I thought I had seen everything that is lamentable about homeopathy. When I came across this article, I had to change my opinion. It is a more despicable, unethical and dangerous promotion of falsehoods than I could have imagined.

Strong words? Read for yourself:

There are treatments that can heal vaccine damage, but few physicians in the conventional medical care system know about them, since vaccine injuries are usually denied as the cause of any illness. Some parents with autistic children report that homeopathy has completely reversed their children’s autism and healed other serious health conditions caused by vaccines. This article explains how homeopathic remedies can bring about healing for many types of vaccine injuries.

Homeopathy is not the only treatment that has helped children and adults recover from vaccine damage, but it is the one that is the focus of this article. I will describe how homeopathy can bring about a true cure for the harm that vaccines have caused to children and adults…

It is a tragedy when a normal young child suddenly starts losing the ability to speak sentences or even to speak words after receiving vaccines. The ability to have positive social interactions with other children or adults can disappear in a matter of days after vaccines have been given to children. Intellectual development can be lost and even successful potty training skills can disappear. The ability to sit quietly, listen to a story being read, and the ability to learn can suddenly be replaced with hand flapping, body spinning, head banging, food allergies, asthma, agitation, hyperactivity, learning disabilities, chronic colds and fevers, constant stomach pain, constipation, and a general failure to grow and thrive. There are also serious consequences for adults who use vaccines. Formerly productive adults can lose their independence and become paralyzed, infertile, chronically ill, and even die, because of vaccine damage. It happens every day, yet few people make the connection between their illnesses and vaccine use…

By the time parents fully awaken to the harm that has occurred to their children, many have already resigned themselves to a lifetime of caretaking their disabled children. Some parents will even receive counsel from their physicians to give up their children to the care of the state, because they have no treatments to offer and can offer no hope of recovery. Some physicians will try to convince parents that this is a genetic problem that might be cured someday, but not in the near future. The conventional medical care system leaves parents feeling like helpless victims without any good options. The truth is there are good options for restoring health after vaccine damage, and homeopathy is one of them!…

Homeopathy does not wage war on disease and seek to destroy the symptoms of disease through brute force. It does not bring substances into the body as is done with allopathic drugs, for the purpose of doing hand to hand combat against disease. Instead, homeopathy and its remedies are intended to gently stimulate and strengthen the body so that it can overcome illness through its own vital force and strength. Homeopathic remedies restore the natural ability of the body to defend itself against illness and to heal itself. When this happens, a person is truly cured of what ails him…

Allopathic drugs and treatments do not have a positive effect upon the vital force in the body. They do not improve the strength of a person, and they do not provide for physical, emotional, or mental renewal. Rather, they just suppress symptoms, and add side effects…

You may also wish to ask for a referral from your chiropractor, osteopath, or acupuncturist. Such practitioners are often aware of good homeopaths in the area. Sometimes the person who is responsible for managing supplements and remedies sold at health food stores will be aware of experienced homeopaths as well…

I know, apologists will claim that such extreme idiocy is always the work of a few ‘rotten apples’, even most homeopaths would object to such dangerous and amoral lunacy. But the fact is, they don’t! If you disagree, please show me the protests from homeopaths or other alternative practitioners.

When Wakefield was shown to be a fraud endangering public health with his bogus claims about vaccine damage, there were protests in abundance, and he was ousted by the medical and scientific communities. Where are the protests by the alternative medicine fraternity against this article and the many, many others like it?



In case you wonder who wrote the above article, it is John P. Thomas. He is a health writer for Health Impact News. He holds a B.A. in Psychology from the University of Michigan, and a Master of Science in Public Health (M.S.P.H.) from the School of Public Health, Department of Health Administration, at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. John specializes in environmental health, but writes on a variety of issues.

11 Responses to Homeopathy promotion at its most despicable (and most dangerous)

  • What do they teach for a Masters in Public Health? I note that Dana Ullman also claims this qualification and has equally bizarre views.

