NATURAL NEWS announced the death of Nicholas Gonzalez with the following words:

It is with great sadness that we report the death of health freedom advocate and individualized nutrition specialist Dr. Nick Gonzalez, who on the eve of July 21 died from an alleged heart attack. Dr. Gonzalez’ contributions to anticancer nutrition protocols and an array of other nutritional therapies have been invaluable, and we would like to honor this pioneering natural healer by recognizing his benevolent legacy…

In contrast to the conventional cancer treatment model, Dr. Gonzalez’s approach was always about helping individuals heal through individualized care. Along with fellow colleague Dr. Linda Isaacs, Dr. Gonzalez helped build a repository of dietary protocols to help patients overcome their specific conditions through advanced nutritional therapies. His methodology centered around detoxification, supplementation with healing foods and nutrients, and specialized enzyme therapy…

Dr. Gonzalez was always a strong adherent to sound science, and he was never in it for the money. His humble, cogent approach to helping people heal naturally without drugs or surgery is a legacy worth remembering and passing on, and we’re thankful to have gotten to know this honorable man during his time on this earth…

This sounds as though Gonzalez was some kind of medical genius and scientific pioneer. Most cancer experts would disagree very sharply with this. Here is what Louise Lubetkin wrote on this blog about him, and I very much encourage you to read her whole post.

Those who recognize and appreciate a fine example of pseudoscientific baloney when they see one know that there is no richer seam, no more inexhaustible source, than the bustling, huckster-infested street carnival that is alternative medicine. There one can find intellectual swindlers in abundance, all offering outrageously implausible claims with the utmost earnestness and sincerity. But the supreme prize, the Fabergé egg found buried among the bric-a-brac, surely belongs to that most convincing of illusionists, the physician reborn as an ardent advocate of alternative medicine…

So what are we to make of Gonzalez? Is he a cynical fraud or does he genuinely believe that coffee enemas, skin brushing and massive doses of supplements are capable of holding back the tsunami of cancer?

At the end of the day it hardly matters: either way, he’s a dangerous man.

Personally, I believe much more in the text of Louise Lubetkin. How about you?

75 Responses to Dr Nicholas Gonzalez has died. Was he really a “a strong adherent to sound science” ?

  • It was the acceptance of this treatment modalitie that lead Steve Jobs to delay effective treatment. There is no way to know for sure if he could have survived. He certainly reduced the odds. One thing is certain, pseudoscience will never take responsibility for bad results.

    • Would you care to document your assertion about Jobs following the Gonzalez protocol? But of course you can’t since Jobs never followed the protocol though he did contact Gonzalez.

    • “The Truth About Cancer” Series by Ty Bollinger showed many cancer patients, including pancreas cases, patients who were ‘given’ few months to live, yet they never died, instead healed completely. Giving a prediction for somebodys’ life is a tip of bottomless arrogance, since it robs a needy sick person of hope. Unless the sick person has own opinion about most of the medical doctors and just ignores them, thus giving him/her a chance to survive. Enzyme therapy introduced by Dr. William D. Kelley for his own pancreatic cancer in the very last stage, was continued by Dr. Gonzales and successfully applied to hundreds of patients. When Dr. Gonzales said he could have saved Steve Jobs, he was absolutely right. His therapy does supply exactly these functioning proteins which the diseased pancreas can’t produce, thus allowing the entire body to regenerate, while being supplied with glucose and rebuilding the pancreas. He could have mentioned that the possible help would come under one condition, namely that Steve Jobs must have had his own will to live. That personal ‘decision’, Dr. Gonzales can’t and doesn’t ‘force’ on his patients, but that ‘decision’/hope is equally important for the healing process.

      • Absolutely concurs with all of my research as well. So sad that the doctor Gonzalez is seen as a quack when he gave his very life for this work, that of a true cure for cancer.

        • So where has your research been published, Marianne?

          Or by “research” do you mean “credulously reading pages of rubbish on the Natural News, Mercola and What Doctors Don’t Tell You websites”?

    • steve jobs was a Total Fruitarian — u fruit —– fructose (from fruit or other) is a very Fast FUEL for cancer ———

    [At the time of posting this link, the page was last modified on 2015-07-23]

    • I don’t think the author of the obituary section of that wiki quite understands the rules of Wikipedia.

      Here is its present form. I don’t think it will survive in this form for long.

      Great sadness news from office of Nicholas J. Gonzalez, M.D. : Dr. Nicholas J. Gonzalez just pass away on Tuesday, July 21, 2015. The cause of death was cardiac related, it appears, as he suddenly collapsed and was unable to be revived. Dr. Gonzalez was in excellent health otherwise so his passing is quite unexpected.

  • When will the public realize that Natural News is not a reliable source of facts on health products or the subject of health?

  • Dr Ernst,

    While you published a vitriolic screed against Dr Gonzalez written by Ms Lubetkin isn’t it interesting that she never made reference to an animal study of his enzymes showing remarkable efficacy against cancer in mice.

    The concluding sentence in the article published as Saruc M, Standop S, Standop J, Nozawa F, Itami A, Pandey KK, Batra SK, Gonzalez NJ, Guesry P, Pour PM: “Pancreatic enzyme extract improves survival in murine pancreatic cancer.” Pancreas 28(4), 401-412, 2004. said as follows:

    “In summary, PPE (porcine pancreatic enzyme) is the first experimentally and clinically proven agent for the effective treatment of PC (pancreatic cancer). The significant advantages of PPE over any other currently available therapeutic modalities include its effects on physical condition, nutrition and lack of toxicity.”

    I’d like to know Dr Ernst whether you still stand behind Ms Lubetkin’s article?

    • Yes, I do.
      Because I know that 1) this study is in dire need of independent replication, 2) animal experiments are frequently not relevant to human cancer therapy.

    • Any enzyme to be effective must bypass stomach. As far as I understand, this was not the case.
      And mouse is very different from human. Yes, it is small, fast procreating and cheap and thus used in the labs, but only in the preliminary stage.
      And then cames 3 phases of drug research in the humans. Only after the 3rd. drug can be registered, but even after then, at least in Europe, it can be withdrawn from market because of unanticipated side effects or insufficient efficacy!

