I was reminded of an event that I had forgotten which, however, is so remarkable that we should remember it. It relates to nothing less than a homeopath’s attempt to save the world!

The homeopath’s name is Grace DaSilva-Hill. She has been a professional homeopath since 1997, with a clinic in Charing (Kent) and international on Zoom, Skype or WhatsApp video. She practises Sensation Homeopathy as refined by Drs Joshis (Mumbai), and Homeopathic Detox Therapy as developed by Dr Ton Jensen. She is also a practitioner of EFT-Tapping. In 2014, Grace very nearly saved the world with homeopathy – well, at least she gave it her very best try. Here is her original plan:


Ocean Remedy

Yes, I agree, that’s hilarious! And it’s hilarious in more than one way:

  1. It is funnier than any comedian’s attempt to ridicule homeopathy.
  2. It is a highly effective approach by homeopaths to discrediting themselves.

But, at the same time, it is also worrying. Homeopaths are taken seriously by many influential people. Think of Prince Charles, for instance, or consider the way German homeopaths have convinced the government of Bavaria to invest in research into the question of how homeopathy can be used to reduce antibiotic resistance.

At the time, the formidable Andy Lewis on his QUACKOMETER commented as follows:

We might dismiss this as the fantasies of a small group of homeopaths. However, such thinking is widespread in homeopathic circles and has consequences. Grace is a well known homeopath in the UK, and in the past, has been a trustee and treasurer for the Ghana Homeopathy Project – an organisation that has been exporting this European form of quackery to West Africa. Grace believes that serious illnesses can be treated by a homeopath. For an article in the journal of the Alliance of Registered Homeoapths, Grace discusses treating such conditions as menigitis, malaria and stroke.

Homeopaths in West Africa have hit the news this week as a group tried to enter Liberia in order to use their spells on people with Ebola. The WHO fortunately tried not let them near any actual sick people and they have been kicking and screaming since. The Daily Mail’s rather dreadful article reported that they

“had used homeopathic treatments on patients, despite the instructions from health officials in the capital Monrovia not to do so. She said she had not felt the need to quarantine herself after returning to India but was monitoring her own condition for any signs of the disease.”

The homeopaths appear to have absolutely no understanding how dangerous and irresponsible their actions have been….

Homeopathy is stupid. Magical thinking. A nonsense. Anything goes. And whilst those doctors in the NHS who insist on spending public money on it without taking a responsible stand against the common and dangerous excesses, they can expect to remain under constant fire from those who think they are doing a great deal of harm.

Meanwhile, the public funding of homeopathy in England has stopped; France followed suit. Surely Grace’s invaluable help in these achievements needs to be acknowledged! If we regularly remind decision-makers and the general public of Grace’s attempt to save the world and similarly barmy things homeopaths are up to, perhaps the rest of the world will speed up the process of realizing the truth about homeopathy!?

25 Responses to How a homeopath almost saved the world

  • Homeopathy is a religion

    Its adherents are immune to any form of rational argument or ridicule. They are believers in the one true form of healing.

    Their bible is the Homeopathic Materia Medica.

    Their prophet is Samuel Hahnemann.

    It is impossible to reason someone out of a position they did not reason themselves into.

    Unfortunately the wider public are gullible enough to believe in the “magic” of homeopathy, reiki, touch therapy, NLP, acupuncture and all the other SCAMS including my all-time favourite Tong Ren.
    If people are daft enough to believe that Covid-19 can be spread by 5G phone masts they are daft enough to believe anything. It would not surprise me if people took this woman’s nonsense seriously.

    We need better education in skepticism, critical thinking and basic sciences – and more stringent rules to stop SCAMmers plying their wares so freely to the general public giving them a veneer of respectability.

    • Homeopathy is a religion

      Its adherents are immune to any form of rational argument or ridicule. They are believers in the one true form of healing.

      Their bible is the Homeopathic Materia Medica.

      Their prophet is Samuel Hahnemann.

      And the different variants of homeopathy are denominations. Each one of them with its ultimate truth (TM).

  • A newsletter in Comic Sans is never a good sign….

  • OK people, let’s DO something about this idiocy once and for all.

    Here is the fool-proof plan:
    1. Collect hairs, skin flakes and other bodily materials from homeopaths(*).
    2. Mix these up to create a mother tincture.
    3. Dilute Potentize this tincture to C200.
    4. Liberally sprinkle the remedy Homoeopaticum Moronicum around wherever you go.