    • I know, right? I work with a couple of nurses who have this degree. Highly anecdotal observation alert: one of them uses and promotes homeopathy, and the other believes in that “eat for your blood type” nonsense. It seems to be the degree sought by people generally not smart enough to get a real master’s.

  • I look forward to reading the expanded version, accompanied by advertisements, in the next issue of What Doctors Don’t Tell You.

  • This is a shameful article. Why didn’t he read all the research.

    • I am certain that Mr. Thomas found all the facts he needed researching at the University of Google. When people claim to have done their “research” it often means that they have searched for and found “evidence” supporting their biases. The steaming piles of poor quality studies will lend support for almost any position you choose. This is the real problem with such studies. All they have to do is exist to be the basis for real harm to some and profit to others.

    • I love the article : im not a doctor, or health practitioner im just a husband to dear woman, my study and experience surpases the critics who are ignorant of my experience, my wife set on a chair for 20 years. In a paralized state after a vaccine, i visited many ” best hospitals in the contry” the system its rigged, the holistic is her salvation, i know it, whoever dispute this experience is in my view ignorant sheep, not a maybe , if you dont agree then you have the right to do, but i know vaccines are poison. And holistics are the only salvation i know.

  • “Health Care Practitioners” like this should be put on an island full of infectious diseases with nothing but their useless Nostrums and left to rot.

    I see nothing better to do with them.

  • Splutter. Gasp. Jaw drops. Aargh!

    I just had a look at Health Impact News’ website. You have to laugh, otherwise you’d cry. They seem to have decided that coconuts are a cure for alzheimers, and probably most other things (no connection with the fact that their founder and managing editor imports coconut oil, no, of course not; he has a BA in Bible and Greek from Moody Bible Institute, so he must know what he’s talking about), vaccines may cause brittle bone disease and you’ll never guess what they think of GM. They publish articles based on “Intelligent Design”. When I have nothing better to do I’ll see if I can find anything evidence-based on the website, but I’m not hopeful.

    • Health Impact News is no better than Natural News, or – I have yet to see a single article from that site linked anywhere on Twitter, Facebook or Wikipedia, that wasn’t bullshit.

  • If you look hard enough, you’re bound to find something equally “despicable” or even worse than this. As long as it’s not published in the scientific literature or displayed in the waiting room of a clinic or hospital, I don’t see a need to worry too much about it yet.

    The readers of “Health Impact News” probably have preconceived ideas about the medical profession that may influence their ability to critically judge the reliability of the aforementioned article, just like how a skeptic reading “Science-Based Medicine” has preconceived notions about CAM treatments that will no doubt influence their perception of the writings of Gorski and co.

    People rely on these websites to strengthen their preconceived views, not to critically review what they see.

    As much as I agree that the aforementioned article is factually wrong and misleading, I find it hard to believe that someone would actually try out homeopathy just by reading this article alone. I tend to feel that the readers of this website probably have preconceived ideas about CAM and homeopathy anyway, so they are just looking for something that strengthens their prejudices, and to that extent, I do not consider this a dangerous article.

    • I think you are wrong Critical Thinker. There is a lot of people sitting in the fence between medicine and bullshit. Of course you easily see this article as a pile of crap because maybe you get some education about science, but it’s not the case for everyone.

      When someone google “vaccine” or this kind of keyword you can stumble accross this, and then if it’s nicely written you could actually believe this with absolute no knowledge of medicine. This is one big problem of internet, you can find every answer possible presented equally so we have to somehow balance this as good as we can. If extreme stupidity like this is published then we have to explain why it’s stupid (at least try).

      And you are too wrong with the part about ” just like how a skeptic reading “Science-Based Medicine” has preconceived notions about CAM treatments that will no doubt influence their perception of the writings of Gorski and co” -> Skeptic mean that you will think criticaly about what you read or heard, the perfect opposite of what you said right now. And i would be curious of what kind of “preconceived notions about CAM” you are talking about (meaning, notions preconceived that are wrong and then give wrong assumption for the reader).

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