Israel’s Health Ministry announced the revocation of Dr. Aryeh Avni’s medical license, after he called to violate the ministry’s COVID guidelines during the pandemic and published defamatory articles against the medical community. The Jerusalem District Court rejected Avni’s appeal following the decision to revoke his medical license. Avni, who was a specialist in general surgery, engaged for years in so-called alternative medicine (SCAM) and had previously been caught forging vaccination certificates. He claimed in court that he operates in the context of freedom of expression and that his objective is to help the public and to rescue patients from the harm caused by medications and vaccines.

About a year and a half ago, the Health Ministry’s disciplinary committee recommended that Avni’s license be suspended for two years, but former Judge Amnon Shtrashnov, who was granted authority by the health minister, rejected the recommendation and ordered the permanent revocation of Avni’s license. In his decision, Shtrashnov called Avni “a charlatan, a clear coronavirus denier and a dangerous trickster, who behaves that way under the aegis of a licensed doctor.” “There must be a distinction between expressing an opinion and incitement, while conducting a smear campaign against medical authorities in order to dissuade the public from acting in accordance with their directive,” District Court Judge Nimrod Flax said in his decision. “A doctor who chooses to conduct a delegitimization campaign of this kind excludes himself, and is behaving in a manner unbefitting a licensed doctor. “And we will say once again – expressing an opinion, absolutely; conducting a campaign of incitement and defamation against his fellow doctors, while attempting to bias public opinion and to prevent the public from acting in accordance with the recommendations of the medical authorities, absolutely not,” added Judge Flax. “In general, criticism of the directives and decisions of the health care system and those who head it is legitimate, but that’s when these things are said in polite language and are based on true facts,” added the judge. “Granting approval to the appellant to continue to possess a medical license, while he continues with his previous practices, and in particular preaches to violate medical directives given by the authorized bodies, cannot accord with the public interest,” added the judge.


Dr. Avni has a website where he writes about himself: “During his work in the hospital but also in his private life, Dr. Avni was exposed to the dismal results of conventional cancer treatments, he lost his wife and sister. The difficult events made him think that allopathic medicine is not the only option and he started looking for other solutions. Better, and less dangerous in terms of “do no harm”.
This is how Dr. Avni came in his decades of journey to many methods and treatments that have in common that they treat problems from the root and not only the symptom, they are not harmful, in repairing one disease they do not increase the risk of new disease, they treat the person and do not see only the “disease” And their natural origin.
The more he delved into his research, the more Dr. Avni discovered to his amazement that there were powerful forces trying to silence and obscure vital information about these treatments. In the United States, for example, several dozen doctors died prematurely and for “strange” reasons, these were doctors who opposed vaccines or conventional cancer treatments. In recent years, Dr. Avni has also faced constant persecution by the media and the Ministry of Health, and once his license was suspended. But Dr. Avni did not flinch or fold, this is his life mission and for that we appreciate him and thank him! And we are not the only ones.


Personally, I feel that the world is a safer place without anti-vax doctors in clinical practice. Other countries should perhaps follow the example of Israel and be more ready to revoke the licenses of anti-vax charlatans.

41 Responses to Anti-vax Doctor and SCAM-Proponent Gets Medical License Permanently Revoked

  • Yes, Israel is such a bright shining light. When you compare Israel’s almost fully vaccinated population’s mortality levels against neighboring areas – Lebanon, Jordan, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, all of Africa – all those vaccinated Israel’s are dropping like flies. A real testimony to the lethality of those Pfizer shots.

    Maybe there is a little bit of a political motivation in making an example of Dr. Aryeh Avni when his political party, the Rappeh which proposes freedom of choice, the rights of patients, the rights of parents, ending the medical monopoly, encouraging alternative medical practices and transparency in the Health Ministry’s actions, is growing rapidly.

  • NB that all governments have been negative about this thing. Firing doctors, lock downs, destruction of their economies, why? To “improve” life for everyone. As Churchill said, “There is nothing your government can give you that it has not already taken.” in this case your government has taken your life (and is trying to offer it back to you).

    Governments are only capable of destruction.