      • Enzymes in tabs with special coatings can easy pass stomach, plus a complete digestion in stomach happens only at pH ~1.0, when stomach is very healthy and when the digested food is mechanically so small, that enzymes have access to the entire surface of the food.
        When cancer stem cells are released during surgery, which obviously involves flowing BLOOD, the consequence always carries the potential of spreading the cancer around.
        Btw. cancer cells are VERY DIFFERENT from normal cells, in particular the receptors on their surface, their action potential, their changed/damaged DNA, etc. Their toxic by-products are the ones which at the end kill every cancer sick person. The best cancer treatment is ORGANIC, NON-GMO FOOD, juicing organic veggies like broccoli, greens, herbs, etc., the right diet with all the building blocks (proteins, minerals, vitamins) our bodies need, something very different than what Codex Alimentarius is telling everyone. GcMAF as a curing agent, should be also mentioned since there is enough proof that it works, better that RIGVIR, since no side effects. The first most important issue with cancer is not to panic and to realize, we carry cancer cells all the time, all what we need to win the fight by numbers is a healthy immune system! That means no vaccins with aluminum, mercury and more viruses and pathogenic bacteria….

        • @chris
          “The best cancer treatment is ORGANIC, NON-GMO FOOD, juicing organic veggies like broccoli, greens, herbs, etc.”
          Please enlighten us how organically farmed produce differs in any important way from conventionally farmed, what problem there is with eating GM food, and above all, where is the published evidence for all your claims.

          • You are obviously very ignorant – I suggest you educate yourself. Small example , farmed cattle are injected with hormones and get no exercise – this results in very fatty meat with a different fatty acid profile to what we humans have been adapted to eat. In addition your are ingesting hormones that are not good for you (obviously) and are associated with early puberty as even the milk is full of hormones as opposed to grass fed (their natural diet) free range cows. Notwithstanding what the effect of ongoing str3essfull Irving conditions do to the poor animals adrenal levels. Is suppose animal cruelty does not bother you either. But you know what they say – ignorance is bliss or the my version – the source of arrogance and blind prejudice.

          • @bibi

            chris’s post referred specifically to vegetables. You obviously live in the USA, a first-world country with — it appears to many outsiders — third-world cultural values. Here in the UK the injection of cattle with growth hormones has been outlawed for 20 years.

        • Enzymes pass the stomach in special capsule. That is true. How they are passing the intestinal wall to portal vein, and survive the liver? That is the question that worth millions of dollars.
          Thank G-d, my interest is purely theoretical.
          Be well.

    • “Lack of toxicity” is already big warning sign, because cancer cells are not that different from normal ones, so surgery is the only treatment mehod lacking toxicity.
      In addition, in case of proteins obtained from other species, one must always bear in mind anaphylaxis.
      Anyway, the least toxic of all treatments, excluding surgery, seems to be virotherapy, like RIGVIR, but even that is not without side effects.

  • I didn’t write to argue that this study should stand as conclusive proof of the Gonzalez protocol. Hardly. I wrote to say that it demonstrates Ms Lubetkin’s bias or sloppy research to omit this evidence.

    Your response suggests that you are not at all troubled that this research was ignored in the article. Instead you make the obvious point that the study needs to be replicated – with which I wholeheartedly agree. You condone the fact that Ms Lubetkin chose to ignore this study published in a reputable scientific journal written by a number of experienced researchers whose conclusion is unambiguous and remarkable. (And also apparently condoning ignoring evidence that enzymes survive the digestive system among other one sided omissions and mistakes she made).

    Instead she or you could have written an article that said that the results of the animal study were intriguing and should – as with any animal – or human – study be replicated. You allowed an article full of inaccuracies and irrelevancies and written in a tone of sarcasm and contempt to be published.

    And let’s be clear. This is not just an article about Reiki or healing touch, whose validity or lack thereof is not going to affect the health of many people in any significant way. This is about a doctor, trained at Sloan Kettering under the then President there who has treated 1000’s of patients, (including me who saw him for metastatic cancer in the liver who is well 25 years later) written a number of books, and who presents an argument backed up by some evidence for a remarkable treatment that may cure many advanced cancers. And all you do is assign someone to write an article that is essentially little more than character assassination.

    Based on your reputation and body of work I would have expected you to have written or had someone write a fair and balanced assessment of Dr Gonzalez. I was so wrong.

    • the post by LL does not claim to be a systematic review of the entire evidence; and even systematic reviews would normally not include animal studies because that often lack relevance to human disease.

    • The conclusion in the abstract of their paper is hardly conclusive.

      ‘The data indicate that the beneficial effect of PPE on survival is primarily related to the nutritional advantage of the treated mice’

      There are no data on numbers of mice in each arm, differences between groups prior to treatment, dose or statistical method and there appears to have no blinding. Perhaps you know this information?

  • Cancers, including pancreatic, are different, so today’s medicines are being created for some types of cancer.
    Besides, food, after having been digested, does not differ significantly from other foods of that cathegory, so it cannot be used for treatment.

  • Where have you all received YOUR alternative cancer treatments? Because I beat an aggressive Her2+ tumor with natural protocols including vitamin C infusions, B17 infusions, hyperthermia laser, etc. etc. What we put into our mouths is over 80% of our “health”. Even cancer physicians will tell you diet is of the utmost importance. I believe you can have valid opinions based on what you’ve experienced personally, and not because you read it on a peer-group, university conducted study. Western medicine cancer survival mortality percentages have barely moved upward within the last 30 years. Early detection is all that’s improved. Western protocols tend to treat all cancer patients the same: chemo, radiation, surgery, oral chemo. Poison, burn, slash, poison. Why not utilize what the good Lord gave us on earth to heal? Who tracks people like me who survived and did “all natural chemo” that didn’t harm my body and kept my immune system intact? If chemo destroys your liver down the road, you’re a “bad liver” victim. If it strokes you out down the road, you’re a “stroke victim”. NOT a cancer victim. The statistics are inaccurate. Every person’s body/mind is different and such be “treated” as such.

