I have been alerted to the fact that the latest issue of ‘Homeopathy 4 Everyone’ is packed with what I might call the criminal promotion of homeopathy for coronavirus. Here are a list of and links to the articles in question:

The editorial is by Alan Schmuckler. Here are a few excerpts:

… homeopathy has a proven track record of preventing disease, whether it be bacterial or viral. It has protected people from polio, smallpox, diphtheria, scarlet fever, meningococcal meningitis, leptospirosis and various influenzas.  Homeopathic remedies have successfully treated virtually every epidemic disease that occurred over the last 200 years, including the 1918 influenza pandemic. Treating this disease will require keen observation but if we remain calm, and work as a community, we will be able to reason it through. Most importantly, we will have a means of prevention that will become clear as more cases are evaluated.

There will be the usual critics, but they are simply misinformed. The bottom line is, homeopathy is effective, safe and cheap and doesn’t interfere with other treatments.  In a situation where there is no other proven alternative, it is illogical not to use it.

To those in the Pharmaceutical industry, who know homeopathy works and have been trying to sabotage it, this is a good time to rethink your plan. If you could put away your greed and support homeopathy, you might save your own life and your loved ones, along with countless millions…

The degree of delusion which becomes evident in these lines is frightening. And the actions of these homeopaths are, in my view, criminal.

23 Responses to ‘Homeopathy 4 Everyone’: criminal misinformation about the corona pandemic

  • Re Mr Schmuckler. (A prime example of nominative determinism.)

    “We are all facing a great challenge now with the unfolding of COVID 19. Government agencies state that there is no vaccine or medicine to prevent it and no specific treatment. We know better… Remember that homeopathy has a proven track record of preventing disease, whether it be bacterial or viral. It has protected people from polio, smallpox, diphtheria, scarlet fever, meningococcal meningitis, leptospirosis and various influenzas. Homeopathic remedies have successfully treated virtually every epidemic disease that occurred over the last 200 years, including the 1918 influenza pandemic.”


    Obviously Dunning-Kreuger effect in spades, but I also suspect an underlying Functional Neurological Disorder (FND). (Neurological correlates of the Dunning-Kreuger Effect. Alana Muller. Corpus ID: 182473667. Conference proceedings: Psychology 2019.)

    Unless of course he intends taking advantage of the gullible and vulnerable, in which case we know what he is. Professor Ernst’s diagnosis seems most likely.

  • How about this: Mr. Schmuckler volunteers to be infected with Covid-19 and will only be treated with homeopathic remedies until he recovers. Then he can put together a nice case study and publish it.

    • Mr Schmuckler, are you listening?
      How about it?

      • “In a situation where there is no other proven alternative, it is illogical not to use it.”

        I have been searching for some specific possibility of safety once a person is infected. What i found was there is NOTHING. Just NOTHING in the medical system. Forget proven!

        The doctors are using drug cocktails {long term effect not known), herbal remedies as they have nothing to base their decisions upon.

        This guy is making a statement that seems quite sensible. He is just offering an option.

        The patient is out there all on his own. As of now, there are 3297 cases Covid 19 in UK and 144 patients are dead. I am positive none of these are aware of Mr Schmuckler and all would have been linked to the NHS. What option are you offering?

        The patient’s immune system is supposed to fight such infections.There is already a case properly detailed.

        The pharma companies have spent trillions of $ in R&D and after 100 years have nothing to offer!

        Every medication offered works by compromising the immune system.

        What is the purpose of your ridiculing this person? And if the homeopathic report of Dr Dewey for the 1918 flu actually valid? The patient has what better option: Hearing you all say ” sorry, we can do nothing”?

        • “This guy is making a statement that seems quite sensible. ”
          perhaps, if you are a complete nutter yourself?

          • Is that your language as an educated doctor?

            What are you trying to project here? Misinformation? Is that the purpose or analyzing medical information?