  • “Antiax” is such a defamatory slur. I dont think you could find many on the planet who are against rabies and tetanus vaccinations. Its like saying someone is “anti-drug”. Not all vaccines are created equal. Is someone anti-vax if they make distinctions between the various vaccinations that are tremendously different and have different safety and efficacy profiles for different individuals and populations? Or are we supposed to bend-over for every shot because they call it a vaccination?

    The term Anti-vax comes from the same govt mill that created the slur “conspiracy theorist”. You can say that 19 idiots with boxcutters and an old man in a cave worked together [i.e. conspired] to defeat the greatest military power ever. That is not a conspiracy theory. But if you question it then you are a conspiracy theorist.

    These terms just slurs to prevent people from questioning government policies and propaganda.

    • even if you are right here, in what way would it change the case described in the post?

      • @stan

        Haven’t you learned, calling out anybody with a differing opinion, or anybody that doesn’t follow orders to take the mRNA jab is an antivax idiot. They want to put all the deplorables in a convenient box…. and eventually send them to jail. It’s the easy and efficient way to cancel those that don’t get onboard the New World Order.

        They tell us to follow the science, yet the science for the mRNA jabs was never proven by historic measures. Worse than that, the new evidence proves that the covid jabs have failed in every respect. Yet the drumbeats to continue with more jabs.

        Unfortunately, the Israeli Ministry of Health reminds me more of what has become the (worldwide) Ministry of Truth. Truth offered to us via Globalist agendas…. too control us. They detest the idea that we should have individual freedoms.

        Dr. Avni must have been one bad dude, can you imagine…. ” He claimed in court that he operates in the context of freedom of expression and that his objective is to help the public and to rescue patients from the harm caused by medications and vaccines.” …. the nerve of him.

        • RG, thanks for demonstrating that you don’t do sarcasm either very well

        • Worse than that, the new evidence proves that the covid jabs have failed in every respect.

          The age-standardised COVID death rate for vaccinated and boosted people in the USA is 0.1 per 100,000.
          The rate for unvaccinated? 1.71


          I’d have called a seventeen-fold reduction quite successful. But given your ability to make 2+2=flowerpot you probably see it as a failure.

          What a shame it is when empirical fact contradicts unedvidenced faith-based assertion.

          • when will you learn to study reliable sources of information?

          • Europe officially records a shocking 691% increase in Excess Deaths among Children since EMA first approved COVID Vaccine for Children:

          • @Old Bob

            Europe officially records a shocking 691% increase in Excess Deaths among Children …

            This is a complete and utter fabrication, a.k.a. lie.

            When you look up the data at EuroMOMO (i.e. the exact same source that these horrible antivaxx idiots base their claim on), and select the 0-14 age group, the number of deaths is not alarmingly higher than normal, and just shows the normal statistical noise – which is to be expected with events that only happen in small numbers such as deaths among children. FYI: the peaks in this noise translate to perhaps 20% of the normal amount of 330 deaths among approximately 50 million children in this age group.

            @Edzard: maybe Old Bob should be escorted to the exit for repeatedly polluting this thread with blatant misinformation.

          • this has, of course, occurred to me as well.
            yet, he is often very amusing and SO FAR OUT that surely nobody here can take him seriously.

          • @Lenny

            Those statistics are fake numbers, reported by fake news.

            The fact is that patients got infected with covid DIED… in high numbers.

            “The pandemic’s toll is no longer falling almost exclusively on those who chose not to or could not get shots, with vaccine protection waning over time and the elderly and immunocompromised — who are at greatest risk of succumbing to covid-19, even if vaccinated — having a harder time dodging increasingly contagious strains.
            The vaccinated made up 42 percent of fatalities in January and February during the highly contagious omicron variant’s surge, compared with 23 percent of the dead in September, the peak of the delta wave, according to nationwide data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention analyzed by The Post. The data is based on the date of infection and limited to a sampling of cases in which vaccination status was known.”

            42% of fatalities ?? … Lenny, that’s pathetic for a “vaccination”

          • @RG

            Scientific American is a Fake News outlet, folks. You heard it here first. Not because it is fake but because it showed RG to be completely and utterly wrong. Can’t be any other explanation in RG’s little world of self-delusion.

            RG. You are a swivel-eyed loon who wouldn’t recognise objective fact if it bit you on the arse. I’m assuming you’re still labouring under the misapprehension that the orange serial criminal goon who attempted and failed to overturn the result of fair election actually won, despite there being no credible evidence to support his assertions?