    • So, so much wrong with what you say and much of it has been debunked on this website and elsewhere and you might like to read up on the success of cancer treatments in the last few decades:

      However, what makes you say lasers are natural?

    • @ Mel

      If we are to take your claims seriously we need more information. You say you are a survivor of Her2+ positive [breast] cancer. Fantastic, if you are right that is.
      Even if this is a nasty type of breast cancer it has a 68% cure rate with modern handling. That means that more than half of the women survive more than five years after surgery and additional therapy.
      For you to be able to tell us you “beat an aggressive Her2+ tumor”, we deduce that the tumour has been removed, right? Otherwise they would not be able to test it and say it is of the Her2+ kind.
      Until you inform us that the testing was only done on a biopsy (I really hope not for your sake they only took out part of the tumour i.e. a biopsy), our understanding will have to be that your tumour was removed as completely as possible and then some. If the tumour has not been removed, your chances are probably dismal whatever else is done.
      Of course, if you had curative surgery and then refused the additional “adjuvant” therapy, you still have a fair chance of long term survival but it will not be 68%.
      So, when you claim that you were cured by a number of alternative remedies,some of which you name, you forgot to mention the small but important matter of the operation.
      Also we have no information on how long a follow up you have to be able to claim you “beat it”. Was your surgery (diagnosis?) last month or ten years ago? I surely hope, as you of course do also, that you are cured of this nasty malignancy but you cannot be sure until a good deal of time has passed. Sometimes breast tumours reappear decades later. That is why everything is used to maximise cure. Not only „cut“ but also „poison“ and „burn“ as the idiots call it who try to lure desperate people into defaulting on science and taking their make-believe cures including apricot kernels (B17) lemon juice extract (vitamin C ) and flashlight waving (laser).
      We have no reason to believe that the „therapies“ you list are anything but make-believe. There is no biological reason to believe these methods work and all the tests that have been done on them have not shown an effect. If someone says they did, they are simply lying.

      • Ok, I’m all for being realistic, but refering to lasers as flashlight waving? Lasers aren’t unicorns.

        • @Shelley
          Where “unicorns” fit into this discussion I cannot discern?
          What I was alluding to is the use of low-power laser light, also called low level or cold laser.
          I should of course have been more specific when I listed a few of the most ridiculous cancer “cures” I could recall.

          My calling low level light therapy for “Flashlight waving” is intentionally derogatory.
          Use of low level laser light for healing is quackery, no evidence exists for any efficacy even if some “studies” have been overoptimistically interpreted.

          Of course there are medical uses for lasers, usually with enough power to coagulate and burn.
          One exciting use is in techniques where making the tumours sensitive to certain types of light and then irradiating them with laser emitting such wavelength.
          That does not mean a clown with a low-power laser he bought on eBay can pass for a cancer therapist.

  • Dr. Ernst, I think the following quote sums up the difference between people like you and Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez quite well:

    “You differ from a great man in only one respect: the great man was once a very little man, but he developed one important quality: he recognized the smallness and narrowness of his thoughts and actions. Under the pressure of some task that meant a great deal to him, he learned to see how his smallness, his pettiness endangered his happiness. In other words, a great man knows when and in what way he is a little man. A little man does not know he is little and is afraid to know. He hides his pettiness and narrowness behind illusions of strength and greatness, someone else’s strength and greatness. He’s proud of his great generals (and of his titles…MD PhD Fsb BS blah blah blah….my addition) but not of himself. He admires an idea he has not had, not one he has had. The less he understands something, the more firmly he believes in it. And the better he understands an idea, the less he believes in it.”
    ― Wilhelm Reich, Listen, Little Man!

    • @eric
      Your exercise in cut and paste fails to come through, other than as a fizzling attempt at a put down.
      What comes through quite loud and clear is that you know very little of the reality of neither professor Ernst nor the late lunatic N. Gonzales, even if you seem to harbour the illusion of doing so.

  • When you started bashing, I stopped reading. These posts are meant to discredit someone WHO HAS MADE PROGRESS and has BETTER SURVIVAL RATES than the Medical Mad Men who prescribe chemo. Your concerted ugliness only cements the believe that Gonzalez is threat to the mainstream medical killing machine.

    • NN said:

      someone WHO HAS MADE PROGRESS and has BETTER SURVIVAL RATES than the Medical Mad Men who prescribe chemo.

      So you say, so you say…

      • Well consider the medical mad men who prescribed chemo for the first 50 go 60 years used toxic drugs to kill rapidly dividing cells. Then in around 2010 or maybe a bit earlier they found that there are no rapidly dividing cells in cancer. They treated (my estimate) around 160 million people in that time. About half died of the treatment. Well they say the patients failed the standard of care! And of the rest about half lived another 5 to 10 years. So only about 25% what… got cured? There was no pharmacological effect on the cancer! It was a placebo effect. The patient’s body did the work. It’s called spontaneous remission. The treatment killed around 70 million people fast and another 50 million died more slowly and maybe died of the cancer. And can we call the 40 million or thereabouts, who survived and who lived more than 10years or died of something else, a success rate. The chemo only attacked rapidly growing cells in the body. There are none in the cancer. Wouldn’t you call them medical mad men?

  • The longer I live the more I realise that human fantasy is a curse that may one day be the end of humans. They defend their fantasies sometimes to the death. I trust neither the pharma/medical mafia model which defends itself with bribery and corruption nor the cultist alternative model which has more twists and turns than politics.

    I have my own opinions for a long and healthy life and follow them. I follow the lifestyles of such people as Mr Singh the 103yr old marathon runner from London rather than any person matter how many letters they have after their name.

    At 70yr old, one thing I am certain of is that the more we cut down trees to worship the meat eating cults the faster the planet will respond as it has done for hundreds of millions of years by clearing out all large creatures (and humans).

  • Has the actual cause of Dr. Gonzalez’s death ever been revealed and documented?