            1. What treatment is available for COVID 19 in medical world?
            2. Are drug cocktails being used safe? Any study you aware off?
            3. The number of cases in a small country like UK exceed 4000 and dead over 175. Did even ONE of the 175 patients, followed the advise of Mr Schmuckler and died?
            4.The case I forwarded is fiction? Does not each of the medicine, offered to patient, work against the body weakening the immune system?

            There are flags being raised about hypertension drugs and their increasing susceptibility of patient mortality?

            The medical system is being shown to create a problem and you are writing about “criminal mis- information”.

            Where is the real “criminal misinformation”? Who is responsible for the 175 deaths in UK?

            You could not find a better and more informative subject?

            You could for starters, take control of your language.

          • stop foaming from the mouth and tell me what you want of me

          • Edzard on Saturday 21 March 2020 at 14:43
            “stop foaming from the mouth and tell me what you want of me”

            For starters: LEARN TO FOLLOW YOUR OWN RULES.

            “I do like clearly expressed views and intend to be as outspoken as politeness allows. I hope that commentators will do the same, no matter whether they agree or disagree with me.”

            You pointed out a statement “In a situation where there is no other proven alternative, it is illogical not to use it.”

            Tell your readers what is your learned advise as an expert, if this is not an option! Use facts to make an answer: I listed a few for you.

            1. What treatment is available for COVID 19 in medical world?
            2. Are drug cocktails being used safe? Any study you aware off?
            3. The number of cases in a small country like UK exceed 4000 and dead over 175. Did even ONE of the 175 patients, followed the advise of Mr Schmuckler and died?
            4.The case I forwarded is fiction? Does not each of the medicine, offered to patient, work against the body weakening the immune system?

            Feel free to add some from your side.

  • It astonishes me that Mr Schmuckler (and his type) even believes in the existence of Covid-19. Or viruses in general. He rejects the ‘pharmaceutical industry’ – which actually means he is rejecting not just that one sector, but ‘science’ per se, if you read his words in context. How does he, or his fellow homeopaths, accept anything that science comes up with, given that his belief in homeopathy is based on the notion of a silent conspiracy of murderous scientists? Happily, Richard Rawlins has furnished us with a highly plausible answer to this, in the guise of the Dunning-Kruger effect.

  • It’s Your Diet Dummy! …. This sarcastic headline may be appearing in a Tabloid headline any day now. But there may be some sense to it. India has a population of around 1.3 BILLION – allegedly! But there are only FOUR reported fatalities. OK, there could be massive under reporting in a country that has poor communication in rural areas. Even so, there may be another reason for these very low figures.
    We do know that the typical Indian diet includes a ‘healthy dose’ of spices such as Turmeric, Ginger, Black Pepper and other bitter tasting culinary ingredients. They are reported to have powerful and effective anti-viral properties, yet the medical profession has remained totally silent on the topic of human immunity and how best to maintain it. I wonder why?

    • ” the medical profession has remained totally silent on the topic of human immunity and how best to maintain it.”
      you could hardly be more mistaken!
      there are ~1.3 million articles on immunity listed on Medline, ~250 on tumeric/immunity, etc., etc.

    • … almost forgot: India has of today 223 declared corona cases.

      • Yes Edzard, ONLY 223 declared cases – and FOUR deaths (so far), you seem to have ignored the fact that India has 1.3 BILLION inhabitants, many living in extremely crowded and unhygienic conditions – surely the ideal opportunity for rapid contagion wouldn’t you say?
        If you have been watching and listening to UK TV and radio you might agree with me that the Public are being advised by medical ‘experts’ on the ancient art of hand-washing, social-distancing and self-isolation! Extremely disappointing in my opinion.
        Yes there are as you say over a million papers published on Medline and other channels, but they are mainly written in medical jargon. And maybe you have forgotten that around twenty-percent of the UK population, usually the elderly and infirm, have no internet access. What say you? Concerned about the NEXT virus? Time to get ‘gut-savvy’.