    Within a few weeks, the world should be cured of homeopaths.

    *: I think that slaughtering homeopaths to obtain their putrefied remains (as with the Moscovy ducks used in Oscillococcinum) will meet with some resistance, so I guess we’ll have to settle for the bodily materials they naturally shed.

  • DaSilva-Hill certainly used to offer CEASE therapy even if she doesn’t openly mention it anymore. Her Facebook reveals that she is a militant anti-vaxxer and spreader of COVID related misinformation. Some of the content suggests she maybe a germ theory denialist as well.

  • Nice idea Richard but you obviously don’t understand homeopathy, “have you tried it” (irony)? You don’t need to collect anything, If you read Grace’s missive again you will see all you need to do is say the word homeopathy into a glass of water and it will “memorise the energy”. So obvious really… That, of course, begs the question if treating illness is as easy as talking into water why is there any illness left?

    I am trying to work out the end point of her “treatment”. Were the oceans healed and if so what of?

    I think as John says above you can’t reason anyone out of this crazy thinking, they are not currently capable of reason and do not want to educate themselves with distractions from their cults such as facts.

    • Yes, you’re absolutely right. Why all the faffing around with actual substances when you can simply imprint it in a glass of plain old water by saying the name? Homeopathy is easy – far easier than I imagined!

      Were the oceans healed and if so what of?

      Going by the named remedy, the oceans apparently are healed of syphilis – it seems that ‘Leuticum’ is based on syphilitic material.
      And indeed, I haven’t heard reports of widespread oceanic syphilis infections of late, so that can be chalked up as yet another resounding success for homeopathy!

  • So many people believe that the “Dr Emoto” scam is solid proof that water can be imprinted with “emotional energy”, because he used a microscope and took pictures. It’s just a demonstration of how far you can get with an instantly transparent scam — absolutely no spiritual person has ever bothered to check it out.

    Emoto wrote a word like ‘hate’ or ‘love’ on a piece of paper, stuck it on a vial of water, froze the water, and then photographed the ice crystals. The ‘hate’ vial showed poorly formed ice, while the ‘love’ vial formed beautiful regular crystals. Of course, crystals form more regularly when water freezes more slowly, and irregularly when the freezing happens faster. And of course, seeking out the nicest ice crystals wasn’t blinded or randomised.

    And of course, spiritual people sell homeopathy, useless water filters, and god knows what else citing this scam as “scientific evidence”. And of course spiritual people buy without thinking for a moment to check it out before paying for it, because the whole culture of modern spirituality is a culture entirely free of internal criticism, quality control or consumer protection.

  • The major oceanic malady currently being featured concerns plastic. I therfore suggest Polyethylene LM and Acrylate LM. Or is that really Isopathy? And it it poly-prescribing, whereas one should stick to the single remedy?

  • Richard Steve David, and the rest of you who oppose anything treatment other than Conventional Medicine.

    You consume yourselves with those that ALREADY sought out, or are not interested in Conventional Medical solutions to their ailments. If your conventional means of medicine didn’t satisfy them… let them be. You don’t need to attempt to convince anyone one way or the other. Live and let live. Leave some room for individuality, an all chocolate or all vanilla world does not suit anyone.

    • If your conventional means of medicine didn’t satisfy them… let them be.

      Um, no.This example here may be so utterly ludicrous that it appears harmless foolishness – but remember that these unschooled quacks mess with other people’s health, and are anything but harmless. E.g. they convince parents of autistic children that vaccines are the cause of their children’s condition (implicitly blaming the parents because they allowed it to happen), and sometimes charge thousands of pounds for ‘treating’ these children with useless sugar crumbs. They dissuade parents from vaccinating their children, and instead sell them ‘homeoprophylaxis’ – fake vaccines that don’t work at all.

      Live and let live

      Therein lies the problem. These quacks kill people – something that I have seen happening up close: a friend of the family with some vague fatigue complaints consulted a ‘healer’ just like Mrs. DaSilva-Hill, who convinced him that the problem was ‘negative energy’, and she could fix that with her ‘remedy’ (simple sugar pills). Over the course of the months, the man’s condition deteriorated further, but this woman convinced him to stick with her treatment and avoid consulting ‘allopathic doctors’, because they would only poison him with. She literally said that he should “first reach the lowest point to climb back to health.”
      After several more months without any improvement, the man finally ended up at the ER, where he was diagnosed with terminal congestive heart failure, brought about by a leaky heart valve – something that could have been fixed easily, had he sought out real medical help earlier. He died a few days later. So yes, he reached the ‘lowest point’ all right: six feet under. However, we have our doubts about the climbing back bit.
      Unfortunately, this hugely arrogant quack lady killed more people, landing her in jail for five months (in Dutch). And I know of more quacks who killed people but went unpunished, just because no complaints were filed and death was attributed to ‘natural causes’.

      an all chocolate or all vanilla world does not suit anyone

      This has nothing to do with choice between two more or less equal things. Selling people water and sugar crumbs as ‘medicine’ is wrong and dangerous, and should be banned.