    • You don’t need a PhD to figure out how (and why) a man in perfect health very suddenly dies “of a heart attack” or “CVA” who is know top many for his ground breaking work in alternative medicine cancer treatment. I personally know two people at death’s dorr from cancer, completely written off by “doctors” and pushed into hospice to DIE. Both are well today, thanks to Gonzalez. If you believe the “truth” written on Wikipedia etc, then you are pretty well brain dead like all too many out there I guess, like most “evidence” trained drug-pushers called “medical doctors”.
      Big Pharma makes more profit on earth than ANY other industry. Consider the cost of cancer drugs, which can cost $100,000 or more for just a single year of treatment. As Dr. Brian Druker of the Knight Cancer Institute said, “If you are making $3bn a year on Gleevec, could you get by with $2bn? When do you cross the line from essential profits to profiteering?” In 2013 pharmaceutical companies enjoyed higher average profit margins than carmakers, oil and gas companies and media companies – COMBINED. Only banks had a profit margin comparable anywhere near Big Pharma, but Pfizer’s 42% profit margin blew every other company out of the water, prompting even a member of its own industry to say, “I wouldn’t be able to justify [those types of margins].” Wake up folks. Still want to know what happened to Gonzalez? I think you will have worked that one out for yourself.

  • I believe that the owner of this blog and commentators in the thread need to read “The Secret History of the War on Cancer” by Devra Davis PhD. Reviewed by James Huff here:

    “The secret of The Secret History of the War on Cancer is prevention, an acutely recognized but long neglected solution to workplace-, environmental-, and public health–associated cancers. Davis begins by asking what we know and how much we need to know about suspected carcinogens before taking the actions necessary to reduce or eliminate exposures to known and suspected carcinogens. Hence prevention. . . . .”

    One day the best of both medical worlds will hopefully come together to truly heal those who are ill. Some times chemotherapy does work, and other times it kills. And integrative approaches, when the patient was told they would die and were terminal, saves this person. Let us keep open minded and open hearted to create a better holistic healing future and a less toxic biosphere in which we can all thrive.

  • ‘There one can find intellectual swindlers in abundance, all offering outrageously implausible claims with the utmost earnestness and sincerity. But the supreme prize, the Fabergé egg found buried among the bric-a-brac, surely belongs to that most convincing of illusionists, the physician reborn as an ardent advocate of alternative medicine…’

    When people write these sorts of crazy, hateful words they clearly have some personal, irrational issue going on within themselves and maybe also so do the people that copy these words.

    I’m sure you would agree Professor Ernst, this is not the way to behave, particularly when writing about a deceased doctor.

  • What an interesting debate.I just thought I would explain my layman’s experience in , and yes I know I’m not a Doctor lol.My interest in alternative medicine begun 15 years ago when my childhood friend was told she was terminal with lung cancer after chemotherapy failed.She decided to do alternative treatment after googling on the net.She used vitamin b17 all natural foods curcumin and juiced carrots. That was 15 years ago and she never went back for another check up , pretty good considering she had about 4 to 6 months to live.She is fitting fit.Another simular situation, my daughter in law’s father told he was terminal with stomach cancer after failed treatment with chemotherapy. He also just googled and went on an aloe Vera protocol. That was 7 years ago and scans come back clear of cancer.Another friend’s uncle healed of lung cancer after being told he was terminal he actually didn’t do much besides leaving his wife of 31 years because he built up resentment toward her .He moved back to Italy and bought a farm and was finally happy and content and decided not to think about his cancer and wanted to enjoy his final days and that was 18 years ago and he is alive and well .
    Another , unfortunately is my brother who lives in my granny flat got diagnosed with lung cancer .He had radiation and chemotherapy and it spread to his other lung after that treatment and they stated he can’t have any more treatment. He has a bad liver and they said the treatment will probably kill you.So I talked him into alternative therapy. He by the way is totally against alternative therapy, he states if specialist can’t cure you no one can.I was beside myself and he gave in for me.He said he would give it ago til his next scan which was 5 months away.( so no placebo effect here ) than because of the coronavirus the scan was put back another month.He just had his scan and the doctor was so impressed.The cancer had not spread and in one lung had actual significant decrease in size and in the original lung cancer spot had a small decrease of cancer.The doctor said she was not expecting those results at all , brother is on b17 Curcumin grapeseed vitamin D , vitamin C , vitamin E ( topical ) sardines green tea, and no processed food. .I have had an experience once where on a breast cancer site I was looking at for any alternative therapy. I saw a womans post in comments that she had just been diagnosed as terminal. I said she should try alternative therapy and got shredded from other comments stating how dare i give her false hope ??? Seriously and these people were also all suffering breast cancer.It was so sad .One comment was for goodness sake let her have the rest of her days in peace ? and that i was disgusting. So I wrote down a protocol that she could use and just stated if you want to live you have nothing to lose and left it at that.I don’t know why people have such an angry response. My brother though was the same he just thought it was a load of rubbish.I know if it wasn’t for the internet and the information out there than all the people I know would be dead by now.More people are doing alternative because it works obviously regardless of other people’s opinions. We are not robot’s without a brain .I didn’t even go to high school yet I even have enough intelligence to see that all the people who I know over the last 60 years that had chemotherapy are all dead barr one (yet )and he had testicular cancer , I say yet as it was 12 months ago but im confident.The only cancer that I would treat with chemotherapy is thyroid , testicular , childhood leukaemia and only perhaps early prostate.Having said all that if I had any type of cancer I would only do alternative. We are intelligent energetic microbacterial enlightened word sensitive beings , every living molecule is connected in synergy , when that synergy is interrupted it causes a biological negative effect , whether it be through our sensitive phycic vibrational connections or by a biological insult .

