The 30 most recent comments from all posts are listed below. Click on the post title to go to the comment on the post’s page.

  • Comment by Reziac on Fatal Vertebral Artery Dissection Following Self-Manipulation of the Cervical Spine Friday 19 April 2024: 20:04 I once spoke with a chiropractor who would not touch necks, because she said the incidence of major or crippling effects was just too high (she knew of about 20 cases that had become wheelchair-bound due to neck “manipulation”, and this was back ca. 1980).
  • Comment by Reziac on The fake diagnoses of so-called alternative medicine – PART 1 Friday 19 April 2024: 20:04 The list of “non-specific symptoms” are congruent with undiagnosed (or undertreated) hypothyroidism. Naturally a selection of berries and weeds will do nothing for it.
  • Comment by Pete Attkins on Chiropractic spinal manipulations are safe!!! … Or aren’t they? Friday 19 April 2024: 20:04 2. My study concerns mechanisms of causation of immediate stroke by CSM only. I have found no plausible mechanisms of causation for a non-immediate stroke by CSM. Neither have I — very likely for the same reason 🤣
  • Comment by Talker on The Effects of Medical Misinformation on the Public Friday 19 April 2024: 17:04 @OB Not that you are well known for your critical thinking skills. But, here is a thought experiment for you. Imagine you are walking along a pastoral road on a nice sunny day, enjoying some fresh air and sunshine. All of a sudden you smell something foul and sure enough you come across a steaming pile of BS. Would you stop and ask yourself, is this really BS or do I need to gather more data? It is common knowledge that you and John are purveyors of pure grade A BS. We don’t need to stop and think and ask ourselves if we need more data. We just know.
  • Comment by Steven Brown, DC, Dipl Med Ac on Chiropractic spinal manipulations are safe!!! … Or aren’t they? Friday 19 April 2024: 16:04 1. “Please remember: if you make a claim in a comment, support it with evidence.” Where is the evidence that CSM can cause dissection in an otherwise healthy cervical artery? How do you refute the 2016 Church study? How do you refute Biller’s 2014 comments that biomechanical evidence is insufficient to establish the claim that CSM causes CAD? 2. My study concerns mechanisms of causation of immediate stroke by CSM only. I have found no plausible mechanisms of causation for a non-immediate stroke by CSM.
  • Comment by Edzard on Chiropractic spinal manipulations are safe!!! … Or aren’t they? Friday 19 April 2024: 16:04 there is plenty of evidence for dissection “even if it did stroke would not be immediate” – and it often is not immediate.
  • Comment by Steven Brown, DC, Dipl Med Ac on Chiropractic spinal manipulations are safe!!! … Or aren’t they? Friday 19 April 2024: 15:04 Understood. 1. But how could we test it? RCTs are infeasible due to the rarity and life-threatening nature of CAD and stroke. Large-scale epidemiological studies are technically possible, but difficult due to the rarity of CAD and stroke. It seems the best available method is to examine the phenomena of immediate post-manipulative stroke and see if the hypothesis explains that phenomena. I believe that it does. It explains every case of immediate post-manipulative stroke I have reviewed as an expert witness, and it explains all the case reports in the literature that have been completely documented. 2. What are the other possibilities? I didn’t find any other plausible mechanisms of causation in the literature that could explain the phenomena of immediate post-manipulative stroke. There is no convincing evidence CSM can cause dissection in healthy cervical arteries (2016 Church), even if it did stroke would not be immediate (1999 Hufnagel). There is no convincing evidence that CSM may cause immediate stroke by way of vasospasm, hemostasis, subclinical endothelial injury, or turbulent flow (2019 Moser, 2014 Achalandabaso). What are the several possibilities that you believe are plausible?
  • Comment by Edzard on Chiropractic spinal manipulations are safe!!! … Or aren’t they? Friday 19 April 2024: 15:04 I did know your paper. In my view, it set out to find evidence for your hypothesis, rather than properly testing it. Pre-existing thrombi are, in my view, just one of several possibilities.
  • Comment by Talker on The Effects of Medical Misinformation on the Public Friday 19 April 2024: 15:04 @John You would be very interested to know that big foot is for real. Here is all the proof you will ever need: This is in a conspiracy theory, but cold hard truth. You’re welcome!
