D D Palmer was born on March 7, 1845; so, why do chiros celebrate the ‘CHIROPRACTIC AWARENESS WEEK’ from 10 – 16 of April? Perhaps out of sympathy with the homeopaths (many US chiros also use homeopathy) who had their ‘big week’ during the same period? Please tell me, I want to know!

Anyway, the HAW almost ‘drowned’ the CAW – but only almost.

The British Chiropractic Association did its best to make sure we don’t forget the CAW. On their website, we find an article that alerts us to their newest bit of research. Here are some excerpts:

The consumer survey by the British Chiropractic Association (BCA) of more than 2,000 UK adults who currently suffer from back or neck pain, or have done so in the past, found that almost three in five (56%) people experienced pain after using some form of technological device. Despite this, only 27% of people surveyed had limited or stopped using their devices due to concerns for their back or neck health and posture. The research showed people were most likely to experience back or neck pain after using the following technological devices:

•    Laptop computer (35%)
•    Desktop computer (35%)
•    Smart phone (22%)
•    Tablet (20%)
•    Games console (17%)

The age group most likely to experience back or neck pain when using their smart phone were 16-24 year olds, while nearly half (45%) of young adults 25-34 year olds) admitted to experiencing back or neck pain after using a laptop. One in seven (14%) 16-24 year olds attributed their back or neck pain to virtual reality headsets.

As part of Chiropractic Awareness Week (10-16 April) the BCA is calling for technology companies to design devices with posture in mind, to help tech proof our back health. BCA chiropractor Rishi Loatey comments: “We all know how easy it is to remain glued to our smart phone or tablet, messaging friends or scrolling through social media. However, this addiction to technology could be causing changes to posture, which can lead to increased pressure on the muscles, joints and discs in the spine. Technology companies are now starting to issue older phone models which hark back to a time before smart phones enabled people to do everything from check emails and take pictures, to internet banking. Returning to a time of basic functionality, which may see people look to limit the time spent on their phone, can only be good news for our backs. Yet, in an age where people can now track their health and wellbeing using their phone, technology companies should also start looking at ways to make their devices posture friendly from the outset, encouraging us to take time away from our desks and breaks from our scrolling, gaming and messaging.”


So, here we have it: another piece of compelling, cutting edge research by the BCA. They have made us giggle before but rarely have I laughed so heartily about a ‘professional’ organisation confusing so unprofessionally correlation with causation.

Considering the amount of highly public blunders they managed to inflict on the profession in recent years, I have come to the conclusion that the BCA is a cover organisation of BIG PHARMA with the aim of giving chiropractic a bad name!


10 Responses to Is the BCA a cover organisation of BIG PHARMA for giving chiropractic a bad name?

  • @ Edzard

    Really enjoyed your conclusion! Would have thought that the BCA learnt its lesson from the skinny jeans article / survey!

  • I chuckled at “…admitted to … pain…” a choice of words that conjured images of interrogation.

    As ever, thanks for the info.

  • It seems that common-sense recommendations are lost on Edzard. However, they apparently are not lost on others in the medical profession:

    Is Your Cell Phone Killing Your Back?
    Written by Joshua M. Ammerman, MD

    “Man bent forward using his cell phone. Millions of people do it throughout the day and are totally unaware that cell phone use can be detrimental to the back. Did you know that cell phone use can double or triple the weight of your head and can strain your neck? If you are reading this article on a cell phone or tablet, you are probably doing it right now:Tilting your head forward and down in order to look at your device.

    Cell phones and tablets are changing the way we access information and entertainment. The use of these devices influences our posture and body mechanics in unhealthy ways that contribute to neck, upper back, shoulder, and arm pain. Furthermore, poor posture while sitting, standing, walking, or in a static position can lead to more than upper body pain and stiffness—poor posture affects other parts of the spine, such as the middle and low back.

    How much does a human head weigh?
    Typically, an adult human head weighs between 10 and 12 pounds. As the head tilts or angles forward, the cervical spine’s (neck) muscles, tendons, and ligaments support the head during movement and when static; such as holding the head in a forward tilted position. Even the neck’s intervertebral discs are involved and help absorb and distribute the forces exerted on the neck.

    How much heavier is the human head when tilted forward?
    To find out, Kenneth K. Hansraj, MD, Chief of Spine Surgery at New York Spine Surgery and Rehabilitation Medicine, created a computer model of the cervical spine. In an article published in Surgical Technology International, he reported that this model showed that the strain on your neck rises as the forward angle of your head increases.

