Now, here is a surprise, at least for me it was one: I just came across a website [url deleted by Admin as potential phishing site] claiming that the estimated value of this blog is $21,928.77.

How on earth do they calculate this?

What does it mean?

How can you put a monetary value on a blog like mine?

I have to admit, I fail to know the answers to any of these questions. What I do know, however, is that, over the last few years, many complete strangers have assured me that my blog is ‘invaluable’. And comments like these are for me the sole reason for writing it.

If I did it for money, I would need quite a bit more than the above sum. When, a few years ago, I wrote a regular column and later blog for the Guardian, they paid me £ 250 for each article [if I remember correctly]. So, multiply the well over 500 posts on my blog by £ 250, and you arrive at an approximate value for it…something around £ 150 000.

Yes, I know, this is not realistic, in fact, it is barmy!

And therefore I prefer to attribute no monetary value to my blog and receive zero funds from anyone for my work here. People who occasionally tell me that it is invaluable is plenty of reward for me!

7 Responses to What is the value of this blog?

  • The HypeStat website pretends to make highly precise calculations, but this one is obviously wrong. I ran their stats through my quantum currency generator and applied the appropriate thoracic thrust to the data that emerged. Your blog is not worth $21,928.77, it’s worth $21,877.92. They probably have a number-blind typist.

    • Tut-tut Frank.

      You omitted the essential step of potentising at each reiterative step in your evaluation. Had you given it about ten clicks with a chiropractic activator on the debuncator stage of your quantum generator and diluted with fresh nonsense from a Chopra generator at each step, you would have found that you have underestimated the value of the professor’s blog by about 10^60. That is equivalent to saying this blog is absolutely invaluable.

      • @ Bjorn
        My goodness! You’re right! I already knew Edzard’s blog is invaluable but omitted the necessary steps to complete the formal calculation.

  • Absolutely priceless. Thank you for your invaluable work.
    Julio Basulto, from Spain.

  • I confirm. For me your blog is also invaluable.

    Gus from Austria. Pleased reader of your book “Gesund ohne Pillen” (=trick or treatment).

  • Your blog now has infinite value, I mean it was valuable to begin with, but I put your blog in some water and shook it, diluted it, shook it again, diluted it again, shook it again, diluted, shook, diluted, shook…. and my goodness, it’s one powerful blog.

    Keep up the great work!!

  • It is impossible to calculate. Take, for example, somebody with back pain who has read blogs. He/she may choose to visit physiotherapist and do exercises, instead of going to chiropractor. But not only that, because having learned how to approach scientific and sciency information (first of all how to distinguish between the two) this person may explain or at least try to explain this to his/her children or young relatives, and then, who knows – the child may even become a researcher…. (although, of course we cannot exclude the opposite)….

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