  • Lenny if your referring to my post ? It certainly did happen.what would I have to gain from writing a comment that is untrue ?
    I would gain nothing. I’m not in the habit of wasting my time posting lies on the net.I own a bussines with 83 employees I don’t have time to play games.Everything I stated is a fact.please don’t take my word for it.There are plenty of testimonials out there.Why not do some research for yourself by starting with the sites
    Chris beat cancer
    Truth about cancer
    Many many sites more
    PubMed put in search bar the word cancer with one of these curcumin, promogranit , green tea , grapeseed extract , milk whistle, garlic , rose hip ,astralalia, ashwagandha , carrots , olive leaf extract , broccoli ,
    I could go on and on , it states on research papers that this product diminishes cancer cells .
    If you notice on PubMed a lot of the research papers will put a comment that this would be a good ingredient to make into a chemotherapy drug.problem with doing this is instead of the 250 to 300 molecules they started with they often end up with just one or two molecules .
    It is near impossible now days for any informed person to deny that natural therapy works.You can actually cure chronic disease such as diabetes, arthritis , autoimmune disease , heart disease I could go on and on.My niece cured her schizophrenia from just researching what Dr Walsh had on the net.She suffered for many years from this debilitating condition and her doctor could only offer her meds that still could not control her hallucinations, yet within 12 month’s of Dr Walsh info she was like a different person , she actually had a severe zinc and B6 deficiency. But perhaps I’m lying and Dr Walsh and his researchers are lying also.
    Doctors are wonderful for anything other than cancer and chronic conditions.
    It is not right for people who have done zero research THEMSELVES to dismiss alternative therapy as it could cost someone else their life

    • OK.

      Chris Beat Cancer, did he?

      No. The surgeons who removed the tumour did. He gambled on refusing adjunctive chemotherapy. And won.

      Truth About Cancer? Pah. Ty Bollinger is a shameless scientifically-ignorant huckster. A germ-theory denialist who makes his money by peddling snake-oil to the gullible.

      So what happens to people who refuse standard treatment? It’s been studied. Shall we take a look?

      Oh. They die. And pretty rapidly. And, in lots of cases, expensively having been preyed upon by quacks keen to exploit their desperation for financial gain.

      You can continue to delude yourself, Diane. Medicine and surgery will continue to cure those who it can.

      • @Lenny

        If SBM is so fantastic at curing cancer, why are so many people still dying from it ? hmmm

        • RG

          Try, just for a moment, to engage the damp cardboard box to which you refer as a brain. I know that in your little echo-chamber of tinfoil-hattery, 2+2= Evil Big Pharma Is Killing Us but out in the real world where evidence, epidemiology and analysis matters more than YouTube videos, due to improvements in diagnosis and treatment, cancer survival increases. Some cancers are being prevented. Due to vaccines. But, hey, Stick apricot stones up your arse, eat kale and overdose on Vitamin C and imagine you’re going to be cured. Darwinism strikes again.

          Read here. 22% increase in diagnosis but overall 22% improvement in survival.

    • @Diane Tonacia

      Thanks for sharing your experiences, I am sure that to some people here, that is valuable information.

    • Could you produce some evidence to show that you own a business with 83 employees? Have you read the red pop-up bar? Evidence for all your claims please.

      It is not right to make huge claims without producing convincing evidence – especially here. It could cost someone their life.

      You have made many claims. Can you produce some solid evidence to justify just one of them? Just one. As for your medical claims anecdotes and testimonials are not considered evidence here. Peer reviewed studies please.

      • @Leigh Jackson

        ” It could cost someone their life.”

        When SBM kills patients …. crickets

        • Straw man.

          Medicine which is scientifically consistent with the real world has the possibility of working. Like anything else produced by humans which is consistent with the real world, it has potential for doing good or harm depending how it is used. Fake medicine can never do any good. It may cause harm if someone is persuaded to choose it in preference to real medicine.

  • Lenny regardless of what you think of ty he has had some very credible series on his channel , if you care to watch the quest for cancer you will see many Doctors from around the world sharing their information on how they deal with cancer and they have a much higher cure rate than western countries who continue to use radiation and chemotherapy. The Doctors have no choice but to use these methods regardless of what they think of them as they are bound by the powers to be otherwise they will lose their license. A case in Australia had a wonderful professor sacked from a University where he worked because he dare stated a fact that most breast cancers were never going to develop into an aggressive cancer .Which makes the cure rate seem greater than it really is.The cure for malignant breast cancer is no better than it ever was it’s just that now because of mammograms they will find a cancer encapsulated and and declare they cured the patient of cancer.The breast cancer foundation make an absolute fortune from this misleading practice with their statistics of curing cancer in way of donations.
    The problem is conflict of interest, you have Doctors that have a financial interest in pharmaceutical companies advising the government on health , Dr Fauci is an excellent example of this corruption. Did you know statistically you have more chance of surviving cancer if you do nothing at all than you would if you have chemotherapy ? Now that’s a fact I didn’t make it up it’s actually a statistical fact.Im not saying everyone that has chemotherapy dies and do not survive malignant cancer , but most will die a slow painful death a lot quicker from the treatment .It does seem atleast someone in power is definitely onto the corruption though the World health organisation is finally gone and if im correct and if that person retains their power Bill Gates will be next.I seriously have no idea how we all survived for thousands of years without his vaccinations .

    • “Did you know statistically you have more chance of surviving cancer if you do nothing at all than you would if you have chemotherapy ? Now that’s a fact I didn’t make it up it’s actually a statistical fact.”
      either you show me the evidence for this statement or I declare you officially A FRUITCAKE.

    • Diane

      Chemotherapy is a double edged sword. It can reduce cancer severity,and lengthen patients lifespan for a few more years… so they can extract boatloads of money.
      The goal is not to cure, it’s to create customers.

    • Diane

      You, unfortunately, are a tinfoil-hatted halfwit immune to logic and reason. There is no point in debating further with you.

    • I seriously have no idea how we all survived for thousands of years without his vaccinations .

      We survived by having very large families and only expecting about half of our offspring to survive to adulthood. If you go to your local library and look up what children used to die of in the 19th century you will find that it was mainly TB, but also diptheria, measles, whooping cough, bronchitis and diarrhoea.

      If you seriously have no idea about something, the best solution is to educate yourself on the topic.

      my childhood friend was told she was terminal with lung cancer after chemotherapy failed.She decided to do alternative treatment after googling on the net.She used vitamin b17 all natural foods curcumin and juiced carrots. That was 15 years ago and she never went back for another check up , pretty good considering she had about 4 to 6 months to live.She is fitting fit.Another simular situation, my daughter in law’s father told he was terminal with stomach cancer after failed treatment with chemotherapy. He also just googled and went on an aloe Vera protocol. That was 7 years ago and scans come back clear of cancer.Another friend’s uncle healed of lung cancer after being told he was terminal he actually didn’t do much besides leaving his wife of 31 years because he built up resentment toward her .He moved back to Italy and bought a farm and was finally happy and content and decided not to think about his cancer and wanted to enjoy his final days and that was 18 years ago and he is alive and well .