            I’ll leave you to your demented mutterings. It’s unlikely you’ll last long here anyway.

          • yes, he won’t last long here, because only fools and liars are permitted to last here. Apparently you are a fool and not a liar. A few months ago I’d have said there was hope for you, but now I know that your brainwash is a permanent condition. Better luck in your next life. “They” are working hard to give you an eternal life as a slave. You’re stupid enough to buy into it.

        • stan squawks:

          The term Anti-vax comes from the same govt mill that created the slur “conspiracy theorist”.

          RG squeals:

          Haven’t you learned, calling out anybody with a differing opinion, or anybody that doesn’t follow orders to take the mRNA jab is an antivax idiot.

          Did not know antivaxxers and conspiracy theorists are absolute snowflakes.

          • Wow, Talker. You really upped the quality of the debate. I’m a snowflake anti-vaxxer. Do you have anymore slurs you can pile on? You must be just getting started with your fine level of critique.

          • @stan

            Wow, Talker. You really upped the quality of the debate. I’m a snowflake anti-vaxxer. Do you have anymore slurs you can pile on? You must be just getting started with your fine level of critique.

            Rather than wrestling with a pig in the mud, I prefer to just call it for what it is and move on.

      • Doctors should have freedom of expression including expressing an aversion to vaccines and being able to give their reasons for their stand. Do we want “Health Ministry’s” making medical decisions for individuals, who dont want what they have to offer? Personally I want a doctor aligned with my point of view, even if it doesnt agree with the State or you and your colleagues.

        There are fundamentally opposed views on medicine; take drugs to suppress symptoms or find ways to stimulate or give nutrients to allow the body to heal itself.

        Any medical “regime” should allow both forms of medicine to practice. Instead conventional medicine has a monopoly in most countries and always seeks to impose its will on the unwilling. One exception is India where they allow 3 systems of medicine to coexist: Homeopathy, Ayurveda and Conventional. All have med schools, hospital privileges, pharmacies and doctors. Patients can pick and choose. Maybe they use homeopathy preferentially but for a cancer diagnosis they decide to go conventional or vice versa. They can do that. Some doctors can practice in more than one system.

        • “Doctors should have freedom of expression including expressing an aversion to vaccines”
          Yes but what this guy did was way beyond that!

        • @stan

          Personally I want a doctor aligned with my point of view

          How very stupid. A doctor should first and foremost offer the best and most effective healthcare there is, regardless of what their patients believe. Antivaxx doctors do not offer such healthcare, but instead endanger their patients’ lives by foregoing vaccinations and thus needlessly exposing their patients to potentially deadly diseases. These doctors should be stripped of their license to practice medicine. QED.

          There are fundamentally opposed views on medicine; take drugs to suppress symptoms or find ways to stimulate or give nutrients to allow the body to heal itself.

          What an exceedingly dim point of view. Vaccines do not ‘suppress symptoms’; vaccines prevent serious diseases. No food in the world can achieve the same effect (except in cases of malnutrition, of course).
          As for treating conditions once they have developed: the best way to ‘stimulate the body to heal itself’ is to relieve the most serious and harmful symptoms, so that a patient can rest and recuperate. Nutrition hardly plays a significant role in this, and neither do all those forms of quackery – which, incidentally, may only help by relieving symptoms through the placebo effect.

          One exception is India where they allow 3 systems of medicine to coexist: Homeopathy, Ayurveda and Conventional.

          Yes, very stupid indeed, because homeopathy doesn’t work period, and ayurveda does even more harm than good – a significant percentage of ayurvedic ‘medicines’ contains harmful amounts of heavy metals and other toxins. The fact that they also use western medicine is the main reason that their life expectancy and child mortality are merely dismal instead of catastrophic.

    • It’s fine in principle to argue against a particular vaccine if you have some evidence, eg if the supposed risk of the vaccine was greater than the danger of the virus it was to protect against. However in practice most who are labelled anti vax are opposed to vaccination in principle, often making such bogus claims as that childhood vaccines overload the immune system, or are a form of genetic modification. They often claim that vaccination is also unnecessary as nature has given us a marvellous immune system, which they nonetheless feel they have to boost with overpriced and useless supplements.