      • Hear hear. We are protected against Consumer Fraud in other areas, but there is inadequate protection against foolish and ignorant people who mess with people’s health and sell them products and treatments that don’t work as claimed, and as in the example given result in deterioration and death.

        • Exactly. When I buy something as simple as, say, a bit of cheese, there are literally dozens of very strict laws governing everything from the feed of the dairy animals to production hygiene, production procedures, storage, packaging, and the monitoring of the final product.

          When I buy a homeopathic ‘remedy’, I get sugar pills or alcoholic water that hasn’t been subject to ANY mandatory test, least of all if it is even effective in the first place.
          If I wanted to, could just fill little bottles with water, slap on a label saying ‘Homeopathic Medicine’, and sell these to gullible punters or even put those on the pharmacy shelf for 10 quid each. All perfectly legal. (OK, I’d have to register the product, but that merely entails me stating that it is harmless. No actual testing has to take place at any point, and no evidence supporting my statement has to be produced.)

          It is all the more galling that homeopaths and other quacks are often hugely arrogant, dismissing all and any criticism. This quack lady from my previous posting is a point in case: during her court trial, she vehemently maintained her innocence, even claiming that her last victim died because emergency personnel would not let her administer her ‘remedy’ to the dying patient.
          In addition to her 5-month jail sentence, she was prohibited from any activities in the area of healthcare for 10 years.
          Knowing her kind of people, I expect her to open shop again on 22 March, 2023, exactly 10 years and 1 day after her sentence …

          • @ Richard Rasker

            I agree – but it also does incalculable harm to the public’s perception of pseudoscience vs science.
            When they see all this voodoo nonsense being allowed to go on they naturally presume it must all be fully checked and regulated otherwise it “wouldn’t be allowed.”
            They literally have no idea that homeopathic “remedies” contain literally “nothing” other than sugar, water or a little alcohol – there is no “remedy” there.

            It is the same with the unchecked spread of misinformation. Free speech is all very well – but outright lies and dangerous misinformation ought to carry a health warning. Homeopaths do a diploma course and fancy they can treat anything as well as a fully qualified doctor – with just magic potions! This is frankly delusional but it is allowed by the law of the land.

            There ought to be an obligatory “Quack Warning” over every homeopath’s door to advise potential clients that “all ye who enter here…….”

  • I actually did a face palm. I knew that there could be nothing good printed in purple comic sans.

  • There exist no alternative, complementary or homeopathic healing method that is judged positively or negatively by anyone alternative, complementary or homeopathic doctor.
    The Grace DaSilva Hill affair was deliberately and silently stalled. The main thing is not to attract any public attention. Every argument, if positive or negative, is an argument for or against one’s own miracle medicine or one’s own miracle method.

    • @ Dr Edmund Berndt

      do you want to try that again in a comprehensible format?
      because what you have just written is gibberish.
      if you are going to comment it might at least be capable of some form of meaningful interpretation.

      • @ John Travis

        My mothers tongue ist not English. But I think it is clear and logical. Homeopaths subtly denigrate evidence-based scientific medicine. If a homeopath deny the effectiveness of any humbug medicine, it is always a shot in his own knee.

        • @ Edmund

          my apologies – I thought you were attempting some mystical defence of homeopathy. I didn’t mean to be unkind.

          I now see what you mean. Thank you.

          I think homeopaths should remember the caveat about people in glass houses……….

          Anyone who requires a volume greater than the entire Pacific Ocean or vastly more molecules than there are atoms in the entire observable universe in which to dilute their ineffective “remedies” is on a sticky wicket to start with.

          • And for the benefit on those for whom English is not thier mother tongue, a translation of two idioms/aphorisms:

            “People who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones”. Same idea as “shooting yourself in the foot”

            “On a sticky wicket” – a cricket metmaphor. When the field is drying out after rain and is “sticky” or muddy underfoot, it is much more difficult to play on.

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