Even the NEW SCIENTIST seems alarmed about Gwyneth and her activities:

Psychic readings, energy healing and vampire facials are just a few of the adventures had by actor and alternative health guru Gwyneth Paltrow and her team in her forthcoming Netflix series The Goop Lab. Goop, Paltrow’s natural health company, has already become a byword for unrestrained woo, but the TV series takes things to the next level.

Don’t make the mistake of thinking you can stick your fingers in your ears and pretend it isn’t happening. There is unlikely to be any escape from The Goop Lab after it is released on 24 January, judging by the current explosion of interest in Goop’s latest offering, a candle scented like Paltrow’s vagina, which has reportedly sold out…

Yet, I am sure we got her all wrong!

Good old Gwennie is really one of us – she is a true sceptic!

Think about it; it’s the only explanation.

When she first started dabbling in woo, she only wanted to test us. I’ll just display a few cupping marks and see how they react, she thought.

Image result for gwyneth paltrow, cupping

Then she saw that most people were so gullible that they bought it. Of course, she thought, if they buy it, I might as well take their money. In her attempt to see how far she can push her boat out, she decided to conduct a sceptical experiment and went further and further. This is when she started to focus on her vagina – jade eggs, steaming it, etc. Surely, she thought, eventually they must realise that I am a sceptic taking the Mikey!

But they never did realise it; at least not so far.

So, she decided to do something even more brazen and sell candles to dispense the smell of her vagina in the homes of her fans. That will do it, she felt, now they will realise what I want to achieve with all this.

But what happened? They sold out in no time (actually, both the candles and the gullible public)! That was a surprise even to our Gwennie. She thought she had seen it all, but she was wrong.

Image result for gwenyth paltro, vagina

Now she is trying to think of something even more outrageous – but she admits, it’s not easy. What can be a more obvious and disgusting hoax than filling people’ homes with the smell of my genitals and let them pay through their noses for the pleasure? she asks herself.

Yes, poor old Gwennie is at loss! Stuck in her own vagina, so to speak.

Perhaps you can help her? Please suggest what vaginal gimmick she might sell next to make her position inescapably clear to even the dumbest of the gullible. Just mention your ideas in the comment section below; I have a feeling she is an avid reader of this blog. Gwennie might even show herself generous; if she likes your innovation, she will certainly make it worth your while.

Because, by Jove, she can afford to be generous. Apparently her business is now worth a quarter of a billion US$. But we must not be envious. Knowing that she did all this merely to stimulate sceptical thinking in the general public, you will not be surprised to learn what she intends to do with all this dosh: once she has succeeded in demonstrating to all the gullible pin heads and devotees that she really is on the side of the angles, she will donate all of it to sceptic organisations across the globe.

So, sceptics of the world: stop snarling at my friend Gwennie, rejoice and prepare for a major windfall.


4 Responses to We all have misungerstood good old Gwyneth Paltrow. At heart, she is a true sceptic!

  • Urgh …

    Ah well, it’s a blessing that she’s at least past the anal stage, that’s all I can say.

  • Mmmh…. sorry, but I can´t imagine anything trumping her silly ideas about vagina products.
    But how about a new Gwyneth Paltrow product line being advertised with the slogan “this smells like my anus”?!

    Unfortunately, I suspect that the weirdos buying her vagina-stuff probably wouldn’t hesitate to buy these products as well…

  • There is a cycle on the YouTube where representatives of different social groups (mainly doctors of different specialities) are being asked questions people feel too uncomfortable to ask themselves. I thought that grannies “treating” their grandchildren with sugar, epsom salts and cognac for roundworm infestation (they have “diagnosed” because the kid has bruxism) are the craziest people, however proctologists revealed that people are really inventive, because idea that sitting with bare bottom over a pail with burning cow’s feet in it (or cloves of garlic on a hot brick) would treat one’s hemorrhoids in the desired way…. I suppose this resembles vaginal steaming only target is different and substances or more noxious. Maybe some antrophologist should investigate how people deal with problems affecting their orifices? Because Paltrow is just too stupid to invent something on her own.

  • Genitals and sex are effective marketing “tools”.

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