      I am not at all sure what you mean by all this. Generally if somebody is terminal they are actually in the process of dying, but it doesn’t sound as though any of these people were.

      she had about 4 to 6 months to live

      What do you mean by this? You can only say how long somebody had to live after they have died. It is very difficult to predict how long an individual is going to live, which is why this is something that oncologists, as a rule, don’t do. If you take a group of cancer patients in a similar situation (same tumour, same stage, same age group etc.) then you can see how long it takes for half of them to die, and that gives you a figure called the median survival, which is very useful for comparing different treatments in the context of a clinical trial. However, some of the members of the group will die much sooner, and some will survive a great deal longer, a few of them for many years, so the median survival is much less useful when it comes to predicting what will happen to an individual.

      Let us suppose that your friend’s doctors really did say that she might live 4 – 6 months (in other words not terminal). If they were a specialist in whatever she had and had all the available data then what they probably meant was that there were a number of studies looking at people similar to her, and the median survival figures in these studies roughly fell into the range 4 – 6 months. Fully half of the people in those studies would have lived longer than that, however, and there will always be a few long survivers. Nobody who understands how the numbers were derived or who has experience of treating cancer should be surprised at this. On a more fundamental level that is just how numbers behave.

      Of course it is possible that the chemotherapy had been more effective than anybody realised at the time and had actually cured her, even if that wasn’t the original expectation (tumour nodules visible in CT scans of the lungs after treatment are sometimes mainly fibrous and lymphoid tissue without any viable cancer cells left). It is also possible that her investigations were misinterpreted and that the cancer wasn’t actually as advanced as was thought at the time.

      vitamin b17

      As a point of information, the substance known as B17 (also laertrile and amygdalin) is not a vitamin.


      Cucurmin is not absorbed into the body when taken by mouth.

      vitamin E ( topical )

      Topical treatment is treatment which is applied to the site of action (e.g. creams for skin diseases, enemas for proctitis, inhalers for asthma) in contrast to systemic treatment which is absorbed into the body as a whole (e.g. tablets, injections, transdermal patches). How do you apply vitamin E topically for lung cancer?

      … radiation and chemotherapy. The Doctors have no choice but to use these methods regardless of what they think of them as they are bound by the powers to be otherwise they will lose their license.

      It is true that doctors are subject to a process of regular appraisals and revalidation to ensure that they are fit to practise and remain up-to-date. Whether and when oncologists use radiation and chemotherapy is determined by the evidence of its efficacy. When new evidence comes to light, practice changes, which might mean using chemotherapy or radiation in new ways, or to use something else entirely for particular indications.

      Did you know statistically you have more chance of surviving cancer if you do nothing at all than you would if you have chemotherapy ? Now that’s a fact I didn’t make it up it’s actually a statistical fact.

      Could you please provide a reference for this so we can see for ourselves how these statistics were arrived at and what they actually say? If, for instance, this conclusion was based on the fact that chemotherapy is only used for more serious cancers and not the ones that would be expected to do well without it then it is hardly surprising.

      The only cancer that I would treat with chemotherapy is thyroid , testicular , childhood leukaemia and only perhaps early prostate.

      That is an odd selection of cancers. I don’t know anyone who would treat thyroid cancer with chemotherapy – the standard treatment is a combination of surgery and radioiodine. Though from your posts it is clear that you have very little idea of what chemotherapy is and how it is used. I should add that many cancers these days are treated with monoclonal antibodies, immune modifiers, enzyme inhibitors and targeted drugs, not chemotherapy.

      what would I have to gain from writing a comment that is untrue ?

      When you comment on areas where I have some knowledge, experience and expertise there is much that you say that is clearly untrue (even if I give you the benefit of the doubt and assume that you believe it). However, when it comes to individual stories I have no way of knowing what is true and what isn’t. However, you haven’t given me any good reason to take you on trust. As to your motives, I will refrain from speculating.

  • Hi ,Yes I shall be posting research studies shortly on my claim most definitely. I shall post within a couple of days if not sooner I just need time to go through my old phone and bring them up.not such an easy find as I have over 2 thousand different articles to go through. But I will post shortly .Its just trying to find the time.

    • All I want is convincing evidence for one claim. One peer reviewed RCT in a quality medical journal having a minimum of 50 participants. It should describe the method of randomisation and discuss the effectiveness of blinding.

      Please note, one good quality RCT is sufficient. Don’t come back with a long scattergun list of titles. One quality RCT with a link so I can read it immediately. Note that such a study would not be definitive. For that you would need a large scale rigorous trial, or a systematic review of a collection of high quality studies showing a clear positive result.