      And it’s remarkable how often the anti vaxxer is also convinced that the CIA use ‘chemtrails’ to mass medicate, that 5g causes birds to fall from the sky or that Anthony Fauci is a mass murderer.

      Mind you, they are right about the Earth being flat. Obviously.

      • yes, most people around the globe now know that the earth is flat!!!

      • The Lancet, “Risk of infection, hospitalization and death up to 9 months after a second dose of Covid-19 vaccination.” See 3:00 minutes into “Dan Bongino: Taking The COVID-19 Vaccine ‘Was The Biggest Mistake Of My Life!’ “, here:

        • when will you learn to study reliable sources of information?

        • Old Bob

          I am not a doctor but I know a thing or two about disinformation and I am fairly confident in diagnosing you as suffering from a common ailment, Operation Secondary Infektion (OSI).

          My diagnosis is based on the *cough* interesting sources you use in an attempt to validate your unusual beliefs.

          You can learn more about Operation Secondary Infection via this informative video

          Webinar on “Operation Secondary Infektion” with Ben Nimmo of Graphika

          If you are interested in the primary Operation Infektion then the below video provides the salient points, at least relevant to your posts, from 1:16 onwards

          Finally Old Bob I would like to express my thanks to you for your valuable posts.

          It is not often that one has the priviledge of seeing the symptoms of OSI displayed so clearly, symptoms that provide inconclusive evidence of the Infektion, and thus your posts here are a valuable educational resource to anyone reading the comments section.

          I would also like to thank Edzard for not removing your posts so that anyone interested in the primary and secondary Infektions can benefit from the experience of examining the symptoms in such an acessible manner.

          Should Old Bob continue to post here we can all learn a great deal from onserving the progression of the Infektion over time.

          • @Louise

            If you ever want to collaborate on case studies to document symptoms of OSI, I am game. As you have noted, we have several people who comment on this blog exhibit those symptoms. Perhaps Dana can come up with a homeopathic remedy for those symptoms and we can do a homeopathic proving on some volunteers who don’t have those symptoms.

        • The conclusion of The Lancet study?

          “The results strengthen the evidence-based rationale for administration of a third vaccine dose as a booster.”

      • socrates

        I personally viewed the skies over Los Angeles for more than a decade and witnessed planes spewing these chemtrails daily. I know the difference between contrails and chemtrails. Contrails disperse within a few minutes, depending on the atmospheric conditions. Chemtrails last for many hours, in fact they don’t disperse as much as they move over other areas… being carried by winds.

        I grew up in Cali as a child. Californians lived with the brown haze of smog filled skies for much of the 60’s 70’s and 80’s. After decades of the state battling manufacturing corporations and auto pollution, the skies did become much cleaner. In fact, the skies over LA returned to blue on many if not most days during the 1990’s and 2000’s. Then came the chemtrails…. turning morning blue skies to brown and grey. I was told that these trails were “natural” exhaust from planes. However, it’s simply not natural for a jet plane to fly across the sky, and then turn back the opposite direction (as evidenced by the obvious trail) …. back and forth for hours without every disappearing beyond the horizon line. Why would a planes fly back and forth all day ? I witnessed this for years. Sometimes three planes at a time leaving the intended trails.

        I could now never be convinced that this act was not intentional.

        When the director of the USA CIA admits that they are using chemtrails to intentionally influence climate change…. it’s not a conspiracy any longer.

        Interesting that we can’t find any publications regarding this from the mainstream media (TNI Trusted News Initiative) …. hmmm.
        It’s not surprising how conspiracy theories become conspiracy facts. Much like the planed-demic.

        • thanks for letting us know that you are much, much madder than we thought

        • You have misunderstood the nature of ‘chemtrails’. There is absolutely nothing to worry about – they are simply spreading the essential nutrients needed by the lizard people who secretly run planet earth. They are quite harmless to mere earthlings such as you.

          Relax and enjoy.

        • Interesting that we can’t find any publications regarding this from the mainstream media

          This’ll be because they are concerned with reporting facts rather than the fabulistic unevidenced delusions of tinfoil-hatted nutters, RG. Any and all of which you appear to credulously believe.

          Anyway. Chemtrails are there to reflect the beams from the Tesla cannons when they want to activate the depopulation chips in the vaccines in case the 5G network fails. Join your fellow loons, RG. If you’re going in, go all-in.

