I have recently been alerted to this remarkable article. It starts by telling the story of a patient who got rid of his alcohol addiction by using a homeopathic remedy. The story ends with these words: “It’s been two years now since I have been sober and I have no plans to consume alcohol ever gain.” Then the article continues:

This was Rahul’s story. Do you find your story quite similar to Rahul’s? Do you feel yourself falling down the abyss of addiction? Like you’ve lost control over your actions? Then Be like Rahul and take the first step. Join the 45 day No Alcohol challenge and see the difference for yourself.

There are Homeopathic Ingredients which work wonders in Getting You Rid of Addiction to Alcohol. Alcoban is a Homeopathic Anti-Addiction Treatment that helps you Overcome Addiction Using Homeopathy. It is one of the Most Trusted Homeopathic Anti-Addiction Treatment in the world. It can help an addict Beat Any Type of Addiction whether its tobacco, alcohol, drugs or anything else. Regular intake of this homeopathic formula gradually decreases the cravings of drinking. Continuous and prolonged use of Alcoban drop decreases cravings of bad things. You can Get Rid of Alcoholism with Alcoban Homeopathic Drop.

All the Effective Homeopathic Ingredients For Anti-Addiction present in Alcoban are individually quite effective in dealing with various symptoms of addiction but when combined together they form a potent formula that can Curb Tobacco Craving, Treat Alcohol Withdrawal Symptoms, make you Stop Using Drugs. Alcoban is also tasteless and colorless which means that it can be given without addict’s knowledge.


Naturally, I was interested, not because I am an alcoholic but because I was intrigued by the homeopathic remedy and what it might contain. The Alcoban website itself informs us that:

Alcoban Drop is homeopathic anti-addiction formulation made utilizing the benefits of selective homeopathic ingredients, which are further processed as defined in Homeopathy to induce reluctance towards habit-forming mood-altering substances. The substances used in Alcoban detoxify the body for toxic materials deposited in the system from prolonged use of any such substance.

Alcoban is a potent remedy to stop and recover from substance abuse without facing the extreme withdrawal symptoms.

  • Alcoban treatment suppresses cravings naturally.
  • Alcoban helps in anxiety as well as yearnings.
  • Alcoban is well suited to outpatient treatment.
  • Alcoban acts as an anti-addiction treatment for tobacco, alcohol, drug, and smoking addiction.
  • Alcoban treatment is holistic.

Precautions while using:

  • People with severe heart ailments or any other major disease should use Alcoban only after consulting their physician.
  • Pregnant or lactating females should avoid using it.
  • If there is excessive vomiting on using Alcoban, the doses should be reduced. If there is still no change, then it should be stopped completely.


Sadly, I could not find any information about Alcoban’s ingredients. Nor did I find any evidence that the product is effective. But I don’t give up that easily. A Medline search produced one paper on homeopathy for alcoholism:

This paper discusses the use of homoeopathy in the work of a community alcohol team, focusing on the application of homoeopathy for treating sleep disorder in alcohol-dependent clients. This work is placed in the context of the historical use of homoeopathy for treating ‘alcoholism’ and of the increasing use of complementary therapies in mainstream health care and in drug and alcohol agencies. Issues of research methodology and measurement of outcomes are examined. Examples of some specific homoeopathic treatments, together with a case report, are given to illustrate the potential uses of this form of therapy. It is concluded that homoeopathy can provide a valid and effective therapy to help clients break the cycle of dependence on alcohol. A number of further research questions arise and much clinical and research work needs to be done by those attempting to bring complementary therapies into drug and alcohol treatment.

The article is 22 years old and tells us very little. In particular it does not amount to anything like evidence of efficacy, nor does this indicate that there is much research going on in this area.

What can we conclude from all this?

Not a lot!

Perhaps that Alcoban is not just tasteless and colourless, as the Indian manufacturer proudly points out, but also useless?

8 Responses to The Most Trusted Homeopathic Anti-Addiction Treatment?

  • “If there is excessive vomiting on using Alcoban, the doses should be reduced.” The only information I can find on Alcoban is from the same source as the links in the original post. So I’ve no idea how dilute Alcoban is. But here’s a question for homeopathists: how do you reduce the dose of homeopathic drops?

    Should you leave the lid off the bottle and allow the contents to evaporate, thus concentrating the solution and rendering it less potent? Should you reduce the number of drops you ingest? (But surely, with the reverse logic homeopathists apply to their products, the less you take the more effective it becomes?) I guess the simplest way is just to consume the whole bottle: that should work just fine. Though at $135 a bottle that’s a mighty expensive way to reduce the dose.

  • Indeed, no ingredients are mentioned at all for this product.

    However, many homeopathic ‘remedies’ sold in liquid form contain significant amounts of ethanol, listed as a (haha) ‘inactive ingredient’.

    It would be absolutely hilarious if this Alcoban Drop would turn out to be e.g. 20% alcohol… I’m almost tempted to ask those people in India for the label to see if I’m right…

  • Interesting having a search around. There does seem to be more than one Alcoban which clouds things. There was one in the USA in the 1930s with emetine hydrochloride – banned. In India today there’s one that uses Bhumyamalaki (Phyllanthus niruri), another that uses Kudzu and St John’s Wort. But the “ingredients” of the product you’re investigating are:
    Avena Sativa
    Cinchona Officinalis
    Caladium Seguinum
    Quercus Glandium Spiritus
    Nux Vomica
    Sterculia Acuminata
    Acidum Sulfuricum

  • If there is anything in it other than pure water then “which means that it can be given without addict’s knowledge” is incitement to criminal administration of medication or alcohol without consent.

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