  • Krebs called it vitamin b17 as he found it to be an essential element that our body needs.It was his life’s work .Someone else decided it was not essential and stated it was not a vitamin.who do you believe ? I totally believe Krebs regardless of someone else’s opinion. Vitamin b17 is not only in apricot kernals, it is actually found in over 800 foods but not essential ? Unfortunately because of its bitter taste it has been modified and manipulated. Because of our diet and manipulation we get far less than we once did.New research has shown that it indeed does reduce and even eliminate cancer.
    The reasons I stated I would only get those certain cancers treated is because they are easily treated and perhaps the doctors will not kill you as you would not need to go through such intense chemotherapy. Most those cancers could in fact just be left alone on a wait and see basis.Its solid tumors or cancers like brain cancer .Frankincense can cross over to the brain and that would be my carrier , because of lack of blood it’s difficult to treat and I wouldn’t want an oncologist mucking around with chemotherapy, though it is one type of cancer if it were large that I would be willing to have cut out if possible and not too cause too much damage .Than i would treat it with alternative means.
    As for the topical Viatmin E ( open capsule ) was used due to the fact there is contradicting research on vitamins for lung cancer but because his symptoms showed he was deficient in vitamin E it was safest way to
    do it.
    My friend with lung cancer had the cancer in one area of her lung.Half her lung was removed and she was given chemotherapy. All looked good until she started to lose a lot of weight and had no energy.New scan showed cancer was now in the remaining part of her lung and in her other lung.She was given more chemotherapy and she did not respond in fact she ended up with more cancer near her airway and was close to death.The oncologists told my friend that there was no more treatment available to her and at the very best had 4 to 6 months to live .She signed paperwork as to whether she wanted to be resuscitated and ask whether she would like palliative care.She was weak and
    Curcumin most certainly is absorbed by the body , lipids and pepper help achieve this.Pubmed have many articles in regards to Curcumin eliminating cancer cells.
    As for oncologists options there are not any , they must follow protocol. Here in Australia you must have had tried chemotherapy before you can do immune therapy. Only recently an oncologist was charged and lost his license for not administrating the maximum chemotherapy drug.Yet when they looked over survival statistics for his patients he had better outcomes , but that doesn’t seem to matter , you just do as your told.
    You even have a highly regarded science journal stating that are are being told to publish questionable research that they are not happy about publishing. This is easily Google by typing in Lancelot and science journal.
    I wasn’t particularly talking about Chris curing his own cancer I was talking about testimonials on his site.
    Typical treatment lung cancer is radiation and chemotherapy
    Breast cancer radiation and chemotherapy
    Colon cancer chemotherapy
    Brain cancer the same of course surgery if needed or possible.
    Melanoma immune therapy but here in Australia chemotherapy first.
    Like I said the other cancers doesn’t matter easily cured.
    So chemotherapy still is predominantly used unfortunately.
    As for childhood deaths years ago many of them were caused by sanitary conditions which they soon realised and antibiotics pretty much sorted the rest out.some vaccines are good but majority is not needed and caused more injury and death than the the culprit, hence the billions and billions played out from their secret slush fund.Niw that’s a fact.
    Anyway i will post the statistics for no treatment verses treatment in regards to cancer , keeping in mind they call vanishing cancer spontaneous remission even if the patient says I’ve been doing alternative methods it is totally disregarded.

    • “Krebs called it vitamin b17 as he found it to be an essential element that our body needs”

    • 25 years of curcumin research costing hundreds of millions of dollars has produced what, exactly? 25 years of curcumin research costing $150 million, is the correct answer. Oh, and one other thing. Loads and loads of articles extolling its wondrous pluri-potential. 50+ curcumin manuscripts are published every week.

      Here’s a critical review published in 2017 comparing curcumin research with the example of artemisinin. The latter drug was developed from a natural source and garnered a Nobel prize for the scientist responsible.

      Curcumin has as yet produced no Nobel prizes. To paraphrase Einstein, if curcumin worked for one and only one potentially fatal medical condition it would be enough.

      The world is still waiting.

    • A cancer cell in test tube is a very, very simplified model of a cancer tumour in a living body.
      A cancer tumour in a mouse is still a very simplified model of the human situation.
      For the human situation we need rigorous large scale RCTs to demonstrate efficacy and safety.
      I think a ten year old child would find this quite easy to understand.

    • Krebs called it vitamin b17 as he found it to be an essential element that our body needs.It was his life’s work .Someone else decided it was not essential and stated it was not a vitamin.who do you believe ? I totally believe Krebs regardless of someone else’s opinion.

      You are free to believe what you want but I prefer to base my beliefs on evidence, not wishful thinking. Laertrile is not a vitamin, by which I mean it is not an essential compound that our body needs. Essential elements are something else entirely and it is not one of those either. It is not an element at all.

      New research has shown that it indeed does reduce and even eliminate cancer.

      I don’t think this is true, but if you have evidence to the contrary then perhaps you would like to share it with us.

      The only cancer that I would treat with chemotherapy is thyroid , testicular , childhood leukaemia and only perhaps early prostate…

      The reasons I stated I would only get those certain cancers treated is because they are easily treated and perhaps the doctors will not kill you as you would not need to go through such intense chemotherapy. Most those cancers could in fact just be left alone on a wait and see basis.

      As I have previously said, thyroid cancer isn’t treated with chemotherapy at all. There are different types of testicular cancer, but they are all curable in nearly every case. However, if the cancer has started to spread then the chemotherapy is more intense than that used for most other tumour types. Chemotherapy for acute leukaemia (including childhood leukaemia) is about the most intense chemotherapy there is. Chemotherapy isn’t used for early prostate cancer.

      Its solid tumors or cancers like brain cancer

      What is? That sentence makes very little sense. Testicular, thyroid and prostate cancer are all solid tumours. Childhood leukaemia is not. Brain cancer is a rather imprecise term which isn’t used by oncologists and I don’t know what you mean by it.

      Frankincense can cross over to the brain and that would be my carrier , because of lack of blood it’s difficult to treat and I wouldn’t want an oncologist mucking around with chemotherapy, though it is one type of cancer if it were large that I would be willing to have cut out if possible and not too cause too much damage .Than i would treat it with alternative means.

      I think you are trying to say something about the blood-brain barrier, but it doesn’t sound as though you understand it very well. Are you suggesting that drugs can be combined in some way with Frankincense as a way of getting them into the brain? That seems like a preposterous idea. Have you any evidence for it?

      Large tumours are much more difficult to remove from the brain than small ones and with much more damage. Small tumours are generally the best ones to remove, depending on where they are.

      As for the topical Viatmin E ( open capsule ) was used due to the fact there is contradicting research on vitamins for lung cancer but because his symptoms showed he was deficient in vitamin E it was safest way to
      do it.

      You still haven’t explained what you mean by topical therapy with vitamin E. Is is somehow introduced into his lungs? In any case, you don’t diagnose deficiencies of anything on the basis of symptoms without actually measuring the level.

      There is good research showing that vitamin E supplementation increases the risk of various cancers – for instance the SELECT study, which was a randomised prospective trial looking at selenium and vitamin E as possible ways of preventing prostate cancer; selenium made no difference whereas the group treated with vitamin E developed more cancers. Of course that is not the same as treating a cancer that is already there.

      Curcumin most certainly is absorbed by the body , lipids and pepper help achieve this.Pubmed have many articles in regards to Curcumin eliminating cancer cells.