    At 15 degrees of forward tilt may equate to a head weighing 27 pounds.
    At 30 degrees forward, the strain on the neck equals a 40 pound head.
    The greater the angle, the greater the strain: 45 degrees forward equals 49 pounds of strain, and 60 degrees forward equals 60 pounds.
    Now consider the fact that the average person is holding his or her head forward to look at a phone or read a tablet for 2 to 4 hours a day, according to Dr. Hansraj. Teenagers spend even more time each day looking down at their devices, he added. As you tilt your head, you also move your shoulders forward into a rounded position, which is another aspect of poor posture. All this excess strain creates extra wear and tear on the structures of the neck, upper spine and back, and contributes to/can lead to spinal degeneration that may require surgery.

    Postural awareness a positive first step
    Making good posture a habit can help prevent neck or back pain from developing, along with related posture and biomechanical problems. Good posture means that your head is upright, your ears are in line with your shoulders, and your shoulder blades are down and retracted.

    “In proper alignment, spinal stress is diminished. It is the most efficient position for the spine,” Dr. Hanraj said. Good posture is not only good for the health of your spine; it is good for your over-all health and mood as well as, Dr. Hansraj noted. Other researchers have found that standing straight elevates testosterone and serotonin levels and decreases cortisol levels, hormones that affect your mood, he reported.

    However, modern life still requires you to check your phone or use your tablet many times a day. How do you do that and safeguard your neck?

    First, don’t use your cell phone or your tablet for extended computer work, according to Stanford University’s Environmental Health and Safety Department.
    Use your desktop or laptop computer for extended work and make sure these devices are arranged ergonomically.
    When you use a cell phone, instead of bending your head to look down at it, raise your phone.
    When you are reading the screen, bring the phone up level or just a little below your face.”

    It would appear that Edzard is straining a bit harder than usual today to impute a negative light to sensible recommendations. Perhaps the BCA corrupted Dr. Ammerman’s opinion?

    • @Logos-Bios on Monday 17 April 2017 at 23:49

      Always good for a laugh.

      “How much does a human head weigh?
      Typically, an adult human head weighs between 10 and 12 pounds.”

      Some, such as this envious clown, have severely bloated heads which may weigh considerably more, though this may not be correct. Even with more volume of skull, the cranium is likely to be, largely, empty.

      “As the head tilts or angles forward, the cervical spine’s (neck) muscles, tendons, and ligaments support the head during movement and when static; such as holding the head in a forward tilted position. Even the neck’s intervertebral discs are involved and help absorb and distribute the forces exerted on the neck.”

      Really? Who would have thought?

      “How much heavier is the human head when tilted forward?”

      Nil, zero, zilch. The mass and, therefore, weight does not change.

      You crack me up when you pretend to be clever, only for it to blow up in your face. Your envy of your wife and daughter is showing, again.

      • The Tool should read comments before he posts drivel. He doesn’t even understand the concept of moment arm and leverage, let alone force transfer. He certainly is no student of spinal biomechanics. I doubt he even knows the difference between weight and mass; he’s a real hoot!

        The Tool can’t even keep straight whom he’s trying to insult. His blatantly ignorant comment about the mass/weight of a head was implicitly directed toward me, a poster who often calls him out on his sub-rhesus prattle. Were Tool to read more closely, he would discover that he was actually criticizing the opinion of a renowned spinal surgeon. Hilarious! Tool can’t even post a proper insult. Priceless, absolutely priceless!

        • @Logos-Bios on Wednesday 19 April 2017 at 23:41

          A mechanical engineer doesn’t understand simple statics and dynamics? Interesting proposition, but what would one expect from someone for whom envy is the crippling force in their life?

          “A renowned spinal surgeon” is just that.

          • Study your material before you post nonsense, Tool. You are embarrassing yourself.

          • @Logos-Bios on Thursday 20 April 2017 at 16:05

            “Study your material before you post nonsense, Tool. You are embarrassing yourself.”

            As if you would know; somebody who can study a boil, examine one, discuss it with a real doctor (such as your daughter), put on a dressing, touch it, BUT is not even qualified to lance one.

            You know as much about real medicine as you do simple applied physics. F…. all. Go back to faffing around with backs (try not to hurt anyone with things you know nothing about) and pretending to be a real doctor, while those who know better laugh at you and your pathetic antics.

  • “chiros celebrate the ‘CHIROPRACTIC AWARENESS WEEK’ from 10 – 16 of April”

    It’s worth pointing out that not all UK chiropractors celebrate that awareness week. The more extreme element of UK chiropractors (c. 30%) celebrate their own ‘Spinal Awareness Week’. This year, it takes place from 15-19th May and will be promoting Chiropractic for Children:


    “Chiropractic is the correct term for the collection of deceptions DD Palmer invented.”

    Björn Geir Leifsson, MD

    • It is evident that Blue is another on this site who can’t appreciate common-sense recommendations.

      PS: I always enjoy Blue’s including a quoted diss by Geir (practically vacuous of veridical, practical knowledge regarding chiropractice) when he posts. It appears that he is ignorant of the fact that referencing the dullard as some type of implicit countenance for his comments represents a logical fallacy (argumentum ad vericundiam). Priceless!

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