        • “Yes there are as you say over a million papers published on Medline and other channels, but they are mainly written in medical jargon”
          THANK YOU!
          this made me laugh heartily in dire times.

          • Surely you could have at least acknowledged my main point – i.e. the wide disparity between Corona virus stats for India compared to say Italy and their famed Mediterranean diet. And no mention of the millions of folks in the UK who don’t even have access to your Medline papers.

            Your comment “made me laugh heartily” suggests you are very easily amused. I thought this was a forum for serious debate… I was wrong.

          • see comment from Kevin Smith.
            and yes, I am easily amused by clowns, idiots and such like.

  • Sadly, India does not have the sophisticated monitoring that China and other countries have, so their figures will be underestimates. But whatever the actual level of infection in India now, it is there. And with the exponential growth in infection cases that this virus has been proven to cause -Ie a doubling time of 2-6 days- India is facing over the next several weeks and months a devastating bomb of illness and death.
    Wouldn’t it be nice if the international scientific community was wrong in their expert analyses of Covid-19 that indicates how severe this crisis is and could become. And wouldn’t it be even nicer if Mark Grant was right in his hypothesis that spicy food prevents coronavirus infection. Sadly, I rather doubt it. In fact, I would categorise his stance (if serious?) as preposterous.

  • From ‘The Economist’ today (21.03.20):
    “IT WAS CALLED the Spanish influenza, but given the number of Indians it killed, the flu pandemic of 1918-19 should perhaps have carried a different name. Some 18m are thought to have died, or 6% of the country’s population at the time. A century later, with covid-19 lapping at India’s now far more crowded shores, fears are rising that the world’s second-most-populous country could again bear a disproportionate share of the global agony.”

    Only 3 deaths at the time the article was written. Already risen to 275 as of just now (Google).

    ‘Big Pharma’ was developed by serious folk heeding the evidence and devising better ways of preparing herbal remedies to remove harmful compounds and reduce side effects. Then, synthetic molecules were enlisted.
    Pharmacy is just the application of science to drug manufacture. For all its faults, that really is the best we can do. What is so hard to understand about that? It’s called ‘progress’ – an ancient principle which has been with us since the dawn of time.
    For sure, some pharmaceutical folk have taken advantage and sought to profiteer and scam, abusing science’s good name.
    But that is no reason to disparage the advances made by those who have rejected the falsehoods of ‘Big Charma’ (Complementary Health and Alternative Remedy Manufacturers), and moved on.

    India has a pretty good pharmacological industry, prone to the vagaries and bad practices as we have in the West, and which we try to expose and improve. But we do not (legally and morally) lie and claim effects when there is no plausible proof of any (discounting placebo responses of TLC from a charming practitioner).

    (PhRMA: Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America – which represents biopharmaceutical researchers and companies).

    • “Only 3 deaths at the time the article was written. Already risen to 275 as of just now (Google).”

      Where did you get this information from? The number of deaths shown is 4! The infected people number 294.
      You all are not serious about numbers or this is done on purpose?

      There is no doubt, that the figures from India are under reported.

      The figures of Spanish flu (1918-1920) are not clear as data collection was not a strong subject then. The world wide deaths are stated to be between 50 million-100 million: a very large variation. Figures from India could also be completely inaccurate though, it was substantial.

      “But that is no reason to disparage the advances made by those who have rejected the falsehoods of ‘Big Charma’ (Complementary Health and Alternative Remedy Manufacturers), and moved on.”

      Outright rejection has a cost. It is very similar to the “exponential progress has since happened in medicine” as expressed by one doctor!

      USA and Italy data on spread and deaths shows a very poor outcome of medical results of progress, the medical world has been speaking about for the past century. When the problem really strikes, all are at sea.

      The only successful strategy, isolate, isolate, isolate. Zero prevention and no cure.

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