      PubMed is an indexing service. The inclusion of a paper does not say anything about its quality, simply that it has been published in one of the journals that PubMed indexes.

      Curcumin is not, as far as I know, absorbed into the body at all when taken orally. Do you have evidence to the contrary?

      Do you have evidence that it eliminates cancer cells? What do you actually mean by that?

      Here in Australia you must have had tried chemotherapy before you can do immune therapy.

      I didn’t realise that medicine in Australia was so far behind the rest of the world.

      Only recently an oncologist was charged and lost his license for not administrating the maximum chemotherapy drug.

      Could you give us the specifics? I would be interested to look this up and see what really happened.

      As for oncologists options there are not any , they must follow protocol… …you just do as your told.

      In the UK, thankfully, oncologists are given a bit more autonomy and are expected to use their clinical judgement.

      You even have a highly regarded science journal stating that are are being told to publish questionable research that they are not happy about publishing. This is easily Google by typing in Lancelot and science journal.

      I tried this. I got a few results from the 1930’s concerning Lancelot Hogben, a zoologist and medical statistitian. They didn’t seem in any way relevant to this discussion.

      Typical treatment lung cancer is radiation and chemotherapy
      Breast cancer radiation and chemotherapy
      Colon cancer chemotherapy
      Brain cancer the same of course surgery if needed or possible.
      Melanoma immune therapy but here in Australia chemotherapy first.

      What about:
      Lung cancer – Pembrolizumab
      Breast cancer – Herceptin
      Colon cancer – Avastin
      Melanoma – various types of targeted therapy (not necessarily immunotherapy at all)

      Chemotherapy has always given rather variable results in melanoma, but in general has not been very effective. The recent development of targeted therapies, which are a great deal more effective, has completely changed the way that metastatic melanoma is treated.

      Either Australia is a long way behind the rest of the world when it comes to cancer treatment, or you are simply wrong here.

      Like I said the other cancers doesn’t matter easily cured

      It would be nice if that were true.

      As for childhood deaths years ago many of them were caused by sanitary conditions which they soon realised and antibiotics pretty much sorted the rest out.some vaccines are good but majority is not needed and caused more injury and death than the the culprit

      Sanitation certainly has been and is very important in reducing infectious diseases. So have vaccines. Together they have contributed more to health and life expectancy than any other measures.

      Antibiotics have no effect against viral diseases such as measles.

      some vaccines are good but majority is not needed and caused more injury and death than the the culprit

      This is simply wrong. People who live or have lived in times or places where these diseases are endemic, and have grown up watching their neighbours and relatives die of them in childhood know the value of vaccines. It is only because the vaccines are so effective that you have never encountered them yourself.

      hence the billions and billions played out from their secret slush fund

      If it is a secret how do you know about it?

      Niw that’s a fact.

      Is it now? Thank-you for informing us. You have made a lot of dubious claims in your posts. So far you haven’t produced any evidence at all in support of them.

    • Diane

      Krebs called it vitamin b17 as he found it to be an essential element that our body needs.It was his life’s work .Someone else decided it was not essential and stated it was not a vitamin.who do you believe ? I totally believe Krebs regardless of someone else’s opinion.

      “The claim of E. T. Krebs, Jr. that beta-cyanogenetic glucosides (laetriles), or nitrilosides as he terms them, are vitamins specifically designated as vitamin B17-and that a deficiency of this alleged vitamin is the cause of cancer is examined below and shown to be only a figment of his imagination.”

      (You notice I provide a link to the paper from which I have quoted and which supports my position and destroys yours.)

      You are entitled to your own opinions. You are not entitled to your own facts. The anticancer claims made for laetrile by Krebs Jr have been demonstrated to be completely false. Their claims that it is a vitamin have similarly long been demolished. This is not opinion. This is empirical scientific fact. That you choose to believe the nonsense spouted by charlatans is your problem, not ours. Krebs the proven grifting con-artist tried to show laetrile was a vitamin only because it meant that he could then sell it to his marks as a dietary supplement because to sell it as a pharmecutical would have been illegal.

      Krebs was a crook, Diane. Do you like believing crooks? If so, I’ve got a lovely bridge here I can sell you.

    • @Diane T

      “Anyway i will post the statistics for no treatment verses treatment in regards to cancer , keeping in mind they call vanishing cancer spontaneous remission even if the patient says I’ve been doing alternative methods it is totally disregarded.”

      I believe that

      • No credible evidence has been forthcoming for any of Diane’s claims. She clearly doesn’t have a clue what credible evidence looks like.

  • Lenny , I love that your passionate it’s just a shame you don’t use that passion for something worthwhile. Perhaps if you read the books
    life without cancer
    Dying to know the truth
    The early research that stated that vitamin B17 does not kill cancer cells were rigged.
    If you look up the recent research you will find it has been proven that it actually does diminish cancer cells.
    American FDA so worried about it that they banned selling apricot kernals in America.
    If you want to know the truth it’s easy to find
    PubMed than write leatrile
    Look for recent published research , pharmaceutical companies are even looking into it to patent it for a chemotherapy drug.Heaven forbid they educate doctors about it , can’t make money that way.Do you know at the moment there is a lawsuit just begun against the FDA by scientists in America because of the holding back of hydroxychloroquine.
    The FDA is corrupt, this is not just a conspiracy theory.
    The FDA is profit driven

  • Nicholas Gonzalez did not base his medical practice on scientific evidence based medicine. His practice was largely based on pseudo sciense. Most of the information he gave as anecdotal. I don’t know how sincere was, or how dubious he was. I don’t believe that he was murdered or poisoned.

    The statement that he was poisoned by the pharmacitucal industries is bullshed. I am certainly not a fan of the big pharmicitucals. However, I also realize that alternative medcine is really a politically correct term for fraud and quackery. Just because something is natural doesn’t mean that it must be good. Just because a substance is natural doesn’t mean that it is perfectly safe and that it has no adverse side effects.

    Poison ivy, oak, and sumack are natural, but they could cause severe allergic reactions. Poison mushrooms can kill you if you eat them. Because mainstream orthodox medicine has many issues and shortcomings that need to be addressed, quacks and charlatans succeed in fooling many consumers and bullshedding their way through.

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