hümmler or its supporters has been able to provide any evidence in the past 12 months. Or the the so-called evidence was not backed up by facts and could be quickly refuted even by laypeople after a little research in the internet.

      • No evidence? does this perhaps mean that the statements by ‘Saegge’ were slanderous BS?

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