        • LOL @RG

          You got it all wrong buddy! What are you smoking RG? Chemtrails?

          Chemtails are not for influencing climate change. There is a much ulterior motive behind it. Back in the day it was mainly used for population control. When a person breath in chemtrails they are more receptive to propaganda, that is any kind of propaganda. It was originally intended for government propaganda, but these days its benefits are reaped by right-wing media companies like Fox, Newsmax etc. to spread their own propaganda. You mentioned that you have been in the path of chemtrails most of your life and it is obvious from your comments that you watch right-wing media, and you are an antivaxxer and a conspiracy theorist factist. Why do you think you are the way you are? The answer is chemtrails made you receptive to right-wing media propaganda. I bet the same right-wing media told you that chemtrails are used to influence climate change and you bought it without even thinking about it. That is why everyone here is laughing at you RG.

          Fear not RG, you won’t be the laughingstock for long. There is a cure for chemtrails, and it is called mRNA jab. I bet you got the J&J jab and not the mRNA jab because you believed the lies (under the influence of chemtrails obviously) fed to you by right-wing media. In fact, most of the idiots who attacked the capitol on Jan 6th are antivaxxers like you RG, none of them got the mRNA jab and that landed most of them in jail. You might be wondering how the mRNA jab will protect you from chemtrails and from doing/saying something that is inordinately stupid. Allow me to shine the light and show you the way for you and all other idiots who tend to post right-wing propaganda, mRNA jab contains a 5G chip that will allow the government to control your thoughts and by re-programming you against chemtrail and RW media influence. Once you get the mRNA jab you will be a good little citizen and whenever the govt sends signals to your 5G chip you will obey, they tell you go buy toilet paper before adverse weather events and you will go do it without questioning, they may even program you to vote a certain way in elections. Covid has been a great opportunity for the govt to take the control back from RW media and it has been a resounding success. You on the other hand will have to surrender your thoughts and bodily autonomy back to the govt where it belongs. Once you get your mRNA jab you will live long and prosper under govt control RG. Peace!

      • The vaxs given before about 3 years of age are given to an immune system that has not reached maturity. Giving Hep B at birth is a complete waste and probably harmful. The CDC was taken to court and asked to provide the studies that Prove their claim that the 6 vaccinations given in the first 6 months of life DID NOT cause autism. They provided NOTHING. The studies had not been done. ( They were ordered by the judge to take their claim that vaccines dont cause autism off their website. The CDC is not doing the due diligence of verifying vaccine safety that they are required to do. Are we supposed to just trust them, like Dr Fauci, who is “science” when their conflicts of interest with the industry they regulate are so flagrant?

        Dr Thompson of the CDC was recorded confessing that he and his colleagues destroyed evidence that showed that Afro-American boys under 3 yo who recieved the MMR vax had 3x higher rates of autism than others. He kept copies of the original evidence which he provided.

        Vax-lovers like socrates dont bother to read what the vaccine skeptics actually write. You just respond based on your imagination.

        • @stan
          You are regurgitating all sorts of long-debunked antivaxx drivel and lies, and then you accuse those with actual brains of not reading it?
          Of course we read it. And then we discard it as nonsense from a dimwitted troll.

        • @stan

          Do you have any evidence to support any of the BS you posted today? Yet, you expect others to take your word for it and debate you?

          Vax-lovers like socrates dont bother to read what the vaccine skeptics actually write. You just respond based on your imagination.

          Ah…so you have now resorted to name-calling and slurs. Allow me to quote you from one of your earlier posts:

          Do you have anymore slurs you can pile on? You must be just getting started with your fine level of critique.

          @Prof. Ernst
          I am not sure what in this blog post of yours that struck a nerve with all three resident trolls and made them come out in full force. stan tops them all, so far he commented five times and his comments contain a total of 670 words most of which is utterly unsubstantiated drivel. Need I say more?

  • At RG

    If government or some other entity is behind these chemtrails, what is the purpose? Some of my research has implied it will de-populate, if so, not working. Our population adds more than loses year after year. Especially after the advancement of aeronautics. To advance climate change, how?
    Please explain these chemtrails. I am really curious.

  • Ashkenazi Khazars.

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