  • Comment by Steven Brown, DC, Dipl Med Ac on Chiropractic spinal manipulations are safe!!! … Or aren’t they? Friday 19 April 2024: 14:04 Regarding the risk of immediate stroke from cervical spine manipulation, mechanisms of causation have been in the literature for years, and these strokes are avoidable if physicians would rule out cervical artery dissection before performing cervical spine manipulation. And, when in doubt, don’t perform the cervical spine manipulation. I published a study in Cureus on this topic in March 2024:!/
  • Comment by Richard Rasker on The Effects of Medical Misinformation on the Public Friday 19 April 2024: 13:04 @”John” Of course I didn’t click your YT link, as I’m willing to bet anything that it is the usual antivaxx/COVID/conspiracy BS – just your mentioning of the word ‘truth’ is a huge red flag already. But maybe you can tell us in a few words what the message is? And don’t get me wrong: I will follow any links to proper science-based sources that you may post – it’s just that I can’t remember any of your comments featuring such links. So far, it’s all been rather dim-witted conspiracy clickbait from people who are wholly incompetent in medicine, statistics and science in general.
  • Comment by Old Bob on The Effects of Medical Misinformation on the Public Friday 19 April 2024: 11:04 ama on Friday 19 April 2024 at 08:40 said: “…The contents of that video is bullshit.” Well that proves it then,
  • Comment by Edzard on Anthroposophic medicine is recommended for acute paediatric tonsillitis (…and yes, the earth is flat!) Friday 19 April 2024: 09:04 silly me! I now added the URL thanks
  • Comment by ama on Anthroposophic medicine is recommended for acute paediatric tonsillitis (…and yes, the earth is flat!) Friday 19 April 2024: 09:04 You forgot the URL. And I made a typo. Should have been: Is there any hint on “who dunnit”?
  • Comment by ama on Anthroposophic medicine is recommended for acute paediatric tonsillitis (…and yes, the earth is flat!) Friday 19 April 2024: 09:04 I didn’t realize the text was a quote. So, here we are: Full text: OH DARWIN! Do not laugh! DO NOT LAUGH! Just an example from the horror show: [*QUOTE*] ——————————————– Anthroposophic therapies for external use (83% consensus): . • The neck compress with lemon is used to treat a sore throat associated with tonsillitis. It can be applied to children of two years and above. It should be used 1-2 times a day, especially in the morning when symptoms arise (consensus 83%). • The neck compress with curd is indicated for feverish tonsillitis with painful lymphadenitis in children from the age of 3 years. In the acute phase, it should be used at least once a day for around 20 min (consensus 91%). • The neck compress with Archangelica comp. salve WELEDA ® is used to treat lymphadenitis and lymphadenopathy in children with tonsillitis, from the 2nd year of life. It should be used 1-3 times a day for about a week (consensus 96%). • Warm foot baths with lavender, lemon, ginger flour, or mustard flour are used to treat cold feet of children older than 2 years suffering from tonsillitis. Warm foot baths should be used 1-3 times a day, at the beginning of the disease and especially in the evening hours (consensus 83%). Anthroposophic gargle therapies (91% consensus): • The gargle treatment with Bolus Eucalypti comp. WELEDA ® is used for children with sore throat associated with tonsillitis. The treatment can be used for children from preschool age onwards* . One teaspoon is given at least 3 times a day for as long as the symptoms persist (consensus 100%). *Package leaflet: For children 6 years and older as soon as they can gargle safely. • The gargle treatment with sage tea is used for children with tonsillitis suffering from throat and swallowing problems from the ages of 4-6 years. It should be used at least 3 times a day for the full duration of symptom persistence (consensus 91%). ——————————————– [*/QUOTE*] “Warm foot baths”!? For an infection in the throat? And they claim to be medical doctors? By the way, they neglected a very important treatment: the square haircut. It does wonders. The children really do look different. Promised.
  • Comment by Edzard on Anthroposophic medicine is recommended for acute paediatric tonsillitis (…and yes, the earth is flat!) Friday 19 April 2024: 08:04 sorry, I don’t understand the question
  • Comment by ama on Anthroposophic medicine is recommended for acute paediatric tonsillitis (…and yes, the earth is flat!) Friday 19 April 2024: 08:04 Is there any hin on “who dunnit”?
  • Comment by Richard Rasker on The fake diagnoses of so-called alternative medicine – PART 1 Friday 19 April 2024: 08:04 @Mike Grant Why does this forum focus exclusively on criticising SCAM and SCAM practitioners? Um, because the overwhelming majority of real doctors and their diagnoses and treatments CAN be trusted? Completely contrary to the overwhelming majority of SCAM practitioners, who generally can’t be trusted to diagnose even a runny nose properly, let alone dispense effective treatments. And oh, if real doctors do bad things like what you refer to, they are punished and often stripped of their license. If SCAM practitioners misdiagnose patients and sell them bogus treatments, nothing usually happens.
  • Comment by ama on The Effects of Medical Misinformation on the Public Friday 19 April 2024: 08:04 John on Friday 19 April 2024 at 00:28: “The greatest amount of medical misinformation on the public was perpetuated by the state authorities and corporations. If you want the pandemic truths… I suggest you listen to every word.” The contents of that video is bullshit. Where did you get your scientific education? In a nursery garden?
  • Comment by ama on The fake diagnoses of so-called alternative medicine – PART 1 Friday 19 April 2024: 08:04 S D Naikar on Friday 19 April 2024 at 06:44: “I have done research in food allergy .It is different from Classical homeopathy. Can you help me?” I am absolutely sure that homeopathy in all strains is no food allergy. Homeopathy is fraud. How can we help you? With a fraud or with a food allergy?
  • Comment by Edzard on The fake diagnoses of so-called alternative medicine – PART 1 Friday 19 April 2024: 08:04 btw: I very strongly feel that the scandal you mention is abominable and inexcusable
  • Comment by RPGNo1 on The fake diagnoses of so-called alternative medicine – PART 1 Friday 19 April 2024: 07:04 You want to distract. Open your own blog where you can discuss the linked topic.
  • Comment by Edzard on The fake diagnoses of so-called alternative medicine – PART 1 Friday 19 April 2024: 07:04 are you not intellectually able to grasp the idea that this blog is on the subject where I have expertise: SCAM. you seem to me like the man you goes into the local green grocer to complain that they sell no meat.
  • Comment by S D Naikar on The fake diagnoses of so-called alternative medicine – PART 1 Friday 19 April 2024: 06:04 I have done research in food allergy .It is different from Classical homeopathy. Can you help me?
  • Comment by John on The Effects of Medical Misinformation on the Public Friday 19 April 2024: 00:04 The greatest amount of medical misinformation on the public was perpetuated by the state authorities and corporations. If you want the pandemic truths… I suggest you listen to every word.
  • Comment by Kurt Youngmann on The fake diagnoses of so-called alternative medicine – PART 1 Friday 19 April 2024: 00:04 “… there are also alternative diagnoses. ” One of my favorites: a chiropractor in my area claimed to treat “fuzzy vision.”
  • Comment by Mike Grant on The fake diagnoses of so-called alternative medicine – PART 1 Thursday 18 April 2024: 23:04 Why does this forum focus exclusively on criticising SCAM and SCAM practitioners? In what is probably a futile attempt to rebalance the discussion, I invite everyone to read this report:
  • Comment by Edzard on The fake diagnoses of so-called alternative medicine – PART 1 Thursday 18 April 2024: 15:04 very good!
  • Comment by JimR on The fake diagnoses of so-called alternative medicine – PART 1 Thursday 18 April 2024: 15:04 An alternate spelling for SCAM might be $CAM since that is the ultimate goal.
  • Comment by ama on The fake diagnoses of so-called alternative medicine – PART 1 Thursday 18 April 2024: 11:04 A case, which lasts years and years, might well be 20 years or more, even included the complicity of the German “Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau”: “Die Akte Indago / BMIB + Sparkasse Leipzig / KfW / “Nanopartikelanalysen”” Several million Euros destroyed, but the frauds were backed up by a government organization. The fake “diagnosis” “Nanopatikelanalyse” was done by BURNING a material (blood), AND THEN claiming to know the diseases of the patient. The mistakes made are so incredibly stupid that one can one stand there in shock, how the fraudsters even dared to sued the people, who debunked the fraud. And still, the fraudsters got away. Millions of Euros they had cashed in. The network consisted of naturopaths and medical doctors, who – on the base of the fake “diagnosis” – sold their “therapies”. A “diagnosis” is only a tool for selling treatments, which can last years and cost THOUSANDS of Euros. This is where big cash is made.
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